I find it so disheartening. I was never reinstated and because it was (allegedly although I have never been shown the tweet that did it) about ‘threatening violence’, I appealed and didn’t win even under the new criteria.
Many of my friends are all back now but I refuse to go under the radar and pretend I’m not who I am.
I find it so disheartening. I was never reinstated and because it was (allegedly although I have never been shown the tweet that did it) about ‘threatening violence’, I appealed and didn’t win even under the new criteria.
Many of my friends are all back now but I refuse to go under the radar and pretend I’m not who I am.
Yes, what do we do?
It’s a big problem.
It isn’t like any other company. It has evolved into the public town square and as such we all deserve to be included in it.
Yes, it's frustrating because many people really don't understand what the downfall of Twitter means to free speech. It's very bad. I'm sorry you were never reinstated. But I have a feeling my time back on Twitter is short-lived anyway.
Well it's not much of a town square if citizens don't participate in it. That's my take, and why I walked away from Twitter a long time ago (my account was under another name). Another reason (among several) that I walked away from it is that its algos make it addictive by design, and this fractures one's ability to focus. It was ruining hours I would have prefered to use for my own writing. Literally, the brain needs to heal from spending time on Twitter. Also, it finally dawned on me that although I might have had many thousands of followers on my Twitter account, more likely than not, sparse few of those people were actually even able, never mind willing, to read my books. I also suspect that a substantial number of my followers were just bots. Finally, there was plenty going on communication-wise before Twitter, plenty going on right now, and there will always be something new. Thanks for being here on Substack.
I find it so disheartening. I was never reinstated and because it was (allegedly although I have never been shown the tweet that did it) about ‘threatening violence’, I appealed and didn’t win even under the new criteria.
Many of my friends are all back now but I refuse to go under the radar and pretend I’m not who I am.
Yes, what do we do?
It’s a big problem.
It isn’t like any other company. It has evolved into the public town square and as such we all deserve to be included in it.
Yes, it's frustrating because many people really don't understand what the downfall of Twitter means to free speech. It's very bad. I'm sorry you were never reinstated. But I have a feeling my time back on Twitter is short-lived anyway.
People won’t realise until it’s too late sadly.
Musk toys with people. It’s not right.
Well it's not much of a town square if citizens don't participate in it. That's my take, and why I walked away from Twitter a long time ago (my account was under another name). Another reason (among several) that I walked away from it is that its algos make it addictive by design, and this fractures one's ability to focus. It was ruining hours I would have prefered to use for my own writing. Literally, the brain needs to heal from spending time on Twitter. Also, it finally dawned on me that although I might have had many thousands of followers on my Twitter account, more likely than not, sparse few of those people were actually even able, never mind willing, to read my books. I also suspect that a substantial number of my followers were just bots. Finally, there was plenty going on communication-wise before Twitter, plenty going on right now, and there will always be something new. Thanks for being here on Substack.
Yes I suppose it’s a filtering system if nothing else. Helps you find your serious audience/connections.
It's a red badge of courage. Those who tptb most despise are not allowed back on. Whatever people in that group discussed, is unmentionable.
Just today someone mentioned you and hoped they would bring you back. ❤️
Awww bless. That’s nice
I was banned but recently allowed back. Would be nice to have you back, Julie. X