"Utopia can only be approached across a sea of blood, and you never arrive."

- Peter Hitchens

I bought Meerlo's 'Rape of the Mind' during Covid hysteria. Could barely read a few pages at a time such was the utter sense of doom I experienced from his words 70 years prior so perfectly matching the complete lunacy we found ourselves in.

Regardless of the era, the vast majority of humans are so easily manipulable into servility, madness it's terrifying.

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It's the stuff of nightmares come true, for sure.

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Always a good podcast .

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Great great essay.

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Thank you, Karen. It is very heartening.

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But Western man (in particular) has always been essentially psychotic. That collective psychosis has now reached its (almost) inevitable terminal point/condition, which is to say Western man (in particular) is simultaneously destroying all of Earthkind, and the biosphere too upon which all life depends.

This collective psychosis was called the Wetiko Disease (or psychosis) by professor Jack Forbes in his book Columbus and Other Cannibals. Inspired by Jack Forbes, and also informed by his Buddhist and Jungian background Paul Levy has written two books describing the origins and all-the-way-down-the-line cultural manifestations of The Wetiko Disease, or psychosis.

Paul's work can be found at: http://www.awakeninthedream.com

That collective psychosis or "culture" of death is now being dramatized all over the planet.

Remember to that sinners always create hell on Earth. Put in another way, the business and therefore the wages of sinners is death

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You're a critical thought provoking genius Karen and you exemplify the unique and wonderful human spirit through your essays.And your voice is so eloquent and calming! Thank you for sharing your gifted talent with us! You give me hope for humanity!

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