So looking forward to this, Karen. Thank you. I keep going back to this verse “It is a terrible thing to fall into the hands of the living God.” Heb 10:31.

As I keep my finger on the pulse of “Christianity” it is obvious most are not spending time with Jesus and studying his Word. I am concerned about their faith.

The prophets of old warned us. Jesus warned us. But will we listen? Darker days are ahead. God have mercy on you if you believe these “influencers” over the Word of God. Today is the day of salvation. Don’t waste it! There isn’t much time left.

Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!

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Praying. Terrible war is upon Israel and the world has abandoned them. But God does not.

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His promise still stands.

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until islam is revealed for what it is; a war on women, people will be cowed by the dominant paradigm and the inbred inclination toward antisemitism.

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Just a small but very important correction: the Israeli Jews who are not secular, are not “New Age”—they are practicing religious Jews. About 25% are some type of Orthodox, either Haredi or modern Orthodox. 30%-35% are “traditional”. They follow Jewish law, the Jewish calendar, keep Shabbat, and usually kosher. The yoke of Torah law is heavy, but it has preserved the Jewish people over thousands of years.

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Thank you for pointing that out. I removed that sentence about New Agers lol, because it is misleading. I know my dad certainly knew about Orthodox Jews and should have acknowledged other groups, which he has elsewhere. This was a talk given in 2006 and New Agers must have been on his mind 😆

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I believe that post Oct. 7, many non-practicing Jews have also begun to connect more with their Judaism. That said, even most of the non-religious feel very connected to Am Yisrael. There is no getting out of the covenant

I spent a semester on a Messianic Moshav as a college student. I wish more Christians read their Bibles, were aware of its Jewish roots, and were better informed on the history of Christian antisemitism. Tucker and Owens truly break my heart (and make me mad!).

For the layperson, the podcasts “Ask A Jew” and especially “edJewcation” wonderfully informative. Jewish culture is rich and leads to a deeper appreciation for HaShem.

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no no, I git it! So it's funny but I was jokin' recently about the whole 70's/80's "new age" thing. Some folks from the outside recently said oh the joos are inta all that occult an' esoteric an' luciferian an' mystical stuff an' I had ta correct the hogwarsh / record thusly...

1) most joos are not even remotely inta mysticism at all but when it was trendy some "just for fun" got their palm's read every so often or their fortunes told with Tarot (I knew both jooish & non-jooish moms that did this--say as part of goin' out ta lunch) an' TO THEM it wasn't luciferian--it was a social thing b/c it was put in the public "consciousness" as bein' something trendy. No more or less. NOW if we git down to WHO promoted that stuff--well, that's an'nuther story but most did this in innocence! This at a time when yer astrological predictions were in the nooze paper so askin' "what's your sign" didn't seem sacrilegious at all. Some also did Yoga (who knew about the Yoga-Tavistock connection? I sure didn't) SO IF "ordinary" joos did this stuff it was not b/c they were inta the occult or dark arts--they wanted to join in the fun of popular culture.

2. there are two--only 2 old traditions that I encountered in all my life an' these somehow got passed down among joos--both harmless imho BUT folks have used these little holdovers from the middle ages ta wrongly accuse us as bein' inta black magiK or satanism or bein' kabbala worshippers or lord knows what. All bunk'um!

a. if ya spill salt you might see the spiller toss a small pinch over their shoulder "for good luck" cuz the spill is "bad luck" (some kinda holdover from "the old country"...) AND

b. ya still might see an' older person touch their eye an' say "kenehora" which means "may the evil eye never harm you"

(https://jel.jewish-languages.org/words/254 )--

it's yiddish GOOD LUCK with for no bad luck!--so again, not a curse, a blessing from a worried mother or gran'ma-- an'nuther holdover likely from the 1200's or somethin'...

None of this counts as black magic--it's more like avoidin' a black cat or NOT walkin' under a ladder that some folks still do even if they are not in any way practicin' anything "dark" or occult but even the slightest hint of superstition seems ta "mean' something to those that wanna ascribe more to it than what it really is... Strange!

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An' bless all who "really" preserve those traditions--all of 'em in all variations here & in "oh israel" ;-)

But I'll even add that among the secular new agers (I joke at this--they believe in astrology but they have shabbos dinner at their mother's house!) secular joos are not like other secular peoples. You know it, Karen duz, but most do not is that joos that claim ta be secular--ain't really.... Her father's quote is so spot on!

"At the last Passover, 99.9 percent of those in Jerusalem kept the Passover. Isn’t that something? And I think 94 percent in Tel Aviv kept the Passover. "

Every joo I know no matter where they fall on the secular to religious spectrum (or the political one!) still sat shiva an' said kaddish when a fambly member died, most of the fully secular joos I know celebrate at very least the high holy days in some way -- no work, mebbe they fast, mebbe they have rosh hashana dinner with their extended fambly--and (shofar or not)--welcome in the new year, share their regrets an' atone on Yom Kippur.

When Oct 7th happened I know many woke up--an' secular became LESS secular an' prayer started ta happen--I know a few that began keepin' the sabbath (again) becuause we all knew our sense of "who we are" an' our sense of relative security was blown ta bits.

All this to suggest that when some Christians dismiss Israel as bein' all secular (nay "heathen satanists!) 'cept fer the Orthodox... they don't git it. SIGH

Everyone wants ta tell "us" who we are, what we think... (oy)

I'll wrap up this comment with David Ben Gurion whom all the "outsiders" claim was secular-- an' therefore had no right ta lead a "so-called" jooish state. But there are stories (great ones--some quite funny--) bout'im surprisin' even rabbis--where he actually quoted torah ("chapter & verse") or from talmud or from halachic (sp?) scripture or from the great words of the sages etc. -- MUCH FROM MEMORY! an' then he'd pull out huge volumes of books (many antique!) in hebrew an' show the citations-- His library was legendary. An' THESE sources to him were a font of wisdom, advice etc--

There are (natch) SO many so-called secular joos that share this foundational knowledge--many I've met in "ack-a-deemia"--so secular is defined differently in "chewish!"

(I think the percentage of Orthodox or conservative has risen in Israel too-no?)

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Interesting. Most of my Jewish friends are secular but have definitely grown more religious since Oct 7th. You're right that people don't understand and really why should they. Just as all that I've written here, why would most people know about it. The problem is, as you say, when people make assumptions, and more often than not, they are terrible ones!

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Indeed--folks make the wrong assumptions--an' they are turrible ones as ya say--not researched, not educated, not first hand (they trust the expurts--who ain't!). It's amazin' ta me how many of these "good people" who didn't fall for covid-con fell hook, line, an' sinker fer "it's the joos"--ODD ta be sure... The "Fraudskis" that speak on Israel an' Judaism are their sources--god help us all!

So--yes, since 10/7 it's interestin' you too are seein' it. I have always done my own thing with prayer, holidays, etc. but now I feel a stronger need ta defend joos, Israel, an' find voices of love amidst a sea of hate an' also reconnect with faith more than ever. A lot've us are now feelin' the pull--to each other--an' feelin' it's "do or die" an' no, it can't wait.

We wax unconventional and a mix of everything! Grew up reform but in practice I'm all over the place--humanistic in bits with a lotta secular habits (eg never kosher but always growin' up 'round it but I cook all the traditional foods) -- an' to my own amusement we now have an Orthodox rabbi (!) -- tho' he waxes unconventional himself. B/c there are no synagogues where we are now--almost no joos either afaik!--we connect remotely. Our old temple went semi-woke (I'm sure the oldesters are less so...) but all in with the covid measures. (They have a HUGE wonderful cultural piece--lectures, presentations, debates shows, etc--an' some I can hear online--many on the 10/7 were excellent--but now they're hosin' our insane Gov. Kathy HoHoHochul an' I could just fall offa my chair on that'un...)

I feel BLESSED to have had a religious education growin' up--complain as I did 'bout the borin' parts--NOW (especially now) I git it--an' realize the fully seculars have lost out--they don't know WHY they are an' it's kinda sad. Israel means nothin' to them I guess (?)

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Excellent article, Karen. The world will find out its truth very soon.

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Wow Karen... "Soup To Nuts" this essay is 100% on point biblically which is all that matters...it is a spiritual war, there is no logic in the hate of the Jews it is completely satanic and that's not hyperbole that is biblical truth as well...we are indeed spiritual beings made in the image of God. Zechariah 12:3 is being played out in real time and what's so cool is as blood bought believers in Jesus Christ we know how it all ends....maranatha!!

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This took me so long to write, lol. But at least I had my dad's talks and there's no way I could have explained those parts better. So much information to wade through, though. Thanks for your encouragement always.

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I know your dad would be so proud of you can't wait to see him as well in heaven it's going to be a glorious eternity!!

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The first thing I did, after finishing The Perfect Storm, Part II, was hit the “upgrade to paid” button. You will no doubt lose some readers after posting this essay and I’m overdue in helping to support your astute writing. Any other readers out there who want to hit that button??

I had a visceral reaction to Part II. I’m angry that yet another biblical truth has been hijacked. “Christ is King” has always meant something holy and good to me as a Christian; now it has a new cultural meaning and I feel like I should avoid saying this. It has always been satan’s way…to twist what is true.

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Thank you so much, Annette. This means so much to me. God bless you.

You're right, I have lost a lot of subscribers due to this essay. This happens every time I write something in support of Jews/Zionists/Israel. I even receive threatening or extremely disturbing emails or comments on occasion. When all of that happens, I simply know I am on the right track! I'm finding more and more that I call myself a "follower of Jesus" rather than a "Christian" because even that is being twisted to mean something that has nothing to do with who Jesus was and is. This battle will only continue to grow. I feel a big responsibility with my writing.

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Candace Owens and that guy on Tucker Carlson make me so angry!

Dennis Prager recently released a letter to Candace. He is polite but straightforward and pint southern lies about Frankists. It’s like she got addicted to being “in your face” about issues and then took it too far.

I didn’t think Christian Nationalism was a big threat before, but I think that’s because I was think in terms about the movement wanting things like Christianity taught in schools. Understanding now that they are promoting antisemitism and disregarding what the Bible says about Israel, I am starting to think that Christian Nationalism is more of a threat than I originally thought. Very frustrating.

Thank you for brilliant work as always! You are writing about important issues!

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Yep, it started fine and then it all went downhill fast. Oh, and Dennis Prager's letter is brilliant. She can't hold a candle to him.

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Your readers who don’t like your brand can find some good old fashioned antisemitism over at Redacted or any other number of authors who came to prominence during covid as enlightened but are now using their platform to spread hate. Personally I’m standing side by side with you, and the jews in this spiritual battle.

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I am never on fakebook, and on X I shared some screen shots I made of my daughter;s FB page.

It was the most unusual thing and I still do not understand the point she is "stating" on her page, but also the response by her friend that worked for DOD and also my very stupid irritable brother.


Who is anti-semetic and how does this have to do with the holocaust and illegal immigration?

Who are the "scapegoats" as he calls them? And Samantha says something about "saying the quiet part out loud?"

Nancy Friedberg is spot on. Islam is the war that will be unending. Somehow we need to convert these people, teach them that following Christ is the gift they deserve

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Wow. That was a great piece of writing. It will take several more read throughs, some note taking, reflection and prayer before I could even think of trying to respond meaningfully. I was intrigued about the piece in the beginning that alluded to Catholics being antisemitic. (I'm paraphrasing; I don't want to take the chance of losing what I have written to go back.) As a lapsed Catholic returning in May after 40 years, I'm having a much different perspective than I did as a teen/young woman. I don't know the Bible at all. But am taking adult catechism classes and reading. A lot. Thank you for the effort it took to put this together. God bless.

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There's so much more to this than I could write here. I'm talking about a particular Catholic sect, not all Catholics.

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I'm back! So first, in line with yer "Gad quote," I'm sharin' a WUNDERFULL Gad Saad viddeo--so worthwhile! 'bout his recent hot take on Candace, Ka-Maul-ah--an' others--and the drumbeat of joo hate that's poundin' now...


So there's that...

Next, I really appreciate yer coverin' the division of the land--if ya keep cuttin' it ya ya end up with nothin'--zilch! Folks fergit or never knew that Gaza (as ya mentioned) an' EVEN the "West Bank"(once the lands of Judea & Sameria) were once totally jooish lands--part of Israel, not "native Arab territories" an' thanks muchly fer mentionin' that what is Jordan wuz jooish land too / part of Israel--ain't not "native Jordanian nation"--folks don't know this stuff... If yer a thief an' point to someone else an' say "THAT's the thief" folks chase the wrong guy ;-)

I compare it ta this situation--ya own a house--some squatters come in an' steal it from ya at gunpoint. Later on ya get it back with the help of some folks whose intentions may be less than perfect but hey, it was yours, ya kinda need it-- So ya git it back but it's under a landlord--who sez--here ya go--move on back in an' "fight for it an' if ya win, you kin keep it since we know it was yer house once after all" an' it won't hurt us fer ya to be beholden to us fer the favor as we need yer eyes "on the block." At some point the landlord turns it over after much ado the two sets of eyes share info--cuz that wuz the deal. So after a time one of the squatters comes back an' sez HEY you cain't have this house--we OWN this house AND the entire block cuz we lived here fer MANY YEARS so you don't belong on it. Don't be selfish, give us half yer house an' we won't bother ya. An' over years the half becomes less an' less an' NOW--yer squarshed into just one leeetle room in yer house--not even the nicest one--an' they say GO! go on, git! An' you say--I've let you take over SOOOOOooo much--I'm done. Then the landlord makes a big "megillah" of this an' the entire block comes back en masse an' screams at ya--threatens ya with their tiki torches (throws rocks!)---an' THEN the gang gits bigger still--neighbors from other blocks and neighborhoods chime in--"Give that house back--yer greedy! they shout... thieves!"--

To me, that is kinda like Israel. Fer years they negotiated an' when the neighbors hissed at them they tried ta be "good neighbors"--to placate their way outta disapproval--an' they parted with rooms so some of their kids had no place ta sleep an' ended up elsewhere--BUT at some point they say, hey, this is gettin' absurd! The FAUX maps "they" draw of Israel make the joos seem like they are "greedy real estate grabbers" (there are a few famous folks that portray "us" thusly...) takin' over poor little "native Arab land" but nothin' could be more untrue..

How ta fight the bank of opinion foreclosin' on Israel?!

Don't folks know that Israel takes up only ONE FIFTH OF ONE PERCENT of the landmass of the Arab world?! Ah, that's too much still? (answer--no they do not know that)

An' there's this myth of GREATER ISRAEL--the grand plan fer joos to TAKE OVER THE WORLD an' erase all Christians. Funny none've us joos every hoid of it! An' those (includin' many Christians) that keep claimin' da joos wannat kill 'em all--WHEN has that happened? WHERE has that happened? (the opposite happened an' still most joos are fine with Christians today--believe me we are more fearful of Christians than they "should be" of us... but that's another story)

So these "Greater IsraHell" folks say Israel & da chews wanna take over the world (an' sow it with our Satanic seed)--but if that's so--in 175 years of Israel's statehood the only folks the Israelis fight are those Arabs surroundin' 'em (who want 'em all DEAD)--so pardon me if I'm not seein' this great expansion happenin'... So if Hitler or even Napoleon, say, DID profess to wishin' to take over the world--how is this now an exclusively jooish thing that'll ruin Western Civilization (as the threats go...) when most joos are regular schmoes who just try ta live in peace an' take over nothin'--mebbe listen to the Gould variations?-- An' there are literally only 15million of "us" in the entire world! Shakin' my head--an' joos don't convert folks AND they make it super hard TO convert... so how is this takin' over an' tryin' to make the world jooish? It's true the rotten Rothschilds sit AMONG a host of bankers that DO wield too much power--but how their doity doin's translate inta the former accusation beats me.

IMHO if they didn't have SO MANY folks all riled up an' skeered of us (many of the preachers now tell their congregants that joos'll steal an' rape an' mebbe EAT their children--so they should NOT walk past a synagogue...)--then perhaps some sanity would return? I feel like half the world "et" ergot an' they're all insane! (...but then I remember that only a few generations back this was the norm... it's always been the norm... my grannie / bubbe knew!)

Frankly I could care less if Candace Owens sez "Christ is King" -- her free speech, sure--but her thing is that "every American" needs ta shout this out. Really? I'll respectfully abstain--I'll bet even some Muslims & Buddhists would also abstain. But that's not enuf cuz these folks don't want a separation of church & state--sigh. We're homeschoolers but I am not even bothered by a Christian prayer in a gubbamint school -- what WOULD bother me is ta be forced ta abandom my faith or have to leave. I think that's what these "good people" want. There's a call fer that now...

There are groups meetin' to ban joos from America--quite a few troother substackers attend 'em on zoom if not in person. The plan is that if they cannot "re home us" in an'nuther country (not a nation of our own tho') to at least ban us from workin' (specifically they are sayin' no jooish CEOs or owners of corporations or bankers or lawyers or doktuds... mebbe assembly line jobs for a time would be permitted--they are hashin' it out now)--oh an' no joos in the media (i.e. networks which joos invented or moovies/teevee--ditto). No joos holdin' office either. This grew out of the NAME the JEW movement an' became BLAME the JEW an' now it's BAN the JEW an'...quietly--KILL the JEW. So it goes. I peek inta these conversations--it's fun (not) but if I dunno who is in these conversations (not all are open but some are -- or they git referred to in the comments) how can I protect myself & my own fam?

Per the in-crowd, we'll be given the cherce 'tween a new American pale of settlement (pogroms on the way!) or the FEMA quarantine camps--how fun. Cain't wait...

Fuentes deserves a special place but not in my heart... He callously calls jews "cookies" cuz there's this "myth" they were baked in the ovens (ha ha ha)--not. (I do love ta laff but that's not at all funny). His quotes are chilling! "We will make them die in the holy war / They have no future in America / They are the enemies of Christ" -- so, he wants to make us all die (check), he wants all to know "we" are "the enemy" (double check), an' then--his last quote SPEAKS to the groups that are meetin' RIGHT NOW--"They have no future in America." (check-MATE!)

This is not a small outlier group any more--as ya say. If these folks win for the "bettermint" of Christian America (under Sharia Law?!) I daresay we are all dun fer...

SO many good things ya bring up Karen--too many ta comment on but a few last thoughts...

A lotta troother Christian groups say that the joos of the bible are all dead (fergettin' the 13 genetic studies to the contrary) an' say if we exist at all we are--the Hammites or Shemites or Edomites or who knows what OTHER-ITES they say we are. They claim this is "all in the bible stated clearly" so we modern joos ain't the "real" ones of the bible. They also talk about stuff like annuki I've never heard tell of. So my question is--since these people are not in the jooish vernacular--is this really Christian doctrine? Hammite sounds like some kinda ham spread (not kosher ha)--like Marmite (which is weirdly tasty...)--but how can these Christians claim to tell us "who we are" when they use terms (biblical?) we've never known? Do you know what that stuff is about or has it not crossed yer radar yet?

Anyway, my heart is full with grattytude Karen--yer a true friend of the chewish people & a terrific talent too. Blessin's back! (an' I hope some of yer skeptics read this--an' watch--an' learn--they also should watch the GREAT Gad Saad viddeyo as punctuation to yer postin' here)

(PS HEY, why not reach out to Gad? He'd likely LOVE to talk to you!)

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I should reach out out to Gad. Good idea. I'm so busy ugh! That whole thing about the Jews being disappeared, it's always about the "lost" ten tribes which i did t go into because it's just too much information. But it's all a lie and a way go justify replacing Jews as God's chosen people with this Chrisitan sect. It was a fringe group but these people like Candace Owens believe it and they are growing.

I'm so thankful for the teaching of both my parents. Thet were far from ordinary.

As a child of course i didn't appreciate or realize how much knowledge my dad had but I did know how much he loved Israel and he instilled that love in me.

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an' bless his memory for that then!

Ah, thanks--so the lost tribes concept causes certain Christian sects ta believe Jews do not exist cuz, why?... they didn't just wander but got "lost" in God's eyes too?

I still don't git it b/c we didn't learn about this, we just heard "Israelites" or "Jews/the Jewish People" -- an' then specifically of course the 12 tribes (Cohens, Levites, Yisrael, etc) sons of Jacob...

I just found that some think 10/12 of the 12 tribes were "lost" but how that 'splains us not bein' Israelites an' bein' shemites or hamites (or vegemites?!) is still beyond me... (sigh)

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Maybe at some point I'll deal with that topic. It's just crazy

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ya gotta LOT on yer plate--no hurry--I'm curious as it seems a lotta "good Christians" seem ta buy into this "ain't no joos" theory..huh? All I know is that we chews don't believe we don't exist (lol!)--in fact (ta the bother of many) we persist ;-)

Also, when I say "good Christians" I DO mean this--many well intended folks that never met any joos "in person" in all their born days so are willin' ta believe near ANYTHING 'bout these folks they don't know... Most joos (not all but most) congregated in the cities so MOST of America is not cities--so I try ta give folks the benefit of the doubt... I kin hold my own on some of the fallacies that pertain to "us chews!" but I'm outta my element when folks quote New Testament an' other stuff!

Thx thx as always!

(hope ya didn't mind all the comments--I wuz onna roll yestiddy! both in support of all ya said--AND in counterin' some of the mis-understandin's! Today it's back ta homeskool stuff ;-)

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Karen, yer a brave "soldier of God" -- so many blessin's fer this--for this insight inta Christian scripture too (not my wheelhouse!) Yes, it's now a HUGE thing fer Christians to actually ERASE the joos outta both the bible & history. I agree that it's likely cuz they don't know their scripture--Just as the uneducated "stoo-dents" believe in 1619, so can the religiously uneducated choose not ta believe in the jooish people AT ALL!-- What's more an' even more painful--there are religiously-uneducated joos that sadly join this effort! When I grew up all we kids went to temple (borin' tho' it often wuz lol) an' learned WHO we ARE--we learned torah, the commandments, had sermons, etc. Not that you "need" a rabbi ta speak ta god or learn who you are--but I NOW as an adult realize that havin' this knowledge an' community was so important BECAUSE some joos-by-genetics that were not raised remotely in the faith (I mean full out secular--not even high holidays) have NO CLUE who "we" are so they stand with Hamas! They don't know our history in Israel--they couldn't sing Jerusalem of Gold if their life depended on it an' these ones (sad ta say) could not even recite the 4 questions (from Passover). "Complete" assimilation was a "con" but that's an'nuther story... we're seein' how that's playin' out now...

I'll come back ta add more shortly--my older one needs a "nosh!" BUT first more THANKS an' GRATTYTUDE yer way Karen--cain't put THAT inta words!

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Agree! My grandsons go to church and Sunday School, as my kids did and as I did. They rebelling against it at some point but as it says in Proverbs, "Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it." That's a comforting verse because unlike despaired many times about my kids 😄. I wondered, good ess, how old do they have to be! Buy they came around eventually.

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lol! yes, I guess that proverb needs ta be paired with "patience is a great virtue" (an' we mamas need endless amounts of it!) as a kid I couldn't fathom "WHY" a religious education was so important--but, speakin' of patience, it took a looong time for me to understand too!

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I appreciate how this article draws together so many of the trends I'm seeing. I've been watching the influencers you mentioned with interest, as they all convert to Catholicism and interview each other. It's struck me as well beyond coincidental. I follow some of them just to see where this is going.

As someone who identifies as a believer, but not a follower of a particular church or branch of Christianity, I have a question - meant, I should add, respectfully and asked out of a genuine desire to understand.

Don't many Christians also view Armageddon as "a necessary condition"? I've spoken with many who talk with excitement about an inevitable holy war with Islam, due to the interpretation that it will accompany Christ's return and the rapture.

I have a hard time understanding how war and all the suffering that accompanies it, meshes with Jesus' message of brotherhood, peace and neighbourly love. And I wonder if the belief that they will be "raptured" before things get too ugly, depending on which interpretation is believed, is at least partly why anyone would look forward to something that would indeed be horrific. Especially if a different interpretation of the rapture's timing, or whether that is even what is meant in the Bible, proved to be true and they had to live through it.

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Thanks for the excellent question. I see Trisha Anne gave a good answer. I will answer this tomorrow. God bless.

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My question pertains more to Christians who seem excited by the prospect of a holy war with Islam, than with the extremists (as opposed to the majority of Muslims) who believe they are called to go to war (jihad) with the west.

Research-based alternative media journalists have documented that several jihadist groups were funded and encouraged covertly by the CIA.

That, and inflammatory translations of the Koran into certain languages, are cases of evil perverting and then using religious faith against believers.

It's not beyond the realm of possibility that Christianity has also been subjected to this phenomenon.

The fact that Muslims in general and Islamist jihadists are viewed as interchangeable is concerning since it's harder to love your neighbor when you believe his religion calls on him to take up arms against you.

I hope that's clearer.

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There is an essential difference between Christian theology and Islam. Islam commands its followers to take up arms for holy war, to impose the Caliphate upon the world by force. Christians understand that the Kingdom of God will be brought in by Christ alone, without any earthly troops or armies. While we know that wars, and the final war, will come, that is not the same a desiring warfare or calling for warfare. All warfare is just one part of "this world system" fighting another part of "this world system." All of it is inspired by satan, the god of this world.

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There is an equally essential difference between Islamism, an extremist and sometimes violent political/religious ideology, and Islam, the average Muslim's religious faith, which is based on love and peace like Christianity.

Movements that promote hatred of Jews, Christians and the west don't represent the Islamic world as a whole. Al Qaeda, Hizbullah etc, which advocate violence to impose extremist dogma on both Muslims and non-Muslims globally, are jihadist Islamists.

Some translations of the Koran contain annotations that promote these views. (Just as annotations in some translations of the Bible, the Schofield for eg., discuss the Rapture - a word not itself contained in the original. And when the Rapture will occur is also debated.)

It's important that we in the west, Christians included, recognize this difference. Many westerners don't.

The war that could result from this misunderstanding is what these groups hope to trigger. (And is also what my question was based on - that some Christians also seem to look forward to this possibility.)

So, respectfully, Islam does NOT command its followers to take up arms for holy war, any more than Christianity commands its followers to do so. Jihadists do, just as sects of the Christian faith have taken up arms in the past.

Both religions can be misinterpreted by those who want to kill in God's name. And both have been.

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...these influencers you mention are a horrific joke and highly dangerous,... i agree... i'm surprised you place a premium on 'academic history', very few of whom, and which 'historians' had the courage to present the truer facts that lie in plain sight, which long has been accepted as the best place to 'hide' them... i've not much to say, and while i haven't read these articles fully yet, i appreciate ur efforts, however, and i am neither antis-semite, pro Hitler or anti, or racist, at least not consciously?! and in most areas i try and avoid forming unbiased and unreasonable prejudices, and look into matters in my own individual way, while retain to my sensibility that of course some apparent? truths are

unbearable to consider...i find that u trivialize Hitler by demeaning him unduly, (obviously i don't condone his crimes if true!) who as a soldier had

been twice decorated for bravery in

WW1, a man whom John F Kennedy (JFK) recognized circa 1946 in his diary "He had boundless ambition for his country which rendered him a menace to the peace of the world, but he had a mystery about him in the way he lived and in the manner of his death that will live and grow after him. He had in him the stuff of which legends are made."... https://www.rrauction.com/auctions/lot-detail/348094606780104-john-f-kennedys-diary-from-1945-with-comments-on-hitler-fdr-politics-and-world-war-ii/ ...then again JFK's speech to the National Press in 1961 has been comparatively obscured and unfairly in light of it's paramount importances and relative to today's events...(i can't seem to copy the exact link, the title is 'The President and the Press: Address before the American Newspaper Publishers Association, April 27, 1961

Listen to the speech. Audio View related' )...https:// www.jfklibrary.org /archive/other-resources/john-f-kennedy-speeches ...on You Tube https://youtu.be/2e5VZB7NhF4?si=IBvbnGFSseN6iGpC ... which aught to be listened to in conjunction with Eisenhower's farewell address!... i don't see any mention in what i've read of the diabolical terms of the Versailles Treaty, banking cabal, it's well documented links with 'Bolshevism'...the fact that Berlin was not a military target, and rather a civilian one...no mention of AIPAC...or the awful... https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rheinwiesenlager... in addition to which so much more may be added...including research by a well known Irish investigative journalist, whom no doubt you are familiar with her name (now ousted from the main stream media) which has the merit of it's facts based, although a few are contestable...the international front page headlines of the leading newspapers of the World Zionist Organization (The Daily Express for one) openly declaring economic war on Germany...and finally, concluding this late night and 'sleepy comment' i think it's a pity that George Orwell, ironically his pseudonym, is likely correct when he remarked to Arthur Koestler 'History ended in 1936'... see his essay 'Looking back on the Spanish War' at https://www.orwellfoundation.com (can't seem to copy)... your two current essays do provide considerable material for thought, among the best out there and while i have no axe to grind, i also offer my apologies in advance if u have mentioned topics i haven't encountered in so far as i've read... i recommend Carroll Quigley's 'Tragedy and Hope', a pdf's available online... https://archive.org/download/TragedyAndHope_501/CarrollQuigley-TragedyAndHope.pdf ...i've read some, great approach!...(edit: no mention? of The Council on Foreign Relations. what about the remark supposedly attributed

to Generalal Patton at the close of the war, to the effect 'we defeated (some sources quote' fought') the wrong enemy'?...

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Last one... THIS is what we're up against! We who support the illegitimate "terrorist nation" of Israel that "never existed" before 1948 (made up! invented by greedy joos lol) BUT it's Greg Reese--one of the most famous "authori-teas" right from Alex Jone's rib!


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