Sep 11Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

I remember the scandal with accusations of Nancy Reagan running the country with the onset of her husband's alzheimer's. Now what was a scandal is viewed as a safety feature - switch out politicians at will (but not the voters will)- it will save Democracy! Naomi Wolf recently dropped another substack voicing her concern that Trump will alienate women. I support her work but I am tired of having to tiptoe around crazy women. Is this much different than placating a man because he is prone to unstable physical violence? I'd rather go down with the ship in truth instead of harboring lies to try and stay afloat.

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I'm a fighter, I would rather fight to the death, but then, I am not your usual woman.

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Sep 11Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Most females would if they remember what they are fighting for. As a friend who grew up in the countryside, you do not want to confront a bear with her cubs. Whether it was by reasoned intent or intuition, I am sure Neo-Marxists sought to untether women from our biology knowing it would bring society down. Instead of the mother bear protecting cubs, women are brainwashed to give them over to the state or to medical industry to transform them into potato-head figurines.

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Sep 12·edited Sep 12Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

"...enduring the grating voices and petty bickering of Donald Trump and Kamala Harris..."

Yes, and yes. Which is why I did not watch.

More than that, I do not want to dwell too long on how large a swath of the public was charmed by Harris' schoolgirl antics -- making faces. Towards what international leader will she make a face? One can hardly wait to find out.

We are, as Trump intimated, in unpresidented times.

There is no U.S. President at the moment. Yet no one seems alarmed, for, as you note, there are all these so-much-fun memes!

No one seemed to notice the coup. It seems like ancient history, to be forgotten because, by some additional sleight of hand, the deprivation of the vote was ratified at or before the convention. All good! And we can rest easy because, after all, JRB has not been of sound mind, making it all a cookoo coup which will never ever (no, never!) happen again.

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Sep 12·edited Sep 12Author

Yes, her schoolgirl antics. Very well put!

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Sep 11Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Keep writing Karen. I always enjoy your essays. You know… maybe Trump was tired? After all he has been giving nonstop interviews whilst Kamala was hiding behind a White House curtain. 🫣🤯 But yes who - what? - is running the country? Everyone will still need to vote Trump / Kennedy to get even the smallest of chances to see behind these curtains. With Harris and Walz the last light flickers out.

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Honestly don't know how Trump has the energy to keep going. I admire that.

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There was more outrage that the latest bachelorette's "journey" ended in despair than our president was summarily removed from office. Staggering.

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Ugh, so true!

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She won? Really?

It seemed like a battle between the President and the two MSM jackals with Kackling Kamala observing from the side lines.

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But it's always rigged and there's no honor, so she "won".

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I thought she sounded like a narcissist. I was married to one. They never answer a direct question. They just change the focus to you. How you are the problem. KH didn’t win. She just showed herself to be a liar. Liars lie. That is how they live. Too bad if you want or need truth or dignity. They lie, they steal and they make a fool of you. Until you wise up. And walk away.

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That's my point. That's why she won. Lying and stealing and cheating are how it works. Not by erudite reason or intelligence or conviction.

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When u stand up to a Narcissist, they are in total disbelief. They believe that they own you. When they find they do not they crumble.

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You're absolutely right! She is a narcissist, but it doesn't matter. Half of the country is so blinded with the girl boss witchary that they can't see any truth. I grew up liberal but was also taught critical thinking...it's now a lost art.

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Sep 12·edited Sep 12Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Yes please Karen never stopped writing it's always on point and clear and concise elucidation of what can seem like.. and I think is insane babbling from our leaders,...In my opinion Biden/Harris are actual judgments on this country for turning our backs on Israel for all intents and purposes, turning our backs on God and for the abortions that have taken many millions of lives I think we are reaping what we have sowed.. we are back to Romans chapter 1 again...maranatha!!

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So true.

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Sep 11Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

I for one am really glad you're writing on Substack.

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Sep 12Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

I'm glad you didn't wait until after the election, Karen. As I sit here in the UK under a newly appointed Communist PM I wondered about the debate. I heard one person say he was completely "unimpressed" and that he wasted 93 minutes of his time. We who discern the times know full well where this all leads. Humanity is lost is putting it mildly.

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Mr heart breaks for your beautiful country. Praying for you 🙏

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Sep 12Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Thank you, Karen. Watching our leaders making evil decisions is unbelievable.

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It is. 😢

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Sep 12Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Don’t stop writing!

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Thanks for the encouragement ❤️

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Sep 12Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

I do like your writing. Always interesting and provocative.

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Sep 12Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Yes, God bless us all with discernment indeed! And thanks for your work Karen

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Sep 12Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Karen, I love your courage. 🍻

Blessings to you and yours. And Hopefully the folks here on Substack will survive the apocalypse.


Excellent illustrations to this essay too. I was laughing between the tears.

Can't imagine anybody not wanting to pay top dollars for your talent. But we're in the twilight zone, apparently. 💜


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Thank you. Many blessings to you 🙏

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Sep 12Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

"God bless you all with discernment."

Add knowledge, understanding, and wisdom. These, too, are greater gifts of the Spirit, and I pray every day for His gift to me of them. So, for you, too, I pray that gift.

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Sep 12Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Great piece!

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Sep 11Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

So (scarily) TRUE!!!

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"Hell yeah" seems appropriate. I'm new to Substack and I'm here because I just couldn't sit by any longer and not take part in the conversation. You have risen to the top as one of my favorite writers on here. Thank you for your work.

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Welcome to Break Free. Thank you!

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