Feb 7Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

All I can say is, "Come, Lord Jesus." Please. Hurry. Humanity is doomed.

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Amen & Amen!! The world is being run by Demoniacs!!! God help us all to endure to the end, which is in sight!! I look up every day. 🙏🏻

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Feb 7Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Karen, you are on target.

Thanks for bringing the pieces together and getting this message out..

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Feb 7·edited Feb 7Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Yep. We're the ones paying for the gene death jab bioweapons with our tax dollars to DARPA.

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It makes me so angry.

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Right there with you, KH.

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Feb 7Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

The lack of any long-term studies tells me everything I need to know. That fact alone stopped me from submitting to the Covid jab and continues to inform me.

Even if there were long-term studies, I've learned that those are highly likely to have been manipulated for the publicized result. The book "The Illusion of Evidence-Based Medicine: Exposing the crisis of credibility in clinical research" goes into this in great depth, based on evidence found during discovery.

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It's frustrating that most people don't want to even consider that these companies are that corrupt. I only write facts, nothing of what I say can be labeled conspiracy theories. It's all out there for anyone to see. But people still block it out.

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Feb 7Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

So we are facing a cancer in the mRNA..... it will keep replicating until it kills......

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Feb 7Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek


It Turns Out

That Doctors Of Medicine

Are The Tin Foil Lunatics.


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Feb 7Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

EVERYONE needs to go here and listen to Denis Rancourt and JJ Couey....this is how it ends. ladies and gentlemen......but only if you want and can handle the truth..... https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2050569254

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Feb 7Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Gee, sure hope all the hundreds (thousands?) of scientists working on this have a plan for future employment. The powers that be will not rest until they infect each and every one of us with their mRNA juice and once they kill most of us off, then what will the “scientists” do? Develop vaccines for AI?

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They don't seem very good at long-term planning.

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Many are totally blind to the fact that this leads to their own destruction. The Lord's flock is being separated out from the goats in all areas. Put your faith 100% in God the Creator and Sustainer. Anything and anyone that is not rooted in Him is going down, and a person's pitiful "opinion" to the contrary will not matter, will carry no weight

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Feb 7Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Bomb factories

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Feb 7·edited Feb 7Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek
Feb 7Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Alright. Time for me to brush my teeth and go to bed.

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Haha, I hope you didn't have too many nightmares.

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Thank you. One sleeps in a drawer of the refrigerator where one dreams nada.

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So 27.7% of the world population never got even a single jab. When Gates and the others putting this program together, "wargaming" the pandemic and jabs, I wonder if they expected such a number of people not willing to join the "program," for whatever reason.

I'm sure many were in African countries, long suspicious of jabs. And the rest of us? I'm the sole holdout on my side of the family who refused. It's hard, even when you reason to believe you're right, even if you only have a few pieces of the picture to justify it.

The bioweapon jab enforcers better hope they got their job done with at least the first jab.

Doing hard, unpopular things makes you stronger and tougher.

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Yeah! I can hardly wait! Actually I can hardly wait until these psychopathic control freak parasites are purged from our midst. It might mean becoming a temporary psychopath to do so. But then again…why would I loose sleep eradicating parasites from the host? Why would I feel bad doing so? If I could sleep well at night while participating would that make me a bad person? If we lived in a society based on anarchy, meaning NO RULERS, not no rules, would I be a bad person if I were willing to remove from my community a man who robbed, raped and plundered even if I was never his victim? SO BE IT if that would make me “bad”.

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The jabs are like secret suicide pods gussied up like the witch's gingerbread houses in Hansel & Gretel--come right on in, got some gooodies for you... Will folks be fooled inta fearin' a NEW THREAT (alarm alarm alarm) an' roll up their sleeves? Or are they DONE? I dunno but a friend jus' lost her dad with sudden blocked arteries (FORMERLY healthy feller in his 60s, hiked, skied, etc) an' she herself's got nerve damage, vision problems, other new "issues" plus we got TWO friends with turbo cancer (not old at all) an' more we know in our community. Meanwhile, we who refuse these "countermeasures" still gotta fear "vaxxines" that will be self-spreadin' (from the jabbed), the killer "skeeters" that'll be released, OH an' the vaxxxine veggies that Gates-of-Hell & CO are growin'...

It's dia-bollock-cull! I jus' took a deep dive inta the horrific work of Dr. Ian F Akyildiz -- he's part of the push fer us human beans ta be subsumed inta the "Metaverse" but on his off days he's talkin' 'bout remotely monitorin' ALL of us so we kin be vaxxxed if our internal sensors alert "authori-tease" that we've gotta "bug" (bug is right)--remove vaxxed an' quaranined! So fergittin' the super soldiers--they's targetin' us civilians too...

Dr. AchyIdols:


My take on the nightmare a.k.a. the Metaverse:


Whatever they wanna replicate in us reminds me of all the horror movies where "alien spawn" / aliens were breedin' in humans--I guess that wuz also predictive programmin'--we jus' didn't know!

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The push for these new technologies mirrors the"unwavering" support for the trans movement and the conflicts in Ukraine & Palestine.

These strategies are driving towards global disaster. Which is where the Progressives (Marxists?) seem to believe an "inflection point" will occur. This an interesting idea that seems to be gaining traction in society.

Your article highlights how broad a front this is. A many headed beast.

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Excellent article. Keep up the good work Karen.

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