When it comes to sexual violence against Jewish women by Muslim men, the world is silent.
If Jews would just give in more, stop being so proud of themselves, everything would be okay. This is why their women get raped; they won’t stop parading themselves around, flaunting their freedom.
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I am purposely saying Muslim men, NOT Hamas, because sexual violence against women is not just the behavior of Hamas.
Please read my essay Tales of Eclipse: The Lost (Foreign) Women of Luxor to find out more about how ordinary Egyptian Muslim men (not just jihadists) view women.
In my essay, The Enemy Within, a chapter from The Egypt Files, I finally had the courage to share my own rape in London by a wealthy Jordian man from the Jordanian Embassy. It wasn’t until years later that I could talk about it or that I realized the connection the rape had to Islam.
Of course, men who aren’t Muslims rape women all over the world. The distinction is that in Islam, thanks to the Quran, Hadiths and Sharia Law, it is the right of men to do this. In the West, there are ways to escape such abuse, places a woman can go. She will even be encouraged and praised for her bravery. Not so in a Muslim country.
Where are the Western feminists protesting against this vile religion (cult) and the hatred it inspires toward women. Especially toward us infidels, us whores, prostitutes who only think of sex 24/7 because we have not been “cut”. They are protesting in favor of the rapists. I lost my respect for feminists a long time ago.
In the video below, Amit Soussana recounts the abuse she suffered at the hands of the jihadist who held her prisoner in Gaza. I know how hard it is to tell such stories. I know the courage it takes just to open one’s mouth and start to speak. My heart goes out to her. If I had a sword, I would use it against the ones who did this to her myself, because at a certain point, I had enough of abuse and I learned to fight.
As I was putting this little piece of writing together, I came across an article by Michael Sfard, Thanks to Its Regime, Israel Is Losing the Justification For its existence.
Sfard calls himself a human rights lawyer, but not for Israel, his home, does he fight. Not for his fellow Jews. Israel is “losing the justification for its existence”, it is even “flirting with fascism.” This is all the rage now, calling Israel the new Nazis.
He states that, “The goal of a state that claims to be democratic is to create a legal, political, cultural, economic and security environment that enables its subjects to realize their talents, freely author their own life stories, fully exercise their autonomy and pursue their happiness. Such an environment is only possible on a normative basis that sanctifies fundamental freedoms, human dignity and equality.”
He accuses Israel of failing to do this. Why? Because Israel is fighting precisely to hold onto those freedoms, against an enemy that wants to kill every single Jew on the planet.
If Israel did not exist, where would Amit Soussana have refuge? I guess that doesn’t matter.
For an Israeli Jew to say that Amit being dragged into hell by Hamas is the fault of Netanyahu and if he would just give up his power all of these problems with Hamas would magically disappear is, as far as I am concerned, even more evil than Hamas, because it is an evil from within. It is a kind of mad self-righteousness that calls for the willing mass suicide of all Jews. Make no mistake, that is what would happen if Israel ceased to exist, every Jew would be killed. And somehow, I fear, the world would celebrate.
“Our hostages will continue to endure hunger and torture in dark tunnels so that Netanyahu can remain at the Prime Minister's residence in Jerusalem,” says Sfard.
Maybe Netanyahu wants to stay in power. Big surprise! I don’t know a single world leader who doesn’t. But the fact that world leaders want to hold onto their power has nothing to do with Hamas’s evil intent, which dates back far before Netanyahu was born, far before Hamas even existed.
But somehow, Netanyahu is worse than Hamas. Worse than Hitler, no doubt. Yes, worse than Stalin, probably, too.
Ultimately, though, everything is the Jews fault. Even the hatred Arab Muslims have for Jews is the Jews’ fault. If Jews would just give in more, just give up more, stop being so proud of themselves, everything would be okay. This is why Jewish women get raped; they just won’t stop parading about and flaunting their freedom.
How many times have we heard it is the woman’s fault when she is raped. She asked for it. Look how she was dressed. She was a whore anyway.
Essentially, that is what Sfard is saying about Israel. Jews deserve what they get.
As long as Jews keep refusing to submit to their enemies, as long as they don’t gracefully allow themselves to be raped, tortured and killed, they will be condemned as the ones who are not democratic. And the condemnation won’t stop until every single Jew is dead, even the Jews who hate themselves. Such a noble mass suicide will be Jew haters like Sfard’s finest hour. They will have proved their point. Because they will all be dead.
Sfard ends his tirade with:
“Israel is a racist state, it supports ethnic cleansing, devours its critics, harbors contempt for its non-Jewish citizens and shows no compassion for its innocent civilians who have been taken hostage. It's like a bank that robs its clients and then incites against them. What justification remains for its existence?”
Gee, I don’t know. Maybe as it has increasingly become the only place on earth where Jews feel safe?
But hey, if what he says is really true, why hasn’t he moved to Gaza. Or okay, maybe that’s too radical, since evil Israel is bombing the living daylights out of it. How about he moves to Egypt. Jordan. Saudi Arabia.
I won’t hold my breath. He has too good of a business with his law firm in Tel Aviv.
Wait, what?
You mean he’s successful in Israel? Not in prison for his subversive, anti-Netanyahu opinions and his activism against the Israeli government?
Now, that’s what you call tyranny, not democracy!
The western feminists are all saying “it’s not Muslim men, it’s all men”. This is the rallying cry of women like Julie Bindel. She has even tried to tell Ayaan Ali Hirsi ( in a debate on The Free Press) that the gang rapes in England was not a Muslim problem even though statistics show that violent rapes have gone UP in all western countries since there has been an increase in Muslim immigrants ( legal and illegal). These women are delusional.
There is nothing more abhorrent than the Muslim contempt and violence of women. In every civilized society women are respected and treated as the foundation of family, of civilization itself. Women are treated worse than cattle by Muslims, as you, Karen, well know. Even their own women, wives and daughters, are subject to savage behavior by the "brave" Muslim beasts. They save their worst misbehavior for Jewish women.
There may be some people who are even more evil than the barbaric Muslim male. Those despicables are the self-hating Jewish Jew-haters, like Sfard. “Israel is a racist state, it supports ethnic cleansing", he says. Is he referring to the Israel that has taken in people from all over. People that are young and old, crippled or healthy, white or black or yellow are welcomed. Even Arabs are allowed to live in Israel as citizens. I don't know what caused Sfard's problems with his fellow Jews, but those who won't even stand up for their own people are lower than the lowest. Jews like George Soros do not deserve to breathe the same air we breathe. To this day, Soros uses his money to punish not only fellow Jews but all decent people.
I offer condolences to the female hostages (and the dead, may they rest in peace). I can't even begin to imagine how they felt when they were captured, mutilated, abused by these heathen Arabs. They deserve only empathy and good wishes for the strength and courage it took them to just survive. God bless the women, Jews and non-Jews, who have suffered in Israel and elsewhere at the hands of the savage beasts of the Muslim faith (cult).