Jun 8Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Great essay and insight, Karen. I would add that those choosing the Judeo-Christian way use much discernment as the Christian Nationalists such as Fuentes, Peters, Owens et al are waiting in the wings with a false gospel supporting another Crusade. We must pray for wisdom every day as we remain in this dark and foreboding world. There are so many distractions. The seals are getting ready to be broken to unleash the horses. This is a strong reminder.

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Yes, you're right. This is an added confusion which is why I prefer calling myself a follower of Jesus rather than a Christian because even that word has been turned against itself. I should write more about Christan Nationalism specifically. I have talked about the importance of the separation of church and state and the antisemitism rising amongst so-called Christians, like Candace Owens in The Demonization of Jews https://khmezek.substack.com/p/the-demonization-of-jews

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Jun 8Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Thank you, Karen. This is a movement that makes the Left look like child's play and is deceiving so many.

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Jun 8·edited Jun 8Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Again spot on Karen and again truly the judeo-christian way is the only way and we see Humanity coming to its predetermined end again the Holy Bible speaks about it every prophecy has been fulfilled 100% accurately and will continue to be that way... I am so glad I am born again by the Spirit of God because I believe that Jesus died for me on the cross and rose again three days later and after 40 days ascended to the Father and told his disciples he will be back to get them and that includes all who have believed thank you Jesus for that!! Maranatha!!

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Thank you. I always appreciate the encouragement because this writing can be a lonely task.

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Jun 8Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Matthew 11:28

You are loved with an everlasting love by Him who knew you before the foundations of the world...grace and peace Karen 🙏

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God bless you

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Jun 8Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Thank you for the essay!

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Jun 8·edited Jun 8Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

As Alex Jones said (an' bless 'im he's locked in his studio now--they're tryin' ta shut 'im down...)--

"There's a war on your mind."

Before the first shot fires... there's a war we've already lost, I'm sad ta say, the war of MINDS. If 20% of us managed not ta fall for "covid-con"--that number has dwindled ta mebbe 5% of those seein' clearly enuf to keep learnin'. Some fought so hard against the plandemonium (mandates, lockdowns, masks, etc) they had no more cognitive room ta fight round 2 (walrus or no walrus), 5g/Graphene or woo-han-cock-a-leaky-lab-soup or even the no-do-not-go-ukraine an' even more recently no-do-not-GOPro-Hamas an' so on... How many we really got left seein', as you do Karen, without blinders.

Dang...as ya said, "We are now at the crossroads..."

Ol' Scratch (the figure but also--the personification of evil) really seems ta be there...

My cherce is an easy one--the Judeo-Christian one with a tolerance for difference within an' without of that ol' inter-faith classic partnership. I'm there now, thankfully not alone--yer there too!, but the air up here is purdy thin... Many wanna do some "unnatural selection" specially some of the latter half of that equation wantin' ta remove the first half of that equation-- Pains me no end ta say it but a good portion if I can go by the MSM an' substack--don't want the first half 'round--they wanna split it up! (calls ta bring back no "chews" allowed--hey what about the dogs?). This I worry about--heck, we of the former party are used ta bein' hated but from all I read of history, when the joos go, so goes the rest of a given society. If Israel goes, we're that means we're next-- Islamism wins an' majority rules. Swedish fun comin' to the USA I'm sad ta say..

Seriously--we had it good in the post-war 20th--even tho' much behind the scenes we didn't know about. That's true of most countries (all had shadow gubbamints an' yet maintained--for the most part--sovereignty & dignity), much organized religion (not kickin' faith in the shins but insty-2-shun-all religion also got compromised behind the scenes but they too kept up a good front with many good folks unawares), an' education too (who'd'a thunk the CCP an' USSR were already part of education then?). Even the facade wuz great while it lasted...

I fear that the attempted assassination, once rare even when done ta start wars, is gonna be as trendy as transgender-izm-- worried fer us all (while tryin' ta keep makin' lemonade..). Hope Robert Fico comes thru--an' those new Boeing whistleblowers too....

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The Boeing whistleblowers. Unbelievable. Perilous times. And yes, the war for our minds has been very successful. Our numbers are certainly dwindling.

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Wasn't it Slovakia, or at least one of them, standing against the global coup?

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Orban in Hungary stood alone. But that doesn't mean people in his country are that happy with things, despite what Tucker Carlson says. I am not sure about Slovakia, I will have to check that out. Also, Hungary and Poland stood against the migration policies.

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Jun 8Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Karen, thank you for another great essay and also for sharing the video of the discussion with Mosab Hassan Yousef. He is one, along with you, who have great, first hand insight into the world we are living in today and is so fascinating.

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You're welcome. Thank you so much. I was excited to see that video of Mosab as it's a new one.

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Jun 8·edited Jun 8Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Fantastic essay. Indeed on the beginning choices.

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Thank you.

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Jun 10Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

"For decades we were content to drink water, now we want to drink blood."

-Thomas Nicholas- 1987

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That's a great quote. I tried to find it. Where is it from?

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Thank you again, Karen. God bless you and all of your endeavoring to speak TRUTH. May God continue to use your words to open minds to reality before it is too late.

JESUS IS THE WAY, THE TRUTH, AND THE LIFE. May many come to know and accept His great sacrificial love and the peace that only He can bring. ❤️🙏❤️

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“… leaders are a reflection of the people they serve” I couldn’t disagree more. I know of zero supposed “leaders” of any country that I think reflects or represents their people. I believe that the vast majority of people just want to live their lives. Most leaders seem to want power and money and more power.

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I know it's very hard to accept but how did the leaders get there. Did they just suddenly appear? Yes, you're right, all people want to do is just "live their lives" but it takes more than that and this is exactly what I am talking about.

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This thesis of hers is one of the threadbare excuses that Israelis use to justify their horrific actions in Gaza, ie, the people of Gaza are responsible for “voting in” Hamas, even if half of them are under 18 and there has been no election in 18 years, and even if Likud party funded Hamas, even if they have been subject to 50 years of mistreatment by the Israelis, etc etc. In America, we in theory have elections, but our elections are deeply corrupted by direct voting problems, MSM lies, censorship, and so much more; and yet some say that Biden must be re-elected to “protect democracy,” what a joke. So if we in the US are not even capable of electing leaders who will represent our interest (to live in peace, as you say), then who can?

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Leaders now do not reflect the people, instead they reflect the power that puts them there. Most don’t care at all for the fate of their people.

And no, if Trump is elected, there will in fact be little reprisal, because DOJ is filled top to bottom with partisan deep state hacks. It’s the Augean stables fivefold.

And no, you cannot force us to align and fight along religious grounds. This was GW Bush’s fundamental lie. No Western country, or none in power currently, has any true alignment to any actual Judeo-Christian values, not Israel, not the US, not Britain, not France, etc. (those with most claim would be Hungary and Russia ironically).

Fico was shot because like Orban, Trump, and others, he stands in opposition to the Globalists and insanity pushing us toward world war. And you are not helping, you contribute to that.

Finally, Israel betrays its own citizens too, starting by disarming settlers and failing to secure the Gaza border in so many ways. The fruits of their Gaza action are very bitter: less security, death of their children in war, fast declining Jewish population in Israel as those with dual citizenship simply leave, and growing clarity throughout the world as to the trouble with the Zionist project (South Africa, Spain, and so on).

How about we all love our children, seek peace, and work hard to expel all leaders that serve interests other than those of their own people? Why is that so hard?

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Jun 8·edited Jun 8Author

I'm sorry but if people refuse to take responsibility for the direction their country has gone, if they just push it off on the "Globalists" as if there were not years upon years of the populace eagerly accepting the lies and buying the shiny toys and taking the drugs, then there will never be a real awakening. Each one of us has the responsibility to choose Judeo-Christian values or...what? Do you have a better suggestion? Please read my previous essay where I expound on this. AI is the Greatest Threat to Humanity. Oh, and WWIII... https://khmezek.substack.com/p/ai-is-the-greatest-threat-to-humanity

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For the first attempt the assassins threw one of those old fashioned bombs like this one 💣 at his limo. Ferdinand swatted the bomb away with his open hand. Finished the drive. Gave his speech. Made a snarky reference to “everywhere I go, my subjects turn out to shower me with tokens of their esteem”

The got him on the second try when the car took a wrong turn and parked right in front of Gabriel Princep. His last words were lamenting his wife’s death.

The assassin, a veteran suicide bomber, threw the bomb, swallowed his cyanide, and jumped off a bridge.

The cyanide had lost potency and just made him sick. He missed the water and landed on the shore, breaking his leg, and was easily caught. He later gave testimony against his co-conspirators.

Lesson: never hire a veteran suicide bomber.

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At least he was able to release some good albums before they killed him.

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Love not War- God is love. Thank you Karen - you are so talented at guiding people to the light of truth. The video at the end is wonderful and gave me hope. We must put on the armor of God and prepare for battle with the darkness not each other. You are helping to arm bold warriors with the weapon of truth ❤️ Thank you

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Thank you. Yet again another well written essay with so much good information. I try to share what I learn from your essays but unfortunately so many people don't want to listen. Your right they are more concerned with the shiny new object or the next app they can sign on to to save 50 cents on their next 12 pak of Coke/Pepsi.

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