If Jews would just give in more, stop being so proud of themselves, everything would be okay. This is why their women get raped; they won’t stop parading themselves around, flaunting their freedom.
The western feminists are all saying “it’s not Muslim men, it’s all men”. This is the rallying cry of women like Julie Bindel. She has even tried to tell Ayaan Ali Hirsi ( in a debate on The Free Press) that the gang rapes in England was not a Muslim problem even though statistics show that violent rapes have gone UP in all western countries since there has been an increase in Muslim immigrants ( legal and illegal). These women are delusional.
There is nothing more abhorrent than the Muslim contempt and violence of women. In every civilized society women are respected and treated as the foundation of family, of civilization itself. Women are treated worse than cattle by Muslims, as you, Karen, well know. Even their own women, wives and daughters, are subject to savage behavior by the "brave" Muslim beasts. They save their worst misbehavior for Jewish women.
There may be some people who are even more evil than the barbaric Muslim male. Those despicables are the self-hating Jewish Jew-haters, like Sfard. “Israel is a racist state, it supports ethnic cleansing", he says. Is he referring to the Israel that has taken in people from all over. People that are young and old, crippled or healthy, white or black or yellow are welcomed. Even Arabs are allowed to live in Israel as citizens. I don't know what caused Sfard's problems with his fellow Jews, but those who won't even stand up for their own people are lower than the lowest. Jews like George Soros do not deserve to breathe the same air we breathe. To this day, Soros uses his money to punish not only fellow Jews but all decent people.
I offer condolences to the female hostages (and the dead, may they rest in peace). I can't even begin to imagine how they felt when they were captured, mutilated, abused by these heathen Arabs. They deserve only empathy and good wishes for the strength and courage it took them to just survive. God bless the women, Jews and non-Jews, who have suffered in Israel and elsewhere at the hands of the savage beasts of the Muslim faith (cult).
Thanks as always Karen, I enjoyed hearing you read this article. I am truly grateful for your support and your writing. You are a treasure in these dark days.
One of the many, many sad things about October 7 is that it opened up the hypocrisy and clear misogyny of so many so-called feminists. We men who have been supporting women for the last two generations to lift them out of patriarchy are dismayed and desperate. What now?
Please don't tar all of us feminists with the same delusional brush!
To me "feminism" means one thing: standing against the abuse and oppression of women and girls, (and by extension, boys as well, so they are not groomed into misogyny), wherever it occurs in the world.
I always heed the instructions of Registered Cat Ladies licensed to own 17 or more felines. Hopefully, you've informed the roughly 165 million males in this country that you have personally cut them all off from sex.
I think I mentioned I argued on Badlands against whut I thought wuz a truly offensive suggestion by their "Israel/Gaza Expurt" The Based Ghost of Patrick Henry (who knows jack all but he's as good a joo hater as the best 've 'em!) that the Israeli "girls" were flirtin' with their Hamassian Captors an' CLEARLY" were in "great shape" an' were treated "well" an' were NOT RAPED. It's not JUST him... sadly there are many includin' WOMEN... not just feminists, trad wives too that say jooish girls are sinful sluts...that all say together "they weren't raped an' whatever happened they were askin' fer it an' deserved it!" (Guess they just had fun consensual sexysexy while losin' fingers an' teeth an' gettin' the crap beat outta 'em? OH I see, none of that bad stuff happened... they were treated like QUEENS as wuz suggested.) I just cain't!
Folks really think this--they may "hear" stuff 'bout them "groomin' gangs" in YourUp but the "Good Muslims" of Gaza & Noble Hamas would never do such things--they proclaim that such things don't ever occur--or mebbe the girls are sluts an' just "wanted it." They counter that Joos rape people all the time!
TROOTH afaik--IDF soldiers do not regularly or systematically rape women OR men. There were a "bad bunch" that used broomsticks on Hamas prisoners (this happened exactly THREE times with the same group of twisted "baddies"). Does that make fer a cultural norm? If so then why is the IDF investigatin' this as a war crime? Three incidents do not make national habit. I'll say its abhorrent, no matter how horrible the deeds of a terrorist, to abuse ANYONE like that. BUT it's not the norm.
Nevertheless, rapin' an' mutilatin' (murderin' an' cuttin' off the privit parts an' playin' handball with the hacked off breast...) is not the justified EQUIVALENT of three incidents where soldiers molested non-innocent terrorists tho' I condemn it. These girls didn't blow up or murder anyone. They were not jailed "criminals." I condemn all acts of cruelty but I don't see how what happened ta them girls is "justified" or balanced (as many say) b/c some unhinged IDF soldiers did what they did.
But joos lose in the public court of opinion, always. It's sad...rotten...bizness as usual...
Some days I read this stuff an' I just CAIN'T. The double standard, the idea the "all lives matter" 'cep jooish ones ('specially female jooish lives) is just jaw droppin'....
Let's look at mug shots... rapists in the USA. How many are jooish? FEW! Few are ANY form of jooish--not Orthodox, not Reform, not even Atheist Joos are regularly behind bars fer rape. There are some cultures that do this....an' would show up in a lotta line ups--just as certain groups 've gang member show up often in knife fights. But it's not as folks say, not da joos thar rapin' yer "white women" (joos are white when it comes ta havin' white priviledge, they are Non-White when it comes ta qualifyin' with the White Nationalists that want us OUT!)... Anyhoo... joos are not the groomin' gangs. Young girls in YourUp do not have ta run way when they see a jew! (they might if they're taught ta fear... but they'll be left alone in 99.9 cases or more!) Yes Harvey Weinstein baad, Yes Jeffery Epstein baaad (even worse?). These 2 are not representative of all chews... but folks don't seem ta git that. They are two rotten men who do not represent "US." If it were true that "most" jewish men rape women all the time--the haters tell us it's not even chewish women, it's Christian women, Muslim women--if that were true, where are the stats fer that?
A few stories that NOBUDDY wants ta hear an' those that see 'em will say OH this is all Hasbara--Israel owns da mee-dia so this is ALL MADE UP by Israel. (oy)
Every day, unfortunately, I keep finding out about more people like this Sfard cretin: Jews who agitate for the destruction of Israel and simp for genocidal Islamists. It's completely insane. If they want to throw themselves under the bus, that's their choice. But they are actively trying to get the rest of us murdered too. All for what? So some gibbering progressives will give them a pat on the back (while laughing at them from behind it)?
Jews rape Muslims (including men) out of sheer hatred, just as Muslim men abuse Jews of both sexes for the same reason. Adherants of both these primitive and aggressive cults salivate at the prospect of Armageddon and the illusion that THEY are the chosen (think, guys - you can't BOTH be!).
The reality is that Jews and Muslims are two sides of the same devalued ideological coin, forged from ignorance, fear and superstition, and the living proof that - to quote the late and great Christopher Hitchens - religion spoils everything.
No surprise, you didn't understand anything that I said about religion. But that's not surprising since everything has to justify hatred of Jews, even if it is blatant lies. Live in your fantasy land. The fact is, you would be pleading with the IDF to come and save you if Hamas was at your door. The blatant cowardice not to mention ignorance, of your comment is staggering.
Michael- it really shocks me ever y time I'm forced to read the kind of drivel you espoused here.
You expose your utter lack of knowledge and any kind of grasp on reality when you make such foolish statements.
Perhaps you live in a 'both sides' fantasy where you so badly want what you say to be true that you're willing to make ludicrous statements lacking in facts or evidence.
Likely also, is that you are tricked by the horrendous biased and shoddy reporting around the issue.
Somehow you managed to bypass Karen's explanation of how rape is a foundation od Islamic culture. This makes sense as you don't seem like someone who pays much attention to detail.
Your simplistic, bigoted, and superior estimation of Jews and Arabs as having some ancient tribal hatred that you are better than, actually demonstrates that what you know about the region, the Jews, and Isrsel wouldn't fit in a thimble.
But most disgusting, is your wholly fabricated and completely false assertions that Jews are involved in the rape of Palestinians and that Istaelis have raped Palestinians equally. What a grotesque and ugly slander. I recently debated with someone like you- an ignoramus happy to make false statements accusing the idf of a systemic and weaponized rape. Guess what? When O tasked her to come up with proof, she was empty handed.
How about i give you the same task? You prove here that 'Israelis rape due to their hate' as you have claimed, and then we'll all stop considering you the biggest Bozo we've encountered today. Deal?
In early 2024, someone claimed that IDF raped gazan women. When the stats of war were analysed, there was not one rape by any IDF of gazan women. Absolutely no evidence to support this claim. So this result was then spun by palestinians and propal supporters, that IDF were racist and discriminatory. Only the deluded can follow this.
You know what happened in Ukraine was not ok by russia right? Where when and how will they get their justice? There is ample evidence of rape and torture by russian "men" violence and sadism by russian "chrisian" "muslim" men against Christian and Jewish women in Ukraine.
The western feminists are all saying “it’s not Muslim men, it’s all men”. This is the rallying cry of women like Julie Bindel. She has even tried to tell Ayaan Ali Hirsi ( in a debate on The Free Press) that the gang rapes in England was not a Muslim problem even though statistics show that violent rapes have gone UP in all western countries since there has been an increase in Muslim immigrants ( legal and illegal). These women are delusional.
I can only call these women what they are: fools.
There is nothing more abhorrent than the Muslim contempt and violence of women. In every civilized society women are respected and treated as the foundation of family, of civilization itself. Women are treated worse than cattle by Muslims, as you, Karen, well know. Even their own women, wives and daughters, are subject to savage behavior by the "brave" Muslim beasts. They save their worst misbehavior for Jewish women.
There may be some people who are even more evil than the barbaric Muslim male. Those despicables are the self-hating Jewish Jew-haters, like Sfard. “Israel is a racist state, it supports ethnic cleansing", he says. Is he referring to the Israel that has taken in people from all over. People that are young and old, crippled or healthy, white or black or yellow are welcomed. Even Arabs are allowed to live in Israel as citizens. I don't know what caused Sfard's problems with his fellow Jews, but those who won't even stand up for their own people are lower than the lowest. Jews like George Soros do not deserve to breathe the same air we breathe. To this day, Soros uses his money to punish not only fellow Jews but all decent people.
I offer condolences to the female hostages (and the dead, may they rest in peace). I can't even begin to imagine how they felt when they were captured, mutilated, abused by these heathen Arabs. They deserve only empathy and good wishes for the strength and courage it took them to just survive. God bless the women, Jews and non-Jews, who have suffered in Israel and elsewhere at the hands of the savage beasts of the Muslim faith (cult).
Thanks as always Karen, I enjoyed hearing you read this article. I am truly grateful for your support and your writing. You are a treasure in these dark days.
If all of the Jews were slaughtered the world wouldn't celebrate. They would wonder how on earth that was allowed to happen.
If they wondered how it had happened they would be just as conveninetly blind as they were while it was happening.
One of the many, many sad things about October 7 is that it opened up the hypocrisy and clear misogyny of so many so-called feminists. We men who have been supporting women for the last two generations to lift them out of patriarchy are dismayed and desperate. What now?
Please don't tar all of us feminists with the same delusional brush!
To me "feminism" means one thing: standing against the abuse and oppression of women and girls, (and by extension, boys as well, so they are not groomed into misogyny), wherever it occurs in the world.
We're called "Ultras".
A better name for this thoroughly corrupted ideology is "The Sisterhood of Eternal Victimhood."
Again, don't give us all your aggrieved incel labels.
Thank you.
I always heed the instructions of Registered Cat Ladies licensed to own 17 or more felines. Hopefully, you've informed the roughly 165 million males in this country that you have personally cut them all off from sex.
I think I mentioned I argued on Badlands against whut I thought wuz a truly offensive suggestion by their "Israel/Gaza Expurt" The Based Ghost of Patrick Henry (who knows jack all but he's as good a joo hater as the best 've 'em!) that the Israeli "girls" were flirtin' with their Hamassian Captors an' CLEARLY" were in "great shape" an' were treated "well" an' were NOT RAPED. It's not JUST him... sadly there are many includin' WOMEN... not just feminists, trad wives too that say jooish girls are sinful sluts...that all say together "they weren't raped an' whatever happened they were askin' fer it an' deserved it!" (Guess they just had fun consensual sexysexy while losin' fingers an' teeth an' gettin' the crap beat outta 'em? OH I see, none of that bad stuff happened... they were treated like QUEENS as wuz suggested.) I just cain't!
Folks really think this--they may "hear" stuff 'bout them "groomin' gangs" in YourUp but the "Good Muslims" of Gaza & Noble Hamas would never do such things--they proclaim that such things don't ever occur--or mebbe the girls are sluts an' just "wanted it." They counter that Joos rape people all the time!
TROOTH afaik--IDF soldiers do not regularly or systematically rape women OR men. There were a "bad bunch" that used broomsticks on Hamas prisoners (this happened exactly THREE times with the same group of twisted "baddies"). Does that make fer a cultural norm? If so then why is the IDF investigatin' this as a war crime? Three incidents do not make national habit. I'll say its abhorrent, no matter how horrible the deeds of a terrorist, to abuse ANYONE like that. BUT it's not the norm.
Nevertheless, rapin' an' mutilatin' (murderin' an' cuttin' off the privit parts an' playin' handball with the hacked off breast...) is not the justified EQUIVALENT of three incidents where soldiers molested non-innocent terrorists tho' I condemn it. These girls didn't blow up or murder anyone. They were not jailed "criminals." I condemn all acts of cruelty but I don't see how what happened ta them girls is "justified" or balanced (as many say) b/c some unhinged IDF soldiers did what they did.
But joos lose in the public court of opinion, always. It's sad...rotten...bizness as usual...
Some days I read this stuff an' I just CAIN'T. The double standard, the idea the "all lives matter" 'cep jooish ones ('specially female jooish lives) is just jaw droppin'....
Let's look at mug shots... rapists in the USA. How many are jooish? FEW! Few are ANY form of jooish--not Orthodox, not Reform, not even Atheist Joos are regularly behind bars fer rape. There are some cultures that do this....an' would show up in a lotta line ups--just as certain groups 've gang member show up often in knife fights. But it's not as folks say, not da joos thar rapin' yer "white women" (joos are white when it comes ta havin' white priviledge, they are Non-White when it comes ta qualifyin' with the White Nationalists that want us OUT!)... Anyhoo... joos are not the groomin' gangs. Young girls in YourUp do not have ta run way when they see a jew! (they might if they're taught ta fear... but they'll be left alone in 99.9 cases or more!) Yes Harvey Weinstein baad, Yes Jeffery Epstein baaad (even worse?). These 2 are not representative of all chews... but folks don't seem ta git that. They are two rotten men who do not represent "US." If it were true that "most" jewish men rape women all the time--the haters tell us it's not even chewish women, it's Christian women, Muslim women--if that were true, where are the stats fer that?
A few stories that NOBUDDY wants ta hear an' those that see 'em will say OH this is all Hasbara--Israel owns da mee-dia so this is ALL MADE UP by Israel. (oy)
Anybuddy care ta 'splain to me WHY? I jus' do not git it...
Every day, unfortunately, I keep finding out about more people like this Sfard cretin: Jews who agitate for the destruction of Israel and simp for genocidal Islamists. It's completely insane. If they want to throw themselves under the bus, that's their choice. But they are actively trying to get the rest of us murdered too. All for what? So some gibbering progressives will give them a pat on the back (while laughing at them from behind it)?
Jews rape Muslims (including men) out of sheer hatred, just as Muslim men abuse Jews of both sexes for the same reason. Adherants of both these primitive and aggressive cults salivate at the prospect of Armageddon and the illusion that THEY are the chosen (think, guys - you can't BOTH be!).
The reality is that Jews and Muslims are two sides of the same devalued ideological coin, forged from ignorance, fear and superstition, and the living proof that - to quote the late and great Christopher Hitchens - religion spoils everything.
No surprise, you didn't understand anything that I said about religion. But that's not surprising since everything has to justify hatred of Jews, even if it is blatant lies. Live in your fantasy land. The fact is, you would be pleading with the IDF to come and save you if Hamas was at your door. The blatant cowardice not to mention ignorance, of your comment is staggering.
Michael- it really shocks me ever y time I'm forced to read the kind of drivel you espoused here.
You expose your utter lack of knowledge and any kind of grasp on reality when you make such foolish statements.
Perhaps you live in a 'both sides' fantasy where you so badly want what you say to be true that you're willing to make ludicrous statements lacking in facts or evidence.
Likely also, is that you are tricked by the horrendous biased and shoddy reporting around the issue.
Somehow you managed to bypass Karen's explanation of how rape is a foundation od Islamic culture. This makes sense as you don't seem like someone who pays much attention to detail.
Your simplistic, bigoted, and superior estimation of Jews and Arabs as having some ancient tribal hatred that you are better than, actually demonstrates that what you know about the region, the Jews, and Isrsel wouldn't fit in a thimble.
But most disgusting, is your wholly fabricated and completely false assertions that Jews are involved in the rape of Palestinians and that Istaelis have raped Palestinians equally. What a grotesque and ugly slander. I recently debated with someone like you- an ignoramus happy to make false statements accusing the idf of a systemic and weaponized rape. Guess what? When O tasked her to come up with proof, she was empty handed.
How about i give you the same task? You prove here that 'Israelis rape due to their hate' as you have claimed, and then we'll all stop considering you the biggest Bozo we've encountered today. Deal?
In early 2024, someone claimed that IDF raped gazan women. When the stats of war were analysed, there was not one rape by any IDF of gazan women. Absolutely no evidence to support this claim. So this result was then spun by palestinians and propal supporters, that IDF were racist and discriminatory. Only the deluded can follow this.
You know what happened in Ukraine was not ok by russia right? Where when and how will they get their justice? There is ample evidence of rape and torture by russian "men" violence and sadism by russian "chrisian" "muslim" men against Christian and Jewish women in Ukraine.
Thank you for the propaganda. I hope the Cocaine Cowboy of Kiev is paying you well for this.
Your a cuck