The Islamic States of America
"Islam is better than democracy. Allah will cause Islam to prevail over every kind of system, and you know what? It will happen." ~ Imam Siraj Wahhaj, known as the Imam of America
“We have 50 million Muslims in Europe. There are signs that Allah will grant Islam victory in Europe—without swords, without guns, without conquest—will turn it into a Muslim continent within a few decades.” Those were the words of late Libyan leader Muammar Gadhafi in 2006.
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This is Christmas in London, 2024.
Islam is the fastest growing religion in Britain. The Muslim population has grown by 73% in just 10 years.
Although immigration from Muslim countries has contributed to the growth of the British Muslim population, there are other more important key factors, namely fertility rates and the widespread acceptance of Islam.
Sharia Law is becoming the norm in Britain:
Britain has become the Western capital for sharia courts, with 85 operating throughout the country.
This is apparent in the normalization of practices such as polygamy. It is so normalized that an app for the creation of Islamic wills has a drop-down menu for men to say how many wives they have (between one and four).
Islam is the fastest growing religion in Europe.
That should be alarming, yet if you look up “Islam takes over Germany”, you get articles like Al Jazeera’s What’s behind Germany’s raging Islamophobia? And Politico’s German far right fuels Muslim ‘takeover’ fears.
This blindness to reality, especially from Western governments and media, is unacceptable. Just yesterday, a 50-year-old Saudi Arabian citizen was accused of ramming a vehicle into a Christmas market in the city of Magdeburg, killing at least five people — including a small child — and injuring at least 200 others.
The motive is unknown at this time, but German authorities are treating the attack as a terrorist incident. The attack renewed attention to ISIS-K, a regional branch of the Islamic State group active in South-Central Asia.
I must add, I just read what Unveiled author, Yasmine Mohammed (who recently interview me on her podcast) tweeted:
The man who was arrested for the most recent terrorist attack on a Christmas market- this time in Magdeburg, Germany- is allegedly Saudi national Taleb Al Abdulmohsen. I’ve known him for years (online only) and he never seemed stable to me. He obsessively went after an ExMuslim Saudi woman. He wanted my help in ‘exposing’ her and turned aggressive when I wouldn’t comply…. There is suspicion now that he was actually working w Saudi authorities to bring down Saudi female activists. And although I cannot confirm this obviously, I will say that this theory aligns with my experience and exchanges with him.
Why, we must ask ourselves, would traditionally Christian nations accept a religion so openly hostile to Judaism and Christianity? A religion that makes no secret of its goal to rule the world with an Islamic Caliphate, demanding all people bow to Islam.
No, no, we are told. That’s just a small percentage of extremists. And anyway, that will never happen in the United States.
This was two years ago in Times Square, New York:
Praying in the middle of busy streets, stopping normal life in its tracks, is not about prayer. It’s about dominance. It is no different from how dogs mark their territory. This is how Muslims are marking their territory. You can call me Islamophobic for saying that. I don’t really care. It’s the truth.
There was once a clear distinction between Muslims and Judeo-Christians, between the Middle East and Western civilization. But as more and more Westerners abandon their faith, that distinction is fading. We vilify our own religion while praising Islam as a religion of peace. And since most Muslims are moderates and believe in peace—of course, most people of any religion would say they believe in peace—it’s assumed that Islam presents no real danger to the West. But this is a lie.
Lies are a virtue in Islam if they further the spread of the Caliphate in the West.
We can learn about those lies from what has recently happened in Afghanistan and now in Syria.
After the Taliban took over in Afghanistan in 2021, Zabihullah Mujahid, the armed group’s spokesman, said that women would still be allowed to work and study. The rights of women will be protected within the framework of Islam.
You would think by now, people would know what “within the framework of Islam” means. There is nothing moderate about actual Islam.
Instead of giving women more freedom, the Taliban ate away at women’s rights until nothing was left:
The new vice and virtue law seeks to completely silence women in public. They are prohibited from speaking, singing or praying aloud. The law also attempts to literally erase them from view, ordering women to cover every part of their body and face in public.
In Syria, we see a similar scenario. The fall of an oppressive regime, replaced by jihadists who promise they have reformed.
Jihadists have taken over Syria and are making the same promises the Taliban made. Syria’s new leader Ahmed al-Sharaa, formerly known as Abu Mohammed al-Jolani, is an internationally sanctioned “reformed” jihadist with strong ties to both the Islamic State terrorist group and Al Qaeda.
In 2017, the United States named Jolani as a terrorist and reiterated his allegiance to al-Queda, tweeting this:
On December 8th of this year, in response to the above tweet, Andy Ngo (best known for his reporting on Antifa) tweeted this reminder to a forgetful West:
This man is now the defacto leader of Syria after his jihadist group led the toppling of the Assad dictatorship. Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) has committed mass human atrocities for Islam and was co-founded by the former leader of ISIS as the Syrian branch of al-Qaeda.
But al-Sharaa is clever. He has transformed himself in the eyes of the West by putting on a snazzy suit and trimming his beard. He is now holding court with foreign dignitaries in Damascus, looking like a handsome movie star:
al-Sharaa has vowed to usher in an era of change in which the country’s many religious and ethnic groups will be represented. Fabulous! As a result, the United States has said it will lift the $10 million bounty on Sharaa's head.
A man for all seasons, al-Sharaa dons his “Fidel Castro/Zelensky look” when addressing his own people in Damascus' landmark Umayyad Mosque. The crowd is chanting what we now hear on the streets of every major city in Europe and Britain: "Allahu akbar (God is great)."
As Andy Ngo reminds us—except who is listening—we have absolutely no reason to assume Sharaa is telling the truth.
I suppose our arrogant government thinks they can control him. Don’t they understand by now that there is no controlling a religious zealot who will tell any amount of lies to further his righteous cause. Any violent act, any betrayal is justified by zealots whose greatest desire is to die for Allah and take as many innocents with them as possible—or at least have their followers do the dying for them.
We think we have progressed so far in America, we are so proud of our accepting attitude. We are such a nice, tolerant nation. We believe if we are nice, they will be nice too. Think again. Let’s take a look at how Islam is infiltrating the United States and has been for many years while we naively insist it isn’t happening.
We can start with the shocking story of Imam Siraj Wahhaj, known as the Imam of America.
Wahhaj founded the Muslims Alliance of America, and he is the imam of Al-Taqwa mosque in Brooklyn, New York.
For decades, Siraj Wahhaj has advocated for the replacement of the U. S. government with an Islamic Caliphate and expressed support for violent jihad. Yet, despite being openly connected to terrorism, Wahhaj was given a platform to boast about Islam’s rapid gains in the heart of America’s largest city (1).
In fact, he is the first Muslim to be invited to offer a prayer before the U.S. House of Representatives.
According to the Investigative Project:
The Imam of At-Taqwa appeared on a list of unindicted coconspirators in the trial of the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center.
Wahhaj provided testimony during the trial to defend the Blind Sheikh, Omar Abdel-Rahman, the former leader of the Egyptian terrorist organization, Gama'a al-Islamiyya. Rahman was found guilty of "conspiracy to murder President Hosni Mubarak of Egypt," "solicitation to attack a military installation," and of bombing conspiracy related to a plot to bomb the New York FBI headquarters along with tunnels and other landmarks.
During Wahhaj's testimony, he called the Sheik a "respected scholar," also calling him "bold, as a strong preacher of Islam."
Wahhaj advocated the establishment of an Islamic State in the U.S. "Wherever you came from, you came to America. And you came for one reason- for one reason only – to establish Allah's deen."
During the same lecture Wahhaj predicted the demise of America unless it accepted "the Islamic agenda." You get involved in politics, he said, because politics are a weapon to use in the cause of Islam." [6]
Speaking at this year’s ICNA, the largest gathering of American Muslims in the United States, he said Muslims must have a lot of children and raise them in strict Islam.
Wahhaj boasted that he has 9 children and every one of them went to a Muslim school. What he failed to mention is that 3 of his own children formed a jihadist cult and are in prison. But more on that later.
When Wahhaj speaks, he gets confused or maybe it’s just that he outright lies. He doesn’t care if what he says is true or not, as long as people are caught up with his charismatic rhetoric.
He boasts that 1.5 million Muslims live in New York City (that’s correct). There are 34 mosques (there are actually many more, between 175 to 285 mosques), 300 Muslim schools (there are 30) and 96 thousand Muslim businesses in NYC (that’s correct). He claims that one out of ten students in public schools are Muslims. I couldn’t find anything to verify this.
He says he has traveled throughout America, and he can tell you how impressed he is with how many Muslims have bought churches and synagogues. He says in the last 25 years; 40 million churches have closed. However, this is a ridiculous number and obviously not true. What statistics really show is that 40 million Americans have left Christianity and other religions. Disturbing enough in itself.
Wahhaj goes on to say that 45% of prison inmates are Muslims. Surely this can’t be right. But he uses this to prove his point that Muslim youth need to return to Islam. He could have mentioned his own children as an example, since three out of nine being incarcerated is a shocking number. Especially for a religious leader who is telling people how to raise their children.
In 2018, his grown children, sisters Hujrah and Subhanah, and brother Siraj, were found at a New Mexico compound where they had started an extremist Muslim cult. With them were 11 starving children, nine of which were Imam Wahhaj’s grandchildren. (4) Prosecutors accused Wahhaj’s son and daughters of training the children to use firearms to carry out school shootings.

Imam Wahhaj’s son Siraj had been missing since December when he vanished with his three-year-old disabled son, Abdul. Remains of a young boy believed to be those of Abdul were subsequently found at the compound.
Imam Wahhaj claimed to be “baffled” at how his children could espouse such extreme doctrines. Yet, this is what he preaches:
"If Allah says 100 strikes, 100 strikes it is. If Allah says cut off their hand, you cut off their hand. If Allah says stone them to death, through the Prophet Muhammad, then you stone them to death, because it’s the obedience of Allah and his messenger—nothing personal."
Like all devout imams, Wahhaj believes in sharia law and the fulfillment of Allah’s command that the entire world should be ruled by the Caliphate.
Let’s look at some ways the Caliphate is being brought to the United States.
Jihadist sleeper cells are being developed around the United States and have been in existence since well before 9/11. One such terrorist group is “Muslims of the Americas” (MOA, also known as Jammat ul-Fuqra).
Jamaat ul-Fuqra, a terrorist outfit operating in Pakistan and North America, was formed by Sheikh Mubarak Ali Gilani, in New York in 1980. Gilani's intention in forming the outfit was to 'purify' Islam through violence. (5)
MOA is known for its “Islamic villages” across North America, including its 70-acre “Islamberg” headquarters in upstate New York. The group was under federal investigation as of 2017 and likely still is. MOA claims to have 22 such compounds in the U.S.
According to the Fuqra Files:
A secret video titled “Soldiers of Allah” was filmed in the early 1990s and featured Sheikh Gilani and Islamberg officials in military attire urging Muslims to partake in violent jihad anywhere Muslims are oppressed, with particular emphasis placed on targeting India and Israel. Gilani instructed MOA members to form a “Soldiers of Allah” paramilitary force.
Fuqra is believed to be responsible for an attack on an Iranian Shiite Mosque in Queens on November 21, 1979. Fuqra members have been connected to the 1993 World Trade Center bombing and the follow-up “Day of Terror” plot to bomb four New York City targets.
Islamberg is currently led by the son of convicted Fuqra terrorist Barry Adams, who was involved in a plot to bomb the Hindu Festival of Lights in Toronto in 1991.
There were various reports of a sudden movement out of MOA villages, particularly Islamberg, in early 2010. A former member said that Gilani had ordered the commune residents to disperse into the surrounding areas.
If they dispersed, one might wonder where they all went.
It is argued that most Muslims are not extreme. But Islam is an extreme religion, and moderate Muslims simply aren’t practicing it as they should. Another reality is that, even if moderate Muslims don’t actively push the Caliphate agenda, they will not go against it.
In 2013, Pew asked moderate Muslims living in all Muslim majority countries around the world if they would like to live under the Caliphate and Sharia Law and 77% said yes. There is no reason to think that moderate Muslims in western nations think any differently. Not when we see example after example of extreme Islam (which is simply Islam as it should be practiced) spreading across the West, along with the terrorist attacks that go with it.
Youth in Gaza, for example, are radicalized from birth to hate the United States and Israel, Christians and Jews. But people justify it by saying it’s Israel and the United States’ fault for being such horrible colonizers. They will even say Oct 7th was justified.
No, this isn’t what is actually happening. Children are purposely raised to martyr themselves, thereby being transformed into victims for a gullible West.
Gangs in Los Angeles do the same thing. I saw it in juvenile halls when I started InsideOUT Writers, the creative writing program for incarcerated youth facing life sentences for serious crimes. Minors were used in shootings and robberies and sent to prison, sparing those higher up in ranks from being punished. It’s a deplorable tactic used by evil men to protect themselves while sacrificing those they control beneath them.
These same tactics are used in Islam as it infiltrates American society. This year, a George Mason University student plotted jihad massacre at Israeli consulate

George Mason University seems to have become a hotbed of jihad activity. Two sisters who head up Students for Justice in Palestine there were recently discovered to have firearms and material calling for death to America and death to Jews. And now this.
Abdullah Ezzeldin Taha Mohamed Hassan, an Egyptian national, was charged with one count of demonstrating how to manufacture an explosive with intent to murder internationally protected persons… sending an undercover agent an Islamic State propaganda video in mid-November calling for the death of Jewish people, the newspaper reported.
The agent then agreed to follow Hassan’s orders to commit a mass slaughter.
Charismatic leaders have been pushing this agenda, recruiting martyrs for years, while the public is indoctrinated to think there isn’t any real danger because these are fringe “extremists” who will never gain a foothold. But they already have.
Terrorist Anjem Choudary was allowed to incite violence in the West since 2010, finally being jailed for life:
Choudary, one of the most notorious radicalizers in the UK, was caught after an international undercover investigation proved that the long-banned al-Muhajiroun network that he headed was still operating in 2021 - and trying to recruit new followers under a false name in North America.
Al-Muhajiroun, which emerged in the late 1990s, has been linked to dozens of acts of terrorism with followers committing acts of violence both at home and abroad.
In approximately 30 lectures Choudary had encouraged members of the “Islamic Thinkers Society” - a codename for the al-Muhajiroun network - into confrontational street preaching and acts of violence.
“I am sure that you will continue to preach your message of hate and division when or if you are given the opportunity to do so in the future. You are not someone who can be diverted from that course by any form of intervention,” said the judge.
These Muslim leaders will not stop. And it is troubling that often they are allowed to carry on for years before anything is done about it. Imams like Siraj Wahhaj are treated with respect and given a platform. The same goes for “reformed” jihadists like al-Sharaa.
Meanwhile, according to Combating Terrorism at Westpoint, growing numbers of Americans are espousing violent Islamist views.9
The United States, some analysts believe, is beginning to repeat the experience of the United Kingdom a decade ago.10
If the United States is catching this British disease, UK radical preachers helped spread the contagion. In the United Kingdom, one group in particular—al-Muhajiroun, a pro-al-Qaida group, stood out because of the size of its following.19 In crowded meeting halls across the United Kingdom, Anjem Choudary found a formula for attracting hundreds of followers: 20
“Speak English with charisma about how the United States and its allies were at war with Islam.” It was an approach the group successfully transplanted to the United States.
It behooves the United States to take heed of what has happened across the Atlantic. Great Britain is lost. Germany is lost. Austria is lost. Sweden is lost. Italy is lost. All of them lost to Islam.
“In 10 years, we will all be Muslims because of our stupidity,” declared Italian Monsignor Carlo Liberati recently.
God is dead and Science is God has been the theme in the West, to our demise. But science can never replace God, and a spiritual void will always be filled with something. That something appears to be Islam.
There is a saying that those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it. Westerners can continue to scoff. It will never happen here, they say. Those are the words of fools.
A special thanks to
for drawing my attention to the Fuqra Files.
Why is the West doing this? A mixture of ignorance of history, self-loathing (only white people do bad things), fear and the sunk cost fallacy: we’ve invested so much in multiculturalism in the last thirty years, we’ve got to make it work now. In America, you can add the race issue to this. There is also the liberal worldview that people are basically good and if they do bad things, it’s because society/white supremacy/Islamophobia/Zionism did something bad to them first, so really “hate preachers” and “extremists” deserve empathy and support, not punishment. Hence, the belief that if we accommodate their demands, they will moderate and all will be well. Insane.
I can believe that 45% of prisoners are Muslims. Prison is a huge recruiting ground for Islam.
What really scares me about your pictures of people praying in Britain and the US is that it is only men. Rows and rows and rows of men. This separation disturbed me deeply when I visited Egypt as a teenager. There was maybe a single woman on the streets of the town. How is it freedom (to me, a woman) to never be allowed on the streets? How is it freedom if I am in an abusive marriage and have no recourse to get out of it?
Thinking back to the Oxford Union debate is THIS not apartheid? 50 percent of the population completely out of sight, whether in their houses or hiding behind veils and bulky clothing? It chills me to the bone that so many men would want this, rather than a warm, loving, equal relationship with an empowered woman.