"MINOR ATTRACTED PERSONS" want you to know they are "just like you".
"I feel a romantic attraction to girls 14 and under. Like everyone else, I just want to love and be loved. If you accuse me of being a stalker, or a predator… the problem isn’t me." Katie Cruz
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Having just written Empire of Illusion, I had to share this shocking way children are further being encouraged to disassociate from reality and embrace deviant behavior as normal and without consequences.
I recently came across Katie Cruz and his blog A Map of Love. Cruz identifies as a “girl” and a “transgender” and a “minor attracted person” or MAP. He sees himself as between the ages of 13 to 17.
In the real world, not the world of psychotic irrationality, Katie Cruz is: An adult male pedophile.
How dare you! he would say.
What is MAP? It is an umbrella or all-encompassing term used to signify or delineate specific ages of attractions. Those ages of attraction range from babies to the end of the teen years.
A 2022 study by the NIH talks about how difficult “labels” can be and the “stigma and shame” associated with terms like “pedophile”. The article goes on to say how “public reactions tend to be more punitive when the ‘pedophile’ label is used as opposed to ‘people with a sexual interest in children’.
Call me crazy, but it would seem the intent is to condition people to accept deviant behavior as normal by changing the labels used to identify them.
Katie Cruz wants you to know he is just like you.
Cruz feels “a romantic attraction to girls 14 and under. And just like other people’s orientations, it’s not something I chose.”
He enjoys “music, and road trips, good food, hanging with friends, a good TV series or movie. And like everyone else, I just want to love and be loved.”
Cruz believes in his lifestyle with religious fervor. He even has a Ministry:
“…every time I help another MAP, I’m so fulfilled. I finally found my purpose in life.”
In a blog post title How dare you…, Cruz grieves over the loss of a “friendship” with a little girl named Lucy:
“…loving and caring for her fulfills a romantic need in me. To me, romance is caring for someone. If you can twist that into something sexual; if you can accuse me of being a stalker, or a predator… the problem isn’t me. You need to check yourself. You need to reevaluate your own feelings toward children and quit projecting them onto me.”
As with the transgender movement, if you don’t embrace MAP, you are the problem. I recently reported on the new hate speech laws in Scotland. You all had a lot to say about it.

How long before those who identify as “minor attracted persons” will be protected from the same sort of “hate speech?”
We are assured that there's no link between MAPs or pedophilia and the LGBTQ+ community”. If we can’t see the same pattern of forced acceptance as happened with transgenderism then we are either blind or stupid.
There is an agenda to normalize this behavior and include it under the ever- widening umbrella of “LGBTQ+. I just want to make it clear that many lesbians and gays are not happy with all these additions and feel increasingly isolated. They do not want to be forced to date “transgenders” or else they are “transphobic”; they do not support Drag Queen story time for children; nor do they want to normalize pedophilia.
On June 1st, 2023, during Pride Month, a Twitter user (who started tweeting just two weeks prior, so clearly pushing this agenda was the purpose) caused the term "MAPs" to trend by saying:
"Pride month is not just for Gays, Trans, and MAPs. No matter your color, creed, sexual orientation, or however you were born, be proud of who and what you are 🏳️🌈🏳️⚧️."
Even adding MAPs isn’t going far enough. What’s the “+” for, if not to include a “plethora of other orientations and identities.” And that could be ANYTHING.
If you are a MAP, the + includes you. How long before it reads LGBTQMAP+? How long before we are supposed to allow MAPs to teach and coach our children, become youth pastors, camp counsellors or else we are “MAPphobic”. After all, they are “just like us”.
At the moment, it is still acceptable to say a pedophile is disturbed and dangerous. You can even say they are not normal, and you won’t be attacked for it. But what does not being normal mean? A man with a shoe fetish is not normal, but he isn’t dangerous in the way a pedophile is dangerous. You could say someone with a shoe fetish needs help, but as long as they don’t act it out in public, you’re not going to be very concerned about them. They can still go to shoe stores and buy shoes. A pedophile, on the other hand, needs help and they need supervision. Someone who wants to have sex with children should never be allowed in homes or schools or anywhere else where children are found.
In 2020, in California, a bill introduced by Sen. Scott Wiener was passed that:
…relaxes sex offender registry requirements for sodomy and other acts with minors to reportedly end “discrimination against LGBTQ young people on the sex offender registry,” according to Wiener. The bill specifically gives judges discretion over whether to make an adult register as a sex offender if they had anal or oral sex with a willing minor, and only if the minor is 14 years old or older and the statutory rapist is less than ten years older.
So, a 24-year-old can sodomize a 14-year-old, who is said to be a “willing minor” and the perpetrator will suffer no consequences.
With the way things are going, how long before we are forced to accept all sorts of deviant behaviors as “normal?” Well, we already are.
Here is Democratic State Sen. Scott Wiener standing in front of a mural at Oasis, a drag club he helped the owners launch in San Francisco.

Now, I have nothing against Drag Clubs, and the adults who frequent them. Fine, do your thing. Just don’t force it on me—or my children!
Why did we see this push to normalize Drag Queen Story Time for children in libraries and schools. Who would have ever thought such a thing would be possible a few years ago? Clearly, it’s part of an agenda to normalize outrageous behavior. For a period of time, social media was flooded with obscene videos of the most extreme Drag Queens prancing around children in a sexual manner, accepting money from them, with parents clapping along enthusiastically. Do you think this wasn’t planned to desensitize us? It’s reverse psychology. I’m no psychologist; I just have the innate tool God gave us all. It’s called COMMON SENSE.
I am not going to post any of those outrageous videos. But here is one that I found even more disturbing, precisely because of how sweet and innocent it appears, while at the same time filmed in an almost clinical setting. It makes me feel like I’m in the Twilight Zone:
When the kids find out the Drag Queen is a “boy” (not even called a man, mind you), and asked how they feel about that, one boy says, “A little bit weirded out, but interesting.”
Children are being conditioned to deny their natural instincts. To accept abnormal behavior as normal when their common sense is telling them that it isn’t.
What, you might ask, is being done to help MAPS overcome their “natural desires” and be accepted into society?
I was interested to read Genevieve Gluck’s Substack on the topic: EXCLUSIVE: Transgender ‘MAP’ Activist Connected to Pro-Pedophile Group Influencing Academic Research
She talks about Katie Cruz and his association with B4U-ACT, a nonprofit that “promotes competent and effective professional services and resources for individuals (adults and adolescents) who are sexually attracted to children and adolescents through education, outreach, communication, creativity, and initiative.”
[MAP] was coined by the co-founder of B4U-ACT, convicted child rapist Michael Melsheimer. Melsheimer explicitly stated that the purpose of the organization was to normalize pedophilia where the National Association of Man-Boy Love (NAMBLA) had failed to do so.
According to Influence Watch:
Critics of the reframing project express concern that by rebranding “pedophilia from an activity to a group identity,” B4U-ACT and its allies could “establish rights for pedophiles — and once pedophiles have rights, nothing will be allowed to contravene those rights.” 13
Those with Weiner’s rational of acceptance could argue that a MAP is no different from, say, an alcoholic who is a danger to others when he drinks and drives but if he abstains from alcohol, he is allowed to drive just like everyone else.
If a MAP person says they are controlling their urges, should they be allowed around children. Should they be accepted as any another type of “addict” and “treated” for their addiction with drugs and rehab and therapy? Or if they identify as MAP, and have never been caught offending, should they be allowed around children without any supervision?
I would ask this question back: With all the billions of dollars spent on rehab and therapy and drugs, are there less alcoholics now than there used to be?
The answer is no. Alcoholism kills more Americans every year than drug overdoses, than guns, than car accidents. 178,000 people died in the US in 2021 because of excessive alcohol use — a 29 percent increase from just five years before.
I’ve already written about the scam of drug treatment facilities in Hustling Humans. Just in terms of how ineffective institutions and organizations have been at helping people overcome addictions while raking in billions of dollars in the process, I highly doubt treatment for pedophilia will fare any better.
Pedophilia is too horrific a crime—it is committed on innocent children!!!—to be treated in so cavalier a manner.
I’ve seen this coming down the pike for some time now. Sickening.
I suppose bestiality will be next. Sorry to be gross, but greater and greater satanic behavior is being jammed down our throats at a rapidly growing pace. Dr. Rima has discussed the UN involvement in promoting the sexualization of children, even very young ones. It goes beyond drag queen shows to trying to get them involved in sexual behavior. Truly the pedophile’s agenda.
Thanks for keeping us informed, Karen.
And what of the perspective of the child? Imagine that kites, dolls, and bikes are replaced with anal tears and memories of hot breath and foul fluids. These ghouls seek orgasm from wasting the lives of others. In former days, civil society would mock them and drive them from the villages.