The vast majority of people are followers. As Jesus said, feed my sheep, he talked about it often. But not in a way where he despised them for being sheep, but in a way that he loved them. I get disgusted too, and then I remember "to whom much is given much is required". Those leaders who did not lead by serving (can we name any leader w…
The vast majority of people are followers. As Jesus said, feed my sheep, he talked about it often. But not in a way where he despised them for being sheep, but in a way that he loved them. I get disgusted too, and then I remember "to whom much is given much is required". Those leaders who did not lead by serving (can we name any leader who didn't) but who just craved more and more power for themselves will be brought to justice, perhaps not in this lifetime and perhaps not to our satisfaction. But if humanity doesn't break this cycle of vengeance (vengeance is mine says the Lord) then humanity is lost.
You're right, Karen. The problem are those who refuse to hear anything but what the leaders spout. I'm thankful for those who saw the agenda and came out of it after realising that they were being deceived. I only wish there had been mor3 of them.
The vast majority of people are followers. As Jesus said, feed my sheep, he talked about it often. But not in a way where he despised them for being sheep, but in a way that he loved them. I get disgusted too, and then I remember "to whom much is given much is required". Those leaders who did not lead by serving (can we name any leader who didn't) but who just craved more and more power for themselves will be brought to justice, perhaps not in this lifetime and perhaps not to our satisfaction. But if humanity doesn't break this cycle of vengeance (vengeance is mine says the Lord) then humanity is lost.
You're right, Karen. The problem are those who refuse to hear anything but what the leaders spout. I'm thankful for those who saw the agenda and came out of it after realising that they were being deceived. I only wish there had been mor3 of them.
Too many times I've experienced how easily people give in to the weakest parts of themselves. It can be very discouraging.