this entire obsession with the “Epstein files” has eclipsed the crimes themselves. Our government knows EXACTLY who was involved, when, where, what and how. All of it. And they are among them. So they are just playing another psyop on the public. Bread and Circuses.

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Something is up. Lots of wagging the dog the past couple of weeks. The hot topic keeps changing. Like the Friday meltdown in the wake of the “release”. Or the Epstein “release” in the wake of FAA incompetence and air crashes. Too coincidental that the narrative keeps changing each and every week ! Something is brewing, there has to be some sort of atom bomb ready to drop (I hope it’s not the real thing).

And, um, speaking of the Epstein list, what ever happened to the more recent Diddy list ? Interesting that’s found its way swept under the carpet.

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Mar 4Edited

The abundance of evil has never felt more evident in the world. The depravity of the Epstein cult, Sean Combs, worldwide jihadis murder, secret not so secret sex chat room operated by government operatives, and terrorism, and even the Pope lies about Jesus being a Palestinian. Too many endless rabbit holes. End of days?

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So true.

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Nothing makes sense anymore. I have never seen so many ignorant people. certainly ignorant of military history especially WWI and WWII, throwing tantrums for more money and souls to feed into the forever meat gringer.

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As I remind everyone: When the news about Epstein broke, the NY Post (the only paper I occasionally trust) referred to him as a "famous hedge fund manager."

Everyone I know on Wall Street said, "Who?" In a very closed world of traders, exchanges, clearinghouses and brokers, everyone who does a significant volume of business is well known, whether or not the outside world has ever heard of them.

No one I knew had ever done business with this guy, or indeed ever heard of him. Mystery #1 - where did all the vast cash come from?

(It later turned out Jeffrey wasn't above being or playing gay (convincingly, clearly) and stole the tens if not hundreds of millions from a billionaire garmento who for his own reasons, never prosecuted the Very Slippery Mr Epstein.)

The very first pictures in the Post of his Manhattan mansion featured a room straight out of a Hollywood movie: there was a monitoring room filled with cameras which were clearly direct feeds from every room in his house.

Given who stayed there - powerful folks like Bill Gates and Bill Clinton, along with a string of pretty (very) young things, it is obvious his mansion was blackmail central.

THOSE TAPES that came from those video feeds are why Ghislaine is alive. THAT is what she used to avoid being Epsteined.

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Well said.

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Pam Bondi is compromised.

Q: Why would a Trump official [Pam Bondi] announce that they're releasing the Epstein documents / Client List -- before they have them?

A: Because they're never going to release the Epstein Client List.

How the hell could a former state AG Bondi really think that there was 200 pages on Jeffrey Epstien? There were videos, we all know this. To claim that you have everything in 200 pages -- without videos is insane. This is a bigass cover-up!

Sundance at The Conservative Treehouse explains this well.


Many of you are probably reading this aspect of the story for the first time. However, what we do know with as much certainty as we knew going into the George Zimmerman trial, is that every element of the Deep State knows exactly what Pam Bondi did in Florida with that case in 2012 and 2013.

The Intelligence Community and the people who control the DOJ know every single detail of that corrupt Bondi timeline, complete with emails, call logs, transcripts, text messages, strategy meeting notes and more.

They know all of it, and they will leverage that as blackmail (and more) against her just as soon as President Trump starts to think Pam Bondi is going to make a difference.

Wrongful prosecution by the State, on the scale of manufacturing false witnesses, does not have a statute of limitations.

In 2016 President-elect Donald Trump did not know his Nat Sec Advisor Mike Flynn was an unregistered foreign lobbyist for Turkey.

In 2024, I highly doubt President-elect Donald Trump has any idea what attack vectors a completely compromised Pam Bondi carries into the AG role. Including her being a registered foreign lobbyist for Qatar.

We shall see…..



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it is inexcusable for Trump to have missed this or not known about it and/or not informed by his aides and whoever advocated to him for the AG appointment. That in and of itself is subversion; probably a Deep State operation. They outplayed him in "3D" chess with this move because, as you note, they now have leverage, blackmail - she is compromised. He needs to get rid of her, one way or another. Without a powerful and clean AG, the rest of his agenda is severely weakened, as is his entire cabinet.

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So... we've been tricked again.

We're "known" for this. Say the word "treat"[Epstein] and we come running to wolf down our treat. Wait a minute! That's not a real treat... that's medicine and it tastes yucky. Dang!

We won't fall for it next time... right?

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Yes, these documents are not new, they were being discussed by MSM in January 2024.

The saddest is that one with the names of 54 "masseuse", all blacked out. It could stand for the nameless victims of trafficked women everywhere.

The worst thing is, the FBI must know who they all are, whether alive or dead. Some may be in hiding. And their rapists walk around loose.

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Give her a chance for goodness sake. Do we think it’s easy walking into that environment and getting them to cooperate? DOGE is talking to computers, not people. Bondi and Patel are dealing with extraordinarily recalcitrant deep state operatives and thus facing a far more difficult task.

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She's being given plenty of chances. This was her first big public "move" and it's obvious she lied about it. She's clearly not that dumb, so it's not incompetence. She has lost credibility. You can move slow and make mistakes, but the Attorney General cannot lie.

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As you wish

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Epstein would have been smart enough to protect himself to Not Get Dead!

- just imagine for a moment that he Did Indeed Protect himself from getting dead.

How would he have insured himself ?

Set up a scheme to let ALL OUT OF THE BAGin the event of his untimely death.

Ps: we will never spot Epstein , like some people said they spotted Elvis.

… how would Epstein leave himself so vulnerable to “ suicide” ????

Maybe , just maybe he prevented that from happening.

He’s been the King of Compromising others.

The King of Compromise must surely had a plan A if he was caught. He had a lot of Kompromat on people in high places!

Exposing this Kompromat could have easily been done in the event of him offing “himself”.

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The title should say Bring Nothing

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It's a play on The Epstein Files 'Big Reveal', it's a 'Big Nothing'.

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Oh its a play I did not realise. I am from the UK.

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