Sep 8Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Re: May God Bless my readers and listeners with discernment.


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Perhaps listening to Darryl Cooper’s response may be of interest rather than everyone talking past each other.


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Thank you. I got it and I read it and he is backpedaling. Put him up against a real historian like Robert Andrews and he wouldn't last five minutes. Nothing that Cooper says is new. I will be explaining more in part two.

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Sep 8Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

I have read most of your pieces. But Karen - this is your most brilliant essay so far. I'm sure I could write many paragraphs in its praise but I'll just say this: YOU are the real historian and the moral flame that burns bright. Cooper is a nebbish. Widely read yet stupid despite his IQ. Jew hatred will blind everyone who succumbs to it. Love you! ❤️

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Thanks George. Much love to you and Diane.

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agreed re. Karen of the moral flame burnin' brightly! Of this Cooper-man (barrel maker!) "nebbish" is way too generous...a mamazer would be too generous...if I may--these "puditz" are con artists that take on a pleasant, nice guy demeanor only ta dig a shiv in deeply--an' enjoy watchin' the victims writhe... Tucker plays nice-guy host ta such con artists I'm sad ta say.... I guess Swanson TURKEY dinners were served? (bee-hind on my readin' but I hope ta git ta yer postin's George--gotta lot on my own platter now ;-)

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Nicely said.

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Sep 8Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

I'm getting 'uncomfortable' at where both Tucker Carlson and Candace Owen's are going. It's a lot like driving a luxury sedan down the highway and at one point deciding to go off-roading into the desert. I wrote about how the Dunning-Kruger effect is becoming more prominent today with pseudo-science, pseudo-history, and pseudo-religion showing up and being consumed by an attention span challenged society. This is a perfect receipe for conspiracy theories, revisionist history, and cult like alternate reality where people that know next to nothing about a particular subject will protest, riot, deface, hurt, and even kill other people.

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Tucker Carlson and Candace Owens driving out of control off-road in a luxury sedan is a perfect image. Funny, but also terrifying.

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There’s honestly no correlation between Tucker and Owens and to suggest there is is nonsense. Owens is a for-hire hate-filled racist and antisemite. Tucker has demonstrated none of this. He interviewed one guy who is trying to sell a different history. You don’t have to buy…

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Did you not read the very first thing that Tucker Carlson says? I quoted him word for word. There is no higher praise than what Carlson gives to Cooper. And yet, Cooper doesn't say anything new that hasn't been said by a host of hacks before him. People are acting as if this some new revelation when it isn't. Also, Carlson has interviewed a number of other people with the same sort of message and is effusive in his praise of these people.

"To whom much is given much is required". Tucker Carlson holds enormous influence over millions of conservatives. He has a responsibility to lead with truth. Very sad that people are so easily swayed. But I am going more into it in part two.

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Sep 9Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

One guy? He's made his way from Kanye to Owens to Cooper and the stench keeps getting stronger. When you realize that Tucker has had a hidden agenda and is not what he seems, who CAN you trust? Or is that the point of the whole performance?

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You're describing the Radical Left .

They're not listening to Carlson and Candace.

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That's why it's called a perfect storm. Two opposite sides that have been pushed further and toward extremism and hatred of one another coming together to unleash that hatred on a common scapegoat.

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Sep 8Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

At this point, I am pretty sure that Tucker is a deep state implant. His role is to divide the country.

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It's really looking that way. It's so nefarious.

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I like that ya said "implant"--not just plant but an implant is something hidden, secretive... operatin' in stealth--some say he's CIA...

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Bullcrap!! Nonsense

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I wholeheartedly disagree with this statement. He most certainly is not a deep state plant and he has brought more of us together than anyone else.

Has he made a mistake in his judgement with this interview? I’m still unsure, and time will tell, but I do know that after watching it I did not get the same notions of him being antisemitic or fully agreeing with Cooper on his perspective of Hitler and what happened. You can respect the depth of study of a person without agreeing with them or believing their efforts lead to truth.

I realize for many this is a difficult interview to listen to, but it actually opens a door to hear all sides and actually have a thorough discussion about it rather than blindly following only one version of history. It is very possible that through such discussions MORE of us will solidify our perspectives to match Karen’s, and in that the interview would have then been a very good thing.

I think it’s wrong to cast harsh judgement and predictions about Tucker from this single interview. Weighed against all the many others he has conducted it is unfair to use it as a sole depiction of who he is and his having some ulterior motive. His other interviews don’t reflect what they would if this were true of him.

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I will explain more in Part II

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Sep 8Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Tucker Carlson knows exactly what he is doing, don’t underestimate his reach.

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Oh I’m not underestimating anything. And I never implied he is unaware of what he is doing either. I LIKE what he is doing, and I LIKE his reach.

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Sep 8Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

That means Karen’s article goes to the root of the issue as to why the quackery Tucker Carlson is promoting is extremely disturbing and dangerous. In an interview with Israeli historian Gadi Taub, Michael Doran, Hudson Institute’s director of peace and security in the Middle East (who is not Jewish nor Israeli) explained that obvious antisemitism aside, the promotion of views embraced by Cooper and others like him is feeding off the fragile, gullible, and ultimately illiterate minds of people who lack moral foundation and compass to distinguish between history and ideological quackery.

To your previous point, Karen’s article does not advocate for censorship but reveals the need to expose this “alternative point of view,” as you put it, for what it really is.

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So we should label points of view based off someone else’s idea of what that point of view is? Who’s going to define quackery? You sound like a liberal Julia. You think it’s who’s job exactly to let us know what type of person is writing and how that person writes about something. How about people make up their own mind. Tucker interviewed Putin so he must be censored for that too? Go read what you wrote in that last text response about “the promotion of views embraced by cooper and others like him is feeding off the fragile minds…”. Holy crap you have some nerve.

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Please point out where I said anything about censorship. This is not the first time you show misunderstanding of the written word throughout this thread, btw.

I know what I wrote, and if it is “holy crap” for you than you are that very “fragile mind” I am talking about.

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Then expose it, as she did, without doing a character assassination of Tucker in the process, and accusing him of being some “CIA plant” and the like. That’s utter nonsense and there is no proof of it. I do have critical thinking skills and I’m not illiterate and gullible lacking any moral foundation to distinguish history from ideological quackery. I SEE history and it doesn’t change because of this interview. But when it comes to measuring Tucker, because I DO have critical thinking skills, I’m taking his whole works and all his other speeches and interviews into account, as well as his unscripted responses when talking to others. It’s unnecessary to go after him and people drown out the importance of what Karen is saying by foolishly attacking the interviewer too. In a sense it is a punishment of him for giving Cooper a platform to speak. That IS censorship. It sends a message, “watch out who you choose to interview because if we don’t like it we will ruin your reputation.” That’s awfully similar to what our current government is guilty of. I don’t like it and I WILL speak out against it.

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Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, and YES.

Please do keep speaking out against it.


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Most excellent retort, Julia! Michael Doran's analysis is **on the money**

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Most weren't even alive during WW2 and to pretend to know all the facts is naive.

It really doesn't matter meaning we should be free to express opinions without all the HATE and cancel culture.

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If it didn't matter, I wouldn't spend all this time writing about it. Certainly, it doesn't matter to a lot of people but I'm doing my best to show people why it should matter. And this is what free speech is all about. Disagreeing and talking about it respectfully. I'm all for everyone expressing their point of view.

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Very well said, Juju.

It seems many on here are ready to involve themselves in the cancel culture that we all despise.

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People who think we need to listen again to Hitler' side of the story deserve a very special place in hell where all the books and videos and speeches are made by Holocaust-deniers for consumption by others just like them.

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Thank you for telling me I deserve a special place in hell, because that’s pretty much what you just did since I defend Tucker’s character in spite of who he interviews.

I wonder if you too belong in hell saying something like that to someone? I believe God tells us to be careful how we judge others because it WILL come right back at us tenfold.

None of you see how much damage YOU are doing to this subject matter and how much unnecessary division you are creating among all of us who actually agree with each other on the WWII issues - so much so that come this November that division will have a much worse impact on our country than any of us here want. And that’s just what the people in power right now want us to do: to keep us hating on each other over divisive issues, sending each other to hell prematurely. Then they maintain control of power and strip away more of our rights all the while dooming us to soon repeat those same horrors Hitler inflicted on the innocent masses with totalitarian, dictatorial control. Yeah, that’s EXACTLY what America is facing right now. Hell they already have with Covid! And here all the while most of us agree that Hitler was a monster indeed and none of us have changed our views at all based on listening to this interview because we are NOT “fragile, gullible, or illiterate” as another commenter accuses. But accusing people who are TRYING to use critical thought by actually listening to someone even though they disagree with them is offensive, and damaging to

our unity!

Trying to convince everyone Tucker works for the CIA and is a plant is exactly what they want us to do, because he certainly is NOT, but getting us to argue with each other over that is precisely what takes the focus off of those who ARE. God, how can so many people fall into their traps?

I believe ANYONE is allowed to speak and be heard without such hate and character assassination when you don’t like what they say. Be angry at what they said, submit corrected perspectives as Karen does, but do it without foraying into harsh judgmentalism of every facet of their being. Or face the same being done to you when your own faults are rooted out - which many are on display here in the comments.

This kind of attack behavior is what hurts this issue and blocks many people from feeling the necessary deep anger and sadness over what happened to the Jews and over preserving the memory of what must never be forgotten. Your reactions are actually pushing people away from you, not bringing them towards you.

And I don’t believe that entire interview was about “listening to Hitler’s side of the story”. I didn’t get that from it AT ALL. If you think that then it’s obvious you didn’t listen to it and you’re making assumptions off of snippets read here and there in the comments only. There was no mercy or compassion or forgiveness for Hitler. And I’m in full agreement with Karen on her corrected perspectives of the issues presented in the interview. I’m just NOT in agreement over the character/intent assassination of Tucker. None of you know him well enough to make such horrific, wide sweeping assertions. The fact that you want to says more about you than him.

My concern that caused me to post was and still is about trying to drag Tucker’s name through the mud along with Mr Cooper’s. These are Cooper’s perspectives, not Tucker’s. And just because Tucker respects Cooper’s historical tenacity DOES NOT EQUATE to him being in agreement with everything he says.

I’m sick of the character by association assassination tactics and the judgement of a whole person for allowing someone to give alternative points of view, no matter how offensive they are.

Free. Speech. Stop fighting for it and then turning around and punishing for it. Hypocrites!!

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When people start the "special place in hell" rhetoric, in this context, it's very telling who and what your dealing with.

These people on here could VERY WELL be the "Deep State Implants" they're claiming Tucker Carlson is.

That's my determination.

They're just stoning him over an interview.

They all did thr EXACT SAME THING when he interviewed Putin.

The behavior on here is telling.

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So, the reason that 6,000,000 Jews were systematically murdered in concentration camps is because:

- The Russians wound up with more prisoners on their hands than they anticipated when they invaded Eastern Europe.

- They just didn't have enough food for all these captured prisoners.

- What's a good-hearted Nazi to do?

- They decided it would be more merciful to kill them than to let them all starve to death.

- And that's the reason that a bunch of Jews inadvertently wound up dead.

What's wrong with letting someone express their own personal opinion that this is what the Holocaust was really all about? Hey, it's a free country, isn't it? Just because there is no evidence to support my claims, don't I have the right to say what I think?

Unless we figure out how to address the dedicated subverters of truth and history, things will get increasingly messy...

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Tucker Carlson is a "Deep State Implant"?


That HAS TO BE the most RIDICULOUS thing I've heard in YEARS.

Carlson is and has been one of the true journalists and voices the west has left.

You spreading that nonsense is "Deep State Implant" jargon.

He interviews some guy hardly nobody even knows and you all throw him RIGHT UNDER THE BUS.

Deep State Implant....PFFFFT.

Good grief. Sorry, but y'all lost me on that one, Karen.

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Sep 8Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

“I will bless those who bless you, but whoever curses you I will curse, and in you all the families of the earth will be blessed.” - Genesis 12:3 TLV

Yeshua the Messiah is the same yesterday, today, and forever. - Hebrews 13:8 TLV

And He is Jewish. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

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Sep 8Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

I don’t think either of these guys is particularly complicated. While Cooper is a fraud, and Carlson an amoral charlatan, both have figured out that there’s money to be made in peddling antisemitism and even Holocaust revisionism and justification. Nazis have always been a taboo. But if you don’t care about that, like Tucker Carlson or Daryl Cooper or Candace Owens or Kanye West, etc, and see an opportunity in it, you can make a living off of it. And if you just double down on the most vile ideas you peddle, you likely won’t pay any price because of the audience’s ignorance, gullibility and poor attention span.

Yes, they’re both hateful antisemites, but they’re mostly in it for the money. They stand out and get attention because most people have too much dignity to make a living that way.

What’s tragic is to see so many buy into it. But then, the vast majority of them have never and will never face antisemitism, so what do they care?

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Wow I didn’t realize I’m a “Deep State Implant FED!!!”

His cult is as deranged as anything on the left. It’s sad.

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Carlson is none of those things.

You're a Deep State Implant FED!

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Sep 8Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Karen, you are brilliant. I have never been a history scholar. I do recognise all of these events.

Amazing stories of humans getting together and doing stupid things.

I do not like Darryl cooper. I have never heard of him but he seems a bit unsettling.

Why are there so many "right wing" people? What are far left wing people?

I am looking forward to part two.

We must keep praying for everyone, everything and ourselves.

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Sep 8·edited Sep 8Author

We all have to belong to an extremist point of view now and labeled accordingly. Right Wing, left wing, etc. It's terrible and dangerous.

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Yes, they have to label us all to divide and conquer.

The truth is, I know plenty of people and EXACTLY NONE of them are extremists.

I know I certainly would despise being labeled and extremist..

Why? Because I'M NOT.

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Sep 10·edited Sep 10Author

I certainly haven't said you are. I am doing my best to warn people about a disturbing trend that I see happening. I've been warning about this push to extremism for three years now. People can agree or not agree. I spend many hours of my time researching and then sharing the conclusions I reach in the most thoughtful and respectful way I can, which can also be hard-hitting because I don’t hold back. I welcome people to come here and read, debate, and to reach their own conclusions. I should add it would be boring if everyone agree with me. The last thing I want is to live in an algorithmic echo chamber.

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Rosemary. I've never heard of Daryl Cooper either. I'm no fan of his.

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Sep 9·edited Sep 9Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

random / interestin' discovery--I went ta this Martyr Made Coopers stack an' noticed literally HUNDREDS of comments by folks sayin' "I'm cancelin' my FP /Free Press Subscription" b/c "Bari Weiss is a liar / Zionist Stooge, doesn't tell "the truth" like you do" etc yadayada...

That folks wanna subscribe ta the barrell-maker's stack an' learn another angle is what it is BUT I find it fascinatin' that folks are so "either or"-- they MUST stop hearin' one side in ORDER TO hear the other. I myself even listen to the haters--it's kinda ouchy but if I don't know what they're sayin' (or plottin'!) then how can I get a sense of "what gives?"

To me it's odd that these folks are directed as if the traffic cop were signalin' which way traffic MUST go! All ta the left, all ta the right, swing yer podner do si so! They now cannot give The FP (which also features Arab voices, non-jooish voices) one iota of credence because the true voice now is Cooper's. (Of COURSE Bari's biased--what writers don't have their angles 'n views? Everyone is bein' subjective...)

So I guess at least hundreds (thousands?) of people are dumpin' the FP an' embracin' the Martyr. I find it interestin' this name of his blog--Martyr Made--like jihadists that are "made" not born inta the system. Is he really a martyr fer his "cause" of truth-tellin'? Or a stooge? If Bari's a "stooge" of Israel is Cooper a "stooge" of Iran? (fwiw I don't believe either of these angles but I find it interestin' that the former is accused of bein' employed by the State of Israel....but the latter ain't bein' accused of anythin' but BOLD independent thought an' brilliance...)

AH, the mee-dia... (the gawd of "me" --DIA meanin' "god like dios" thus their self-worshippers...what's in a name indeed!)

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Sep 9·edited Sep 9Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Tucker's odd stiffness and staring, punctuated by occassional childish, gleeful outbursts made me wary from the first. But I was happy to accept his feigned sincerity and spontaneity as part of the show business schtick. But his ever-deepening alliance with and grooming of the Jew-hating masses really took me by surprise. It's a deeply disturbing, sinister turn of events. On a par with finding out that the woman you fell madly in love with on your recent travels is actually a corporate spy.

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Sep 10Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Both of them make a living off of it in the attention economy; and they're both amoral. While Carlson is likely an antisemite, his opportunism and cynicism explain for the most part why he platforms cretins like Cooper.

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What are you people even talking about?

You're saying Tucker is in an "alliance with a grooming of a Jew hating mass" of people?

No he's not.

You all just might be the "Deep State Implants" because they have wanted Tucker Carlson GONE for YEARS.

I listen to TC all the time.

He's no "Jews Hater" and certainly doesn't promote it.

Enough with your Deep State cancel culture BS.

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I have listened to Tucker for years, and I've admired his courage and his selection of guests. He has done an enormous service to the public by bringing people and issues to the table that no one else would touch. It's BECAUSE I've considered him to be someone who is fighting the good fight that his courtship of the antisemites is troubling to me. We've gone from Kanye to Candice to Cooper, and they all have in common the same irrational hatred of the Jews. It's always masked in the same way: "No, we have nothing at all against the Jews. It's just the policies of the Israeli government that we oppose." Many of us believed that at first. But we've watched as the target spread like an oil stain from "policies" to "the Israeli government" to "Israel" to "Zionists" to "Jews" all around the world. We've learned that antisemitism is not like other beliefs, and we've seen where it leads when it succeeds in taking social control. It doesn't dissipate when exposed to sunlight and factual rebuttal. There is no known antidote and only suppression has demonstrated any effectiveness at curtailing its spread.

So, that's why it's deeply disturbing to those of us with a sense of history when we see antisemites being permitted to peddle their wares in the open marketplace. We know what comes next.

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You're entire statement is false.

Non of those people are against Jewish people.

You're wrong and it's ugly of you to bear false witness against those good people.

No, we all don't know.

Please tell us what comes next?

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Sure. People with knives and guns and axes come to your house and break down the doors, tie you up, rape, torture and kill you and your family. Your lucky neighbors will be taken away to live a bit longer at the cost of being beaten and abused while being starved to death. Meanwhile, well-intentioned college kids will scream slogans denouncing you for the crimes that they are supporting. The United Nations will lead the chorus in accusing you of genocide. And Candace will explain to her army of followers how the Jews keep all their Muslims in a tiny ghetto in Jerusalem.

And some of us will sit and wonder how we let everything get so crazy. And not really have an answer.

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Sep 8Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Basically I’ve skimmed this piece and have to come back for a good read. One thing that I did notice were the last paragraphs. It is true that our society is becoming Balkanized (by design via evil forces) and this has to end. Each “side” does have some level of commonality and this is where we should begin. The goal should be the pursuit of truth -which can only be done with an open mind and provable facts. Gray areas should be left for another day. The end result should be a communal level of understanding, mutual respect and a form of cohesion. If not we’ll devolve into more strife…and possible civil war…which will lead to either tyranny or our country vulnerable for attack from those that wish us harm. Is this over the top…methinks not. Thoughts? Pax

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Certainly. I've written quite a bit on that topic. The way we have been purposely pushed toward extremism on both sides. I don't really know how we overcome that now. Sadly. I think we will have to go through it in order to come out the other side but only with much suffering along the way.

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So let me get you right, Karen Hunt.

You think Tucker Carlson is a Jew Hating antisemite endorsing Deep State Implant?

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1. thank ya Karen--I really wuz a mite gobsmacked when I read 'bout this interview an' then I realized it's all part've a plan--imho

SO many folks LIKE Tucker, TRUST him to be honest, a fambly man, a regular guy (hey I wuz also hornswaggled...) so OF COURSE if he sez THIS Darryl fella is the most important "historian" (ha ha) EVAH--that he's supportin'--folks ARE gonna listen...all planned. That's not just givin' the man air--it's herdin' the masses to a "think!" (wrong-think imho but folks'll have their onions on that!)

2. The "outcry" is bein' framed thusly: "The evil ADL an' the evil joos, 'specially the truly most evil Zionists that "run Amerika" (an' are solely responsible fer runnin' it inta the ground) NOW (cuz they "control" the MSM) wanna SILENCE Tucker Carlson!" How dare they?!

Yup, they wanna CUT OFF all free speech an' not let him interview who he wants!

But this ain't true--TOTALLY NOT TRUE! Sure, some joos are none too happy but nobuddy I know is feelin' thatta way--that Tucker should be hushed. There's a difference 'tween interviewin' someone an' singin' their praises (both allowed, of course). The BEST remedy would be ta interview another human with the opposite perspective--more idears brought to light--an' if not by Tucker, then mebbe by an'nuther important voice? I dunno...

Most joos feel that Tucker kin interview whom he wants an' most I know at least agree--that kin include Kanye, Candace, 'er David Duke fer gawsakes.

BUT the "angry mob" doesn't understand whut you do so clearly:

Simply interviewin' someone an' givin' 'em a platform is DIFFERENT from endorsin' 'em with great enthusiasm an' support!

To say to yer foller'erz that THIS MAN is "the single most important historian I've heard" an' that "we all should know his work" (really? what about it is so stellar?)...is what's worrisome to some of us. Not to silence but ta say, hey this is one curious endorsement. Singin' the man's praises is not the same as jus' givin' the man some airtime... as he did Putin...

For all who THINK the "evil joos" an' the "evil Zionists" have full control over the MSM--then WHY did that interview git out? Also, I find it ironic that folks are all SCREAMIN' that the joos have too much control in the mee-dia--er, um, they created it. All the networks & many of the nooz papers (NY Slimes...) an' yup Hollyweird which has "gone to pot" but ironically it was actually GREAT once when it wuz just a bunch'a cranky old chewish men that made fine fine moovies... (I mean ta write 'bout this myself eventually).

These cranky old jooish guys--who now have been written OUT of the history of the movies--not even included in the mooseum in LA--actually founded the industry.

Why do folks wanna boot people from the industry they actually founded? Are there some creeps at the top? Joos an' non-joos both! But also--mostly decent folks who go to work, bust their chops, come home, feed the kids (many've 'em I knew back in NYShitty...)

IMAGINE folks sayin' hey--blacks are over-represented in basketball or in jazz moosic--let's stop 'em from holdin' important jobs in these professions... Who would dare do that? Some of these industries were created b/c joos were banned from other professions (an' yup that includes bankin' back in the day). Anyway, it's always the same story...always the same scapegoats (maaaaah!) An' if joos REALLY run the mee-dia, how come so much anti-Israel hate along the airwaves? Nothin' MAKE SENSE ta me now :-(

Tucker 'n Elon (who tweeted / claimed this wuz "interesting!") are set a do some big shindig with The Donald. So this could git genuintely "interestin'" with all the folks sayin' Orange Man is just an evil Zionist stooge--cuz now one of The Donald's biggest PR men (Tucker) has gone hogwild anti-Zionist supportin' this barrel maker ("cooper")... all velly interestin' (far more than Musk's knee-jerk comment!)

3. Billy Wilder, one of the BEST Hollywood directors, an Austrian who came here before Hitler's full rise but who lost ALL his fambly to the Holocaust had a quote for the "holohoaxers / deniers"--it breaks my heart still readin' it:

"If there was no holocaust, where is my mother?"


So nope, it wuz NOT, per Cooper, just a kind "euthanasia" so nobuddy would starve...it was planned, calculated, pure evil. At the VERY end in the camps when there wuz no food some got KILLED not to "spare" lives but because the instruction wuz to HIDE as much evidence as possible--from the Russians, the Allies, etc.... Bodies were...evidence so takin' 'em out faster at the end (given the bottleneck) I do believe did happen but not fer "humanitarian" reasons... UGH

A lotta folks that were more balanced on Hitler / Israel have gone ta the other side fully... An' yer 100% keerecht--the big thing is ta say that joos are not chosen (again, it's DESIGNATED to foller the 10 Commandments--not some kinda eugenic superiority than--but folks hang onta that)....but the bigger thang is ta say NO JOOS EXIST! We either invented ourselfs in 1600 by writing ALL the bibles to "write ourselfs into existence" (there's much proof we existed but not in this tellin' of history) OR That we are not "Judeans" 'er Hebrews but ruther some kinda "hammite" or "sham-mite" /shemite or ANYTHING but joos--an' since WE DO NOT EXIST (even tho' we all look like each other lol), we have no hold on Israel--the "original" Palestininian state.

Brain warshin' ain't the word for it--Tucker (sadly) just supplied a LOTTA detergent fer more soft soapin' of the Holocaust... which soon--will never have happened...

Thank ya SO MUCH Karen--I cain't be grateful enuf fer yer clear thinkin' an' fer stickin' yer neck at such great risk!

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9 hrs agoLiked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Renee Girard's "I See Satan Fall Like Lightening" addresses this kind of behavior in societies needing a common scapegoat. It's been a fascinating read. It's helped explain not just the psychology but the anthropology behind movements that are quite vicious.

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Sep 10Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Why is it so important that I know the exact history of WWII?

I always hated History class.

Now I know why.

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Haha, I get it. If only you'd had a mother like mine. She made it all come alive with how she talked about it. To Darryl Cooper's credit, he has that same storytelling talent. If it's not that important though, you might wonder why the biggest conservative platform in the world, Tucker Carlson, chose to give Darryl Cooper such an incredible endorsement and now suddenly millions of conservatives are listening to what he has to say when a week ago they didn't even know his name. This is what is so disturbing. How easily people jump on the bandwagon.

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Sep 10·edited Sep 12

Yeah. Well all the attention he's getting from this write up is certainly helping his popularity.

I heard the Carlson interview with him but before your write up if someone had said, do you know Darryl Cooper, I would've said no.

Heck, now I even know the spelling.

I plan on listening to him instead.

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You never know, maybe the knowledge you have gleaned, even though it seems useless now, will become important down the line in some unexpected way.

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Dear Karen. I've enjoyed your essays but reading through these hate filled comments and the TRASHING of Tucker and Candace, which you have supported through your likes and words SICKEN me.

I've appreciated you in the past and have felt a sense of uplifting love and wisdom with you and your essays, but this here has done just the opposite.

Let me be clear, I am in NO WAY an "antisemite", And neither is Tucker or Candace.

This work is just leading to division and hate on here and its terrible.

I'm checking out.

Thank you for work and I sincerely wish you all the best.

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Sep 9Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Wow those are some egregious violations of the historic truth... calling him a revisionist is much to nice. I can think of some other choice adjectives that I won't repeat here...shame on him

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Sep 9Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Thank you for taking the time to highlight some of these things. I’ve only read headlines from that interview and it made my soul cringe.

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More to come in part two.

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Sep 9Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Very good essay. Presented well. Thank you.

The spiritual realm is powerfully active here. An inability to apprehend spiritually renders a person blind as to the most important aspects of what is occurring these days. Even with a keen intellect and an honest open heart — without spiritual vision we are just groping in a fog.

Israel and the Jews are the “canary in the coal mine” today. An indicator of what is soon to be upon us.

I certainly wouldn’t look to Cooper or Carlson for spiritual leadership or insight.

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