It is shocking to hear the stories of Christians living in Muslim countries being murdered, and most never get reported in the news. If Muslims, however, are murdered by some madman, in Christian dominated countries the news is non-stop and condemnation of it by political leaders is almost nauseating. Even in Christian countries, Christians get little respect. Now it would seem everyone who is even remotely devout is labelled a Christian Nationalist and therefore dangerous. On another note, I couldn't help but think that while Islamic countries take great pains to indoctrinate their children with Jew hatred and martyrdom, we in the West are indoctrinating our children in extreme gender ideology that could send them on path to self mutilation and a lifetime of regret and pain and suffering in name of bowing to trans movement.

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So true. I recently wrote about that and how extreme it has become in "MINOR ATTRACTED PERSONS" want you to know they are "just like you". https://khmezek.substack.com/p/minor-attracted-persons-want-you

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awesome, courageous, thorough and deep work of journalism here, Karen. Your voice has a rare credibility from both personal first-hand history and well-researched investigation to expose a deeper, truer reality. keep shining light on darkness and exposing the lies of censored narratives, which are destroying humanity before our own eyes.

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Thank you so much. I'm going for a long, long walk now. This was a tough one!

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Great essay Karen. I thank God for His providence in bringing me to it. One thing that today's evangelical church misses is that the world's hatred for Jews (and secondarily for Protestant Christians) is the fulfillment of Revelation chapter 12 (and more specifically verses 13-17). Around 70 AD Satan was cast out of heaven and down to earth in defeat, knowing that his eventual arrival in the Lake of Fire was a certainty. This has been the third message of the Holy Spirit to the world ever since. Jesus said that the Holy Spirit would convict the world regarding the certainty of its own future judgement, 'because the ruler of this world has already been judged' (John 16:11). When we fail to connect the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD (and the ongoing persecution of Jews and Christians ever since) to the victory of Israel's promised 'Seed' over the devil, then we blind ourselves to 'what time it is', and deny ourselves the vital truth which alone can strengthen us to become faithful unto death.


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Thank you. 🙏 I heard many sermons in this topic as a child. My dad gave many. https://youtu.be/6EYYUgmh218?si=8SFdvA1CCbC7oXX3

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Excellent article. I remember the news at one time, filled with the atrocities of Muslim Martyrs, strapping themselves with bombs and blowing themselves away. The treatment of women was horrific. You only know what you hear, or experience first hand. Back then (pre-internet), I watched TV news for news and not much of that. It has all flipped now, not a lot of outing the truth about what goes on in the middle-east. I guess I've changed too, because I read so much (history and current events) and watch videos to try to figure out the world around me and all the craziness.

"UN General Assembly Backs Palestinian Bid for Membership" Epoch Times. Why now is the UN accepting Palestine as a member? Obama made them a non-member with observer status in 2012. I can send you this article if you want to see it.

Palestine is not a Country. However, just like our border is closed, they will be a non-country but recognized as one by the UN and Global Organizations ran by NWO. There are no Sovereign nations by the classic definition. All Countries in the UN will become Sovereign "States" of the UN. All member “States” will be Governed by UN/WEF/WHO. The definition of Sovereignty was changed in August - September of 2023, on Wikipedia, Britannica, Miriam Webster

FROM: “The power of a country to control its own Government. Sovereignty is the right of a nation or group of people to be self-governing. We speak of countries such as the United States as being sovereign political powers”

TO: “In any state, sovereignty is assigned to the person, body or institution that has the ultimate authority over other people in order to establish a law or change existing laws. In political theory, sovereignty is a substantive term designating supreme legitimate authority over some polity.”

There is a video in above mentioned article and under the Video Documentaries: "The Giant UN Agency Hijacked by Hamas: Asaf Romirowsky American Thought Leaders." This video can also be found here too and watched for free (I recommend it. He talks about UNRWA. I remember you wrote about UNRWA:


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It's really unbelievable. Just finished one of my most difficult essays. I have such a heavy heart.

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The stories of your life are so very interesting.

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All society's on Earth condition their children both consciously and unconsciously to behave, to think, to believe along the lines of their societies traditions. More advanced Society's understand the importance of Education in the deepest sense. The goal of which is to nurture a Whole Intelligent Compassionate human that moves in Harmony with All other Life.. Unconditionally Absolutely Free..

Capable of engaging other Brothers and Sisters across the Globe.. Free of fear.. free of ALL conditioning including Religious.. not a Single barrier of any type inhibiting real communication.. REAL Contact..

So where does this start? In the home? The child must be taught they are free to ask any question or explore any topic in that home. Including how a mind becomes conditioned.. and Why it is important to understand the process of conditioning.. And why it is important to see our own conditioning.. Is this the source of Violence? Is thought It's spawning point..? What does it mean to be a thing of thought? What is moral and ethical behavior in its highest sense? How might organized religion condition a mind? Condition behavior? What is the Actuality of Peace?? What is Unconditional Absolute Love? What is Reality?

What if we nurture our children on these fundamental questions? What if we ask them what questions they may have?

I love the parable of the devil and a friend of the Devil are walking along following someone seeking Truth. Suddenly the seeker sees a piece of Truth laying on the ground. He reaches down picks it up and puts it in his pocket. The friend of the devil says to the devil look that's bad news for you. The devil says, no I'll just wait till he tries to Organize it..

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I was raised to follow the teachings of Jesus and not a religion. Of course, there was more to it than that. I rebelled against that teaching and had many doubts. Freedom of thought is the most important thing. There should be nothing to fear in sincere questions. I struggled with how I could be sure I was choosing anything of my own free will if I had been raised to believe one certain thing. Ultimately, after many life experiences and many questions and much seeking, I realized there is nothing better or simpler than the teachings if Jesus. But I have never thought I can judge others for what they believe, that is not my place--I should add unless it puts others in danger. Then I must stand against it.

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I too love Christ.. he took care of me as a child.. saved my life.. and really taught me the Vital Lesson of Forgiveness.. then one day in the middle of my second divorce which was very trying for me ... at night praying intensely for his Blessed Guidance.. Christ came to me and took me by the hand and said its time for you to go study here ... with Krishnamurti, I said I just wanted to stay with him.. he said this is what you need right now. I reluctantly agreed.. He was of course right.. it was Precisely the Teaching I needed to deepen my ability to Serve the Infinite Unknowable..

The Lord works in Wonderful Unexpected Ways...

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Giving their children over to Moloch. Thr hate and jihadism is instilled into the Palestinian children from cradle to grave. This is why peace is not possible unless it changes which unfortunately, it won't.

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It's a tragedy. We can see how easily children are swayed. We have such a responsibility to our children. They are so lost right now.

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Except...Jews are the ones who believe in Moloch.

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Wrong again. Go read a Bible.

Moloch is a form of idol worship that the Cannanite nations practice and that the Jewish nation was warned to stay away from. Is the rest of your history this faulty or is it your Jew hatred coloring everything?

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While I certainly give you credit for having the courage to wade into a controversial topic such as this, I would offer an alternative perspective. As is often the case with generational conflicts, we have reached a point where neither "side" is without blame and it is beyond frustrating to try and determine who may be less at fault than the other. Shouldn't we fault the religions that preach exclusivity ("you are either one of us or you are less than us") as a central doctrine? Any atrocity can be justified by those who ascribe to a belief system that sanctions their actions because their God/Prophet supposedly empowers them to do so. Organized religions have historically been perverted into perhaps the most effective means of control of the masses and so many fail to see it. Life itself has an abundance of daunting challenges and adding human conflict to the mix is unnecessary, yet it is all too often an apparent constant. I must conclude at this point in my life that a willing participation in any religious order runs the risk of having the inherent goodness in your soul drowned out by the mind numbing directives of the group. We can be so much more than this.

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I do not subscribe to a religion.

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In my opinion people need leadership. That is why they form governments. All governments have laws, and those laws are typically based on religious values/morals; though shalt not kill, steal, etc. I am not a practicing Christian, but I much prefer the Christian type religions over Islam, where Sharia Law becomes the law of the land and people. That is why America has been so kind, free and caring people. That is why everyone wants to come here. Problem is some people bring their learned behavior with them, thereby changing what is good here. I admired my Mother as a sweet Christian woman and all her kindness and moral fiber. If not for her, who knows how I would have turned out.

Anything can be corrupted, you have to rise above it and recognize it. Anything man touches, he leaves his finger prints. If the man is a man struggling to be his best self and good to people, not using people for money or whatever, he is who you want to emulate. No one is a Saint, but I can look back in my life and recall some truly good people that I respected greatly. That is where you form your own foundation, by trying to be like those who make good mentors. You can choose to join a gang or you can choose to help your neighbors and friends.

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Zionism and Judaism have nothing to do with one another other which is why most Zionists are actually evangelical Christians and not Jews.

Zionism is racism in service of colonialism.

And when you invent war crime TikTok’s if there is a god I dare say they will indeed struggle with him .

It’s like Moses parting the seas if propaganda and lies to allow conservatives to use nuance and distinction without ziotards screaming everything is antisemitism.

Israel is a secular state. Criticism of it isn’t antisemetic - even if it was a theocracy criticism of the state wouldn’t be criticism of religion: re Iran . Palestinians are Semitic people

They do not protect Jews or another look at what bibi did to them during covid .

Bibi used a false flag to save his crumbing political career by taking his country to “war”. He’s a war criminal and a mass murderer foreign and domestic

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Karen, great article, thank you. Can you clarify my confusion: Are you associated with the Lionness of Judah Substack (the anonymous Substackers are so annoying, but some of them are so compelling that we tolerate their confusing anonymity - come on, get out in the light like great journalists have always done throughout history...my humble opinion, I know they have their reasons).

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Thank you. I am not associated with them or any other Substacker. I am on my own here. However, I have recommended them as they have a daily news overview that I find informative and some great articles. They also recommend me.

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I was just thinking about this. You're not a "martyr" if you provoke someone. In fact calling someone a "martyr" when they have provoked someone or created their own problems is often used as an insult.

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