anti-Zionism is a viewpoint shared by many Jews.

but not the Jews who support the Israeli government, of course.

rather than pro-Palestinian government or pro-Israeli government, I'm pro-civilian. fuck both those terrorist governments who have publicly stated genocidal intentions for the Other Side of the concentration camp fences in Gaza and the Strip.

and Jewish population notwithstanding, fuck the existence of the post-1947 State of Israel. they are living well beyond the established borders they were "given" by the Rockefeller's UN, and they steal more of Palestine daily via "settlement" and US-funded military actions.

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May 17Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Lucid. Thank you.

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May 9Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Excellent and detailed summary. Your facts are correct. Your logic is correct. Your appeals to humanity and our better selves are correct. But it won’t matter. The people who hate Israel have emotional and political reasons. Many of them are psychologically disturbed. To spend your life looking for reasons to hate a group of people is a sickness. Many of them are uninformed. Some of them are deviates and sociopaths. When you can find something wrong in everything that Jews do, but look past obvious atrocities and corruption on the other side, it’s not about the overt issue. It’s about something else. Candace Owens case is interesting, but at the end of the day she overlooks history, the nature of war and the atrocities of Hamas.

An honest person could say they don’t know enough to form an opinion and they don’t like what they see. They could try to get more information and weigh facts. But few people will do that. There are a lot of other factors in play.

Most of the haters are completely uninformed.

On the other hand, the Commies are using the war to advance revolution in the West. Their objectives are not circumscribed to Israel, but to destabilizing America and the West. If you watch and listen closely you’ll find the subtext beginning to assert itself.

Jews don’t need to explain ourselves to people inclined to hate us, any more than black people need to justify their lives to the KKK. It won’t help. We don’t need to bend over backwards. It doesn’t work. Just take care of what needs to be taken care of.

And if someone wants to destroy Israel and kill Jews, in a psychotic medieval religious frenzy, what stops them is not words. It’s what Israel is doing to Hamas. Hamas, the Nazis of Gaza, are almost gone. It will be completely eradicated soon, despite their boyfriends Barack Obama and Joe Biden. Their fighters are not very effective against an army versus unarmed women and babies. Other Nazis like Hezbollah to follow. There’s a season for everything. If the Palestinians want peace, they can prove it. Be peaceful. Continue to wage jihad, then continue to die. The Islamists are a death cult. They worship death. They sacrifice their own women and children for hate. You can’t reason with that. And Palestinians support that. So…it is what it is.

God Bless America.

Am Yisrael Chai


Trump 2024

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May 9Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

The issues articulated in the essay have prompted this long term, chronic leffist to decide to depart from the left -- even though I stilll love some of its features https://davidgottfried.substack.com/p/my-fellow-jews-is-it-time-to-leave

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May 7Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

People were wanting Candace to run for President as a Republican. I responded she speaks well. But can she make decisions? How will she respond in a crisis? What skill set has she developed over a lifetime, other than being charismatic? So, now we know.

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My neighbor got stuck in Israel during the Covid ordeal. She had lived there for years. She is a Greek Jew. She said she will never return. It’s too bad Israel became Pfizer’s laboratory. Nuttyyahoo needs to be arrested and tried.

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That’s just way too much much truth, logic, and fact! Candace is lovely, but she suffers from envy and spite. Needs to go to confession.

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Interesting choice to include footage from George Floyd’s arrest, which shows the extent of the situation but doesn’t alter the conclusion that police overreacted and killed a man.

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They didn’t. When a person ODs with different drugs in their system they can go into a frenzy state. Some jurisdictions let them. Some jurisdictions hold them down, which is the best way to do it. You hold them down so they DON’T blow their heart up. When you hold them down you must hold their head down as if the frenzy starts they will rat a tat tat with their head concussing themselves. George Floyd died well after being held down. You don’t suffocate someone, let them go, and have them talking, and die 20 minutes later and then claim murder by police. He OD’ed on fentanyl and crack, which caused a heart attack.

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Except he wasn’t ODimg when the cops stopped him, and he didn’t die from an overdose.

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Of course he was ODing. Thats why they called the ambulance. He died of. A heart attack. He had enough fentanyl in bis system to kill a steer.

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Do you think he died from asphyxiation? He died at the hospital 20 minutes after the medics arrived. The whole time he was being ‘asphyxiated’ he was yelling ‘I can’t breathe’. Why? If you are being choked to death you can’t yell.

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Well, I don’t know what to say. You’ve certainly got me doing research. But nothing I’ve read supports what your saying. This went through a trial and Chauvin’s lawyers made the case your making. And lost.

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The trial was one of the most unfair trials ever in our history.

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Karen, I realize you are not open to facts, reason or truth. But Zionism is a religious supremacist campaign to create a Jewish state. Some questions for you to answer:

1. Do you understand that Zionism emanated from Europe a la Herzl long before the Holocaust? And imported 500k Jews to Palestine who had no roots there at all between 1890 and 1948?

2. Do you understand that Zionists openly discussed the need to cleanse the the land of Arab Muslims to create a Jewish state?

3. Do you understand that Zionists engaged in terrorism at a horrifying level in Palestine, particularly against the British for 50 years to achieve that state?

4. Do you understand that the Zionists took far more land than was awarded by the U.N. partition?

5. Do you understand that the Arab Muslims living in Palestine had the natural right to resist the imposition of a Jewish state on them, so the idea that they 'started the war' in '47 is insane. The war started by imposing a state on people without their agreement. No Arab nation or people supported the U.N. partition (which the Jews didn't honor, they stole much more land than granted)?

6. Do you understand that the Zionists intentionally ethnically cleansed 750k Arab Muslims from their homes, then destroyed them all so they couldn't return, in '47-'49?

I'm curious, just how ignorant are you of the facts of Zionism? It's bizarre to hear my historically accurate view of Zionism dismissed as hate or something. I like Jews and would be happy to welcome all non-Zionist Jews into the U.S. as refugees. No dual citizenship (I don't support it for any American, not just Jews). Most Jews make great Americans. But beyond that? Screw your religious supremacist colonial campaign in Palestine. And screw you for pretending people like me are antisemites cuz you can't face the truth of your own beliefs and the actions of Israel. .

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Succinctly put

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Meanwhile, Julia, I could write a more scathing history of Islam's 1400 years of imperial conquest, mass enslavement of peoples, colonization, and slaughter. In fact, the Muslims committed the worst slaughters of a people ever in India with endless campaigns of pure murder. Stacking up 10s of thousands of human skulls into pyres, some leaders setting quotas for the number of Hindus to be killed per year at 100,000.

Islam rivals Genghis Khan in its wanton slaughter and endless stream of conquests. It attacked the West 500x more than The Crusades attacked Muslim lands. Here's a very detailed graphic representation of that relentless aggression against the West in a 5 min video. I get it, almost all Westerners have been lied to about Islam or never have studied it. But its history is awful. https://youtu.be/I_To-cV94Bo?si=79t9NmdOKODZH1yL

And today, Islamic societies can best be described as 'pre-modern' societies. There is no making peace with them, perhaps you haven't noticed? That's cuz Islam hectors them to conquer all the world, subjugate and/or kill all infidels and convert them to Islam. In fact, the Koran divides the world into Dar al Islam - Islamic societies - and Dar al Harb, The House of War - which is the rest of the world that isn't Islamic. And over 80% of Muslims worldwide support Jihad and approve of Osama Bin Laden and much terrorism, most hate homosexuality and want it illegal. Or you can just look at the Pakistani rape gangs who prey exclusively on white teen girls, or the explosion of rape in Sweden after their 'cultural' enrichment by savages. And I use the term 'savages' accurately - look at the rates of violence, inbreeding and idiotic, irrational beliefs - that's what makes a person a savage.

So do not think for a moment I'd support Hamas. And if on a battlefield, and I was forced to choose sides, I'd start shooting the Jihadis, not the Jews. But my strong desire is to extract the U.S. from backing Zionism as it's costing us so much and isn't in our strategic interests in any way. But to think the Palis are 'the good guys' is to admit you have no acquaintance with how they behave...

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I'm not sure why you think I have a reductionist view of religion on this. This isn't a pissing content between Judaism and Islam; that's not how religion or the world works, and no one should be in this to "rate" religion, nor is anyone likely to "give up" their religion because of the sorts of views you espouse above (many of which I might add are just plain wrong, but frankly I find it exhausting to even dip into that right now, so I'll let it fly). So let's push all that to the side. I will however say that the Islamophobia that is so widespread now in the world pretty much neatly dovetails with the rise of Zionism post the formation of Israel, and that is certainly no coincidence. No anyway, right here and right now, the real problem we are seeing, beyond the most recent incidents in Gaza and the obviously horrific Hamas attack is indeed the past 75 years of extremely problematic history that marks the wider region of Israel.

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What nonsense intellectually and morally. And I'm in no need of you letting things slide - who in the hell do you think you are? Your commentary drips with ignorant arrogance, Julia. I'll debate you on a live stream any time. I'll set it up and drop a link and we can see who has a better handle on Islamic history (it's me, I'm 100 books deep, you will be embarrassed). I launched this comment at you cuz I knew it would provoke you. Nothing I said is inaccurate, Julia - nothing. That you don't like it doesn't make it untrue.

Islamophobia is a term made up by CAIR Jihadis. CAIR is a Muslim Brotherhood/Hamas front group in the U.S., proved to be so when they were named as an unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land terror financing trial and conviction. They were going to be prosecuted too, but the Obama admin put a stop to all that. Islam is ripe for criticism based on its bloody and unjust history of oppression, imperialism, colonization, enslavement and slaughter. I get you don't like those facts, here's me not giving a flying crap about your silly feels.

Note you close by criticizing Zionism - I have a better critique than you of Zionism, posted on this thread. Yet you think you can lecture me. Please take me up on the live debate offer, you need to be humbled in public and learn to think and learn more, while running your ignorant yap less.

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Be careful of those who make polemic claims and appear to be other than woke. They may be either new atheist who are using woke as adjunct militants or woke using a rhetorical voice.


In the New Testament, the reproaches addressed to Jews are not as frequent or as virulent as the accusations against Jews in the Law and the Prophets. Therefore, they no longer serve as a basis for anti-Jewish sentiment. To use them for this purpose is contrary to the whole tenor of the New Testament. Real anti-Jewish feeling, that is, an attitude of contempt, hostility and persecution of the Jews as Jews, is not found in any New Testament text and is incompatible with its teaching. What is found are reproaches addressed to certain categories of Jews for religious reasons, as well as polemical texts to defend the Christian apostolate against Jews who oppose it.

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May 3Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Karen, please know that myself and many other sister women are cheering you and your fantastic writing!

Many of us are feminists and many of us know the pandemic was a scam. All we can do is keep forwarding the truth in fighting back and hope that others finally stop with this mass formation psychosis.

So many people have such boring and/or oppressed lives they don't see that they are even in the middle of it, playing yet another stupid video game without meaning or consequences for the sake of a sick kind of entertainment.

Thanks for this great essay!

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Thank you ♥️🌷🙏

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Very embarrassing that she has returned to her Catholic faith. If true I reject her Catholicism categorically and she can go fuck herself. I’d not stand next to her in church

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May 1Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Thank you again Karen for your courage and spot on clear thinking writing ...of course in the last days again the Bible is clear about anti-semitism increasing (Zechariah Chapter 12) and of course I said before Romans chapter 1 - "people will be given over to a reprobate mind" which is another word for insanity ..thanks Karen and God bless you!! MARANATHA!!

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The Bible does not talk about anti-semitism increasing. Your Zechariah reference is to the assault on Judah so it anti-Jews if anything. Perhaps one third of the human race stems from Shem from which we get Semites so anti-semitism is misleading at best when used re hatred of Jews.


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Lots of verbal gymnastics to avoid the real reason for the ongoing protests: more than 30,000 slaughtered, homes razed to the ground, cities made rubble, in half a year. *All this done by Washington’s largest recipient of foreign aid*. It’s really that simple. Accusations of anti semitism just don’t work anymore, and this is probably the only silver lining of this entire hideous episode in human history. It’s a bit like the boy who cried wolf at this point; we’ve heard it too many times and when we can actually see what Israel is doing and has done, the accusations that everyone is a Jew hater just ring hollow.

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What is being done in Gaza demonstrates the essence of Judaism.

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Correct. Not “everyone” is a Jew-hater, but banality-spewing assholes like you obviously are.

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ummm, ok? your comment is both pointless AND ineffective. Please show exactly where my Jew-hatred comes in through my words above? Waiting.

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May 2Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

For the sake of perspective, and in addition to numerous barbaric crimes and human rights violations Karen talked about in her piece, in their pursuit of Saddam Hussein, the US and allies are reported to have killed some 300,000 civilians, plus some 70,000 in Afghanistan and a reputed 8,000 in its pursuit of ISIS, including the bombing of Mosul hospital.

None of these countries presented the slightest threat to the US and allies.

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Apr 30Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

I really don’t understand the conservatives like Candace Owen’s and others who are just as much in la-la-land about Israel as the progressive left. (I mean, I always thought Owen’s was batshit cray-cray, but now we know for sure.) The only thing I can figure is that because some of them were reluctant to support Ukraine, that they didn’t want to be seen as hypocrites supporting Israel? Of course, the Left has no problem being hypocritical all the time, but conservatives at least try a bit harder not to be. This is the only thing that remotely makes sense (and even then it’s a bit of a stretch) for why some conservatives talking heads are anti-Semitic. I can’t figure out why else they would be.

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Erick Erickson recently described Candace Owens as a “black trans-conservative (a progressive who identifies as a conservative).” Sounds about right.

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Hahaha, that’s hilarious.

Mostly she is just annoying. Like why do you have to be feisty all the time? It’s like those Lefty-social activist who are always angry about everything. Chill out gals

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The only thing that makes sense is that they just hate Jews. Unfortunately.

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I know it's like hating Santa Claus of puppies.

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May 1Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Very sad. I just don’t get it. I lean more conservative, and am just totally embarrassed and disgusted by conservatives who have fallen into Jew-hatred. I expected as much from Progressives, but not from Conservatives. Finding myself more aligned with old-school liberals these days— odd times we are living in for sure!

Thanks for the great article!

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After this Karen, I have to unsubscribe, to believe you, it's as if Israel is some innocent party when it's clearly not. You have completely ignored the last seventy five years. Very biased and pro Israel post.

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