The Demonization of Jews
Conservative influencers now condemn "Zionists", joining forces in solidarity with the very same leftists they fought against during Covid.
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I started my writing journey with The Demonization of the Unvaxxed. Here I am with a heavy heart, three years later, writing The Demonization of Jews. As with my first essay, many won’t like what I have to say. But, as I did then, I will say it anyway.
If Gazans were free right now to say what they really think, what would they say? We don't know since they don’t have that freedom.
We do.
The fact that I can write this and not fear for my life means we do.
If anyone thinks Gazans—or anyone in a Muslim country under Sharia Law—have that same freedom, please let me know.
If anyone thinks Israelis do not have this same freedom, please let me know.
After Oct 7th we all saw the horrific videos uploaded by Palestinians of them celebrating the murder of innocent Jews—and not only Jews. They killed Arabs, Bedouin, too, this must not be forgotten. We saw them spitting on the bodies of the dead. This was stomach-turning but not unexpected. They have never been shy about expressing their hatred of the “Zionist State of Israel” and all Jews, everywhere.
What was shocking was the immediate support for the attack in the West.
…many prominent anti-Israel activists and organizations expressed their full support for the Hamas actions on social media platforms such as X and Instagram. Anti-Israel campus groups, community organizations and journalists framed Hamas’s terror attacks as part of an anti-colonial struggle in which any and all forms of “resistance” are justified.
Among those expressing complete support for Hamas’ deadly attacks: The Nation’s Palestine Correspondent Mohammed El-Kurd, Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) chapters, popular New York City-based anti-Zionist group Within Our Lifetime and many other anti-Israel groups across the country. In their view, all Israelis are complicit in Israel’s policies toward the Palestinians, and violence is a warranted response.
What is even more shocking has been the growing number of conservative and Christian influencers who once fought against COVID mandates, gaining huge followings as a result, and who now make it part of their agenda to inflame Jew hatred, joining forces with the very leftists that were once their avowed antagonists.
At the same time, it’s possible that sentiment among Gazans is shifting. In fact, as I said in the beginning, we have never really known what they think because they are not free to say it.
Although support for Hamas went up to nearly 80% after Oct 7th, it would appear that Gazans are beginning to sound more reasonable than those in the West who are under the misguided impression that they are helping the Palestinian cause with their protests. Maybe Gazans are finally realizing who the oppressors are while Westerners refuse to see it.
Why is that?
Here are some responses of Gazans, collected by the Financial Times:
"They should have predicted Israel’s response and thought of what would happen to the 2.3mn Gazans who have nowhere safe to go," said Nassim, a civil servant. “They [Hamas] should have restricted themselves to military targets."
"I pray every day for God to punish the one who brought us to this situation," said Mohammed. "I pray every day for the death of Sinwar."
Sinwar is likely hiding in tunnels, surrounded by whichever hostages are still alive, protected above ground by his “living shield” of Gazans. Yahya Sinwar is one of the leaders of Hamas and planned the Oct. 7 terrorist attacks. Israeli doctors saved his life by operating on his brain tumor while in prison. 13 years ago, he was released in a hostage exchange.
Did Sinwar do anything to improve the lives of Gazans since? No. He devoted his energy and resources to plotting the destruction of Israel.
Why are there no protests against Sinwar? Netanyahu might be a bad guy, but why nothing against this guy? I see no signs with his face at college protests. Among the conservative influencers who gained so much clout during Covid, where is their condemnation of Sinwar?
They are too busy raging against genocidal Israel and supporting the protests in favor of Hamas and, ultimately, Iran. Because, of course, Iran supports the protests.
Do these influencers not see the irony of Iran condemning the “suppression and harsh treatment of the American police and security forces against professors and students”, even as Iran sentences rapper Toomaj Salehi to death for supporting the protest movement triggered by Mahsa Amini's death in 2022? I guess not.
Salehi has been kept in solitary confinement and tortured, while another artist, Kurdish-Iranian rapper Saman Yasin, who was also arrested at the height of 2022’s protests in Iran, has been transferred to a psychiatric hospital twice in less than a year.
I get it that leftists and communists support Iran. What’s pretty amazing is how conservatives are now doing the same. Is it possible they don’t understand the implications of what they are doing? I wish that was the case. But that would mean once it was pointed out to them, they would change their stance. I wonder if that will happen.
Saying you are “pro-Palestinian” in this war and thinking that doesn’t mean you are for Iran is naive. Please listen to what Elica Le Bon, a young British-born, American-educated Iranian lawyer explained as the crux of the matter:
“You're telling me there's no support for the parent company? The head of the snake? Of course, that's going to be the natural trajectory because it’s an ideological inconsistency to support the proxies and the instability and terror they're inflicting in the region and not support the head of the snake.”
The responsibility for this war and the death of every single innocent person in Israel and Gaza and the West Bank lies at the feet of Hamas and Iran.
When Hamas attacked on Oct 7th, of course Hamas knew what would happen. Sinwar and other leaders had prepared to protect themselves, knowing full well how Israel would respond. That was the whole point of the attack—that Hamas would use their own people as sitting ducks in a brutal war. In fact, the more civilians killed, the better for their cause.
But we cannot even rely on the numbers of the dead released by Hamas. We cannot rely on anything that Hamas says. Do you really think a terrorist organization whose best interest is served by making it seem as if Israel is committing a genocide would tell you the truth? Of course not. Perhaps, as we should have learned to hold our judgment when our own media lied to us with edited videos, such as after the death of George Floyd, we should use even more discretion with Hamas. The MSM got exactly what they wanted when they released select information after Floyd’s death—the United States descended into race riots.
The Gaza Health Ministry, by its own admission, doesn't distinguish between combatant and civilian deaths. Instead, the Gaza Health Ministry includes combatants in its total death toll.
The "Gaza Health Ministry" also does not distinguish between Palestinians killed by Israel and those killed by Hamas. Rockets launched from within Gaza fail often, landing back inside Gaza. As even Human Rights Watch acknowledged, the rockets used by Hamas "are prone to misfire" and "have misfired and struck areas in Gaza." Research has consistently found that up to 20 percent of Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) rockets land in Gaza. Given that there have been over 12,000 rockets fired from Gaza by Hamas and PIJ since October 7, this means nearly 2,500 terrorist-launched rockets have crashed in the densely populated Gaza Strip.
Hamas soldiers routinely fight in civilian clothing—a violation of the laws of armed conflict.
Hamas has a long history of recruiting and using child soldiers…. videos [show] minors being used by Hamas to transfer explosives and use automatic weapons and rocket-propelled grenades.
To find out more, read How the Gaza Ministry of Health Fakes Casualty Numbers.
There is no advantage for Israel in purposely killing civilians. In fact, if they had wanted to, they could have easily exterminated every Gazan by now, one hundred times over.
To say Israel has participated in a genocide of Palestinians is absurd. In 1948 there were 800,000 Palestinians. By the end of 2019, they totaled 13.4 million, which means that the number of Palestinians has doubled more than nine times. The population of Jews and Palestinians is now almost the same.
In contrast, in 1939, there were 16.6 million Jews worldwide, and a majority of them – 9.5 million, or 57% – lived in Europe, according to DellaPergola’s estimates. By the end of World War II, in 1945, the Jewish population of Europe had shrunk to 3.8 million, or 35% of the world’s 11 million Jews. About 6 million European Jews were killed during the Holocaust, according to common estimates. (1)
That's a genocide.
Yet, somehow, Israel is the one committing genocide rather than defending its right to exist.
It’s understandable why Israel might want to maintain its Jewish majority. It was founded because Jews were being wiped off the face of the earth and they needed a home of their own where they could be safe, grow and, yes, defend themselves. They were given an unsavory plot of land, worked hard and turned it into a bustling world economy.
You cannot bemoan open borders in your own country, demanding they be closed, and turn around and demand Israel open its borders and risk becoming a majority Muslim nation. Apart from the risk of terror attacks, and the fact that no country has open borders.
Honestly, all I hear in Europe, the UK and the United Sates are people complaining about being overrun with migrants. Is it reasonable for the French to want to hold onto their culture and stay French, for example? If you would have a problem with the United States being majority Muslim but you think Israel shouldn’t worry about that, why do you think that way?
Let’s be real. There are almost 2 billion Muslims and no more than 15 million Jews in the world. Yet they do not have the right to a tiny country that is already surrounded by enemies vowing their extermination?
The propaganda machine continues to work very well in the West. Only 1 in 4 Muslims in Britain believe Hamas committed murder and rape. And amazingly, many Brits agree with them. Pro Hamas protests clog the streets of Britain’s major cities.
Hatred of Jews makes for strange bedfellows.
On that cesspool of hatred that is now X, propaganda is spread against Israel by those who once stood against the Covid lockdowns and mask and vaccine mandates. They insist that Israel lied about Oct 7th. That Israel staged the whole thing because they want to appear the victim while they take over the world. That the majority of death and destruction was caused by the IDF. And so on.
Anti-Israeli protestors and their supporters, like their liberal professors who’ve indoctrinated students for years, are now joined, incredibly, by conservative influencers. Suddenly, they don't seem to care that the same people who funded the BLM protests and the Covid madness are funding the anti-Israel protests.
Let’s look at a few of those organization that are funding the anti-Israel/pro-Hamas protests.
First of all, since the 9/11 attacks, Qatar has become the largest foreign donor to American academia, which has not always bothered to reveal the source. A study by the Institute for Anti-Semitism Studies found a direct link between the amount of donations and the presence of pro-Palestinian groups on campuses.
Well, well, we are seeing the results now.
Devoted communist-activists like Neville Roy Singham, and his wife, Jodie Evans, for example. Evans is the cofounder of extreme leftist, feminist Code Pink. Every cause of Code Pink was anathema to conservative pundits.
Until it came to demonizing Israel.
Soros-backed Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) organized protests at Harvard, Yale, Berkeley, Ohio State, and Emory in Georgia.
US Campaign for Palestinian Rights (USCPR) is also Soros-backed and has organized copycat protests at three other colleges.
USCPR pays "community-based fellows" up to $7,800 and "campus-based fellows" $3,660 for eight hours a week to terrorize campuses.
I find it really fascinating that all these influencers from conservative Candice Owens to liberal Glenn Greenwald have now joined forces against Israel.
Incredibly, Greenwald continues to maintain there is no antisemitism going on and Jews are quite safe—anyone saying otherwise is a liar and party to the ‘hoax’. He has made this a central theme as I wrote about in Hard Facts: From the River to the Sea.
When it comes to Jews, it’s all a HOAX. If you read comments of his followers, it’s Jew hatred that he had incites, spewed out in force.
Candice Owens now uses the credibility she gained with conservatives during Covid to feed the flame of Jew hatred. She just announced she has “gone home” and returned to her Catholic faith—welcomed with open arms, I suppose, by her former enemy, Joe Biden. What is happening?
She defends scumbag Andrew Tate, who has now converted to Islam—I won’t even go into the disgusting reasons why. I wrote about it in What is a Man?
Millions of conservatives hang on Owens’ every word. If you go to her X page, you will see the kind of Jew hate she incites. All she has to do is push the buttons of her followers, sit back and watch the deluge of hate unleashed before her. Never does she do anything to stop it. Rather, she encourages it.
Here is an example of how she cleverly incites Jew hate.
After which we see post after post like this in the comments:
And this:
White supremacist, antisemitic Holocaust denier Nick Fuentes is banned from X, but you will see his videos posted over and over by hundreds of his disciples, all over the comment sections of Candice Owens’ posts.
Nick Fuentes:
The problem is not the Democrats, it's not the woke. It's that this country is controlled by Christ-hating anti-Christ Jews that only care about Israel. That's why this country is going to hell.
Below is just one of many disgusting anti-Jewish memes that show up on Candice Owens page.
Thanks to these influencers, millions of their followers are now emboldened to proudly display their Jew hatred in public, when once they kept it in the shadows. Perhaps this is better. At least it’s all out in the open now and we can see the truth.
How is it that Arabs can kill Arabs and it doesn’t matter. Arabs can kill Jews and it doesn’t matter. Arabs can kill Christians and it doesn’t matter. But if Jews kill Arabs, that is genocide.
Even when Jews are repeatedly attacked and told by their attackers that they will never stop until they are wiped off the face of the earth and so they respond. Not allowed.
If these influencers and their followers are so eager to protest war crimes, why have they never picked any of these:
5.5m killed in Congo. Where are the cries of genocide?
More than 135,000 people were displaced in North Kivu, DRC in the first two months of 2024 alone.
Population: 99 million
People in need of humanitarian assistance: 25.4 the largest number of any country
People internally displaced by crisis: 6.9 million.
1m killed in Somalia. Where are the cries of genocide?
A million people — nearly half the population — needed assistance in 2023. At least 1,171 children were recruited and used in 2020 alone by armed forces and groups in Somalia, mostly by al-Shabaab.
500k killed in Syria. Where are the cries of genocide?
The Syrian government has committed crimes against humanity and war crimes against Syrian civilians, including forced displacement; arbitrary detention; extrajudicial killings; enforced disappearances; sexual violence; torture; aerial bombardments in civilian areas, including the use of cluster and barrel bombs; attacks on hospitals, schools and markets; starvation through besiegement; chemical attacks; and the blocking of humanitarian convoys, medical supplies, and food from reaching those in need.
400k killed in Yemen. Where are the cries of genocide?
The vast majority were civilians. As many as 400,000 Yemenis are believed to have died as a direct or indirect result of the war in that country, with 70 percent of those deaths being of children under the age of five.
Like Hamas, a growing number of my journalist colleagues now call the Houthi “freedom fighters”.
Where are the posters of the thousands of women and children Hamas hides behind as human shields with protests against Hamas for doing so, demanding it stop? Are they not worth at least one podcast episode?
Should it not be known and repeated over and over that the U.S. State Department's 2023 human trafficking reports that armed wings of Palestinian Islamic Jihad and Hamas recruit and use children as soldiers.

Okay, if influencers don't want to single out Hamas or Hezbollah or the Houthis, how about the 118 million children in Africa, one in six of whom are vulnerable to recruitment? Children are not only recruited by armed forces and groups as fighters. They are also used as informants, looters, messengers, spies and as domestic or sexual slaves.
If protestors and our freedom-fighting influencers really care about injustices towards Muslims, why do they show no interest in organizing protests for the Muslim Uyghurs?
Over one million Uyghurs are currently imprisoned in “re-education centers” and subjected to forced labor, torture, rape and sterilization. The scope and scale of these crimes have been determined to constitute genocide and crimes against humanity. (2)
One of the most horrific ongoing crimes against Muslims that influencers have no interest in is the organ harvesting of China’s Muslim Uyghur minority population:
Chinese authorities are collecting genetic data from the country’s Muslim Uyghur minority as part of a forced organ-transplant program marketed to Muslim medical tourists from Gulf states, experts told a U.S. congressional committee.
The medical tourists are willing to pay premiums for organs from fellow Muslims who abstain from pork and alcohol, the experts said, with DNA-matched Uyghur “donors” being rendered brain-dead and flown from Xinjiang in the country’s west to hospitals in the east.
…Uyghurs aged in their mid-20s to early 30s are being taken from mass internment camps and killed for their organs.
While China’s organ harvesting industry began a decade ago using adherents of the banned Falun Gong spiritual movement, he said, it switched focus to Uyghurs and other Muslims interned in Xinjiang around 2017 due to demand from Middle Eastern medical tourists.
To make sure organs are fresh, medical personnel started to use portable “ECMO machines,” which can oxygenate an incapacitated person and their organs for hours. That allowed them to keep Uyghurs in a state of brain-dead “suspended animation” for long enough to be transported east for transplants to paying foreign customers.
The machines, he said, also allowed surgeons to “harvest as many as four healthy organs from a single person” instead of only one, he said, “turning a person from $100,000 into half a million or more.”
Where is the outrage? Where are the cries of justice for Muslims? Where are the boycotts, the demand for sanctions?
Why don't influencers and protestors demand universities divest from China-linked companies?
Chinese companies are feeling a cold shoulder in the U.S.—except at universities, where they are welcomed as customers. American universities sign contracts around the world to sell their research and training expertise, and some of their most lucrative agreements have been with companies based in China.
But it's Israel committing genocide, not China?
Okay, surely the UN at least has expressed its displeasure against China. Not in the slightest
In 2022, the United Nations Human Rights Council rejected a resolution to hold a debate on China’s violations of human rights in Xinjiang. The vote was spurred by a meticulous report published five weeks earlier by the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), which detailed Chinese state-directed persecution of Uyghurs and other Turkic Muslim minorities that “may constitute … crimes against humanity.”
And yet, as of 2013, Israel had been condemned in 45 resolutions by the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC). How many times has the UN condemned the PLO or Hamas? ZERO.
Why is that?
All sorts of people will get offended by what I’m saying. They are against this genocide that Zionists are committing in Gaza. They have nothing against Jews.
For all the Jews who will happily walk into the ovens, anti-Zionists don’t have a problem. They only have a problem with the Jews who insist on fighting for their homeland.
We are against war—all war, the anti-Zionists say. We are against the killing of innocent women and children anywhere and anytime.
I’m sorry, but saying this does not make you special, since everyone I have ever met in my entire life says the same thing. You’d have to be a monster like Sinwar to say otherwise.
Such statements are rendered meaningless as they are made by people sitting safely thousands of miles away from conflict without ever having been in a war themselves, self-righteously passing judgement on one particular tiny nation while conveniently excluding all other conflicts that constitute real genocides, some of which I listed here.
If war came to your doorstep in the way it has come, time after time, to Israel’s doorstep, would you still say you are “against all war”? Would you allow your home to be invaded because you are “against the killing of innocent women and children”? That would not make sense.
Any honest person would admit that if this war happened to them, they would be fighting just as the people of Isael are fighting, against those who make no secret that they will keep on fighting until every single Jew has been wiped off the face of the earth.
The tragedy for Gazans is that they have been so ill-equipped by Hamas to defend themselves. Israel, on the contrary, has equipped its citizens. Despite the breach on Oct 7th, Israel cares very much about protecting its people and that has been shown over and over.
Just because Israel is stronger and has developed defenses like the Iron Dome, does that make Israel evil, while Hamas that has spent nothing on defense, is somehow the victim. This despite the fact that Hamas has attacked Israel over and over, even though it knows very well it will lose and its own people will pay the price. Victimhood serves Hamas well.
What would happen if Israel took down its Iron Dome. Should it do that to level the playing field. Just to make it “fair”? Would that make protestors in the West happy? What do they think would happen next? We all know what would happen.
My government is corrupt. I speak and write about it all the time. However, I am still thankful to live in a free country. I know whereof I speak since I lived under Sharia Law, and I can assure you that Westerners are naive and ignorant about what that means. Perhaps they choose to be. If you have visited such a country as a tourist, or lived there while working as a foreigner, and all was wonderful, and therefore you think you know what it’s like, you’re wrong. This is because you lived in those countries in a protected bubble. Even if you think you didn’t, you did.
Despite the impression Saudi Arabia gives to the West, even if you are a Saudi princess, you are not free.
Between 2015 and 2017, three Saudi princesses living in Europe disappeared. All were critical of the Saudi government - and there is evidence that all were abducted and flown back to Saudi Arabia… where nothing further has been heard from them.
But such facts are conveniently ignored. As long as a country is ruled by Sharia Law, it is a dangerous place to speak out, to do anything against the ruling religion of Islam.
Your experience as a privileged foreigner is totally different from, say, a woman who goes to a Middle Eastern country and marries into an Islamic family. Even if it all starts great, eventually, the facade will come off and these women find out what it’s like to live under oppression.
I can tell you, the day I found out that 90% of girls in Egypt are subjected to female genital mutilation at around the age of 12, that was the day I decided I’d had enough. Anyone with a conscience cannot condone this reality. For me, it was especially horrifying since I was training a group of girls in boxing that I had come to know and care about. Realizing FGM was going to happen to them and there was nothing I could do to stop it, and it would keep on happening, made me physically ill. I will have more to say about this when I write about it in The Egypt Files.
The arrogance of those who have never lived under this type of oppression and yet still defend it, insisting people who have lived under it are wrong while they are right, is foolish beyond comprehension.
Yes, even those in Canada who lament at how oppressed they are—and truly they are which is all the more reason they should listen—still, there is no comparison between their lack of freedom and that of the inhabitants of an Islamic state.
If you are able to complain about the injustices in Canada and I hear your voice all the way over here in New York or Los Angeles or Phoenix or Lake Arenal or wherever I happen to be, you are still free!
Yes, fight to hold onto that freedom. Please do! But don’t turn around and condemn Israel, the one free country in the Middle East, while excusing its attackers. This is madness. Israel is fighting for exactly what you are fighting for. Freedom. And they have as much right to it as you do.
Everyone knows by now that if you are Gazan and you criticize the government, you will be imprisoned, tortured, killed, and no one will ever hear about what happened to you. There will be no worldwide protests on your account. If you are gay and you are thrown from a roof, no one will organize protests for you in Gaza, nor in the United States. You will be forgotten.
Why is that?
If you think I am exaggerating, while I was in Egypt, a woman was thrown off her balcony and killed simply for having a male colleague over for coffee.
This was acceptable, she deserved it for going against Sharia Law. I’ve said this before and there is much more I can say of other instances, but I am saving it for The Egypt Files.
How can anyone justify joining Hamas, Hezbollah and Iran in protesting against Israel? No gays are thrown off roofs in Israel and Tel Aviv has the biggest gay pride festival in the world. I mean, this just does not make sense. Unless you hate Jews.
Because Israel is a country of Jewish Zionists, you would rather agree with Iran that Israel is an apartheid state when it is Iran that kills anyone who opposes its regime. Not Israel.
Why is that?
Why doesn’t this REALITY get through to people?
If Israel were to lose and terrorists overran the country, murdering everyone—and that would include Arabs, Bedouins and Christians, would there be celebrations on college campuses across America, just as there were in the streets of Gaza after Oct 7th? Would they be shouting “Allahu Akbar” and claiming victory over the oppressors?
If Israel were to lose, would my colleagues who protested against Covid restrictions and are now protesting against Israel happily watch as Hamas overran the country, butchering Jews?
If you truly care about the horrific plight of Palestinians, shouldn’t you protest against the terrorists who are using them to disrupt peace in the Middle East. Why don’t people see this?
Instead, fools fly the Hezbola flag all over the Western world. Here they are in Washington DC.
And I have no words to describe the stupidity of young women covering their faces with masks which have now been reinvented, to fit the new mob. "Covidians" wore masks to prove loyalty to the regime. "Freedom Fighters" now wear masks to prove loyalty to a new regime ruled by Islamic oppression. (Also, so their parents won't recognize them and when the fight is over, they will still get their trust fund)
In her book Unveiled, Yasmine Mohammed explains it all very well:
“Women who get arrested and disappear because they dare to take a scarf off their head in Iran. Women who are arrested and disappear because they drive a car in Saudi Arabia. Women who are arrested or killed for showing their face and hair on social media in Pakistan or Iraq. Those brave women exist all around us, and they want nothing more than to be supported by feminists in the West.
... The free West, where these brave girls used to look to as beacons of light and hope, is supporting their oppressors and ultimately fighting against their progress. In Saudi Arabia, women are burning their niqabs. In Iran, women tie their hijabs on sticks and sway them silently, defiantly in the streets as they are arrested in droves. In the West, we put a Nike swoosh on hijabs.”
But perhaps nothing shows how lost we have become more than this photo:
The madness has gone so far into the realm of depravity, and clearly is purposely done to desensitize people into accepting hatred and extremism and normal. Here we have the perfect protestor for the Palestinian cause.
A Jewish college professor portraying a drag queen led a group of young children in a chant to “free Palestine” at a queer storytime event held in a Massachusetts town that is nicknamed the lesbian capital of the world.
The drag queen, who goes by the name Little Miss Hot Mess, used his own version of a familiar children’s rhyme in leading the children.
Little Miss Hot Mess led the children into the chant by shouting out to them from stage, “If you are a drag queen and you know it and you really want to show it,” with the children taught to follow with “FREE PALESTINE!”
I think I have to end there, as I can’t top a Jewish, self-hating, drag queen, who would be killed twice over in Gaza, leading children in songs to “free Palestine”.
Why do the influencers who stood against Covid mandates now refuse to speak out against Hamas—and even have shifted to support Hamas, joining forces with their former antagonists? Why don’t they stand against Iran, the head of the snake, in protesting against the executions of real freedom fighters? Why haven’t they stood against the very real genocides happening in the Congo, Somalia, Yemen, or against the organ harvesting of Muslim Uyghurs?
Why is it when it comes to Israel, if they dare defend their nation, if they dare even say they deserve to have a nation, they are the worst kind of human being; “Nazi Zionists” committing genocide. Yet they are only doing what every honest person has to admit they would do if they were in the same situation.
Fantastic piece, Karen, thank you. Greenwald can now join the august company of Norman Finkelstein as a pathetic self-hater. Our modern days kapos. My mom z"l always told me that the kapos in Auschwitz whipped them harder than the SS. And in the end they ended up in the same crematorium.
Owen and many our former Covid buddies are equally disgusting - but at least they're not pissing in their own soup.
Great work Karen, you're one of the righteous 👏
The confusion of the West is a blessing to those who wish to destroy the West.