The power of love over hatred was abundantly clear

at the Freedom Convoy protest in Ottawa. Peaceful protests, hugs, sharing food, joyfully playing with their children - all so contrary to attacks, verbal and physical, upon this group - highlighted the joy of love and true respect for the divine in humans.

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Yes! That is such a great example. Trish Wood is making a film about it and the trial of Tamara Lich. I mention it in my last essay about Who are the Dead Men Walking. https://open.substack.com/pub/khmezek/p/who-are-the-dead-men-walking

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What you're advocating is so important, Karen. We are always seduced by what I call The Allure of Easy, including falling into habitual patterns of blame, shame, and retribution. A good way to break out of that is to start small, in one's own life, by viewing others who don't see -- or can't see -- what's going on in the world with deep compassion. We've all been blind at times.

Thanks for this beautiful essay; you're such a bright light.

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Yes, it starts one on one. In small ways that build momentum. It's not a popular path nor an easy one.

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Thankfully your soul are well tunned, and you have the gift to put your thought and perceptions in words, in well order to comprehend, teaching.

You are right, this is the way.

We must fight the agression and abuse these psychos are perpetrating on the population (who are in their majority blindly unaware of the abusive situation, taken for the fear, and yes, the lazziness too: be aware is work, fight is work), but aware not to be fixed in the fight as sign of our identity: this would put us in a situation of weakness, and clearly, to repeat again the circle of pain.

Justice, never revenge.

PS: and to refuse the battle field they choose for us, would be a clever move: we must find new alternatives .... and hit hard.

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Well said. I wish people could see this.

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Reminds me of a quote.

"Forgive your enemies, after they are hanged"

Just saying.....

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Yes, there is some satisfaction in that. And the worst offenders, those in positions of power, should be brought to justice. What I worry about is people turning on their neighbors and wanting revenge, not justice.

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I'm more afraid of my neighbors turning me in to the Gestapo to get a tiny piece of carrot. We've already seen what they will do to get a donut.

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The question is what donuts do to people. Do they make people go nuts for donuts? :)

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I'm with Nancy, i once asked a teacher in primary school "how could they do tha miss". The lesson was WW2 and now I know.

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It takes courage and patience to wait for justice.

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Covid is their tyranny Bible for control.

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We are in effin' trouble.... they are doubling down, folks......

WHO director Tedros says COVID is ‘here to stay,’ urges people to get booster shots

‘COVID is here to stay and that we will continue to need tools to fight it,’ said WHO chief Dr. Tedros Ghebreyesus at a press conference promoting mask use and booster shots.


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They just don't stop.

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Deadlos at it again, eh? How boring.

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I will take boring anyday over mandates and coercion.....

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This will be nothing like last time. WE WILL NOT COMPLY!! I also advise people to tell people how dumb they are for wearing the NWO muzzle. Never again USA, never!!!!

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I don't think telling people they are dumb is the answer. I would have compassion for people who are so filled with fear. I have no compassion, however, for those who are causing that fear.

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“When I see a child with a mask on her face, makes me unsure about the whole human race.” A video I made for my Sane musician pal: https://youtu.be/s0bpCyr-8cY

Reporting from California where I can sadly confirm that masks are trending again. 😕

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That's so cool you made that song! Even here in Arizona, more and more people are putting their masks back on, as if it's kind of a relief to be back in the "safe" zone in such a scary world.

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GREAT music viddeyo! bravo!

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Somebody here last Saturday said that "he kinda missed the Covid days." This is exactly the kind of brainwashing the predator class wanted to instill in people's minds.

BTW, I made the video, my friend wrote and performed the song. :)

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Not unsurprising but I am thoroughly disgusted because people will obey!

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The vast majority of people are followers. As Jesus said, feed my sheep, he talked about it often. But not in a way where he despised them for being sheep, but in a way that he loved them. I get disgusted too, and then I remember "to whom much is given much is required". Those leaders who did not lead by serving (can we name any leader who didn't) but who just craved more and more power for themselves will be brought to justice, perhaps not in this lifetime and perhaps not to our satisfaction. But if humanity doesn't break this cycle of vengeance (vengeance is mine says the Lord) then humanity is lost.

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You're right, Karen. The problem are those who refuse to hear anything but what the leaders spout. I'm thankful for those who saw the agenda and came out of it after realising that they were being deceived. I only wish there had been mor3 of them.

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Too many times I've experienced how easily people give in to the weakest parts of themselves. It can be very discouraging.

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It's going to take more than humanity on it's own to break this despicable cycle. We have to unite over our commonalities- We must see thru the eyes of love and consciously choose the path to freedom-and be willing to be uncomfortable and brave in these bizarre and irrational times. It's a lot to ask of people that have been trained to prefer to take the easy and comfortable way. My prayers are constant .... Thank you Karen for being BRAVE

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so sad ta see the masks come back--I'm yet hopin' some folks won't be fooled twice an' the rest've us won't be chased by drones when we refuse ta comply! I'm bettin' that the drones Mayo AdamsRottenApple let loose in NYSeize on Labor Day not only were fer "crowd control" but were ta TRACK an' photograph how many people wore the masks, how many refused ta comply (so glad we left!). All that said, I jus' read one more creepy factoid--the toxic masks have one more feature per La Quinta Columna--they act as antennae! Yup, they not only poison folks 10 ways 'til Sunday BUT also they pull in the 5G (right ta yer head). I'm just gobsmacked at the boldness of these rotters! (an' rotten they are!)

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We must acknowledge people are all connected brethren. Everything in the universe is connected as a creation of God. We must forgive everyone but we don’t have to like them or their actions. Jesus lays it out correctly in the first line of the Lords Prayer. Our Father. He didn’t say my Father but our Father. This clearly stipulates we are all Gods children.

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Sep 6, 2023
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If you are attacked you defend yourself. Of course, I will fight for my children. What I'm talking about is revenge. What happens if the left falls and the right wins? Will they behave in the same manner? Will the oppressed become the oppressor. This is the cycle that repeats over and over and that we must break. Not that I have much hope of that happening.

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Sep 6, 2023
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That's precisely what I'm afraid of. Yikes.

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