Well, shit. Thanks for the update. Vivek ramaswamy said last year that blackrock vangaurd and state street owned everything and were on both sides of the aisle. I just try to not think about it. Shabbat shalom.

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Shabbat Shalom. All of this is no fun! I will get back to writing about Israel on Monday.

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Who thinks they own the world? The earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof. Want to know who Blackrock is? Nimrod,..and judgement is near.

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Absolutely, that is why I always say I put my trust in no man, only God.

We are still living in the time of evil, though, as the Bible says, "We know that we are of God, and the whole world lies under the sway of the wicked one." I John 5:19.

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I've researched a lot of prophetic stuff and can only say,...get your wedding dress ready. Jesus was very specific about His return, which religion owned and operated by satan will recite, "did God really say?". Indeed He has. Did you know that in Jewish tradition when a couple got engaged, the boy went home to prepare a place on his father's land, and roughly 7 years later, gathered with his father and friends he came down the road with trumpets and drums to receive his bride? This time He is coming first and we go to the wedding feast and then return with Him on the clouds in 7 years. Amen. No truth is kept secret from us.

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With the Sherman Anti-itrust act no longer used, the decline was inevitable. A capitalistic economy cannot survive without it because eventually the corporations will take it all and we will own nothing and be happy about it or else. If you haven't seen this I think you will find it worth your time:

BlackRock Uses American's 401K to Control Us and Push DEI CEI ESG & HRC Policies: Orwellian BlackRock CEO Larry Fink: We Are Forcing Behaviors To Change, How? By OWNING Everything! https://old.bitchute.com/video/ei6QD8ZPl6DU [45:35mins]

Almost every major corporation is controlled by Black Rock, State Street, & Vanguard (who all own each other) via your 401K, meaning they already act as a one world government with total control. If we don't break this company up into a thousand pieces, we will one day wake up with hell on earth smirking right in our faces.

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OpenAI is not our friend.

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And neither is Elon.

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The Open AI logo is secretly the Star of Remphan: https://tritorch.com/degradation/OpenAILogoIsraliIsStarOfDavidRemphan.png [image]

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Uh, so it all goes back to the evil Jews? You just hate Jews basically.

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I have nothing against the Jewish people whatsoever, I am friends with many. Their occupying government on the other hand is a different story.

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What exactly does the Israeli government occupy? Israel left Gaza in 2005. Gazans elected Hamas and instead of using aid to build their country, they built tunnels and attacked Israel continuously, leading up to the genocide on Oct 7th, which the proudly filmed and which we say the Gazan cheering and participating in. Israel is the one free nation the in the Middle East with 20% Arab population. Judea and Sumaria (West Bank) promotes and perpetuates terrorism, and Israel must maintain a buffer zone between itself and those who wish to genocide every Jew on the planet. Gaza also has a border with Egypt and they refuse to open the border. Have you seen the border? It looks like the borders that the Iron Curtain sed to maintain between East and West--so their own people could not get out. Egypt does this so Gazans cannot get in. Why? Because of the unrest and terrorism that results. It is also to their advantage to keep Gazans as "refugees" in a constant state of war with Israel because despite the rhetoric, every surrounding Arab nation hates Jews, too, and would like to see them wiped off the face of the earth. It is absurd this obsession with Israel, when the United States actually did steal land from the natives but I don't see anyone insisting they give it back. This is the history of the world. In wars, the winner usually takes land, and Israel, despite how tiny it is, has even consistently given land back after wars it didn't start. To say you are against the Israeli "occupying" government means you are against Jews. If Israel ceased to exist, every Jew would be killed. Israel is fighting against the worldwide threat of Islam. The hypocrisy is that all over the West, people are realizing the mistake they made letting Muslim in because once they reach a certain percentage, they start insisting that everyone live under Sharia Law. No one wants a majority Muslim nation in the West, yet somehow, they insist that Israel accept it. So, yes, it comes down to hatred of Jews.

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"Hamas is the Israeli government. It was we who created Hamas in order to create leverage against Fatah" -Avraham "Avi" Primor, Former Israeli Dispomat, 2015, https://bitchute.com/video/3XKnSWnxhH6I [30 seconds]

Israel Created Hamas & the War is a Hegelian Puppet Show. A nation's people and a nation's government are completely separate things.

The Israeli diplomat admitted it and Ron Paul explained it in the video.


But did you also know that Hamas — which is an Arabic acronym for “Islamic Resistance Movement” — would probably not exist today were it not for the Jewish state? That the Israelis helped turn a bunch of fringe Palestinian Islamists in the late 1970s into one of the world’s most notorious militant groups? That Hamas is blowback?

This isn’t a conspiracy theory. Listen to former Israeli officials such as Brig. Gen. Yitzhak Segev, who was the Israeli military governor in Gaza in the early 1980s. Segev later told a New York Times reporter that he had helped finance the Palestinian Islamist movement as a “counterweight” to the secularists and leftists of the Palestine Liberation Organization and the Fatah party, led by Yasser Arafat (who himself referred to Hamas as “a creature of Israel.”)

“The Israeli government gave me a budget,” the retired brigadier general confessed, “and the military government gives to the mosques.”

“Hamas, to my great regret, is Israel’s creation,” Avner Cohen, a former Israeli religious affairs official who worked in Gaza for more than two decades, told the Wall Street Journal in 2009.

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You are correct - giving Panama Canal to Blackrock does NOT help the United States. Bad choice.

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Well done, Karen. This Panama deal is a perfect example of what Fink and his satanic buddies of the WEF call "stakeholder capitalism". In truth, the stakeholders are only the wealthy. We have no seat at that table. This Panama deal is also a prime example of Fascism, a bad combination of business and government. Guaranteed prices for Panama passage will increase, that added to the price increases Trump's tariffs will be causing. [Who is Trump really working for?] Rising prices plus loss of jobs equals recession, then depression. Remember what Louse Snob said: "You will own nothing and be happy." No matter what the global wealth cabal does to appear nice, it is always forward progress for them (backwards for us). The Fourth Industrial Revolution and transhumanism keep marching forward.

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well,.... sheeesh. The democrats should be thrilled to have BlackRock involved in anything.... at least it is not Meanie Elon Musk.

This is not good news. What is PDJT saying about this decision? How come the democrats are not dancing in the streets? those are not really questions. Just more garbage for the grinder.

You write so well. I hope you are feeling better. Love you loads, Karen. I am so grateful to know you.

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Well said. Blackrock is the antithesis to the Rock which is Jesus Christ.

As to Larry Fink, would you trust a man with a surname like that? I 'fink not!


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How to Fake a Pandemic & Hide the Truth - The Undeniable Control System Behind the Fake Pandemic and Global Democide

In today’s global landscape, the power to dictate health outcomes and shape public perception of health crises lies in the hands of a select group of global investment firms, billionaire philanthropists and corporate conglomerates: BlackRock, Vanguard, Goldman Sachs, Bill Gates, George Soros and private equity firms KKR and Carlyle Group. These entities have woven a complex and intertwined network of influence across industries such as medicine, technology, media and politics; pivotal players in how health crises are perceived, managed or concealed. This concentration of power is not just about financial dominance; it’s about the ability to shape global health policies, drive technological advancements and control public narratives. Through strategic investments, these entities determine which health issues are prioritized or downplayed, which technologies are promoted and which information is disseminated.


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“Lucy! You’ve got some ‘splainin to do!”

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The higher they climb...

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Unless I'm truly missing something that you can explain to me like I'm a 10 year old, the first video is clearly intimating that the Jews control blackrock. Very surprised you focused your article on that given your other stances.

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I did not get that from the video. How so?

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3:09 - 3:27 Sounds like dog whistle words to me but I could be wrong. If I'm wrong, she's already mentioned the US repeatedly, so what country can't she mention?

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I see. I didn't catch that since the $33 billion was paid to a Chinese company so I thought she means China. If she is making the stretch to suddenly connect that to Israel I can't see how that's possible. I know people make that stretch all the time so maybe you're right so just in case, thanks, I will add something to clarify that when I get on my computer.

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