Cryptocurrency doesn’t require that it has to be physically enforced. All they have to do is take your bank account digitize it and it becomes a central bank digital monetary system. Imagine going to the store, not realizing that they have converted your money into a digital form of ID based on all the information they have gathered on you since your birth. Say goodbye to your freedom of choice. The government will be able to erase your account and they won’t have to seize your assets because you won’t have any. You won’t be allowed to own gold or silver or anything else of value that’s outside the digital currency. You will be forced to make transactions only by using the central bank digital Currency. Who do you complain to, the government? They’re the ones that’s taking your freedom from being able to have assets outside of the digital currency therefore they are in complete control of everything you do and purchase. It’s a brave New World. And it doesn’t matter if it’s Democrats or Republicans or Mickey Mouse or Donald Duck, because the results are the same and they will come and knock on your door and require that you declare everything of value in your house and your savings account and anywhere else that you may have hidden. Not because you’re a criminal but because you’re a free man or a free woman. They cannot tolerate freedom in any shape,matter or form. You will be subjected to control, complete and total control. Everything you hope it is,it is, everything you hope it isn’t, It is.

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Yes, I’ve written a lot about this but unfortunately, most people aren’t very interested in the topic.

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Thanks for contributing to the discussion Darrell. Unfortunately, critical think skills are almost extinct. Your research is spot on. Keep seeking truth brother it'll ALWAYS lead to God. May He protect, prosper, and provide for you always while seeking to expose the lies of the enemy!

Are you familiar with JB Hixson? He has written three books that contain a multitude of bibliographic references on the topics you've mentioned and much more. He refers to the decades long evil that's been going on as the " Luciferian Conspiracy ". His website is NBWministries.org if you are interested. Maranatha <><

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Thank you Bruce! I am not familiar with JB Hixson. I will research him. I appreciate the encouragement and the kind words given to me by you. Thank you my Brother. 🙏🇺🇸

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Thank you my sister Karen great writing as usual I love as a believer in Christ watching prophecy coming to pass in real time... see you here, there or in the air Karen ...Maranatha!!

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Always love your inspiring comments! We need it here on earth! God bless!

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Thank you Karen for bringing this topic up again. you have added several of the missing pieces to the globalist agenda puzzle. I look forward to seeing what you uncover next. By chance have you discovered any correlation with state governments enticing crypto mining operations into their state? In many cases it appears that these operations are funded by Chinese investment interests. Local communities are being forced to accept these environmentally unfriendly nuisances against their will. And this is happening in red states, flying under the radar of " The People". Quietly passed legislative bills, signed into law and local communities wondering, "How Did This Happen?" Why Did This Happen? " What Can We Do ?"

I for one would like to know how this all fits into the puzzle.

Great work sister! You add clarity in a world that " lies under the sway of the wicked one " (1 John 5:19).

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So I guess I stirred up the hornets nest. Let’s start with some history. You are correct there is a difference in the digital currencies. There is currency in the digital form that provides peer to peer transactions without oversight. And that is a great idea and it is the perfect world. Our government should not be in our pockets in any shape,manner or form. The history of the world suggests that after World War II there were institutions before and after World War II that were in control of the world’s economies. An example of just a couple maybe three. There is a long list but the first one to come to mind would be the Club of Rome, The Rothschilds, Rockefellers, the world order of the Masonic temple, the Bilderburg group, The committee of 300, the illuminati which is of the masonic order and there is so many more. All of our wars that we’ve been involved in and throughout history was funded by one or more of these groups. All the banking institutions were funding both sides that includes Russia, Germany, United States, Japan etc. They also funded the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia.They make money funding these wars. These groups are in control. Our politicians are nothing but puppets and take orders from these people and above these people are other secret societies that govern over everything that you can see and those things you can’t see. My point is this. These groups have only grown more powerful with more control over anything that has to do with the world‘s wealth. And to think that the peer to peer bitcoin,crypto, whatever you want to call it is going to be independent and free of government oversight is a pipe dream. Throughout history, all dictators were enabled and financed by these groups to rule the world. Even the corrupt evil empires that thought they were going to be the ones that would have a one world government were wrong.They were so very wrong. Where are they now?The hierarchy of power uses people regardless of their status or wealth or position within countries or corporations and this includes private citizens. The agenda is to end nation states. Just as they ended city states. An example is the Athenian’s and Spartans. These were city states. Where are they? Now, as our country and other countries are being overrun by barbaric uncivilized people who have nothing in common with us, the endgame is to replace the populations with these people. The only thing that has stopped their power grab has been the second amendment. We are the only nation on earth that I can recall that has the right to arm ourselves and to protect ourselves. All of the other countries are governed under tyrannical rule. They can call it democracy all you want to, but we are a republic under democratic rule, but we have representatives. This prevents mob rule. Which is the truest form of democracy. This has been the endgame all along under a one world government, a one world religion, and a one world currency that has no borders or bounds and is controlled by the powers that determine the future of individual countries through economic means,agricultural means,weather wars, etc. Go to gov patent.Com/Weather manipulation. You will see all the patents that’s been put into place since the 1800s. Manipulation of humans has come to the point to where the elites and the people in charge dictate who lives and who dies. Just as the kings and queens of old times had their serfs, their peasants, and they did what they want through famine,execution and persecution. So don’t be surprised when your cherished digital currency suddenly is controlled by a government that you cannot fight or identify. There’s a lot of people out there that are smarter than me such as yourself. But I would challenge you to go look up what I’ve said in this text and do your homework on history about the endgame that’s coming. Agenda 2021/2030. In 1992 Pelosi stood in Congress and promoted a bill of Agenda 2021. Look it up!This is raw truth. I’ve only touched the surface of information regarding this.So go ahead and invest your money into digital currency and whatever shape or form it is.But once they flip the switch, the lights are off and so is your precious currency. May God bless us and regardless of how we think or feel about one another if we do not keep our freedom of choice and freedom to choose our futures they will decide for us. Have a good day.

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Pretty good summary. Thanks. I've been hesitant to name the names you've named as being the ones in "control" because I don't think we know, and anyone who did actually find out wouldn't last long enough to tell the tale. I think it's beyond what we know, but I have written a bit about those groups.

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Look up a book: The 13 Bloodlines.

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Yes, I know, I have looked into it, I've written some things about it and the history. I just think we really don't know, and we are given certain information, but it goes much deeper. I believe in spiritual warfare so that's a whole other level.

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No offense, but this makes zero sense.

"Bitcoin" is not crypto and vice versa. The price of BTC is an absurd irrelevancy.

There is no danger to freedom in any of this. The functionality of a bitcoin as outlined in my friend Satoshi's white paper has nothing to do with central control, quite the opposite.

There have been two versions of Bitcoin rolled out so far - BTC and BSV. Both have fallen short of the true promise of a complete and fully functioning unitary blockchain.

The third and final version has gone through a decade of development and will be released publicly in 1Q25. All other blockchain-based attempts at "money" will disappear in the coming years, leaving the 3rd version of bitcoin ascendant as a non-controllable, resource layer beyond the reach of any stupid regulatory agency or any government.

You're all welcome.


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THE END OF MONEY. 98% of the world’s central banks are deploying or about to deploy CBDCs. https://khmezek.substack.com/p/the-end-of-money-98-of-the-worlds

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Excellent!! So much information that would tell you what their intent truly is. Keep on researching that’s what it takes. Hope you have a good night.

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Your friend Satoshi? We disagree on this. But I am relaxed, don't worry.

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Yes. My friend Satoshi.


But his first attempts at BTC and BSV are about to be superseded, a development which will be better for the world that the first two versions which went off the rails.

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Craig Wright, okay... I'm not going there...

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Where you go is irrelevant to objective reality.

See? Rational people can disagree about things! That is fine and how civil society works!

Happy Election Day!

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yessiree--I'm SO sorry that Trump is on this surfboard with (f)Elon (expected fer him tho')... but I ain't hangin' 10 fer this "OP" on all've us...

1. ain't gonna deal with anything I cain't understand--I only have the most tangential vague notion of this stuff (that was enuf fer me) an' ain't havin' it at all; no small irony that folks that denounce the "crypto cults"--i.e. the illuminati, satanists, an' the cabal are most improbaby linin' up fer their bit(s) of CRYPTO coins... faugh! it's malarkey (imho) an' a kinda cult in/of itself...

funny story: my hubby knew a guy who had a neighbor in his old loft building who was literally a crypto krazy man. Came from Korea to NYC in the 90's (not sure if that matters unless it's a cultural thing thar...?) but he would not LEAVE his apt. unless he locked it up like Ft. Knox (maaaaany locks, alarms, etc) nor allow anyone in--not even the landlord or the exterminator (ha ha I wouldn't let one in either...) or the super--or even the next door neighbor if there was an issue (even like "do you smell gas is there a leak?" or "should we paint the hallway...?")--he'd peer out the door like he was keepin' a harem in there! But he wasn't.... neighbor learned the guy had all his crypto hidden there... He had made a fortune (investin' early--like right at the start of bitcoin) an' it totally changed what he'd do! No girlfriends, not even pets as a dogwalker get keys an' he had to be at his office without a dog... He told the neighbor this... he was so proud of himself... Crypto life I guess? Hope he's happy. with his virtual fortune... (I have met sane folks that collect/"do" bitcoin ;-)

2. if they git ta not lettin' us use cash (really? I larned "Cash is King" not Crypto--doi, we all used'ta know that...) we'll barter--America started out with all kinds'a currency--some so local it only worked within a few miles--but it worked!

3. the idear that yer money would "disappear" in a poof with one giant EMP an' maaaay go poof with just a grid/down scenario is enuf ta keep me un-crypto-fied... house of cards!

An' finally---I try ta be a nice laydee & a good neighbor & Ma but I kin kin be an ornery cuss when folks try an' "make me"! Whatever it may be. Never did FB, no schmart phone, no schmart appliances, no LED lights ('cept this dang puter with filters onnit) so I ain't gonna fall fer the da DOGE... which is (anyway) THE CABAL fer heck's sake! (jokes on us again...)--could it be more direct a "give?"


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Musk was pretty clear on Rogan this week that they are not working on nor have any interest in an x phone.

I don’t think Bitcoin, doge, or the rest will make any difference to BIS’ plan to collapse the economy and introduce a CBDC. Not sure why you’re conflating the two.

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Time will tell. If he doesn't make his own phone, he will team up with a phone, or in a broader sense, just go with whatever will make him the most money and give him the most control. He wants to move beyond a phone anyway, to something implanted, the phone is a transition to that.

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Correct. It Is transitioning to interface with your computer without the phone.

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What creeps me out is how people have happily allowed Alexa into their homes. I see small children interacting with it. The computer of the future wont be a thing on a desk. The eye of Sauron will be everywhere. And everyone will have an AI “assistant” monitoring them. Inside and outside of your head. Not a world for me. That's getting a bit off topic but not really. It all relates.

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it's like allowin' yer jailer & warden all rolled inta one with a dash'a J.E. Hoover on the side... folks is nuts... an' ya know what? They pushed this on the oldsters as it's hands off--talk about insidious :-(

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Look up a technology that’s been around for a while since the 70s and it has only gotten better over time. It’s called voice to skull technology. This can be isolated to one person or multiple people. So when you hear of people saying that a voice inside my head told me to do something with you’re listening to and witnessing is the voice to skull technology. Look it up You’ll be shocked at what they’re doing with mind control, and being able to influence the way you think and see the world around you.

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or with yer body! no phone 'er "peecee" or device needed; they want US to be their tech--to power their tech! (I "donut" comply!)

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You are a lot of fun…. Chief Crackpot!!!🤣🇺🇸

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So the fuck what bitch, do you want me to come after you too?

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After me, too? Care to explain yourself?

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I’m scared if trump makes crypto more legit with less risk…. More people will use/invest in it….but what would happen to banks/Wall Street then? Bust?

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THE END OF MONEY. 98% of the world’s central banks are deploying or about to deploy CBDCs. https://khmezek.substack.com/p/the-end-of-money-98-of-the-worlds

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