"The world has been divided into two camps and two trenches…the camp of Islam and faith, and the camp of kufr (disbelief) and hypocrisy.” ~ ISIS leader Abu al-Baghdadi
Thank you - for being direct, clear, frank, detailed. I admit I fall in the “somewhat Christian” category and having grown up in Sweden, when Sweden was still Swedish in values and demographic, I find the current situation aka invasion (in all western countries) difficult to fathom.
I feel in my gut I have to stand up and fight, for our values and rights and since 2020 I’m moving closer to Christianity daily.
My mom was a Mennonite. She could trace our history back to the 17th century. We also came from the Netherlands. Persecuted there, invited to Russia by Catherine the Great because they were hard-working farmers, then immigrated to Canada.
yer right--I jus' shared this in the comments--neither Christians nor Chews are allowed ta worship at the "Temple Mount" which is exceedingly meanin'ful to both faiths--now this poor tour guide is shouted down when he talks about the site's significance to those of faith (himself included) on his tours...
imho sites like this need to be open to all, no matter what faith!--an' I say this even given what was done to destroy an' erase their former (non-Moslem) significance to chews & Christians alike (such as the on-purpose buildin' a mosque literally over the ruins of the most important chewish temple in history--an' then havin' 400 truckloads of archeological buried relics carted off to the dumpster)---Even given what was done to erase the history of that site--I think it should be open to ALL to visit but nope, ain't gonna happen. It's sad. (Short viddeyo:)
I never got ta see Holland... so sad 'bout that--I wanted to see it like it was 'fore it got "over run" as ya say--ma mama had gone as a college student (with the Daughters of the Revolution as sponsor!) an' raved about it--how picturesque, the tulips, windmills, amazin' museums, food!, the people... etc. Heck, I got two daughters (one a painter that loves the Dutch Masters), but we gals wouldn't feel safe there or in many of the countries I never got to see... an my dear hubby is short an' quite slight--no threat to the robust "refuge-seekers" who'd blow 'im down in one big breath...
But maybe (maybe) there are powers to turn it back if the statues are not destroyed, if the museums are allowed ta stand an' are spared the paintball hurlin' of the woke anti-oil idiots... I sure'd hope so--I traveled a good deal as a young'un but much I didn't see...much I'd like to share with my girls... it's a durned shame (an' it's not just Holland / the Netherlands...)
So sad! I was in Holland as a child. It was beautiful. I love travelingisrael guy. He has been so important with putting history and current events in simple context so people will understand it--and all factual.
May the one true God, the I AM of both Israel and Christianity (Christ’s Bride, the True Church, one day…maybe soon…to be taken up to meet Him in the air), guide us daily, give us wisdom and courage, and have mercy on us all.
Thank you, Karen. Your work and dedication are amazing! May we continue to follow your lead in speaking out against the great evil fomenting against Israel and all Jews. God will not be mocked, His plans are unfathomable, and He has not abandoned His people Israel…in spite of what the egotists like Nick Fuentes have to say. (What an embarrassment to have that boy-child identify himself with Christ and true Americans…may God have mercy on his soul, and may he wake up to the Truth before he has led others further down the wide path to destruction…btw, I was appalled to read all the idiotic, fawning comments below the YouTube clip of him you included. Tragic…such ignorant fools)!
More than ever before my eyes have been opened to the extent that the ruling power/uniparty whatevs, has over the massive protesters. How I long for the days of tree huggers! Where have they gone now that the world actually needs them? As illegals and real terrorists from 165 different countries barrel through the Darien Gap, literally decimating the precious rain forest. As elections around the world and at home are being rigged and stolen. As Idaho is shutting down the water source to farmers to grow crops, so they can use it instead to mine for Cobalt. Good grief!
Thank you Karen for always being fair and honest. You have extensively laid out all the direct proof from the terrorists in their own words. Bottom line, they despise anyone who isn’t Islamist and want us dead. It’s that simple and there’s no other reason they need.
Allah is not the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Allah is not the Alpha and the Omega. Allah is not the Great I Am. Allah is not the kind, loving and merciful Heavenly Father that loves us, the Jews and even all of Islam. We are all His creation and I really hope the Palestine supporters that claim to be believers, seek Him out and ask Him to show them the truth before it’s too late.
Your words in the last paragraph of your essay were haunting and I will not soon forget them. Well done!
Blessin's yer way Karen for speakin' truth--it'll be uncomfortable for many to hear--an' folks don't wanna change what they "know." Ya see with all yer readers few'll comment when ya post 'bout Israel b/c they're mostly (not all) "at one" standin' with Palestine...even though none of us are sayin' BBGun is a good guy, even tho' none of us are playin' "ADL" games and tryin' ta censor any criticism of Israel. An' then there's the haters--it's good that with this post I'm not seein' the haters in the comments--but few'll stick their necks out ta question the reignin' narrative even in the "truth" community.
That said, these viddeyos are mighty disturbin', most new to me, but not suprisin'--heck, I sat thru many episodes of "Tomorrow's Pioneers" (children's programmin'--teachin' little tykes to hate joos an' grow up to martyr themselves via gee-haw'd, an' blame all that's bad in the world on "da-joos")--did this for a post I may 'er may not make one'a these days--but here's a taste of this horribleness:
there's more but takes a bit've work to dig 'em up--
Now folks are dismissin' all this "Islamism" stuff as baloney--but here ya have it--Palestine on the A-train in NYC! Never in my born days did I think...
And what's more--all the "kool kids" are wearin' keffiyeh's rockin' that Arafat look--so they're all gettin' ready fer the hijabs...also the masks they're wearin' at the rallies are kinda like hijab markers--an' I daresay they'll welcome 'em--cuz these poor kids wanna belong SO BADLY--wanna feel they're doin' "important work" as it's called--that little'll stand in their way of "The Cause"
You've warned truthfully--I gave it a try mystelf too as ya know (mebbe some here'll see this backs up what'cha say too!):
Folks 'are sayin' "da joos" are makin' up anti-semitic scentymints or even threats (let's call'em anti-jewish statements & threats b/c Arabs are technically semites an' folks argue that only Moslems are threatened or defamed...) -- an' they all say, oh, it's only "zionists" that are bothered / "ordinary" joos left alone--I'd disagree with this take... we run of the mill chews (zionists or not I think) are gettin' blamed for everthing wrong with the world--ingrown toenails too!
However it's true the jooish anti-zionists git a "pass" for now--if ya state "I'm a chew an' I hate Israel" they'll let'cha on the train an' they won't boo at you on campus--beware if ya defend Israel tho--EVEN if you think that BBGun is a tyrant an' murdered his own (clot shots, funkiness 'bout 10/7) an' gave his own citizens the yellow star treatment with the green pass. But ta want Israel turned to dust (an' all the chews in it) is a bit skeery--just b/c of one leader. Is NetAnYoo WORSE than Obama? (third term included?!) mebbe not--that man too has a lotta blood on his hands--American blood too...
So I'll add a few things... first "this guy"--he's funny an' imho "on the mark"...
1. Not all cultures are equal--this speaks to what you're sayin' bout the Caliphate comin' to AmeriKa:
Some've yer readers state that Jews / Israelis have spit on churches, bombed / destroyed churches an' discriminated against Christians -- an' intend to wipe 'em out (i.e. all Christians?!) when they're done with Gaza. Now there may have been some churches that fell with the attack on Gaza (bombs in the city) but that's not targetin' Christians or Churches specifically...imho. Anywhoo--I do not have a clue where this comes from... I grew up, like many ordinary chews I know, learnin' that we are all "friends" an' should live together in harmony.
I never heard such things as are said today--what joos go 'round burnin' churches in the US? or outside of it--Nope, in Europe? Not the chews--the Nantes cathedral was burned by a Rwandan refugee (notta joo either). I had kids chase me as a little kid an' call me Christ Killer (this was 'fore we moved ta NYC) an' I never hated Christians--always had 'em as good friends--tho' I shied away from the kids that chased me down of course. Teacher said it was my fault (long story)--didn't hate her either tho' I think she was wrong (I made the mistake of bringin' in a menorah for show & tell... my crime!) Nobuddy in my fambly hated Germans even tho' we have fambly murdered durin' the holocaust--I even studied in Berlin. One of my grannie's good friends was an Egyptian lady an' many've my friends when I was younger were "Caldean"--noboddy seemed ta care in the funky 1970s. So when folks accuse "we" chews of hatin' Christians an' wantin' to destroy Christian culture, I shake my head. Not how I was raised, never heard an unkind word in temple (aka synagogue)... Does Not Compute. But folks believe this an' it gits up their dander!
One last thing--the laydee (what a charmer that'un) in the viddeyo wuz sayin' that they're gonna shoot the chews en mass an' put 'em in a pit like the Nazis did--an' that got me thinkin' to this thing I noticed ... that the accusations of linin' up folks an' shootin' 'em into a pit sounds a LOT like that story of the bodies they found in pits in Gaza near hoss-spit-alls... Everyone believes Israel shot those Gazans in cold blood at their hoss-spit-alls but that didn't seem right ta me--an' it took me three pages of the "same story" on the innertubes to find just ONE story questionin' the narrative... lookee:
The main / accepted narrative in the first link, the counter narrative in the 2nd (buried!) link--an' my take on it--
1. It’s known that the hospitals in Gaza DO bury their own on hospital grounds and did so long before 10/7
2. Geo-location tracking done by Sky News and other non-jewish resources did show that the mass pits of 200-300 people were in the “same location” on hospital grounds as the area where the hospitals typically buried those that died under their care / on their watch (nothin' ta see there--move right along!)
3. The bodies were examined and had to be dead before the post-10/7 “attack” on the hospitals—so it makes not sense that bodies from BEFORE the attacks were found an' that before the "retaliation" IDF came in an' had bodies lined up and murdered in a mass execution at a hoss-spit-all (hun?)
4. Israelis BOMB places—it's not purdy but when they do so they do NOT pick up dead Gazans to put 'em in pits (they DO treat injured ones---something many nations don’t do)— They are not known to murder people execution style or harvest organs of Palestinians dead or alive. They are indeed a nation trained in organ transplants and many nations engage in illegal organ harvesting – the US, CCP, etc. so maybe Israel too?—BUT it’s done very precisely with coolers and freezer cars and sterile equipment—so if any of those dead had organs removed per the funny papers, it was likely done by Arab doctors IN Gaza IN their hospitals and then BLAMED on the IDF. The IDF doesn't harvest organs!
5. IF Israel dug up the pits to find their own hostages it’s likely they didn’t create them, no? It’s not like “oh we have to revisit the scene of our own crimes to see if we murdered the hostages too?” What?! No—all illogical. Also WHY would they dig up their own "scene of the crime" if they wanted it hidden?
More likely it was that a) they knew hospitals were used to hide hostages taken (taken into the tunnels below) and b) that hospitals buried their dead in on-site graves and c) that maybe if hostages died at the hoss-spit-alls there, they/the IDF might find one or more0 in these hospital-created graves so the families would have closure—THAT makes more sense.
As it were, some bodies were removed for DNA testing if they fit the description of hostages, later returned just as they were and buried respectfully.
Nobody will know or see this and the “Truthers” trust good people like Catherine Austin Fitts who is known for financial information, not an expert in Israel / MSM lies, and her followers'll believe what she assumes is true.
All that to say, I think the story is an apocryphal smear--but nobuddy'll know...
IMHO most IDF do not behave this way--sure they can be brutal but this ain't their MO so it struck me hard when the laydee in yer viddeyo pronounced this fate for chews.
BOTH SIDES LIE of course. But these old dead bodies are NOT blood on Israel’s hands or in any way related to this war methinks. There are no documented incidents of 2-300 people being lined up and shot--if that heppened, ya'd think there would be witnesses, no? WHY there were zip ties on the bodies then? Does Israel "do" zip ties? Not that I know of... but it would be an easy if unpleasant “plant” on the dead who wouldn't know otherwise.
That may have been Hamas thinking it would “seal the deal” on folks believing the Israelis are terrorists too. Just a guess Why organs removed? It’s a hospital—they do this. On the BATTLEFIELD? Never heard've that... so I think it's made up an' the rant ya shared got me thinkin' 'bout it
Sorry this is a looong one here!--but it'll make up fer the others who didn't / wouldn't be able to agree with any of it, so it goes ;-)
my pleasure Karen--here's a brief clip from what I hear is a series of popular cartoons 'bout killin' chews--hard ta imagine that these are the folks bein' cheered on an' their "campaign" justified...., no?
I know I know.... so if these young'uns...impressionable minds are STEEPED in such hate from toddlerhood, what hope is there of de-programmin' this evil indoctrination? do the SJWs have any awareness this is the "GOOD FIGHT" they're lendin' their efforts ta? (I'm not sure if I wanna hear the answer :-(
I never wanted to study Islam. I was a typical leftist liberal. I was wrong. But after trump was elected in 2016, I figured I didn’t know as much as I imagined. There’s hope. 🇮🇱
yup, I thought I understood folks purdy well--an' durin' the "plandemic" when I definitively "left the left" I thought, "oh, I was so wrong 'bout the 'right,' " lotta nice folks with good heads on their shoulders there--more in common with 'em than I'd'a thunk ---But now both sides seem ta have lost their minds over this Israel / the Chews stuff... an' they dig in their heels 'bout it all... plug their ears up!.. Kinda like teenagers (lol) an' havin' one of mine still a teen an' stubborn as a mule--wull that's close to home! (know ya've been there too...) But some've us gotta be grown-ups in a nation of teenagers wavin' the wrong flags... whod'a thunk?!
ps a'nuther good egg who gits it--just out--think it'll resonate with ya Karen--mebbe some others here too? (always MOST grateful fer you an' the handful of stackers speakin' up!)
ah yes, soooo many haters but Elizabeth, like you, was brave an' wrote the post she knew would draw controversy an' yet took the plunge, shared truths that needed to be said. Sad the angry mob attacked--you've seen that too.. I think I an' 'bout 10 others if that tried ta wage the battle to defend Elizabeth--last I looked there were 'bout 550 comments "pro hamas" and/or anti-israel / anti-chew, just ugly an' about 40 of the rest of us tryin' ta wade in an' not git pulled in the "drink" /quagmire... we need more've you fine ladies around! grattytude--an' don't git too disheartened... mebbe sanity will return? hope so! it's interestin' to me all these folks came outta the woodwork--I had no idear there were so many haters -- I so wanted to believe in good folks an' "benefit of the doubt"--it's a mite sobering!
I just thought 'bout what'cha said--that's important "WANT" to believe... there's something in that... not just believe but really (really) want to... hmmmm... wonderin' why... but yes, that's it...exactly...
Some observers have described the situation of Christians in the Holy Land as being "between the Hammer and the Anvil" -- the Hammer of Zionism and the Anvil of Islamism. I agree with you that Islamism is dangerous; I do not accept your view that Zionism is benign.
ISIS was created, armed, trained, and funded by the intelligence agencies of western governments, including Israel. You seem utterly oblivious of this. You also seem oblivious of the extent to which the Israeli government had prior knowledge of Hamas's October 7 attack, and allowed it to happen so as to provide a pretext for what it is doing now: expelling and murdering the native Arab population of Gaza in order to expropriate their land. Do you really think that Israel's desire to gain legal possession of the oil fields off Gaza's coast has nothing to do with what is now happening? You blame the plight of the people of Gaza on Hamas, but ignore the role the Israeli government played in putting Hamas into power: Netanyahu wanted an excuse not to implement the Oslo Accords, not to implement a two-state solution, and Hamas was his answer.
Both the United States and Israel have made use of Islamists as their proxy troops -- in Syria, Libya, Afghanistan, and elsewhere. If you don't recognize this, you are ignorant.
The people who make up the current Israeli government, people like Itamar Ben-Gvir, are as fundamentalist and as dangerous as are the Islamist maniacs of whom you complain. Their stated goal is to rebuild the Temple and reinstitute animal sacrifices there. When that happens, do you really think Christians will be allowed to retain their historic presence in Jerusalem and elsewhere in the Holy Land? The object of the Gaza war is to clear the Arabs out of Gaza; that will soon be followed by the clearing out of Arabs out of the West Bank (this is already happening). Some of those Arabs are Christians. Do you really think Christianity will remain a presence in the land of its birth, once they are gone?
Unlike you, I think that Zionism is profoundly anti-Christian, and that "Christian Zionism" is a contradiction of terms. You see one danger; you are blind to the other one.
What "Hammer of Zionism"? I have been to Israel, visiting Jewish friends in Tel Aviv and we then went to visit their Arab friends in Jerusalem and stayed at their home. I have many Jewish/Israeli friends. Where is this hammer? 14 million Jews in the world, 6 million of them in Israel. Where are their maniacal screams of taking over the world and converting everyone to Judaism. Have there been extremist Jewish groups. Of course. With your logic, every country is some sort of a Hammer or Anvil because every country has some history of extremist groups. Comparing Jews to Muslims in the context of extreme religion and the dangers of terrorism and, as I write about here, a Caliphate, is an absurdity.
Zionism means Jews who stand by their right to a country. What other country is demonized for wanting to defend their country? I could go into the actual history, not propaganda, but I have done that already in previous essays. Israel is a country with 20% Arab population, Israel has a small Christian population, 75% of whom are Arabs. Which Muslim country has 20 percent Jews? Having lived under Sharia Law and seeing the horrors I can assure you, there is no comparison between countries that are ruled by Sharia Law and Israel.
On what basis are you saying that Christians are in any sort of danger from "Zionism". Again, this is an absurdity. Show me anywhere in the world where Christians are being slaughtered by Jews? On the other hand, please read Christians & Jews, United with Israel to find out where, at this moment, Christians are being slaughtered by Islamists. Where is your outrage? https://khmezek.substack.com/p/christians-and-jews-united-with-israel
I ask my readers to listen to dissenters from Gaza, Egypt and Iran but somehow you ignore them. The arrogance of Westerners ignoring the very people who live in these countries who are being tortured and killed is beyond comprehension. If you are at all interested in the perspective of the dissidents, you can read this: The Insanity of Western Women Defending Oppression https://khmezek.substack.com/p/the-insanity-of-western-women-defending
To bring up the corruption of the United States and Israeli governments means exactly what? This is a nonargument, since every government is corrupt. Do you really think I do not know that? Every nation, down through history has fought for territory, this is nothing new. I have written many articles and essays about this. Every war Arab nations have declared against Israel, they have lost. And they lost territory as a result of those wars. Over and over, Israel returned territory. Israel has a right to have some sort of barrier between itself and nations that openly call to exterminate every Jew on the planet. This is not unreasonable. If Mexico were calling for the same, I can assure you, the response of the United States would be far worse. Americans do not know what it is like to live with enemies on every side. Again, the arrogance and ignorance is breathtaking.
The perplexity remains why the obsession with Israel and Jews. At this very moment, almost a decade after the murderous Islamic State campaign forced tens of thousands of people to flee from their homes, Iraq has set a deadline of 30 July to close 23 displacement camps in Iraqi Kurdistan. The camps are home to about 155,000 internally displaced people (IDP), mostly Yazidis, who were slaughtered, kidnapped and forced into sexual slavery in their thousands at the height of the violence in northern Iraq in 2014.
Where is the outrage? The hypocrisy of obsessing about Israel is astounding. If you want to complain about corruption, please start with your own country and fix that, as I write about in The Age of Hypocrisy: Let's talk about 'stolen land'... https://khmezek.substack.com/p/the-age-of-hypocrisy-lets-talk-about
Here are a few of the essays I have written on these subjects, in fact, I have an entire section devoted to War & Peace:
I write about the disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan in For the Love of War, . “We will reap what we sow. And what we have sown is impulsive wars." ~ Dr. Qanta Ahmed https://khmezek.substack.com/p/and-so-it-goes
1) During Israel’s War of Independence, from 1948-1949, no Arab state lost territory, just the putative Palestinian state that was to have been established under the 1947 UN Partition Plan, but which was rejected both by the Arab states and Palestinians. Immediately Israel declared independence, it was attacked by 5 Arab nations. They lost that war--the second miracle when it comes to Israel. If you know your Bible as I do, these miracles make sense. Of course, the first miracle was that the Jews returned to their homeland after WWII. To tell Jews to "go back to Poland", for example is a horrific statement. There was a holocaust after the Holocaust and Jews who tried to return to their homes were slaughtered.
But back to the war in 1948. No Arab nation had any intention of creating a Palestinian state. They told Arabs to leave so they could destroy Israel, then return and take all the land. The Arabs that stayed were absorbed into Israel. The intention of the Arab nations was to put all of the territory under the control of Arabs and kill all the Jews. There was no Palestine, just land under the control of Egypt and Jordan.
2) The 6 Day War. The war’s immediate aftermath dashed hopes that an exchange of “land for peace” would rapidly put an end to the conflict. The Arab League, at its annual summit held that year in Khartoum, just three months after the war, enunciated the infamous “three no’s of Khartoum”—no recognition of Israel, no negotiations, and no peace. Note that these same statements are reiterated over and over by Hamas, and before Hamas, by Yassar Arafat.
The 6 Day War ended with Israel in control of strategically important territory and, for the first time, “defensible borders.” Sinai became a wide buffer with Egypt, the West Bank added over thirty miles to Israel’s 8.7 mile-wide “narrow waist,” and the Golan Heights placed much of Israel’s north out of Syrian range. The new borders enabled Israel to absorb the surprise attack in 1973 without preempting, but did not prevent it, nor repeated hostilities since then.
The Six-Day War laid the basis for future peace with Egypt in 1979. Peace with Egypt, the most powerful Arab state, transformed Israel’s strategic circumstances. Without Egypt, the Arabs no longer had a conventional military option against Israel.
Twelve years later, Egyptian President Anwar Sadat signed a treaty with Israel assuring peace and cooperation in exchange for the return of the Sinai Peninsula – which made up nearly 90% of the land Israel captured in the Six Day War. Fifteen years after that, in 1994, Israel signed a peace treaty with Jordan.
The “land for peace” formula ultimately proved successful only with Egypt. Syria was unwilling to sign a peace agreement despite Israel’s willingness to withdraw from the Golan Heights in 2000, and the Palestinians rejected three peace proposals that would have given them an independent state on essentially all of the West Bank and Gaza (two in 2001 and one in 2008)
Since 2011, Israeli officials have expressed relief that the Golan Heights has acted as a sort of buffer for the conflict in Syria, whose president, Bashar al-Assad, is supported by Iran.
Netanyahu: “All of you can imagine what would have happened if Israel were not in the Golan. We would have Iran on the shores of the Sea of Galilee.”
President Trump transformed US policy by expressing support for Israel in the Golan.
"It is time for the United States to fully recognize Israel’s Sovereignty over the Golan Heights,” adding that it was of critical importance to Israel and stability in the Middle East.
Up until the 6 Day War, Israel essentially stood on its own. It did not have backing of the United States. That war, which was another miracle in its outcome, transformed Israel's relationship with the US.
During the Six-Day War, in 1967, Israeli forces occupied the Gaza Strip, and in 1970 Israel built the first Israeli settlement in the territory. By 2005 the Gaza Strip had 21 Israeli settlements and about 9,000 Israeli settlers compared with about 1.3 million Palestinians living in the territory. Meanwhile, in 1993 Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) had agreed to a framework for Palestinian self-governance in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank (see Oslo Accords). As part of that peace process, Israeli forces withdrew from the city of Gaza in 1994 (as well as from the West Bank city of Jericho) and transferred civilian functions for the city to the newly created Palestinian Authority (PA). But concerns over Israel’s security derailed the peace process, especially because of violence from religious nationalists on both sides. At the turn of the century, negotiations came to a virtual halt with the outbreak of the second intifada (2000–05).
4) 2005 full withdrawal from Gaza.
On August 15, 2005, when the deadline for evacuation had passed, only about two-thirds of all the settlers had left their homes and the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) notified the remaining settlers that soldiers would begin enforcing the evacuation order two days later. Most of the remaining settlers agreed to leave when prompted by the soldiers, but some resisted and were carried away, sometimes screaming. The most dramatic evacuation was in Kfar Darom, where soldiers broke through a barricade in a synagogue and removed some 200 residents despite violent protest. On August 22 the IDF reached an agreement with residents of Netzarim, the last of the settlers in the Gaza Strip, whereby they agreed to evacuate after a final prayer service in the local synagogue. In the weeks that followed, Israeli forces demolished residential buildings and dismantled military installations and completed their withdrawal on September 12.
If that is not withdrawal, I don't know what is.
I could go on, but this takes more time than I really have. But I am glad at least the questions are asked.
Regarding Israel, it is a miracle. They took a desolate land and turned it into a paradise. I have visited many countries, lived in quite a few, and Israel is more filled with vibrant life than any other, perhaps because it is always living on the edge of death. If you look at a map of Israel, you will see how tiny it is. It is impossible for anyone living in the US to comprehend what it is like to live in such a small land surrounded by enemies who want to exterminate you. For Israel to gain territory in wars with enemies that have attacked it and then want to keep that territory in order to protect its borders is not unreasonable. Despite this, Israel has often given up territory, even to the point of dragging its own settlers out, kicking and screaming.
Keep in mind, if the PLO and Hamas did not have Israel as a common enemy, they would fight among themselves. I touched on this in my essay. It is a fairytale of the West to think that a Palestinian state can be formed with Abbas as he is hated by the Palestinian people who much prefer Hamas, although pray to God they wake up to the fact that Hamas is their greatest enemy.
So, I answered your question with some effort, cited historical facts, I have put links to other essays. I have quoted many times dissidents who are actually from Islamic countries where they are being tortured and killed and saying the reasons why they support Israel, and your response is a link to Norman Finklestein, a self-loathing American Jew who has never lived in the Middle East and who derides Israel and those who fight for their homeland and wouldn't mind if Israel disappeared off the face of the earth. He has built a lucrative career on this because there are so many people who love to hear what he has to say as it makes them feel better about hating Jews. Next time, don't ask questions when you have no interest in the answers, you just want to parrot propaganda that supports extermination of Jews.
The video challenges your historical facts about the Arabs’ actions towards compromise in resolving the conflict in Israel. I believe NF is very specific in tracing the story of the international entities involved. NF spent extended visits in Gaza every year for several years until Israel banned him. Your ad hominem attacks show your inability to engage in an intellectually honest discussion. I’ve read your articles. This is a complex history.
Wow that’s a fantastic write up Karen, thanks for re posting this 🙏🏻👍🏻.. It’s really difficult to get your head around what is actually happening right before our eyes in the here and now, I am wary of sounding alarmist and defeatist as I am a natural optimist but I do fear for the future of my homeland (England) and western civilisation on the whole. Islam has infiltrated and influenced every single facet of society completely unchecked for far too long aided and abetted by spineless leaders far too concerned with being labelled racist and islamaphobic to even question at a basic level. I don’t know what the answer is, the Islamist execution of Salwan Momika should be a severe final warning of what is coming though I fear we are already lost… Thanks again Karen, keep up the fight 💙🙏🏻🇮🇱🎗️
Thank you - for being direct, clear, frank, detailed. I admit I fall in the “somewhat Christian” category and having grown up in Sweden, when Sweden was still Swedish in values and demographic, I find the current situation aka invasion (in all western countries) difficult to fathom.
I feel in my gut I have to stand up and fight, for our values and rights and since 2020 I’m moving closer to Christianity daily.
I am hearing so many people saying exactly what you are saying. It gives me some hope. God bless.
That is hopeful 😊🙏 god bless you for sharing and shining so brightly
I was introduced to DABIQ in 2016. Sam Harris read from this magazine in his Waking Up podcast called “What do Jihadists really Want”. Yikes!
It makes me very nervous watching the confirmation hearings for Tulsi Gabbard. She’s appears to be awfully tight with these retrograde forces.
Thank you Karen for this excellent piece. God Bless.
Geert Wilders spoke of this many many years ago, in Holland. My parents were from Holland.
The country is being over run with moslems and call to prayer. It is just terrible.
I know this will not go backwards. there are not enough powers in place to turn this anymore.
Moslems hate Christianity
My mom was a Mennonite. She could trace our history back to the 17th century. We also came from the Netherlands. Persecuted there, invited to Russia by Catherine the Great because they were hard-working farmers, then immigrated to Canada.
yer right--I jus' shared this in the comments--neither Christians nor Chews are allowed ta worship at the "Temple Mount" which is exceedingly meanin'ful to both faiths--now this poor tour guide is shouted down when he talks about the site's significance to those of faith (himself included) on his tours...
imho sites like this need to be open to all, no matter what faith!--an' I say this even given what was done to destroy an' erase their former (non-Moslem) significance to chews & Christians alike (such as the on-purpose buildin' a mosque literally over the ruins of the most important chewish temple in history--an' then havin' 400 truckloads of archeological buried relics carted off to the dumpster)---Even given what was done to erase the history of that site--I think it should be open to ALL to visit but nope, ain't gonna happen. It's sad. (Short viddeyo:)
I never got ta see Holland... so sad 'bout that--I wanted to see it like it was 'fore it got "over run" as ya say--ma mama had gone as a college student (with the Daughters of the Revolution as sponsor!) an' raved about it--how picturesque, the tulips, windmills, amazin' museums, food!, the people... etc. Heck, I got two daughters (one a painter that loves the Dutch Masters), but we gals wouldn't feel safe there or in many of the countries I never got to see... an my dear hubby is short an' quite slight--no threat to the robust "refuge-seekers" who'd blow 'im down in one big breath...
But maybe (maybe) there are powers to turn it back if the statues are not destroyed, if the museums are allowed ta stand an' are spared the paintball hurlin' of the woke anti-oil idiots... I sure'd hope so--I traveled a good deal as a young'un but much I didn't see...much I'd like to share with my girls... it's a durned shame (an' it's not just Holland / the Netherlands...)
So sad! I was in Holland as a child. It was beautiful. I love travelingisrael guy. He has been so important with putting history and current events in simple context so people will understand it--and all factual.
I hadn't previously seen this video so thank you. It is so insane.
May the one true God, the I AM of both Israel and Christianity (Christ’s Bride, the True Church, one day…maybe soon…to be taken up to meet Him in the air), guide us daily, give us wisdom and courage, and have mercy on us all.
Thank you, Karen. Your work and dedication are amazing! May we continue to follow your lead in speaking out against the great evil fomenting against Israel and all Jews. God will not be mocked, His plans are unfathomable, and He has not abandoned His people Israel…in spite of what the egotists like Nick Fuentes have to say. (What an embarrassment to have that boy-child identify himself with Christ and true Americans…may God have mercy on his soul, and may he wake up to the Truth before he has led others further down the wide path to destruction…btw, I was appalled to read all the idiotic, fawning comments below the YouTube clip of him you included. Tragic…such ignorant fools)!
More than ever before my eyes have been opened to the extent that the ruling power/uniparty whatevs, has over the massive protesters. How I long for the days of tree huggers! Where have they gone now that the world actually needs them? As illegals and real terrorists from 165 different countries barrel through the Darien Gap, literally decimating the precious rain forest. As elections around the world and at home are being rigged and stolen. As Idaho is shutting down the water source to farmers to grow crops, so they can use it instead to mine for Cobalt. Good grief!
Thank you Karen for always being fair and honest. You have extensively laid out all the direct proof from the terrorists in their own words. Bottom line, they despise anyone who isn’t Islamist and want us dead. It’s that simple and there’s no other reason they need.
Allah is not the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Allah is not the Alpha and the Omega. Allah is not the Great I Am. Allah is not the kind, loving and merciful Heavenly Father that loves us, the Jews and even all of Islam. We are all His creation and I really hope the Palestine supporters that claim to be believers, seek Him out and ask Him to show them the truth before it’s too late.
Your words in the last paragraph of your essay were haunting and I will not soon forget them. Well done!
Thank you. Much love and God's blessing to you.
Blessin's yer way Karen for speakin' truth--it'll be uncomfortable for many to hear--an' folks don't wanna change what they "know." Ya see with all yer readers few'll comment when ya post 'bout Israel b/c they're mostly (not all) "at one" standin' with Palestine...even though none of us are sayin' BBGun is a good guy, even tho' none of us are playin' "ADL" games and tryin' ta censor any criticism of Israel. An' then there's the haters--it's good that with this post I'm not seein' the haters in the comments--but few'll stick their necks out ta question the reignin' narrative even in the "truth" community.
That said, these viddeyos are mighty disturbin', most new to me, but not suprisin'--heck, I sat thru many episodes of "Tomorrow's Pioneers" (children's programmin'--teachin' little tykes to hate joos an' grow up to martyr themselves via gee-haw'd, an' blame all that's bad in the world on "da-joos")--did this for a post I may 'er may not make one'a these days--but here's a taste of this horribleness:
there's more but takes a bit've work to dig 'em up--
Now folks are dismissin' all this "Islamism" stuff as baloney--but here ya have it--Palestine on the A-train in NYC! Never in my born days did I think...
And what's more--all the "kool kids" are wearin' keffiyeh's rockin' that Arafat look--so they're all gettin' ready fer the hijabs...also the masks they're wearin' at the rallies are kinda like hijab markers--an' I daresay they'll welcome 'em--cuz these poor kids wanna belong SO BADLY--wanna feel they're doin' "important work" as it's called--that little'll stand in their way of "The Cause"
You've warned truthfully--I gave it a try mystelf too as ya know (mebbe some here'll see this backs up what'cha say too!):
Folks 'are sayin' "da joos" are makin' up anti-semitic scentymints or even threats (let's call'em anti-jewish statements & threats b/c Arabs are technically semites an' folks argue that only Moslems are threatened or defamed...) -- an' they all say, oh, it's only "zionists" that are bothered / "ordinary" joos left alone--I'd disagree with this take... we run of the mill chews (zionists or not I think) are gettin' blamed for everthing wrong with the world--ingrown toenails too!
However it's true the jooish anti-zionists git a "pass" for now--if ya state "I'm a chew an' I hate Israel" they'll let'cha on the train an' they won't boo at you on campus--beware if ya defend Israel tho--EVEN if you think that BBGun is a tyrant an' murdered his own (clot shots, funkiness 'bout 10/7) an' gave his own citizens the yellow star treatment with the green pass. But ta want Israel turned to dust (an' all the chews in it) is a bit skeery--just b/c of one leader. Is NetAnYoo WORSE than Obama? (third term included?!) mebbe not--that man too has a lotta blood on his hands--American blood too...
So I'll add a few things... first "this guy"--he's funny an' imho "on the mark"...
1. Not all cultures are equal--this speaks to what you're sayin' bout the Caliphate comin' to AmeriKa:
2. on Palestinian support for Hamas
3. The Ethnic Cleansing of Jews within Muslim Countries (clearin' up myths)
(a couple bonus ones: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=giktOwxfK-M and this one
Discrimination against Jews and Christians in Jerusalem (Ascending the Temple Mount) )
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l2WTB_T8ums )
Some've yer readers state that Jews / Israelis have spit on churches, bombed / destroyed churches an' discriminated against Christians -- an' intend to wipe 'em out (i.e. all Christians?!) when they're done with Gaza. Now there may have been some churches that fell with the attack on Gaza (bombs in the city) but that's not targetin' Christians or Churches specifically...imho. Anywhoo--I do not have a clue where this comes from... I grew up, like many ordinary chews I know, learnin' that we are all "friends" an' should live together in harmony.
I never heard such things as are said today--what joos go 'round burnin' churches in the US? or outside of it--Nope, in Europe? Not the chews--the Nantes cathedral was burned by a Rwandan refugee (notta joo either). I had kids chase me as a little kid an' call me Christ Killer (this was 'fore we moved ta NYC) an' I never hated Christians--always had 'em as good friends--tho' I shied away from the kids that chased me down of course. Teacher said it was my fault (long story)--didn't hate her either tho' I think she was wrong (I made the mistake of bringin' in a menorah for show & tell... my crime!) Nobuddy in my fambly hated Germans even tho' we have fambly murdered durin' the holocaust--I even studied in Berlin. One of my grannie's good friends was an Egyptian lady an' many've my friends when I was younger were "Caldean"--noboddy seemed ta care in the funky 1970s. So when folks accuse "we" chews of hatin' Christians an' wantin' to destroy Christian culture, I shake my head. Not how I was raised, never heard an unkind word in temple (aka synagogue)... Does Not Compute. But folks believe this an' it gits up their dander!
One last thing--the laydee (what a charmer that'un) in the viddeyo wuz sayin' that they're gonna shoot the chews en mass an' put 'em in a pit like the Nazis did--an' that got me thinkin' to this thing I noticed ... that the accusations of linin' up folks an' shootin' 'em into a pit sounds a LOT like that story of the bodies they found in pits in Gaza near hoss-spit-alls... Everyone believes Israel shot those Gazans in cold blood at their hoss-spit-alls but that didn't seem right ta me--an' it took me three pages of the "same story" on the innertubes to find just ONE story questionin' the narrative... lookee:
The main / accepted narrative in the first link, the counter narrative in the 2nd (buried!) link--an' my take on it--
1. It’s known that the hospitals in Gaza DO bury their own on hospital grounds and did so long before 10/7
2. Geo-location tracking done by Sky News and other non-jewish resources did show that the mass pits of 200-300 people were in the “same location” on hospital grounds as the area where the hospitals typically buried those that died under their care / on their watch (nothin' ta see there--move right along!)
3. The bodies were examined and had to be dead before the post-10/7 “attack” on the hospitals—so it makes not sense that bodies from BEFORE the attacks were found an' that before the "retaliation" IDF came in an' had bodies lined up and murdered in a mass execution at a hoss-spit-all (hun?)
4. Israelis BOMB places—it's not purdy but when they do so they do NOT pick up dead Gazans to put 'em in pits (they DO treat injured ones---something many nations don’t do)— They are not known to murder people execution style or harvest organs of Palestinians dead or alive. They are indeed a nation trained in organ transplants and many nations engage in illegal organ harvesting – the US, CCP, etc. so maybe Israel too?—BUT it’s done very precisely with coolers and freezer cars and sterile equipment—so if any of those dead had organs removed per the funny papers, it was likely done by Arab doctors IN Gaza IN their hospitals and then BLAMED on the IDF. The IDF doesn't harvest organs!
5. IF Israel dug up the pits to find their own hostages it’s likely they didn’t create them, no? It’s not like “oh we have to revisit the scene of our own crimes to see if we murdered the hostages too?” What?! No—all illogical. Also WHY would they dig up their own "scene of the crime" if they wanted it hidden?
More likely it was that a) they knew hospitals were used to hide hostages taken (taken into the tunnels below) and b) that hospitals buried their dead in on-site graves and c) that maybe if hostages died at the hoss-spit-alls there, they/the IDF might find one or more0 in these hospital-created graves so the families would have closure—THAT makes more sense.
As it were, some bodies were removed for DNA testing if they fit the description of hostages, later returned just as they were and buried respectfully.
Nobody will know or see this and the “Truthers” trust good people like Catherine Austin Fitts who is known for financial information, not an expert in Israel / MSM lies, and her followers'll believe what she assumes is true.
All that to say, I think the story is an apocryphal smear--but nobuddy'll know...
IMHO most IDF do not behave this way--sure they can be brutal but this ain't their MO so it struck me hard when the laydee in yer viddeyo pronounced this fate for chews.
BOTH SIDES LIE of course. But these old dead bodies are NOT blood on Israel’s hands or in any way related to this war methinks. There are no documented incidents of 2-300 people being lined up and shot--if that heppened, ya'd think there would be witnesses, no? WHY there were zip ties on the bodies then? Does Israel "do" zip ties? Not that I know of... but it would be an easy if unpleasant “plant” on the dead who wouldn't know otherwise.
That may have been Hamas thinking it would “seal the deal” on folks believing the Israelis are terrorists too. Just a guess Why organs removed? It’s a hospital—they do this. On the BATTLEFIELD? Never heard've that... so I think it's made up an' the rant ya shared got me thinkin' 'bout it
Sorry this is a looong one here!--but it'll make up fer the others who didn't / wouldn't be able to agree with any of it, so it goes ;-)
MANY thanks yer way Karen, blessin's too
Wow, thank you for all this. I will look over the links. Unbelievable what is happening.
my pleasure Karen--here's a brief clip from what I hear is a series of popular cartoons 'bout killin' chews--hard ta imagine that these are the folks bein' cheered on an' their "campaign" justified...., no?
That was hideous.
I saw your comment and looked at the cartoons. I must have missed Daisy's comment when she made at. Truly hideous.
I know I know.... so if these young'uns...impressionable minds are STEEPED in such hate from toddlerhood, what hope is there of de-programmin' this evil indoctrination? do the SJWs have any awareness this is the "GOOD FIGHT" they're lendin' their efforts ta? (I'm not sure if I wanna hear the answer :-(
I never wanted to study Islam. I was a typical leftist liberal. I was wrong. But after trump was elected in 2016, I figured I didn’t know as much as I imagined. There’s hope. 🇮🇱
an'nuther sad story from the FP... her hubby, father of her kids, killed by a Paris Islamist bombing...
(don't folks realize that "joos" don't go settin' off bombs in Paris or Milan or Dublin or London?...guess not...)
Makes me angry. What's wrong with people that they refuse to acknowledge what's going on here.
yup, I thought I understood folks purdy well--an' durin' the "plandemic" when I definitively "left the left" I thought, "oh, I was so wrong 'bout the 'right,' " lotta nice folks with good heads on their shoulders there--more in common with 'em than I'd'a thunk ---But now both sides seem ta have lost their minds over this Israel / the Chews stuff... an' they dig in their heels 'bout it all... plug their ears up!.. Kinda like teenagers (lol) an' havin' one of mine still a teen an' stubborn as a mule--wull that's close to home! (know ya've been there too...) But some've us gotta be grown-ups in a nation of teenagers wavin' the wrong flags... whod'a thunk?!
ps a'nuther good egg who gits it--just out--think it'll resonate with ya Karen--mebbe some others here too? (always MOST grateful fer you an' the handful of stackers speakin' up!)
Reading the comments on Elizabeth Nickson's post is disturbing. So much parroting of Hamas propaganda. It's what so many people want to believe.
ah yes, soooo many haters but Elizabeth, like you, was brave an' wrote the post she knew would draw controversy an' yet took the plunge, shared truths that needed to be said. Sad the angry mob attacked--you've seen that too.. I think I an' 'bout 10 others if that tried ta wage the battle to defend Elizabeth--last I looked there were 'bout 550 comments "pro hamas" and/or anti-israel / anti-chew, just ugly an' about 40 of the rest of us tryin' ta wade in an' not git pulled in the "drink" /quagmire... we need more've you fine ladies around! grattytude--an' don't git too disheartened... mebbe sanity will return? hope so! it's interestin' to me all these folks came outta the woodwork--I had no idear there were so many haters -- I so wanted to believe in good folks an' "benefit of the doubt"--it's a mite sobering!
I just thought 'bout what'cha said--that's important "WANT" to believe... there's something in that... not just believe but really (really) want to... hmmmm... wonderin' why... but yes, that's it...exactly...
Thanks for standing up and shouting out what needs to be said. More power to you!
Thank you for your encouragement.
Some observers have described the situation of Christians in the Holy Land as being "between the Hammer and the Anvil" -- the Hammer of Zionism and the Anvil of Islamism. I agree with you that Islamism is dangerous; I do not accept your view that Zionism is benign.
ISIS was created, armed, trained, and funded by the intelligence agencies of western governments, including Israel. You seem utterly oblivious of this. You also seem oblivious of the extent to which the Israeli government had prior knowledge of Hamas's October 7 attack, and allowed it to happen so as to provide a pretext for what it is doing now: expelling and murdering the native Arab population of Gaza in order to expropriate their land. Do you really think that Israel's desire to gain legal possession of the oil fields off Gaza's coast has nothing to do with what is now happening? You blame the plight of the people of Gaza on Hamas, but ignore the role the Israeli government played in putting Hamas into power: Netanyahu wanted an excuse not to implement the Oslo Accords, not to implement a two-state solution, and Hamas was his answer.
Both the United States and Israel have made use of Islamists as their proxy troops -- in Syria, Libya, Afghanistan, and elsewhere. If you don't recognize this, you are ignorant.
The people who make up the current Israeli government, people like Itamar Ben-Gvir, are as fundamentalist and as dangerous as are the Islamist maniacs of whom you complain. Their stated goal is to rebuild the Temple and reinstitute animal sacrifices there. When that happens, do you really think Christians will be allowed to retain their historic presence in Jerusalem and elsewhere in the Holy Land? The object of the Gaza war is to clear the Arabs out of Gaza; that will soon be followed by the clearing out of Arabs out of the West Bank (this is already happening). Some of those Arabs are Christians. Do you really think Christianity will remain a presence in the land of its birth, once they are gone?
Unlike you, I think that Zionism is profoundly anti-Christian, and that "Christian Zionism" is a contradiction of terms. You see one danger; you are blind to the other one.
What "Hammer of Zionism"? I have been to Israel, visiting Jewish friends in Tel Aviv and we then went to visit their Arab friends in Jerusalem and stayed at their home. I have many Jewish/Israeli friends. Where is this hammer? 14 million Jews in the world, 6 million of them in Israel. Where are their maniacal screams of taking over the world and converting everyone to Judaism. Have there been extremist Jewish groups. Of course. With your logic, every country is some sort of a Hammer or Anvil because every country has some history of extremist groups. Comparing Jews to Muslims in the context of extreme religion and the dangers of terrorism and, as I write about here, a Caliphate, is an absurdity.
Zionism means Jews who stand by their right to a country. What other country is demonized for wanting to defend their country? I could go into the actual history, not propaganda, but I have done that already in previous essays. Israel is a country with 20% Arab population, Israel has a small Christian population, 75% of whom are Arabs. Which Muslim country has 20 percent Jews? Having lived under Sharia Law and seeing the horrors I can assure you, there is no comparison between countries that are ruled by Sharia Law and Israel.
On what basis are you saying that Christians are in any sort of danger from "Zionism". Again, this is an absurdity. Show me anywhere in the world where Christians are being slaughtered by Jews? On the other hand, please read Christians & Jews, United with Israel to find out where, at this moment, Christians are being slaughtered by Islamists. Where is your outrage? https://khmezek.substack.com/p/christians-and-jews-united-with-israel
I ask my readers to listen to dissenters from Gaza, Egypt and Iran but somehow you ignore them. The arrogance of Westerners ignoring the very people who live in these countries who are being tortured and killed is beyond comprehension. If you are at all interested in the perspective of the dissidents, you can read this: The Insanity of Western Women Defending Oppression https://khmezek.substack.com/p/the-insanity-of-western-women-defending
To bring up the corruption of the United States and Israeli governments means exactly what? This is a nonargument, since every government is corrupt. Do you really think I do not know that? Every nation, down through history has fought for territory, this is nothing new. I have written many articles and essays about this. Every war Arab nations have declared against Israel, they have lost. And they lost territory as a result of those wars. Over and over, Israel returned territory. Israel has a right to have some sort of barrier between itself and nations that openly call to exterminate every Jew on the planet. This is not unreasonable. If Mexico were calling for the same, I can assure you, the response of the United States would be far worse. Americans do not know what it is like to live with enemies on every side. Again, the arrogance and ignorance is breathtaking.
The perplexity remains why the obsession with Israel and Jews. At this very moment, almost a decade after the murderous Islamic State campaign forced tens of thousands of people to flee from their homes, Iraq has set a deadline of 30 July to close 23 displacement camps in Iraqi Kurdistan. The camps are home to about 155,000 internally displaced people (IDP), mostly Yazidis, who were slaughtered, kidnapped and forced into sexual slavery in their thousands at the height of the violence in northern Iraq in 2014.
Where is the outrage? The hypocrisy of obsessing about Israel is astounding. If you want to complain about corruption, please start with your own country and fix that, as I write about in The Age of Hypocrisy: Let's talk about 'stolen land'... https://khmezek.substack.com/p/the-age-of-hypocrisy-lets-talk-about
Regarding funding of corrupt institutions: The Truth about UNRWA https://khmezek.substack.com/p/the-truth-about-unrwa
On the topic of the United States' responsibility in the rise of terrorism: How Anthrax & the War on Terror Brought Us to the Brink of WWIII
Here are a few of the essays I have written on these subjects, in fact, I have an entire section devoted to War & Peace:
I write about the disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan in For the Love of War, . “We will reap what we sow. And what we have sown is impulsive wars." ~ Dr. Qanta Ahmed https://khmezek.substack.com/p/and-so-it-goes
Nobody Does War Better than the USA
War Fever
You wrote “Over and over, Israel returned territory. “ Can you be specific? Sounds like many many times. Thank you.
Okay, I will go over a little bit of historical facts. Here is a link https://nationalinterest.org/feature/55-years-later-how-six-day-war-forever-changed-israel-202817
1) During Israel’s War of Independence, from 1948-1949, no Arab state lost territory, just the putative Palestinian state that was to have been established under the 1947 UN Partition Plan, but which was rejected both by the Arab states and Palestinians. Immediately Israel declared independence, it was attacked by 5 Arab nations. They lost that war--the second miracle when it comes to Israel. If you know your Bible as I do, these miracles make sense. Of course, the first miracle was that the Jews returned to their homeland after WWII. To tell Jews to "go back to Poland", for example is a horrific statement. There was a holocaust after the Holocaust and Jews who tried to return to their homes were slaughtered.
But back to the war in 1948. No Arab nation had any intention of creating a Palestinian state. They told Arabs to leave so they could destroy Israel, then return and take all the land. The Arabs that stayed were absorbed into Israel. The intention of the Arab nations was to put all of the territory under the control of Arabs and kill all the Jews. There was no Palestine, just land under the control of Egypt and Jordan.
2) The 6 Day War. The war’s immediate aftermath dashed hopes that an exchange of “land for peace” would rapidly put an end to the conflict. The Arab League, at its annual summit held that year in Khartoum, just three months after the war, enunciated the infamous “three no’s of Khartoum”—no recognition of Israel, no negotiations, and no peace. Note that these same statements are reiterated over and over by Hamas, and before Hamas, by Yassar Arafat.
The 6 Day War ended with Israel in control of strategically important territory and, for the first time, “defensible borders.” Sinai became a wide buffer with Egypt, the West Bank added over thirty miles to Israel’s 8.7 mile-wide “narrow waist,” and the Golan Heights placed much of Israel’s north out of Syrian range. The new borders enabled Israel to absorb the surprise attack in 1973 without preempting, but did not prevent it, nor repeated hostilities since then.
The Six-Day War laid the basis for future peace with Egypt in 1979. Peace with Egypt, the most powerful Arab state, transformed Israel’s strategic circumstances. Without Egypt, the Arabs no longer had a conventional military option against Israel.
Twelve years later, Egyptian President Anwar Sadat signed a treaty with Israel assuring peace and cooperation in exchange for the return of the Sinai Peninsula – which made up nearly 90% of the land Israel captured in the Six Day War. Fifteen years after that, in 1994, Israel signed a peace treaty with Jordan.
The “land for peace” formula ultimately proved successful only with Egypt. Syria was unwilling to sign a peace agreement despite Israel’s willingness to withdraw from the Golan Heights in 2000, and the Palestinians rejected three peace proposals that would have given them an independent state on essentially all of the West Bank and Gaza (two in 2001 and one in 2008)
Since 2011, Israeli officials have expressed relief that the Golan Heights has acted as a sort of buffer for the conflict in Syria, whose president, Bashar al-Assad, is supported by Iran.
Netanyahu: “All of you can imagine what would have happened if Israel were not in the Golan. We would have Iran on the shores of the Sea of Galilee.”
President Trump transformed US policy by expressing support for Israel in the Golan.
"It is time for the United States to fully recognize Israel’s Sovereignty over the Golan Heights,” adding that it was of critical importance to Israel and stability in the Middle East.
Up until the 6 Day War, Israel essentially stood on its own. It did not have backing of the United States. That war, which was another miracle in its outcome, transformed Israel's relationship with the US.
3) Disengagement from Gaza. https://www.britannica.com/event/Israels-disengagement-from-Gaza
During the Six-Day War, in 1967, Israeli forces occupied the Gaza Strip, and in 1970 Israel built the first Israeli settlement in the territory. By 2005 the Gaza Strip had 21 Israeli settlements and about 9,000 Israeli settlers compared with about 1.3 million Palestinians living in the territory. Meanwhile, in 1993 Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) had agreed to a framework for Palestinian self-governance in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank (see Oslo Accords). As part of that peace process, Israeli forces withdrew from the city of Gaza in 1994 (as well as from the West Bank city of Jericho) and transferred civilian functions for the city to the newly created Palestinian Authority (PA). But concerns over Israel’s security derailed the peace process, especially because of violence from religious nationalists on both sides. At the turn of the century, negotiations came to a virtual halt with the outbreak of the second intifada (2000–05).
4) 2005 full withdrawal from Gaza.
On August 15, 2005, when the deadline for evacuation had passed, only about two-thirds of all the settlers had left their homes and the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) notified the remaining settlers that soldiers would begin enforcing the evacuation order two days later. Most of the remaining settlers agreed to leave when prompted by the soldiers, but some resisted and were carried away, sometimes screaming. The most dramatic evacuation was in Kfar Darom, where soldiers broke through a barricade in a synagogue and removed some 200 residents despite violent protest. On August 22 the IDF reached an agreement with residents of Netzarim, the last of the settlers in the Gaza Strip, whereby they agreed to evacuate after a final prayer service in the local synagogue. In the weeks that followed, Israeli forces demolished residential buildings and dismantled military installations and completed their withdrawal on September 12.
If that is not withdrawal, I don't know what is.
I could go on, but this takes more time than I really have. But I am glad at least the questions are asked.
Regarding Israel, it is a miracle. They took a desolate land and turned it into a paradise. I have visited many countries, lived in quite a few, and Israel is more filled with vibrant life than any other, perhaps because it is always living on the edge of death. If you look at a map of Israel, you will see how tiny it is. It is impossible for anyone living in the US to comprehend what it is like to live in such a small land surrounded by enemies who want to exterminate you. For Israel to gain territory in wars with enemies that have attacked it and then want to keep that territory in order to protect its borders is not unreasonable. Despite this, Israel has often given up territory, even to the point of dragging its own settlers out, kicking and screaming.
Keep in mind, if the PLO and Hamas did not have Israel as a common enemy, they would fight among themselves. I touched on this in my essay. It is a fairytale of the West to think that a Palestinian state can be formed with Abbas as he is hated by the Palestinian people who much prefer Hamas, although pray to God they wake up to the fact that Hamas is their greatest enemy.
To learn more, you can read Hard Facts: From the River to the Sea, which gives a history of the PLO and Yassar Arafat. https://khmezek.substack.com/p/hard-facts-from-the-river-to-the
I highly recommend Son of Hamas by Mosab Hassan Yousef; I don't know anyone more qualified to tell the truth about Gaza and Hamas.
That’s a magnificent lesson!👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻I’m gonna go back and re-listen and read your work in regards to this as well. 💖🙏🏻
I try!
So, I answered your question with some effort, cited historical facts, I have put links to other essays. I have quoted many times dissidents who are actually from Islamic countries where they are being tortured and killed and saying the reasons why they support Israel, and your response is a link to Norman Finklestein, a self-loathing American Jew who has never lived in the Middle East and who derides Israel and those who fight for their homeland and wouldn't mind if Israel disappeared off the face of the earth. He has built a lucrative career on this because there are so many people who love to hear what he has to say as it makes them feel better about hating Jews. Next time, don't ask questions when you have no interest in the answers, you just want to parrot propaganda that supports extermination of Jews.
The video challenges your historical facts about the Arabs’ actions towards compromise in resolving the conflict in Israel. I believe NF is very specific in tracing the story of the international entities involved. NF spent extended visits in Gaza every year for several years until Israel banned him. Your ad hominem attacks show your inability to engage in an intellectually honest discussion. I’ve read your articles. This is a complex history.
Wow that’s a fantastic write up Karen, thanks for re posting this 🙏🏻👍🏻.. It’s really difficult to get your head around what is actually happening right before our eyes in the here and now, I am wary of sounding alarmist and defeatist as I am a natural optimist but I do fear for the future of my homeland (England) and western civilisation on the whole. Islam has infiltrated and influenced every single facet of society completely unchecked for far too long aided and abetted by spineless leaders far too concerned with being labelled racist and islamaphobic to even question at a basic level. I don’t know what the answer is, the Islamist execution of Salwan Momika should be a severe final warning of what is coming though I fear we are already lost… Thanks again Karen, keep up the fight 💙🙏🏻🇮🇱🎗️
I post this as often as possible
Fight the Jew and Christian until they pay the jizia 😵💫
Not surprising... Usually Terrorists always want to eliminate the competition!
And ISIS having been betrayed by the USofT in Syria is, with reason, having revenge feelings about the betrayer...
Let the degenerate uman party carry on.