Harris might have "won" the debate, but Trump asked the only question that matters.

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I watched as much of the debate as I could stomach. It wasn’t a debate, though. I guess you could say Kamala Harris won—which, I know, is debatable. But what does that even mean? Won what? If anything, the debate was a testimony to how low our standards have sunk in this country. There’s no honor when everything is rigged.
As I write part two of The Perfect Storm, I’ve been listening to speeches and rereading sections of historian Andrew Roberts’ books. Now there’s a man who can debate. A man with a wealth of knowledge to impart, who uses words with authority, finesse, and wit. He’s a pleasure to listen to. (If you haven’t read it yet, here is The Perfect Storm, Part One)

And then, coincidentally, I happened to see Darryl Cooper posted this:
“A British outlet asked me to debate literally Andrew Roberts, Baron of Belgravia, member of the House of Lords, and author of a whole shelf of books in my library (incl the best one on Napoleon), about last week’s controversy.”
Cooper shared his response to the news outlet, and a very nervous response, it is:
Hi (blank) Thanks, but are you crazy haha…As much as it would be an honor to meet one of my favorite historians, even in a hostile setting and with a stack of misconceptions about what I am and who I am, I’ve read enough of Roberts’ books to know how that would go for me. Perhaps I’ll take you up on it after I’ve finished my upcoming podcast series on the topic and my thoughts are more fleshed out and organized—though I imagine, or at least hope, that all of this will have died down to the point that there’d be little interest. Thanks again and give my regards to Mr. Roberts.
What could be more telling than Cooper passing up the chance of a lifetime, to debate one of the greatest living historians, Andrew Roberts. Surely, this would be an opportunity for Cooper to prove he isn’t a hack but a real historian whose theories can hold up to the most intense scrutiny. But not only doesn’t Cooper want to debate him now, once he’s finished his podcast series and really knows his topic, he hopes no one will be interested and everyone will have forgotten about the challenge by then.
Cooper is a sad reflection of how far the Western world has fallen into ignorance. And by the way, this is perhaps a publicity stunt, at least on the part of the news outlet, although it didn’t go as they had hoped. Besides which, why would Andrew Roberts waste his time debating the likes of Darryl Cooper. That wouldn't be a debate, it would be a trouncing.
As long as people like Andrew Roberts are around, there is still hope for Western Civilization. If you want to know what I’m talking about, if you don’t already know, listen to his speech on Churchill below. It will help greatly when you read The Perfect Storm, Part Two, as well as providing a contrast between the erudition of Roberts and the complete lack thereof of Harris and Trump.
So, all in the space of one day, I went from enjoying Andrew Roberts’ speeches to enduring the grating voices and petty bickering of Donald Trump and Kamala Harris. The moderators contributed to the fiasco by their obvious favoritism toward Harris. But then, that’s nothing new, we are all used to such charades by now.
Harris had her answers memorized. At least she was prepared. Prepared like a puppet on a string, with the smiles and condescending head shakes made at just the right moments. After four years of Biden, do we really want four more years of the same malleable shell? The only difference between Harris and Biden is that she is younger, with a better memory. She can recite the script whereas he had to read it—and even that he couldn’t do after a while.
Trump was his usual blustery self. On many occasions, I have appreciated his bluster. Unfortunately, on this occasion, he fell into the trap of reacting instead of taking charge. Why, oh why, did he bring up the migrants eating animals.
He had two hours in front of the American people and that’s what he chose to talk about, which is pretty much all that anyone will remember. He seemed weary, and I felt weary just watching him.
But then Trump asked THE question that changed everything, and I thought, yes, this is it. This is the only thing that matters.
The fact that a presidential candidate/ former president is even asking this question, and that it is, indeed, a valid one, is insane. If this glaring weakness isn't fixed, nothing will ever be.
We’re heading into World War III, and SOMEONE is taking us there, but we don’t know who it is. We can speculate, but we don’t know. We, literally, are without a president.
What could be worse than the “most powerful nation on earth” putting its doddering fool of a president out to pasture in the most humiliating fashion, and no one stepping in to take his place.
Well, of course, they can’t have someone stepping in to take his place. That would look like a coup. But that’s what it is. It is a coup. And nobody cares, not when there are so many funny memes to share.
And they ARE funny:
As I’m laughing, all the while I’m thinking, this isn’t funny. Not funny at all. Why are we all laughing so hard? But I can’t stop looking at the memes.
“Who’s running the country? For all we know, Biden could be dead,” said Trump to the entire nation, to the entire world. And to no one. That question was lost in a mountain of memes.
That question was treated like everything else that comes out of Trump’s mouth. With derision. Kamala Harris dismissed it with one of her well-rehearsed condescending smiles. She maintained her cool and everyone said, look, see, she’s presidential while that orange man is a lunatic.
The entire nation, indeed, the entire world, knows it doesn’t matter that Biden isn’t in control. The fact that he can be removed like that without any consequence shows that presidents aren’t in control in the first place. Biden was put in power and now he’s been taken out of power and Kamala Harris, a person who just a couple of months ago was disliked by everyone including Democrats, has morphed into the darling of the people.
After the debate, right on cue, childless cat-lady Taylor Swift endorsed Harris— one of her main reasons being because Harris supports LBGTQ+ rights—which is basically a vote for transgender/ transhumanism.
To which Elon Musk replied:
An example of a Swiftie meme:
Were Americans always this dumb? It’s like everyone’s minds have turned into mush. I guess presidential elections will now be determined by whoever has the funniest smackdown memes.
I just read that “Joe Biden raised Ukraine’s hopes that it will be given the go-ahead to fire missiles from the West deep into Russia.”
Joe Biden said that? We all know he didn’t. Well then, who did?
Someone made that decision. WHO???
Does Biden attend meetings with our military leaders, staring off into space, rambling and wandering off and having to be redirected to his seat? Do they all just pretend he isn’t there? Is he not even there? If not, who’s the commander-in-chief? Who’s sitting at the table with our military leaders? Don’t we have a right to know?
It’s like living in a mental institution. If you ask who’s in charge you are gaslit, treated like a crazy person, sedated with funny memes.
Kamala Harris and every single person at the top of this administration should be held accountable for hiding the truth from the American people. This sham of a presidential race, this sham of a government should grind to a halt, until the truth comes out. But that would be the end of everything, wouldn’t it. The curtain would be torn away, and we’d see behind it. The scariest thing would be if there’s actually no one behind the curtain. No one except the Devil. Better to live in denial, put off the inevitable for as long as possible. Give the billionaires a little more time to finish their underground luxury bunkers.
I know this isn’t what a lot of people want to hear. Some have advised me to put off writing about this stuff until after the elections. What would be the point of that? I might as well not write anything at all.
I started Break Free because I was canceled everywhere else and told to just shut up. I didn’t go through all of that, keep on speaking out, only to be silenced now. I love writing on Substack because for the first time—no exaggeration, the first time in my life—I am free to say exactly what I think, what I believe, and no one can stop me. As long as that is possible, I will keep doing it.
God bless you all with discernment.
"...enduring the grating voices and petty bickering of Donald Trump and Kamala Harris..."
Yes, and yes. Which is why I did not watch.
More than that, I do not want to dwell too long on how large a swath of the public was charmed by Harris' schoolgirl antics -- making faces. Towards what international leader will she make a face? One can hardly wait to find out.
We are, as Trump intimated, in unpresidented times.
There is no U.S. President at the moment. Yet no one seems alarmed, for, as you note, there are all these so-much-fun memes!
No one seemed to notice the coup. It seems like ancient history, to be forgotten because, by some additional sleight of hand, the deprivation of the vote was ratified at or before the convention. All good! And we can rest easy because, after all, JRB has not been of sound mind, making it all a cookoo coup which will never ever (no, never!) happen again.
Keep writing Karen. I always enjoy your essays. You know… maybe Trump was tired? After all he has been giving nonstop interviews whilst Kamala was hiding behind a White House curtain. 🫣🤯 But yes who - what? - is running the country? Everyone will still need to vote Trump / Kennedy to get even the smallest of chances to see behind these curtains. With Harris and Walz the last light flickers out.