“There's a Russian saying, 'If you use a knife or a bayonet and it's soft, go all the way. But if it's hard pull back.' Let's be hard.” ~ Finland’s President Alexander Stubb
An incredibly well put together piece of political turmoil with twists and turns that make Lombard St. in San Francisco look like a straight road. So incisive that it begs the question of why so many citizens of the world continue to be so historically ignorant, uninformed, and caught between the good and the evil that has always been an existential threat to the very life of the planet. Bravo, Karen. A marvelous collection of facts, data, and honesty.
I found your article interesting. There were some things in it that I would dispute. You assert that conservatives are "celebrating Blackrock". I would ABSOLUTELY disagree with that assessment. Sometimes, in politics, there are two unpalatable choices, one of which is more expedient than the other. That is the case in the situation with the Panama Canal. Jimmy Carter was a nice man who was politically idiotic. He was a HORRIBLE president and giving away an American asset like the Panama Canal that is CRITICAL to our national defense was terrible stewardship and yet another terrible political decision. It should NEVER have been allowed to happen. The problem is, now that it needs to be protected, it opens us to having to rely on the egregious alliance with Blackrock, since we can NOT allow China to control it.
If people are celebrating the takeover of the Panama Canal, they are celebrating Blackrock. There is a very big change in conservatives attitude and although it might be hard to face, most people have the same tendency as politicians, to go with the wind. I also point out that as with Zelensky's choices, if we face reality, this is what is happening and I end with a question about that. I don't have all the answers, except as I always say, as a follower of Jesus, I know that nothing can be right until we bow to him, not to any man.
I wrote an entire essay almost all about the Panama Canal called Once Upon a Fomite. It's just impossible to put everything in one essay.
That's a nice "high horse" response, (one reason people have a problem with some Christians) but it is incorrect. I know it's nice to feel "holier than thou" in being absolutely sure of your selected stance of the moment. But, the truth is, while I believe we should never go against our Biblical convictions, as I said, sometimes there are actual real-life issues that require choices between the "lesser of two evils". It doesn't mean you "celebrate" either choice.
I despise BlackRock and their part in the insane woke agenda pushed on us for the last several years. On the other hand, I ABSOLUTELY celebrate the fact that China will not be completely controlling the Panama Canal. So while I'd prefer BlackRock not to have a share (Note that they don't totally own the companies - unfortunately, they have interests in pretty much EVERY business of any consequence, including probably all the grocery chains and/or the "Big Food" companies/conglomerates yet, I doubt you abstain from buying groceries or eating.) in the companies now keeping that from happening, I can live with that (WITHOUT "celebrating" their part-ownership in those companies.)
I have a very close personal relationship with Jesus, so please don't presume to imply that I would have to follow your interpretation of things in order to be in line with His Will.
You are actually repeating my point, which is the dilemma we all face of how much we are willing to compromise our integrity, and there are always choices between the lesser of two evils and not everyone is going to agree about that.
The last thing I would ever do is insist that anyone "follow my interpretation." I said in my comment above, as well as in my essay, that I don't have all the answers and I end with a question, leaving it up for people to decide for themselves.
I wrote this essay to encourage people to think more deeply about this New World Order that hasn't changed, the irrelevancy of politicians and the ever-increasing control of our lives by corporations and the billionaire class. It wasn't about proving Ukraine has committed more crimes than Russia. If you are okay with companies like Blackrock owning everything, as the lesser of two evils, I get it. I used Zelensky as an example of how in the end the little guy (no matter to which degree he/she is corrupt or not) always has to bow to the bigger guy. If they don't, really bad things are going to happen to them. And the bigger the guy is, the more corrupt because in this world you do not gain that much power without giving up your integrity. Each step on the ladder means compromising, convincing yourself that it's okay, which was the example of Marco Rubio.
I have written over 400 essays and some of them include the topics you insisted I should have included here. Search the word Ukraine or Zelensky or war and you will find I have plenty of criticism of Zelensky and Ukraine.
We need those few and far between people who refuse to compromise, as I wrote about in my essay How the Arab World Sees the Hostage Release 'Ceremonies', where I said, "I dream of the day someone stands on that stage and spits in the faces of their oppressors." https://khmezek.substack.com/p/how-the-arab-world-sees-the-hostage. But they can't do that. Still, those very few who do, give everything, even their lives sometimes, to stand up for the truth. People like the brave women in Iran, that I wrote about in Sentenced to Death https://khmezek.substack.com/p/sentenced-to-death
Again, I don't have the answers to everything and each one of us must decide for ourselves how much we can compromise. It's an important topic to me, something I think about, having been through some moments where I had to make those tough choices. I think everyone to some extent can think of times like that in their lives.
Karen, your comments are worded in a way that sounds very much like you are attributing motives to me that do not exist. I resent you implying (saying) that "If you are okay with companies like Blackrock owning everything, as the lesser of two evils, I get it." You are just making that up! I never said ANYTHING like that. I SAID that I was okay with them owning those two companies RATHER THAN the Chinese Communist Party Owning them. So should I say, "Well, if you're okay with the communists owning everything, I get it"? You sound preachy and judgemental as if you never make anything less than a perfect decision, which we both know from your other writings, is not so.
And I never insisted you should include anything else in the article. Not sure where you're getting that from. All I said was it was odd that in a discussion about Zelensky you, of all people, would ignore what he's done to the church there, since you've often mentioned your background.
And it sounds very much as if you hold yourself above compromise. Again, we know that's not true. I'm not judging you for decisions you've made or choices, but you come across very much as doing that in response to my comments. There is NO ONE in this world who never compromises. Sorry if that bursts your bubble. It's just not so.
Yes but you said a lot more than that as well. I just don't appreciate having motives or intentions ascribed to me that are not true and that I didn't say. We can leave it there.
The man who promised six weeks ago that "all hell will break loose if ALL the hostages aren't released is now shilling on radio, flogging his "Trump watch" ("but hurry, they're going fast")
And btw his "brilliant" tactic in Canada has returned the moribund Liberal Party to prominence. Congratulations.
I voted for Trump, the man in a golden suit who will "take over" Gaza (no such thing will happen) and turn it into Club Med (no such thing will happen) Israel will be victorious without Club Med. It will be the IDF that will assure that, not Trump grandiose delusions.
Still, I AM profoundly grateful for his staunch support of the Jewish State and impressed with his massive arms shipment
But for God's sake - stop the carnival barker antics. It's unbecoming and it alienates and hurts friends and allies
As I was watching his speech, across the bottom of the screen were these advertisements for Trump products like the watch, absolutely bizarre. I tried to think if I have ever seen that before. So distasteful. It was sort of like a game show, I didn't say that in my essay, but it felt a bit like that. Still, good things are being done.
Did you see his message to Hamas yesterday after he met with the hostages. I hope when he makes such statements he follows through because he backtracked last time. If not, as you say, at a certain point, the bark will lose its bite.
People are in a pink haze of glorious excitement because "our" man is in the WH. That, too, shall pass. After 4 yrs of DJT, the swamp will be drained, only to be replaced with a new swamp. I'll make sure to buy Trump watches for my kids. Oh, and the "President Donald Trump" elementary School reader Huckabee has been hawking
I greatly respect your work and commend its accuracy. You are truly a citizen of the world and have a deep understanding of many cultures. I always learn when I study your work. I do disagree with several of your conclusions here so we can agree to disagree. And while I am not making the case for Trump’s “style”, or the man himself, “keep your friends close and your enemies closer” comes to mind. It’s much too soon to predict the outcomes.
So much to learn. What a gem you are Karen. Your work is outstanding! It is especially helpful for the likes of me with little knowledge of global power wielders.
I love your essays and value your thoughts and knowledge very much.
I think you are a bit over sympathetic toward Zelenskyy in this one. Have you seen what his administration has done to churches and priests? Have you watched the videos of the conscription abductions? Pretty horrendous. I don't believe that Z is any more honorable or well-intended than Putin...and probably less skilled in general.
I wasn't too sympathetic to Zelensky. I called him a gnat, a nobody. I'm well aware of what he did to trap his men into fighting and I've written about that elswhere. However, he isn't all evil, nobody is and I figured it was important to show a more balanced side to the story. I was a teenager during the Vietnam War and I can assure you the way our young men were forced to fight and the way the lives of those who crossed the border to Canada were ruined was unconsionable. Not to mention, when veterans came home, they were demonized. War is horrific and people do horrific things during. I cant inagine what it must be like to be in Zelensky's position. To say he might ha e changed is quite a reasonable thought. But this was more of an overarching view. If I'd added all of that in, it would have been way too long and I'm longwinded as it is, 😄.
The veterans of the Vietnam war were treated MUCH worse than those who ran to Canada and were later pardoned. There was NOTHING comparable to the way Zelensky physically grabs young men off the streets pressganging them to the front lines. You are conflating two VERY different things.
I'm an extremely skeptical person and I do my best to only write about what I know unless I make it clear I'm giving my opinion. I've seen the propaganda videos on social media from both sides of horrible things, like men being dragged away to war, and I've no doubt such things happen and I've addressed some of it elsewhere but I cannot verify which videos are real or not. As I said, horrible things happen during war.
However men are forced into the army, whether they are dragged off the street or drafted, it's terrible but not nothing compared to what they endure on the battlefield. Wars need men. That's the brutal fact. If they won't go voluntarily, they will be forced to fight, either dragged off the street or drafted or however. But again, this is far from the point of my essay.
I am also very skeptical. But I try to consider all angles of things. You can not just ignore certain aspects you don't like and then pretend to be unbiased. I would think that what is happening in terms of the lack of religious freedom there would be extremely important to you, considering your religious stance on so many things. You can choose to ignore it. And that's fine, but it calls some other issues and stances into question.
As for the churches and priests, I have not done enough research on it to comment extensively but I have no doubt he is unsympathetic to Russian Orthodox churches and has shut them down which is wrong. Russians have been persecuted in general, I've written about that. I have also written elsewhere about the Nazi element on Ukraine. There are many things that are wrong, of course.
Zelensky has had priests beaten and has stolen church buildings from them. They are the NATIONAL religion of Ukraine and he's still doing it. This is a link to Tucker Carlson interviewing the guy who has become the lawyer to defend that church internationally. Might want to give it a listen.
Karen found this very interesting takes on this I’ve seen some (Michael Yon) in Panama tells what’s happening there . It’s seems that is hard say weather we have Mob bosses investments running & braking governments hell bend on money it seems to me the Corporations are going to control more an get all the tax breaks as usual as they steal all that’s left an all we get is no social security tax an Waitresses there more to that an not saying but why can’t we not pay property tax & give the people back there public utilities have stolen we should have free energy in this country period , I found it very arrogant Trump related his self above George Washington the father of our country, that fought at Valley Forge and battles for freedom an a Constitution of the people for the people that’s the very reason we are in all these wars an messes because they don’t follow the Constitution or Prosecute there self the very elite that caused these problems our money was only to be Gold or Silver not died paper all the illegal alphabet groups they have created & crimes they have Committed is ungodly. There investment's only mean we are going be took to the cleaners nothing going back to the people funny Trump never told who he is Supposedly selling Panama Canal to Black rock .
Yep. I just wrote this: Who Owns the World: The United States enabled Blackrock, the biggest asset manager in the world, to take over the Panama Canal. It's not the US that owns it now, it's a group of wealthy and powerful individuals.
Thank you for the vast knowledge about Blackrock. I know next to nothing about it and need to catch up!
With regards to Ukraine. Well. Binden, EU, and Zelenskyy got Ukraine into a difficult spot, which is where it is right now. In some way, it is a proxy war that America was fighting against Russia by means of Ukraine. This was a winnable war in 2022, it is very difficult to win now. Can someone explain how Ukraine can match Russian production capacity of ammunition now, after not being able to do it for 3 years due to some extent to drip-drip-dripping of the American aid to Ukraine?
Now we have an administration in the US that is not pro-Ukraine. It is not anti-Ukraine, they do not care – they just want a "deal." Trump is certain the war would have never happened under his leadership and wants to make it stop as soon as possible. Any cessation of hostilities will be very difficult – Russia does not feel that it has been beaten and neither does Ukraine.
Now, obviously Zelenskyy is not the aggressor in this scenario but his country is no bastion for democracy either. Zelenskyy had postponed a scheduled election and forced conscription is widespread, with imprisonment and torture not uncommon. Opposition media, political power, and free speech are muted under Zelensky’s martial law. Political opponents are either imprisoned, exiled, or under legal charges.
Corruption is rampant and even those who became public faces of financial scandals got away with dismissal. A certain % of population fights on the frontlines while a sizeable percentage drink to Slava Ukraine while doing nothing to help the country.
Currently, Ukraine has lost a quarter of its population to exoduses, its economy is in shambles, it is running out of soldiers, and it is now solely dependent on Trump’s willingness to continue critical military and economic aid. Most importantly, military analysts agree that even with proper ammunition there are not enough soldiers that can fight or be trained to fight.
A peace deal might be the only solution. Offer Russia Ukrainian neutrality, lifting sanctions and status quo borders in exchange for Russia halting weapons sales to China and throwing Iran under the bus. Separating Russia from China would be very beneficial to American interests, which is why Trump doesn’t throw shit at Putin in front of the entire world…
I am going to write something further on Ukraine, but I just wrote this on BlackRock which you might find interesting.
Who Owns the World: The United States enabled Blackrock, the biggest asset manager in the world, to take over the Panama Canal. It's not the US that owns it now, it's a group of wealthy and powerful individuals.
You can’t use a knife as a bayonet , bayonets are made for the type of rifle they fit into , also have a blunt edge with a pointed tip and a dip all the way down the side to stop suction
Thanks. It's crazy because I go over it and over it and I still don't see mistakes sometimes. So I appreciate when people take the time to let me know. You're right, that wouldn't make any sense!
Save your speaking voice. I am glad you are resting it.
Thank you for writing all of this out and sharing so Clearly stated for us.
I appreciate your view and it does make sense. In some ways, Putin and China are bullies and it takes a bully to snap them back in line. I do not think Trump is not driven like a dictator, he just wants what US deserves. We have been sullied and robbed. None of us are "back in chains" or going to live in a prison. His greatest achievements so far is the Laken Riley act and closing the borders. the northern border is also a huge problem with the drugs. Our country is sick and tired of being bullied by the left, that is certain.
So many things going on these days it is devastating for our children.
Let's hope this is a wake up call. Many nations still do not get it.
I agree. It's also true that the United States has plundered other countries and there is no doubt the plan is to plunder Ukraine. But as I said, that's the way it is, and we would be fooling ourselves if we tried to spin it otherwise. The smaller, weaker countries must bow to the more powerful ones. It would be hypocritical to say we do not benefit from this as Americans. I'd rather be an American than anything else! It's a dilemma and I would just encourage people to not accept everything but to think deeper because we the people should have a say, and we should not be discouraged from speaking up if we have some sort of criticism. The best way forward is to be open and honest, or things go off track very quickly.
It's all a game. We don't matter because we disposable. The brave Ukrainian soldiers and the brutal Russian soldiers matter not in this game. Trump is just a bit player, but he has the might of the US behind him. There is nothing new in the game-- it just changes slightly as time goes on. It doesn't matter in the long run. Everybody, everything has its time, then it's gone. Just be good, be honest and truthful and you will be rewarded. All the others will go to hell or purgatory.
An incredibly well put together piece of political turmoil with twists and turns that make Lombard St. in San Francisco look like a straight road. So incisive that it begs the question of why so many citizens of the world continue to be so historically ignorant, uninformed, and caught between the good and the evil that has always been an existential threat to the very life of the planet. Bravo, Karen. A marvelous collection of facts, data, and honesty.
Thank you 🙏
I found your article interesting. There were some things in it that I would dispute. You assert that conservatives are "celebrating Blackrock". I would ABSOLUTELY disagree with that assessment. Sometimes, in politics, there are two unpalatable choices, one of which is more expedient than the other. That is the case in the situation with the Panama Canal. Jimmy Carter was a nice man who was politically idiotic. He was a HORRIBLE president and giving away an American asset like the Panama Canal that is CRITICAL to our national defense was terrible stewardship and yet another terrible political decision. It should NEVER have been allowed to happen. The problem is, now that it needs to be protected, it opens us to having to rely on the egregious alliance with Blackrock, since we can NOT allow China to control it.
If people are celebrating the takeover of the Panama Canal, they are celebrating Blackrock. There is a very big change in conservatives attitude and although it might be hard to face, most people have the same tendency as politicians, to go with the wind. I also point out that as with Zelensky's choices, if we face reality, this is what is happening and I end with a question about that. I don't have all the answers, except as I always say, as a follower of Jesus, I know that nothing can be right until we bow to him, not to any man.
I wrote an entire essay almost all about the Panama Canal called Once Upon a Fomite. It's just impossible to put everything in one essay.
That's a nice "high horse" response, (one reason people have a problem with some Christians) but it is incorrect. I know it's nice to feel "holier than thou" in being absolutely sure of your selected stance of the moment. But, the truth is, while I believe we should never go against our Biblical convictions, as I said, sometimes there are actual real-life issues that require choices between the "lesser of two evils". It doesn't mean you "celebrate" either choice.
I despise BlackRock and their part in the insane woke agenda pushed on us for the last several years. On the other hand, I ABSOLUTELY celebrate the fact that China will not be completely controlling the Panama Canal. So while I'd prefer BlackRock not to have a share (Note that they don't totally own the companies - unfortunately, they have interests in pretty much EVERY business of any consequence, including probably all the grocery chains and/or the "Big Food" companies/conglomerates yet, I doubt you abstain from buying groceries or eating.) in the companies now keeping that from happening, I can live with that (WITHOUT "celebrating" their part-ownership in those companies.)
I have a very close personal relationship with Jesus, so please don't presume to imply that I would have to follow your interpretation of things in order to be in line with His Will.
You are actually repeating my point, which is the dilemma we all face of how much we are willing to compromise our integrity, and there are always choices between the lesser of two evils and not everyone is going to agree about that.
The last thing I would ever do is insist that anyone "follow my interpretation." I said in my comment above, as well as in my essay, that I don't have all the answers and I end with a question, leaving it up for people to decide for themselves.
I wrote this essay to encourage people to think more deeply about this New World Order that hasn't changed, the irrelevancy of politicians and the ever-increasing control of our lives by corporations and the billionaire class. It wasn't about proving Ukraine has committed more crimes than Russia. If you are okay with companies like Blackrock owning everything, as the lesser of two evils, I get it. I used Zelensky as an example of how in the end the little guy (no matter to which degree he/she is corrupt or not) always has to bow to the bigger guy. If they don't, really bad things are going to happen to them. And the bigger the guy is, the more corrupt because in this world you do not gain that much power without giving up your integrity. Each step on the ladder means compromising, convincing yourself that it's okay, which was the example of Marco Rubio.
I have written over 400 essays and some of them include the topics you insisted I should have included here. Search the word Ukraine or Zelensky or war and you will find I have plenty of criticism of Zelensky and Ukraine.
We need those few and far between people who refuse to compromise, as I wrote about in my essay How the Arab World Sees the Hostage Release 'Ceremonies', where I said, "I dream of the day someone stands on that stage and spits in the faces of their oppressors." https://khmezek.substack.com/p/how-the-arab-world-sees-the-hostage. But they can't do that. Still, those very few who do, give everything, even their lives sometimes, to stand up for the truth. People like the brave women in Iran, that I wrote about in Sentenced to Death https://khmezek.substack.com/p/sentenced-to-death
Again, I don't have the answers to everything and each one of us must decide for ourselves how much we can compromise. It's an important topic to me, something I think about, having been through some moments where I had to make those tough choices. I think everyone to some extent can think of times like that in their lives.
Karen, your comments are worded in a way that sounds very much like you are attributing motives to me that do not exist. I resent you implying (saying) that "If you are okay with companies like Blackrock owning everything, as the lesser of two evils, I get it." You are just making that up! I never said ANYTHING like that. I SAID that I was okay with them owning those two companies RATHER THAN the Chinese Communist Party Owning them. So should I say, "Well, if you're okay with the communists owning everything, I get it"? You sound preachy and judgemental as if you never make anything less than a perfect decision, which we both know from your other writings, is not so.
And I never insisted you should include anything else in the article. Not sure where you're getting that from. All I said was it was odd that in a discussion about Zelensky you, of all people, would ignore what he's done to the church there, since you've often mentioned your background.
And it sounds very much as if you hold yourself above compromise. Again, we know that's not true. I'm not judging you for decisions you've made or choices, but you come across very much as doing that in response to my comments. There is NO ONE in this world who never compromises. Sorry if that bursts your bubble. It's just not so.
"sometimes there are actual real-life issues that require choices between the "lesser of two evils"
This is what you said, and I agreed with you. No bubbles have burst.
Yes but you said a lot more than that as well. I just don't appreciate having motives or intentions ascribed to me that are not true and that I didn't say. We can leave it there.
The man who promised six weeks ago that "all hell will break loose if ALL the hostages aren't released is now shilling on radio, flogging his "Trump watch" ("but hurry, they're going fast")
And btw his "brilliant" tactic in Canada has returned the moribund Liberal Party to prominence. Congratulations.
I voted for Trump, the man in a golden suit who will "take over" Gaza (no such thing will happen) and turn it into Club Med (no such thing will happen) Israel will be victorious without Club Med. It will be the IDF that will assure that, not Trump grandiose delusions.
Still, I AM profoundly grateful for his staunch support of the Jewish State and impressed with his massive arms shipment
But for God's sake - stop the carnival barker antics. It's unbecoming and it alienates and hurts friends and allies
As I was watching his speech, across the bottom of the screen were these advertisements for Trump products like the watch, absolutely bizarre. I tried to think if I have ever seen that before. So distasteful. It was sort of like a game show, I didn't say that in my essay, but it felt a bit like that. Still, good things are being done.
Did you see his message to Hamas yesterday after he met with the hostages. I hope when he makes such statements he follows through because he backtracked last time. If not, as you say, at a certain point, the bark will lose its bite.
People are in a pink haze of glorious excitement because "our" man is in the WH. That, too, shall pass. After 4 yrs of DJT, the swamp will be drained, only to be replaced with a new swamp. I'll make sure to buy Trump watches for my kids. Oh, and the "President Donald Trump" elementary School reader Huckabee has been hawking
I greatly respect your work and commend its accuracy. You are truly a citizen of the world and have a deep understanding of many cultures. I always learn when I study your work. I do disagree with several of your conclusions here so we can agree to disagree. And while I am not making the case for Trump’s “style”, or the man himself, “keep your friends close and your enemies closer” comes to mind. It’s much too soon to predict the outcomes.
Absolutely too soon to predict anything. That's why I end with a question. I certainly don't have all the answers.
So much to learn. What a gem you are Karen. Your work is outstanding! It is especially helpful for the likes of me with little knowledge of global power wielders.
Many thanks for this fine article. 🙏
Thank you. 🙏
I love your essays and value your thoughts and knowledge very much.
I think you are a bit over sympathetic toward Zelenskyy in this one. Have you seen what his administration has done to churches and priests? Have you watched the videos of the conscription abductions? Pretty horrendous. I don't believe that Z is any more honorable or well-intended than Putin...and probably less skilled in general.
I wasn't too sympathetic to Zelensky. I called him a gnat, a nobody. I'm well aware of what he did to trap his men into fighting and I've written about that elswhere. However, he isn't all evil, nobody is and I figured it was important to show a more balanced side to the story. I was a teenager during the Vietnam War and I can assure you the way our young men were forced to fight and the way the lives of those who crossed the border to Canada were ruined was unconsionable. Not to mention, when veterans came home, they were demonized. War is horrific and people do horrific things during. I cant inagine what it must be like to be in Zelensky's position. To say he might ha e changed is quite a reasonable thought. But this was more of an overarching view. If I'd added all of that in, it would have been way too long and I'm longwinded as it is, 😄.
The veterans of the Vietnam war were treated MUCH worse than those who ran to Canada and were later pardoned. There was NOTHING comparable to the way Zelensky physically grabs young men off the streets pressganging them to the front lines. You are conflating two VERY different things.
I'm an extremely skeptical person and I do my best to only write about what I know unless I make it clear I'm giving my opinion. I've seen the propaganda videos on social media from both sides of horrible things, like men being dragged away to war, and I've no doubt such things happen and I've addressed some of it elsewhere but I cannot verify which videos are real or not. As I said, horrible things happen during war.
However men are forced into the army, whether they are dragged off the street or drafted, it's terrible but not nothing compared to what they endure on the battlefield. Wars need men. That's the brutal fact. If they won't go voluntarily, they will be forced to fight, either dragged off the street or drafted or however. But again, this is far from the point of my essay.
I am also very skeptical. But I try to consider all angles of things. You can not just ignore certain aspects you don't like and then pretend to be unbiased. I would think that what is happening in terms of the lack of religious freedom there would be extremely important to you, considering your religious stance on so many things. You can choose to ignore it. And that's fine, but it calls some other issues and stances into question.
As for the churches and priests, I have not done enough research on it to comment extensively but I have no doubt he is unsympathetic to Russian Orthodox churches and has shut them down which is wrong. Russians have been persecuted in general, I've written about that. I have also written elsewhere about the Nazi element on Ukraine. There are many things that are wrong, of course.
Zelensky has had priests beaten and has stolen church buildings from them. They are the NATIONAL religion of Ukraine and he's still doing it. This is a link to Tucker Carlson interviewing the guy who has become the lawyer to defend that church internationally. Might want to give it a listen.
Thank you for bringing up that VERY important point. There are NO heroes in the leadership of EITHER of those countries.
Absolutely brilliant, the best analysis I've seen.
I have no words as you are almost certainly right.
God help us all.
Thank you. And yes, only God can help us. 🙏
Karen found this very interesting takes on this I’ve seen some (Michael Yon) in Panama tells what’s happening there . It’s seems that is hard say weather we have Mob bosses investments running & braking governments hell bend on money it seems to me the Corporations are going to control more an get all the tax breaks as usual as they steal all that’s left an all we get is no social security tax an Waitresses there more to that an not saying but why can’t we not pay property tax & give the people back there public utilities have stolen we should have free energy in this country period , I found it very arrogant Trump related his self above George Washington the father of our country, that fought at Valley Forge and battles for freedom an a Constitution of the people for the people that’s the very reason we are in all these wars an messes because they don’t follow the Constitution or Prosecute there self the very elite that caused these problems our money was only to be Gold or Silver not died paper all the illegal alphabet groups they have created & crimes they have Committed is ungodly. There investment's only mean we are going be took to the cleaners nothing going back to the people funny Trump never told who he is Supposedly selling Panama Canal to Black rock .
Yep. I just wrote this: Who Owns the World: The United States enabled Blackrock, the biggest asset manager in the world, to take over the Panama Canal. It's not the US that owns it now, it's a group of wealthy and powerful individuals.
Thank you for the vast knowledge about Blackrock. I know next to nothing about it and need to catch up!
With regards to Ukraine. Well. Binden, EU, and Zelenskyy got Ukraine into a difficult spot, which is where it is right now. In some way, it is a proxy war that America was fighting against Russia by means of Ukraine. This was a winnable war in 2022, it is very difficult to win now. Can someone explain how Ukraine can match Russian production capacity of ammunition now, after not being able to do it for 3 years due to some extent to drip-drip-dripping of the American aid to Ukraine?
Now we have an administration in the US that is not pro-Ukraine. It is not anti-Ukraine, they do not care – they just want a "deal." Trump is certain the war would have never happened under his leadership and wants to make it stop as soon as possible. Any cessation of hostilities will be very difficult – Russia does not feel that it has been beaten and neither does Ukraine.
Now, obviously Zelenskyy is not the aggressor in this scenario but his country is no bastion for democracy either. Zelenskyy had postponed a scheduled election and forced conscription is widespread, with imprisonment and torture not uncommon. Opposition media, political power, and free speech are muted under Zelensky’s martial law. Political opponents are either imprisoned, exiled, or under legal charges.
Corruption is rampant and even those who became public faces of financial scandals got away with dismissal. A certain % of population fights on the frontlines while a sizeable percentage drink to Slava Ukraine while doing nothing to help the country.
Currently, Ukraine has lost a quarter of its population to exoduses, its economy is in shambles, it is running out of soldiers, and it is now solely dependent on Trump’s willingness to continue critical military and economic aid. Most importantly, military analysts agree that even with proper ammunition there are not enough soldiers that can fight or be trained to fight.
A peace deal might be the only solution. Offer Russia Ukrainian neutrality, lifting sanctions and status quo borders in exchange for Russia halting weapons sales to China and throwing Iran under the bus. Separating Russia from China would be very beneficial to American interests, which is why Trump doesn’t throw shit at Putin in front of the entire world…
I am going to write something further on Ukraine, but I just wrote this on BlackRock which you might find interesting.
Who Owns the World: The United States enabled Blackrock, the biggest asset manager in the world, to take over the Panama Canal. It's not the US that owns it now, it's a group of wealthy and powerful individuals.
You can’t use a knife as a bayonet , bayonets are made for the type of rifle they fit into , also have a blunt edge with a pointed tip and a dip all the way down the side to stop suction
Your article was fine
Thanks. It's crazy because I go over it and over it and I still don't see mistakes sometimes. So I appreciate when people take the time to let me know. You're right, that wouldn't make any sense!
Thank you for the correction, it's a mistake. It should say "If you use a knife OR a bayonet..." I value my reading editors!
Save your speaking voice. I am glad you are resting it.
Thank you for writing all of this out and sharing so Clearly stated for us.
I appreciate your view and it does make sense. In some ways, Putin and China are bullies and it takes a bully to snap them back in line. I do not think Trump is not driven like a dictator, he just wants what US deserves. We have been sullied and robbed. None of us are "back in chains" or going to live in a prison. His greatest achievements so far is the Laken Riley act and closing the borders. the northern border is also a huge problem with the drugs. Our country is sick and tired of being bullied by the left, that is certain.
So many things going on these days it is devastating for our children.
Let's hope this is a wake up call. Many nations still do not get it.
I agree. It's also true that the United States has plundered other countries and there is no doubt the plan is to plunder Ukraine. But as I said, that's the way it is, and we would be fooling ourselves if we tried to spin it otherwise. The smaller, weaker countries must bow to the more powerful ones. It would be hypocritical to say we do not benefit from this as Americans. I'd rather be an American than anything else! It's a dilemma and I would just encourage people to not accept everything but to think deeper because we the people should have a say, and we should not be discouraged from speaking up if we have some sort of criticism. The best way forward is to be open and honest, or things go off track very quickly.
It's all a game. We don't matter because we disposable. The brave Ukrainian soldiers and the brutal Russian soldiers matter not in this game. Trump is just a bit player, but he has the might of the US behind him. There is nothing new in the game-- it just changes slightly as time goes on. It doesn't matter in the long run. Everybody, everything has its time, then it's gone. Just be good, be honest and truthful and you will be rewarded. All the others will go to hell or purgatory.
Shite saying !
Are you saying my essay is shite or...