Fantastic piece, Karen, thank you. Greenwald can now join the august company of Norman Finkelstein as a pathetic self-hater. Our modern days kapos. My mom z"l always told me that the kapos in Auschwitz whipped them harder than the SS. And in the end they ended up in the same crematorium.

Owen and many our former Covid buddies are equally disgusting - but at least they're not pissing in their own soup.

Great work Karen, you're one of the righteous 👏

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Thanks George. I get so frustrated, the only way to deal with it is to write about it. The harm pathetic men like Finkelstein have done is beyond belief.

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The confusion of the West is a blessing to those who wish to destroy the West.

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That's very true.

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I did not know "conservative" influencers have joined the proHamas movement. This is insightful and heartbreaking. I will no longer have anything to do with Candace Owens. Thank you, Karen, for being bold and speaking the truth. As always, you educate me.

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I’m also done with Candace. You can’t flip overnight like that without having hidden such hateful sentiments for quite some time. She had us all fooled.

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Absolutely. That's what I've found so shocking. Some people didn't surprised me, but so many have flipped is really disturbing.

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I wrote on X on October 8th how disgusted I was by some of my countrymen & women supporting Hamas after their barbaric attack against Israelis the day before. I have watched the escalating anti-Jewish protests with mounting horror. I never thought I’d hear people shouting support for ‘jihad’ & Hamas on the streets of London. I am ashamed of my country. Thank you for writing this most powerful piece; my heart goes out to you & all Jewish people. I am profoundly sorry.

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Watching from abroad how the UK has transformed has been frightening to say the least. Basic liberties like the freedom to speak freely are gone. I read today that they’re now going after private conversations online to suppress unauthorized speech. 1984 is here!

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Yes. I live in Scotland. It's horrendous what they are forcing on us.

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I feel terrible for you. Scotland is so beautiful. How can they do that.

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It is very beautiful. But the Scottish National Party have taken over. Their main aim is to leave the UK. They have destroyed Scotland. They are nothing but Nazis. Between Muslim leadership and the Green Party's far left agenda Scotland has been destroyed. If we could we would move to England. But there are increasing problems there too. And I say this as one who is from California. Never thought it could be worse. 😞

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The ideologues are trying; they won’t win. Us English are rather bullish when it comes to free speech.

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Comments speaks for themselves. A civilisation bent on destroying one people group out of sheer ignorance. It's insanity! Thank you, Karen. You know just what to say to bring out what resides in peoples hearts....😞

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God bless you Heather.

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Thank you, Karen. I'm stunned at the level of sheer hate.

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Thank you, Karen, for embracing a broader perspective on the issue. It never stops to amaze me that even though half of your piece covers horrendous human rights violations and murderous crimes happening across much of the Middle East and Africa, most comments are coming from the readers who try very hard to defend their position of Jew hatred and rejection of Israel’s right to exist camouflaged as all kinds of ridiculous claims. And all the while demonstrating a spectacular lack of knowledge and history and openly reciting Hamas propaganda points embraced by terrorists and their governments. In her books, Ayan Hirsi Ali talks a lot about her experiences growing up under Sharia Law, pointing out the often overlooked incompatibility of the Islamic law with Western values. I must say that witnessing a blind embrace of such incompatibility by people living in the West is truly astonishing.

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It is astonishing. I tackle these topics and allow all the comments so they will be here as a testimony. Maybe it will mean something in the future, I can but hope. I am amazed at the hypocrisy because anyone that was being attacked as Israel is would expect their government to do exactly as Israel is doing. Also, as you say, witnesses like Ayan Hirsi Ali and so many more that I have quoted in my essays, as well as my own experiences, all of that does not matter, people are determined to hold onto their own viewpoint even though they don't know what they're talking about, and denounce those that do. All for the sake of demonizing Jews.

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Excellent article, Karen. It is Hamas who initiated and continue this war by hiding cowardly behind the people in Gaza. Normally people despise those who hide behind helpless women, children, elderly and infirm. Why is this different? It is astonishing to see so many people condone the behaviour of cowards while vilifying the target, Israel

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Yes, it exposes the truth that has hidden for so long beneath the surface.

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This is predictable given the way this same group of shrill, mostly uninformed, “bleeding hearts” have infantilized the black community in the US. Same deal. Blacks and kill blacks and no one says anything. They can engage in crime, both petty and horrifically violent, and it’s “justified” because they’ve been so “systemically oppressed” by their country. They believe that the people they fight for are incapable of living by the standards that have made our nation free and prosperous to begin with. They believe they are so damaged by what has happened to them that our common standards should be lowered so that they can finally succeed in gaining “equality.”

It’s the same with the Palestinians. I think most of these people, not necessarily consciously, look at those they deem as “BIPOC” are inferior to them and thus require lower moral standards. Although, it seems they’ve also lowered their own moral standards pretty significantly a

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Excellent and detailed summary. Your facts are correct. Your logic is correct. Your appeals to humanity and our better selves are correct. But it won’t matter. The people who hate Israel have emotional and political reasons. Many of them are psychologically disturbed. To spend your life looking for reasons to hate a group of people is a sickness. Many of them are uninformed. Some of them are deviates and sociopaths. When you can find something wrong in everything that Jews do, but look past obvious atrocities and corruption on the other side, it’s not about the overt issue. It’s about something else. Candace Owens case is interesting, but at the end of the day she overlooks history, the nature of war and the atrocities of Hamas.

An honest person could say they don’t know enough to form an opinion and they don’t like what they see. They could try to get more information and weigh facts. But few people will do that. There are a lot of other factors in play.

Most of the haters are completely uninformed.

On the other hand, the Commies are using the war to advance revolution in the West. Their objectives are not circumscribed to Israel, but to destabilizing America and the West. If you watch and listen closely you’ll find the subtext beginning to assert itself.

Jews don’t need to explain ourselves to people inclined to hate us, any more than black people need to justify their lives to the KKK. It won’t help. We don’t need to bend over backwards. It doesn’t work. Just take care of what needs to be taken care of.

And if someone wants to destroy Israel and kill Jews, in a psychotic medieval religious frenzy, what stops them is not words. It’s what Israel is doing to Hamas. Hamas, the Nazis of Gaza, are almost gone. It will be completely eradicated soon, despite their boyfriends Barack Obama and Joe Biden. Their fighters are not very effective against an army versus unarmed women and babies. Other Nazis like Hezbollah to follow. There’s a season for everything. If the Palestinians want peace, they can prove it. Be peaceful. Continue to wage jihad, then continue to die. The Islamists are a death cult. They worship death. They sacrifice their own women and children for hate. You can’t reason with that. And Palestinians support that. So…it is what it is.

God Bless America.

Am Yisrael Chai


Trump 2024

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If war came to your doorstep in the way it has come, time after time, to Israel’s doorstep, would you still say you are “against all war”? Would you allow your home to be invaded because you are “against the killing of innocent women and children”? That would not make sense.

WAR IS COMING…and multitudes will be taken unaware…the question is how many will have eyes to see and stand and fight…where have the warriors been when our children are being attacked and destroyed by public education, tech, and media…in actuality the WAR is already here and is being carried on by the great serpent satan himself with his demonic hordes…and many in our current culture have on blinders and cannot see TRUTH…America will go the way of all corrupt cultures, and great will be our fall—unless there is repentance and turning back to God and Biblical principles…

And all who fight against Israel will be dealt with by Almighty God, who was and is their Father first before those of us who are Gentile believers. You would think so-called Christians would know that if they studied their Bibles…oh, wait, could that be the problem???

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You’re right, war is coming. Fortunately, I did as my father did, which is as his father did, and fathers for hundreds of generations before them. I taught my kids how to survive, how to grow vegetables, keep a hive for honey bees, how to fish, how to kill, clean, and butcher an animal, and how to shoot. My youngest daughter can probably butcher an animal better and faster than most men. My sons now reload every round of ammo that we shoot.

They WILL NOT invade our homes and towns unmolested. My sons practice with pistols out to 50 yards, and they practice with rifles out to 1,000 yards. My daughters and daughters in law are right there with them. My daughters and their husbands hang out with and are friends with my sons and their families.

It’s really quite simple. Raise your kids to be strong, hard working, driven adults with good moral values. Give them all of the tools they’ll need to be successful, then let them loose on the world to show you the fruits of your labor. But always be there to patch the skinned knee or bloody nose. It’s going to happen, just like it did when you were learning.

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1030 expulsions throughout history. People are such bullies and are obviously just jealous of their ”success”

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I really don’t understand the conservatives like Candace Owen’s and others who are just as much in la-la-land about Israel as the progressive left. (I mean, I always thought Owen’s was batshit cray-cray, but now we know for sure.) The only thing I can figure is that because some of them were reluctant to support Ukraine, that they didn’t want to be seen as hypocrites supporting Israel? Of course, the Left has no problem being hypocritical all the time, but conservatives at least try a bit harder not to be. This is the only thing that remotely makes sense (and even then it’s a bit of a stretch) for why some conservatives talking heads are anti-Semitic. I can’t figure out why else they would be.

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The only thing that makes sense is that they just hate Jews. Unfortunately.

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Very sad. I just don’t get it. I lean more conservative, and am just totally embarrassed and disgusted by conservatives who have fallen into Jew-hatred. I expected as much from Progressives, but not from Conservatives. Finding myself more aligned with old-school liberals these days— odd times we are living in for sure!

Thanks for the great article!

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Erick Erickson recently described Candace Owens as a “black trans-conservative (a progressive who identifies as a conservative).” Sounds about right.

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Hahaha, that’s hilarious.

Mostly she is just annoying. Like why do you have to be feisty all the time? It’s like those Lefty-social activist who are always angry about everything. Chill out gals

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Great read, and sooo much easily verifiable information. Thank you!

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It demonstrates how easily people are manipulated - tools of those who need chaos and suffering to implement global structures.

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The issues articulated in the essay have prompted this long term, chronic leffist to decide to depart from the left -- even though I stilll love some of its features https://davidgottfried.substack.com/p/my-fellow-jews-is-it-time-to-leave

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People were wanting Candace to run for President as a Republican. I responded she speaks well. But can she make decisions? How will she respond in a crisis? What skill set has she developed over a lifetime, other than being charismatic? So, now we know.

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👏🏼 🙏🏼 👍🏻 THANK YOU Karen! I do hope people hear ya an' understand...

I'm a' gonna share a few cherce links below so folks kin understand whut yer seein' too!

I often DO speak up in "com-mints" (apart from my own postin's) when folks go off, as they oft do, on the chews but I'm a little drop a' water in the bigger pond.

Lousy leaders? 100%. NetAn'Yoohoo is not remotely A-ok in my book (green pass? forced jabs? so much more...he sold out Israelis ta the highest bidder...) but neither is, say Biden who sold us out too (an' we've had other "winners" 'fore him--how' bout Clinton? Bush? Obama...?) -- so should America be burned ta ashes b/c the leader sucks an' wages war--an' in America's case it ain't even fer self-defense?

Amercian wars--covert AND overt have killed way more people than Israel's doin' now (I like how ya listed so many other casualties of war Karen!)--AND tho' I ain't justifyin' it--personally I'm deeply pained by every life lost in this war--certainly of the "innocents"--an' many fellow chews like me wring their hands at all this an' don't know what the heck ta do. WE are all blamed fer whut goes on in Israel (all except the vocal anti-zionists take the heat here) even tho we have JACK ALL ta do with whut NetAnYooHoo duz. In fact, HALF of Israel is protestin' 'bout the mess there--but nope, that don't matter--we jews are fake until it's time ta hate. So we wring hands, yell on paper or some give speeches or make videos--but we cain't stop the war any more than them protesters that despise us can. (Many are cheerin' on Hamas, as ya said, not just for "free" Palestine...half have no clue WHUT they're cheerin' on! )


Fact is, I cain't opine intel-igently (intel is half of it!) on "war" an' how ta wage it--but I don't wanna see Israel leveled an' I DO fear this battle is turnin' existential--it COULD be razed. Also, the NWO-CABAL wants it so ("Greater Israel" as a smart city--fergit 'bout jews, jews don't matter ta Mister Global, he's got other plans...)

As I see it, all "gubbamints" should be subject ta fierce critter-cism but they do make an exception with Israel an' go harder there. Seems they more'r'less skip the critter-cism an' just say the country duzn't have a right to exist! An' when I say critter-cisim it's indeed like domestic critters that are on a learnin' curve ta behave politely 'round us human beans (they gotta sit, wait, walk nicely without tuggin', not grab the chicken off the table...), an' similarly NATIONS also need ta learn ta behave too! It's not easy. Sweden & Israel both gave up some'a their more "socialist" features, Italy is still a mess but thank god it gave up fascism! It's a gentle curve fer some countries, others are indeed on a stepper one. Newer countries fer sure have more ta learn an' I include both America & Israel as "new" countries--an' yup, both have been "in-filtrated" by some bad actors (which nations haven't?).

I must add, that bad actors have at times acted together. Yeah, CIA, MI6 an' Mossad are more bad than badass, but it's a lie an' near ABSURD ta say Israel / Mossad runs Amerika an' that "every problem in Amerika is caused by joos joos joos"-- While some blame ONLY the joos, I've seen some VERRY saavy truth tellers list centuries of corruption in both Internationally and in Amerika (I add the k fer "K"omunism which has dun us doity lately) without mentionin' HARDLY any chews at all--'cept Kissinger & Soros (who soitenly deserve my wrath too!). You can tell the SAME story of the world, warts 'n all, more 'n one way--the popular way now is just to insert chews in every instance of war, destruction, corruption an' eliminate all others...

The most (imo) informed writers--recently Elizabeth Nickson has done some great work on this--cite centuries of Freemasons (all faiths 'n non-faiths), Eugenicists (no chews there!), Black Nobility (ditto!), Committee of 300 (mostly non-chews--BUT unless ya read Coleman's list ta see the names ya wouldn't know it cuz folks just "said" they wuz all chews an' this wuz believed), The Mob, The Crown, The Vatty-can, an' SO many more that are all runnin' the "shoo." Sure, some chews--Rothschilds fer sure--but it ain't ONLY jews.

So it's a sad day that MORE so-called "Truth Tellers" just tell folks (as is bein' done now) that it's ONLY the jews--which iz (IMO) purdy dirty. Gee, I left the left cuz I didn't like their rhetoric--but this "other side" ain't much better when it comes to some've us... Lotta dirt flingin' goin' on an' the "beautiful" truth tellers, many VELLY SCHMART--don't EVEN question it--some have never met a "real live chew" but still they BELIEVE... OH, they sawr "Europa" the movie so they KNOW. They read Arthur Koestler so they KNOW (he wuz a spook...). An' they found stuff on Unz.com (now THAT's a joy-bed of jew-els)

If yer a info-seekin' chew an' es-chew! the MSM, then it's a bit of a landmine ta READ anythin' ALT today--yup, anything that ain't anodyne.

I'll pour thru or listen ta truth-tellers 'bout one issue (say plandemic or CBDCs 'er ruin'in' the food chain) an' they interview--promote even!--some of the fiercest jew-hatin' voices I've seen... It's kinda jaw-droppin'--I thought these were the folks NOT easily duped!

An' the comments--the thumbs up fer some real hate thar... I'd never censor but GOLLY what I read is such a thick "stew" of chew-hate it makes yer clips from Candace look like weak consommé--

Takin' a walk in my "chews"... it's hard ta avoid them landmines! To wit...

Hope & Tivon (lovely Christian couple that quote bible, makers of orgone products fer emf-protection, freedom fighters in many ways...) oft share the "werk" of one Victor-Hugo-Vaca who has some lovely stuff ta say 'bout the "chews" it you'll take a look-see:

https://rumble.com/c/c-5462997 SGT report seems ta love him too!

(he prides himself as connin' a rabbi inta giving him a yarmulke so he can mock chews on stew peters show--he often dons jewface--brown makeup--an' wears said yarmulke fer his pot-casts)

Another popular chew-hater is Dustin Nemos, his big tag line is "Name the Jew"--just call out Jew an' point if ya see one!--he'll make sure ya know how all chews are "stoopid" an' have an IQ under 80 an' have only stolen, contributed NOTHIN' ta the world (stolen yer stuff, wrecked great christian america cuz "they" hate christians...). Yup, an' we all steal tots an' murder 'em an' drink up the blood fer lunch--eek! I ain't makin' up whut he sez...

Nemos looks forward ta the final solution day in the world where good Christians / Patriots will all rise up an' kill all the Jews (yay?)


one with his pal Hugo:


The People's Voice--a super popular site--soitenly duzn't have much nice ta say 'bout the chews neither...


such nice stuff ya find in the comm-mints!


The super popular (an' otherwise amusin') Clif High (who once said "don't go hatin' on the jews") has had a change of heart also been goin' on about folks finally "wakin' up" 'bout all us "fake" jews an' fightin' back (we need ta be fought back?) with the upcomin' smack down against the "Elohim" an' all us fake Khazarians... his pal Max Igan really hates us too (we're all evil but the Gazans are all beautiful people--not that I'm sayin' they ain't but I do think the man's a mite biased against the joos) . Boy oh boy.

Stew Peters (host, former rapper & bounty hunter), who got on the map thanks ta (jewish) whistle blower Dr. Jane Ruby who wuz the first one ta come out 'bout the blood clots (interviewin' all the coroners)--wuz not credited AT ALL fer her research in "Died Suddenly" an' then she got canceled from his show--so she started her own, bless 'er--but now it makes sense since he'z ripped of his gloves an' gone full-out chew-hatin'-- he's been really inta coverin' the "tunnels" in Brooklyn an' makin' sure the world knows we all murder toddlers an' drink their blood:


"Whatta Stew' "s been bizzy interviewin' the likes of Hugo-Vaca an' Brother Nathanael (omg whatta piece of work!). He has a huge foller'in' of course.

I could go on... but I won't...

The gloves are off--never again is NOW, Vera Sharav wuz right! Once ya git rid've us (as may be the wish of many! could heppen? from camp-hous/campus to our house...), it won't be as "lah-dee-dah" as one might wish. (Shoot, there I go quotin' a Woody Allen movie--fwiw Diane Keaton has always supported him, unqualified... but I won't venture ta go on about "Mia Culpa" here!)

"a sheynem dank" Karen--that's thank you very much in the "mamaloshen" (aka yiddish).

BLESS YOU in every way for speakin' up an' out this way 👏🏼 🙏🏼 👍🏻

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Thanks for all the links. I've seen the video of the girls who don't know what they're protesting for lol. I feel kind of sorry for them, they are walking on the edge of a precipice and they are useless.

What gets me more than anything is the hypocrisy. It's beyond belief.

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de rien, thank YOU Karen fer takin' SO much of yer time ta share yer thoughts an' wise perspective--I know ya take heat fer it... (we need superpower shields ta repel some'a them "heated" angry flamerz too!)

re the girls that have no clue...such starry-eyed "free-dumb fighters" would be welcome ta be exchange students in Israel an' enjoy a similar campus life ta whut we used'ta git here (I know've many that did just that includin' one young fella on the spectrum b/c in Israel they have really robust programs fer college age s/n kids, nice, right?)--So yup, goin' there they'd enjoy a liberal college year abroad minus the pro-hamas in-duck-trination...

By contrast, I would not like ta see whut might happen ta them if they decided ta do a year abroad in Gaza (or Iran!)... the places they so wanna cheer on...

the solution? education! how an' where? no clue--colleges are "done fer" (my alma maters included!)

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Infowars' Harrison Smith just spoke out on the Gentile Nooz Network 'bout the "joos" takin' away ALL yer rights, all yer free speech...


There's a "joo-cy" discussion goin' on on Greg Reese's stack today (he blamed the "zionists" an' most of the commenters made SURE ta clarify it's the evil "chews"--I attempted ta weigh in meeself, lol, but I'm outnumbered!) Greg duz feed the flame even if he claims it's ONLY Israel/Zionist... sigh--he also duz a lotta good work--thus I slog thru the comments armor on!


(uphill battle, blessin's yer way again fer takin' it on ;-)

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Wow. You're brave! This is so dangerous.

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you too! an' yup, I know it's risky an' I just mebbe the one drop of water in the ocean--so hard ta keep quiet when THIS is the norm, but I dip a toe in an' say sumthin' from time ta time when I think there's gonna be one decent soul who sees it (?)--it's incredible how pervasive these ugly feelin's are--forming a consensus? seems so tho' I cain't say--one of the "bee-u-tee-ful" commenters shared this doozy:


I can say folks have been AMBITIOUS makin' all this "proper-gander!"

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