"Islam is better than democracy. Allah will cause Islam to prevail over every kind of system, and you know what? It will happen." ~ Imam Siraj Wahhaj, known as the Imam of America
Why is the West doing this? A mixture of ignorance of history, self-loathing (only white people do bad things), fear and the sunk cost fallacy: we’ve invested so much in multiculturalism in the last thirty years, we’ve got to make it work now. In America, you can add the race issue to this. There is also the liberal worldview that people are basically good and if they do bad things, it’s because society/white supremacy/Islamophobia/Zionism did something bad to them first, so really “hate preachers” and “extremists” deserve empathy and support, not punishment. Hence, the belief that if we accommodate their demands, they will moderate and all will be well. Insane.
I can believe that 45% of prisoners are Muslims. Prison is a huge recruiting ground for Islam.
It's quite staggering, isn't it. A good point that e invested so much into multiculturalism we don't want to admit it was a failure is so many ways.
I love different cultures, and it would be nice if we all got along and could learn from one another while still maintaining our identity. We seem to have a hard time doing that.
yup yup, this "multiculturalism" concept--I've heard it referenced SO many times an' it seems no longer a good thing (like our "meltin' pot") but a more nefarious agenda. ALL the stuff I grew up LOVIN' are now considered "cultural appropriation"--as in dressin' up fer halloween or other events such as tryin' on clothes or "bein' " folks from "other lands," enjoyin' food fests where we whi'peepol would taste dishes from many nations an' not feel "unwelcome," an' fer me as an "actTruss" of the mostly comic sort, it was a joy to have fun with accents of all sorts an' we were allowed ta mimic lovin'ly an' "BE" cast as characters from the world over. NOW it's all verboten an' replaced with some kinda "multiculturalism" I do not git!
Asia Society in NYC where I used ta take my kids annually fer Chinese New Year festivities (it wuz SOoooo fun!) now stopped lettin' kids try on those amazin' theatrical Madam Butterfly wigs an' the silk embroidered robes (they also do Japanese fer the New Year--so kimonos were also there) AND puttin' on the paper mache lions heads fer photo ops. NOW (apparently) havin' whi'peepol (little kids! toddlers) try on Asian wigs & costumes & head pieces is RACIST! It's OFFENSIVE?! really? So they banned it... kids may only LOOK at "real" Asians donnin' their traditional wear... What a crock!
HOW we appreciate other cultures is by engagin' directly with 'em--I'm grateful we got those experiences--real, tactile, live, FUN! Now these poor kids get a wartered down experience...
Have you read Simon Elmer's four part series on immigration in Britain (I will admit that I have skimmed parts of it as it is so thorougj). I think you would disagree with him about Israel, but I consider him an excellent analyst and writer and the report is sobering to read....especially when you consider yourself British (as I do!) and grew up loving multiculturalism.
What really scares me about your pictures of people praying in Britain and the US is that it is only men. Rows and rows and rows of men. This separation disturbed me deeply when I visited Egypt as a teenager. There was maybe a single woman on the streets of the town. How is it freedom (to me, a woman) to never be allowed on the streets? How is it freedom if I am in an abusive marriage and have no recourse to get out of it?
Thinking back to the Oxford Union debate is THIS not apartheid? 50 percent of the population completely out of sight, whether in their houses or hiding behind veils and bulky clothing? It chills me to the bone that so many men would want this, rather than a warm, loving, equal relationship with an empowered woman.
Well the good news from all of this is that countries like Britain will be examples for the rest of us as why we can’t allow this death cult to flourish. Britain’s resources will be stripped bare and strife will go through the roof. People will have to choose life or death when dealing with these people. Not being harsh just brutally honest. History and what this so-called faith espouses support my argument. If they are smart they’ll follow other EU countries who are deporting these people.
one more thang 'bout Islam is the marryin' of cousins--even FIRST COUSINS! an' related birth defects---in Britain it used ta be banned that you cannot marry any cousin' that's 6th or closer BUT they are now gonna LIFT that ban to accommodate the new Muslim world view in the UK...egads I hate the idear of gubbamint tellin' folks WHOM to marry but there are a ton of these kids born blind, with severe birth defects, etc. I think the story was in Unheard? There's this actress (Packistani origin) whose parents are cousins an' she lost three sibs to genetic disease an' one remains in a wheelchair with severe deformities an' another has major health issues so she refused to marry her "assigned" suitor an' it was a thing... but she's a huge advocate for NOT marryin' yer cousins... sorry no link but I'm sure it kin be found. I DID NOT KNOW this was a thing! (far worse than inbred Hapsburg chins lol)
Your writing, honesty, experience, and message are all excellent. Thank you for all your hard labor you freely share with those whose eyes desperately need opening.
Yes Karen it's amazing how Islam is the exact opposite of Christianity in every way shape and form it's a dark evil religion.... it's not going to end well for them so by all means share the gospel it's the power to save in the name of Jesus Christ there are many many Muslims coming to Salvation in the name of Jesus all over the world one of the fastest growing churches in the world is in Iran so yes there is hope in Jesus Christ for all... love you(phileo) Karen ....Merry Christmas....Maranatha!!
Amen. Do you know the name of the church in Iran--or do you mean church in the sense that so many are coming to Christ. I would like to write something about that.
With regard to the Magdeburg Car Ramming Incident, it is these attacks carried out by Muslims combined with the current political upheaval in Germany & across Europe as a whole, Germans do not fare well at all under such circumstances, if they cannot obtain their inherent need for stability and become dysfunctional as a result, they are historically known for having the reputation for sudden extreme measures being thrust into action, to rectify their status quo, with Blitzkrieg Speed & Precision & the element of Surprise. Such conditions are dictating this very outcome. Germany is Europe’s beating heart, it knows it must act promptly and decisively to Lead it’s restless People & to maintain it’s role as the driver in Europe’s seat, if it is to survive. Add this all With Russia on it’s eastern boarder, is what adds fuel to the fire that will fan the flames of an old Germany ruling once again as a mean lean fighting machine over a United Europe. Get ready for a sudden rapid reaction series of events that will change the face of Europe & Germany in particular !!
I will be interested to see that happen. My German friends don't hold out much hope for Germany. I've written quite a bit about this rise of extremism in Europe, it is tearing Europe apart. Let's see when Trump comes into power if the war in Ukraine can end and some stability return, especially to Germany's economy.
All of the events that are contributing to the EU being dysfunctional are the very catalysts that will bring about a sudden transformation into a whole different European power block than what it is today. Instead of 28 Union members with all different necessities that make it bulky & cumbersome, there will be downsizing to just 10 major players 5 western & 5 Eastern European Nations, all under Germany as it’s head, and all under one Strongman who will work very closely with the Vatican which is the uniting element that can bring them all together. This “strongman” could see Karl Theodore Zu Guttenberg as being a possible likely candidate for such a role. I believe the plans for this transformation have been on the drawing board “behind the scenes”for quite a long time. With Events in the Middle East that are now shaping up for Germany in particular, to become heavily involved (along with Turkey) in it’s presence there, (with aid economically & militarily as “peacekeepers”) in an alliance with Syria & Lebanon as they break away from Iran completely. This German/Arab alliance would also include Saudi Arabia along with Cyprus that actually surrounds Iran. Which is where the impending Clash of Civilisations will begin directly, between Germany & Iran. Lots to take in & consider in all this…. Time will tell.
Could be? However: "[...] look into the rising rates of apostasy in Islam, particularly in the West, and how up to 25% of youth in countries like Saudi Arabia are identifying as non-religious. With Muslim communities increasingly exposed to free thought and education, the narrative of Islam’s unshakable growth is being challenged. While Islam has historically expanded through high birth rates in underdeveloped regions, we [must also] examine how assimilation, higher education, and secularism are reshaping its future in the 21st century."
I wrote about Yeonmi Parks in The War on Children's Minds “They are forcing you to think the way they want you to think." North Korean defector Yeonmi Park on "Wokeness" gone wrong in US colleges. Which has led us to this point. https://khmezek.substack.com/p/a-battle-for-the-minds-of-children If Islam doesn't survive the 21st century, it will be replaced by something else. The other new god is technology, which I have also written a lot about. The reality is that we are spiritual beings and as I said at the end, if we remove ourselves from our faith, we will fill it with something else. That appears to be Islam.
Thank you Karen for a well researched and compelling article.. you really do your homework!
Yes indeed.. ' those that do not understand the lessons of history are doomed to repeat them'.. This Global Cult of Islam continues to spread throughout the West primarily, because our education system has been hollowed out... Sold Out to the highest bidder.. So much of what passes for religious teaching around the world is just a Crude conditioning of thought to create a Follower a Believer.. A violent unquestioning Believer in Islam.. a Jihadist's it's ultimate product.. [Holy Wars-the ultimate oxymoron] ... No Nurturing of the Importance of Questioning... Believe in Islam or Die... Christianity, Judaism, though more tolerant also teaches-conditions a child to be a believer.. You must believe in Christ.. or God or whatever.. There is no fundamental exploration of what is Unconditional Absolute Truth.. What is the actuality of goodness, forgiveness, love? What happens to ones mind when we identify with a group? Be it religious, political, scientific, or social? Is there any real difference between oneself and another? Why have so many of mankind's Great Teachers stressed Nonviolence, like Christ, the Buddha, Patanjali, Krishnamurti, Ghandi, etc ?
Personally, I think that it is the parents duty to teach a child, the fundamental importance of education in its most profound sense.. The dinner table is the perfect place to nurture that inquiry... to Nurture inquiry into difficult subjects... that They have a Fundamental Right to question anything and home is a safe place to do so..
When a civilization Truly prioritizes education, the negative aspects of that civilization shrink in direct proportion..
This is so true. I'm thankful that I was raised in a family with parents that valued questions and conversations. I have always had a questioning mind and I needed to talk things through. I was encouraged to have a personal relationship with Jesus/my Creator, not rely on other people to tell me what i should do. It's nice to have good teachers and good leaders, but we don't need intermediaries controlling our minds, telling us how to think or what rituals we need to perform or we are going to hell. Critical thinking was highly valued in my family and not following the crowd.
BABY MOHAMMED (muhammad) -- the triumph of rape an' RE-Pop! (that's de-pop of us infidels ta be replaced with Re-Pop of the good peoples of the most Noble Religion aka Islam)
Yeah, I read about that. Not to mention there are over 500 variations of the name Mohammed. It is so funny because my "husband's" name was Mohamadin and he was so proud that he wasn't just one of the crowd. There was nobody else with that variation in the villages lol.
😮! that's hilarious--add an "in" (2 little letters) in the land of sameness/s'nameness an' ye stand out... There's a great Dr Seuss book called "Too Many Daves" me an' my kids loved --in it the mama named all her kiddos "Dave" so when she called of course they ALL came (an' Seuss has a lotta fun namin' all the silly names they COULD have been named ta avoid such ridiculous confusion)--so I'm tryin' to imagine a world where all these kids are named Mohammed an' someone wants just ONE?!
(ps ...the angle about usin' "white women" to repopulate even by rape tho' is the not-at-all-funny part of that article which wuz nooze ta me--I thought they just felt "entitled" not that they were doin' some kinda "good deed fer Islam" if they knocked up a white woman by "any means necessary"--sheesh)
shucks an' thanks fer the nod Karen but YOU took the ball an' ran with it--touchdown! This is SO brilliant as ye always round up SO MANY important pieces an' put together a powerful presentation--natch I'm grateful too few DARE to speak up on this stuff an' few have yer real-life experience!
Addin' to this whole Xmas Market Car Jihad event...
(bein' still in NYSchatdt but thankfully not outta Brooklyn I kin tell ye the entire state has been compromised with some'a these Islamburgs an' related compounds / entities. not sure if ya read in the nooze a while back but in the Catskill region there is a whole Islamic enclave of radicals an' they use Uber-type/limi-type services as their cover front an' money makin' bizness... but most of these gee-hadist drivers are not licensed an' don't know what in heck they're doin'! Elise Stefanik prosecuted a sad case in point.... a young couple hired a limo--one 'er two--fer about 10 in their weddin' party incl. bride & groom to take 'em all to the venue an' the driver who was not licensed sped up an' wiped up an' the entire party of 10 killed... so they have cover biznesses... I'm not sure where the case went, if Elise won it or what... but there are SLEEPER CELLS all over NY State... one in Binghamton too...)
Even during the white genocide (not necessarily white, because people of other colors are often compatible with the traditional white culture, although whites have been losing their cultural identity for decades), somehow, people have been missing the point: Do they want to be ruled by Islam? Check out the following (addressing the reader, not the author), and you'll be able to figure it out for yourself:
Mosab Hassan Yousef has also written a book about the life of Mohammed. I am sure he will make a fortune from it. I am not feeling good about the direction he is going now. Mohammed's life is being glorified.
Why is the West doing this? A mixture of ignorance of history, self-loathing (only white people do bad things), fear and the sunk cost fallacy: we’ve invested so much in multiculturalism in the last thirty years, we’ve got to make it work now. In America, you can add the race issue to this. There is also the liberal worldview that people are basically good and if they do bad things, it’s because society/white supremacy/Islamophobia/Zionism did something bad to them first, so really “hate preachers” and “extremists” deserve empathy and support, not punishment. Hence, the belief that if we accommodate their demands, they will moderate and all will be well. Insane.
I can believe that 45% of prisoners are Muslims. Prison is a huge recruiting ground for Islam.
It's quite staggering, isn't it. A good point that e invested so much into multiculturalism we don't want to admit it was a failure is so many ways.
I love different cultures, and it would be nice if we all got along and could learn from one another while still maintaining our identity. We seem to have a hard time doing that.
yup yup, this "multiculturalism" concept--I've heard it referenced SO many times an' it seems no longer a good thing (like our "meltin' pot") but a more nefarious agenda. ALL the stuff I grew up LOVIN' are now considered "cultural appropriation"--as in dressin' up fer halloween or other events such as tryin' on clothes or "bein' " folks from "other lands," enjoyin' food fests where we whi'peepol would taste dishes from many nations an' not feel "unwelcome," an' fer me as an "actTruss" of the mostly comic sort, it was a joy to have fun with accents of all sorts an' we were allowed ta mimic lovin'ly an' "BE" cast as characters from the world over. NOW it's all verboten an' replaced with some kinda "multiculturalism" I do not git!
PS... OH to wit...
Asia Society in NYC where I used ta take my kids annually fer Chinese New Year festivities (it wuz SOoooo fun!) now stopped lettin' kids try on those amazin' theatrical Madam Butterfly wigs an' the silk embroidered robes (they also do Japanese fer the New Year--so kimonos were also there) AND puttin' on the paper mache lions heads fer photo ops. NOW (apparently) havin' whi'peepol (little kids! toddlers) try on Asian wigs & costumes & head pieces is RACIST! It's OFFENSIVE?! really? So they banned it... kids may only LOOK at "real" Asians donnin' their traditional wear... What a crock!
HOW we appreciate other cultures is by engagin' directly with 'em--I'm grateful we got those experiences--real, tactile, live, FUN! Now these poor kids get a wartered down experience...
Ridiculous. And so sad!
Have you read Simon Elmer's four part series on immigration in Britain (I will admit that I have skimmed parts of it as it is so thorougj). I think you would disagree with him about Israel, but I consider him an excellent analyst and writer and the report is sobering to read....especially when you consider yourself British (as I do!) and grew up loving multiculturalism.
The "west" is NOT doing this. It's "only" globalist lackeys. Check out what awaits you, when the Muslims will take over:
Personally, I'd prefer to die.
Zionism is promoted only because its objectives align with the globalist agenda:
What really scares me about your pictures of people praying in Britain and the US is that it is only men. Rows and rows and rows of men. This separation disturbed me deeply when I visited Egypt as a teenager. There was maybe a single woman on the streets of the town. How is it freedom (to me, a woman) to never be allowed on the streets? How is it freedom if I am in an abusive marriage and have no recourse to get out of it?
Thinking back to the Oxford Union debate is THIS not apartheid? 50 percent of the population completely out of sight, whether in their houses or hiding behind veils and bulky clothing? It chills me to the bone that so many men would want this, rather than a warm, loving, equal relationship with an empowered woman.
Absolutely right. To completely silence women, God did not mean for men to do that. We were created to love one another, to complement one another.
Well the good news from all of this is that countries like Britain will be examples for the rest of us as why we can’t allow this death cult to flourish. Britain’s resources will be stripped bare and strife will go through the roof. People will have to choose life or death when dealing with these people. Not being harsh just brutally honest. History and what this so-called faith espouses support my argument. If they are smart they’ll follow other EU countries who are deporting these people.
Honesty is difficult to handle. But this is the time we really need to be honest and although I get backlash for it, I will keep at it.
one more thang 'bout Islam is the marryin' of cousins--even FIRST COUSINS! an' related birth defects---in Britain it used ta be banned that you cannot marry any cousin' that's 6th or closer BUT they are now gonna LIFT that ban to accommodate the new Muslim world view in the UK...egads I hate the idear of gubbamint tellin' folks WHOM to marry but there are a ton of these kids born blind, with severe birth defects, etc. I think the story was in Unheard? There's this actress (Packistani origin) whose parents are cousins an' she lost three sibs to genetic disease an' one remains in a wheelchair with severe deformities an' another has major health issues so she refused to marry her "assigned" suitor an' it was a thing... but she's a huge advocate for NOT marryin' yer cousins... sorry no link but I'm sure it kin be found. I DID NOT KNOW this was a thing! (far worse than inbred Hapsburg chins lol)
This is such a common practice in Egypt. Ugh
Your writing, honesty, experience, and message are all excellent. Thank you for all your hard labor you freely share with those whose eyes desperately need opening.
Yes Karen it's amazing how Islam is the exact opposite of Christianity in every way shape and form it's a dark evil religion.... it's not going to end well for them so by all means share the gospel it's the power to save in the name of Jesus Christ there are many many Muslims coming to Salvation in the name of Jesus all over the world one of the fastest growing churches in the world is in Iran so yes there is hope in Jesus Christ for all... love you(phileo) Karen ....Merry Christmas....Maranatha!!
Amen. Do you know the name of the church in Iran--or do you mean church in the sense that so many are coming to Christ. I would like to write something about that.
I mean so many coming to Christ ...the church is underground but many Muslims are having visions of Jesus Christ coming to them in their sleep...
With regard to the Magdeburg Car Ramming Incident, it is these attacks carried out by Muslims combined with the current political upheaval in Germany & across Europe as a whole, Germans do not fare well at all under such circumstances, if they cannot obtain their inherent need for stability and become dysfunctional as a result, they are historically known for having the reputation for sudden extreme measures being thrust into action, to rectify their status quo, with Blitzkrieg Speed & Precision & the element of Surprise. Such conditions are dictating this very outcome. Germany is Europe’s beating heart, it knows it must act promptly and decisively to Lead it’s restless People & to maintain it’s role as the driver in Europe’s seat, if it is to survive. Add this all With Russia on it’s eastern boarder, is what adds fuel to the fire that will fan the flames of an old Germany ruling once again as a mean lean fighting machine over a United Europe. Get ready for a sudden rapid reaction series of events that will change the face of Europe & Germany in particular !!
I will be interested to see that happen. My German friends don't hold out much hope for Germany. I've written quite a bit about this rise of extremism in Europe, it is tearing Europe apart. Let's see when Trump comes into power if the war in Ukraine can end and some stability return, especially to Germany's economy.
All of the events that are contributing to the EU being dysfunctional are the very catalysts that will bring about a sudden transformation into a whole different European power block than what it is today. Instead of 28 Union members with all different necessities that make it bulky & cumbersome, there will be downsizing to just 10 major players 5 western & 5 Eastern European Nations, all under Germany as it’s head, and all under one Strongman who will work very closely with the Vatican which is the uniting element that can bring them all together. This “strongman” could see Karl Theodore Zu Guttenberg as being a possible likely candidate for such a role. I believe the plans for this transformation have been on the drawing board “behind the scenes”for quite a long time. With Events in the Middle East that are now shaping up for Germany in particular, to become heavily involved (along with Turkey) in it’s presence there, (with aid economically & militarily as “peacekeepers”) in an alliance with Syria & Lebanon as they break away from Iran completely. This German/Arab alliance would also include Saudi Arabia along with Cyprus that actually surrounds Iran. Which is where the impending Clash of Civilisations will begin directly, between Germany & Iran. Lots to take in & consider in all this…. Time will tell.
Could be? However: "[...] look into the rising rates of apostasy in Islam, particularly in the West, and how up to 25% of youth in countries like Saudi Arabia are identifying as non-religious. With Muslim communities increasingly exposed to free thought and education, the narrative of Islam’s unshakable growth is being challenged. While Islam has historically expanded through high birth rates in underdeveloped regions, we [must also] examine how assimilation, higher education, and secularism are reshaping its future in the 21st century."
I wrote about Yeonmi Parks in The War on Children's Minds “They are forcing you to think the way they want you to think." North Korean defector Yeonmi Park on "Wokeness" gone wrong in US colleges. Which has led us to this point. https://khmezek.substack.com/p/a-battle-for-the-minds-of-children If Islam doesn't survive the 21st century, it will be replaced by something else. The other new god is technology, which I have also written a lot about. The reality is that we are spiritual beings and as I said at the end, if we remove ourselves from our faith, we will fill it with something else. That appears to be Islam.
Thank you for inspiring my article today:
Ah, thanks!
Thank you Karen for a well researched and compelling article.. you really do your homework!
Yes indeed.. ' those that do not understand the lessons of history are doomed to repeat them'.. This Global Cult of Islam continues to spread throughout the West primarily, because our education system has been hollowed out... Sold Out to the highest bidder.. So much of what passes for religious teaching around the world is just a Crude conditioning of thought to create a Follower a Believer.. A violent unquestioning Believer in Islam.. a Jihadist's it's ultimate product.. [Holy Wars-the ultimate oxymoron] ... No Nurturing of the Importance of Questioning... Believe in Islam or Die... Christianity, Judaism, though more tolerant also teaches-conditions a child to be a believer.. You must believe in Christ.. or God or whatever.. There is no fundamental exploration of what is Unconditional Absolute Truth.. What is the actuality of goodness, forgiveness, love? What happens to ones mind when we identify with a group? Be it religious, political, scientific, or social? Is there any real difference between oneself and another? Why have so many of mankind's Great Teachers stressed Nonviolence, like Christ, the Buddha, Patanjali, Krishnamurti, Ghandi, etc ?
Personally, I think that it is the parents duty to teach a child, the fundamental importance of education in its most profound sense.. The dinner table is the perfect place to nurture that inquiry... to Nurture inquiry into difficult subjects... that They have a Fundamental Right to question anything and home is a safe place to do so..
When a civilization Truly prioritizes education, the negative aspects of that civilization shrink in direct proportion..
This is so true. I'm thankful that I was raised in a family with parents that valued questions and conversations. I have always had a questioning mind and I needed to talk things through. I was encouraged to have a personal relationship with Jesus/my Creator, not rely on other people to tell me what i should do. It's nice to have good teachers and good leaders, but we don't need intermediaries controlling our minds, telling us how to think or what rituals we need to perform or we are going to hell. Critical thinking was highly valued in my family and not following the crowd.
BABY MOHAMMED (muhammad) -- the triumph of rape an' RE-Pop! (that's de-pop of us infidels ta be replaced with Re-Pop of the good peoples of the most Noble Religion aka Islam)
Yeah, I read about that. Not to mention there are over 500 variations of the name Mohammed. It is so funny because my "husband's" name was Mohamadin and he was so proud that he wasn't just one of the crowd. There was nobody else with that variation in the villages lol.
😮! that's hilarious--add an "in" (2 little letters) in the land of sameness/s'nameness an' ye stand out... There's a great Dr Seuss book called "Too Many Daves" me an' my kids loved --in it the mama named all her kiddos "Dave" so when she called of course they ALL came (an' Seuss has a lotta fun namin' all the silly names they COULD have been named ta avoid such ridiculous confusion)--so I'm tryin' to imagine a world where all these kids are named Mohammed an' someone wants just ONE?!
(ps ...the angle about usin' "white women" to repopulate even by rape tho' is the not-at-all-funny part of that article which wuz nooze ta me--I thought they just felt "entitled" not that they were doin' some kinda "good deed fer Islam" if they knocked up a white woman by "any means necessary"--sheesh)
I am so glad that I live in redneck riviera Alabama.
shucks an' thanks fer the nod Karen but YOU took the ball an' ran with it--touchdown! This is SO brilliant as ye always round up SO MANY important pieces an' put together a powerful presentation--natch I'm grateful too few DARE to speak up on this stuff an' few have yer real-life experience!
Addin' to this whole Xmas Market Car Jihad event...
the always brilliant an' fierce maral salmassi...
Robert Spencer:
(bein' still in NYSchatdt but thankfully not outta Brooklyn I kin tell ye the entire state has been compromised with some'a these Islamburgs an' related compounds / entities. not sure if ya read in the nooze a while back but in the Catskill region there is a whole Islamic enclave of radicals an' they use Uber-type/limi-type services as their cover front an' money makin' bizness... but most of these gee-hadist drivers are not licensed an' don't know what in heck they're doin'! Elise Stefanik prosecuted a sad case in point.... a young couple hired a limo--one 'er two--fer about 10 in their weddin' party incl. bride & groom to take 'em all to the venue an' the driver who was not licensed sped up an' wiped up an' the entire party of 10 killed... so they have cover biznesses... I'm not sure where the case went, if Elise won it or what... but there are SLEEPER CELLS all over NY State... one in Binghamton too...)
Thanks again! I am sure the deeper one digs, the more slime and dirt one will find. I was overwhelmed with the topic.
Wow, what a well thought out and written article 👏 Thank you for your incredible work. It's seems like Rev 12:11 inches closer everyday. God bless.
Thank you. God bless.
Even during the white genocide (not necessarily white, because people of other colors are often compatible with the traditional white culture, although whites have been losing their cultural identity for decades), somehow, people have been missing the point: Do they want to be ruled by Islam? Check out the following (addressing the reader, not the author), and you'll be able to figure it out for yourself:
Mosab Hassan Yousef has also written a book about the life of Mohammed. I am sure he will make a fortune from it. I am not feeling good about the direction he is going now. Mohammed's life is being glorified.
Wish I would live long enough for that war.
It won't be long.