“And that the crucial point that I wish that they would teach the little ones in school. It begin didn't with the white man who came across the ocean to oppress people of color.”

See “the Frankfurt School.”

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Thanks Karen. I sort of know all this from protests with the AIM people back in the "olden days" but it nice to be reminded of how nasty US has treated the Natives and have all the facts in one place. It's a keeper.

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Jan 12·edited May 9Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

This is on point and is extremely well argued with facts - something most college students from Harvard or anywhere else don't really do. The phrase 'Menonite terrorist' incited a small chuckle, so surprising was it to see those two words together. The photo of Jennifer Garner and her daughter however, was not even remotely surprising. Can we be done with Hollywood? Ever? Don't go away mad, just go away irrelevant.

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You can not see, that the killing of any people to steel their land is wrong. It's too late for USA, You and me were not alive at the time to stop it. but we are today and we should do Avery thing to stop the genaside of the Gaza Strip. This killing is worse than what Hitlar did to the jews, and if the jews can not see that than they deserve exactly what they got with Hitlar.

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Jan 8Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Jennifer Garner’s high speed mask says it all and what tribe she pledges allegiance to. I don’t get the young kids and the science they can justify wearing the masks. They think they are so smart. It’s annoying as hell.

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1. subjected the ENTIRE country of Israel to forced "experimental" injections that have harmed, killed, an' maimed too many ta list! 2. subjected the ENTIRE country ta "green pass" AND personal / genetic data sharin'--not only duz CCP have all their genetic info but the country itself has ALL the data, fambly health history, bank balances, shoppin' habits... These two alone are enuf ta make me hoppin' mad 'bout the man. Much more but those two 're lines in the sand... whut he did ta the Israeli people (frum an' secular both) is no better than IBM collectin' data and Mengele (experimentin'...) The death toll from the jabs-bad is WAY worse than the 1500 murdered by Hamas... that's an ugly thing ta think about... An' no, "mistakes were not made"--profits were tho'!

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You failed to mention also the hypocrisy of the US supporting a nation that was founded upon a religion. The US proclaims freedom of religion and chastises numerous nations for not having such freedom. One can argue that Israel permits other religions but just try getting a train or a meal from Friday sunset to Saturday sunset. Israel could resolve the Palestinian issue once and for all by simply granting those in Gaza and the West Bank Israeli citizenship but of course this would risk losing a Jewish majority. I will never understand why Israel insists on having two classes of Palestinians (those with Israeli citizenship and those simply occupied) and expects there to be peace.

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Jan 7Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Gay was hired based on the color of her skin and fired based on the content of her character.

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Jan 7Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Excellent and informative piece! You skillfully wove the hypocrisy our country holds in numerous areas into one well researched article! I have to say that I was a bit awestruck.

I also love that you read it. I always get so much more from an article when the writer reads their work. The intent and emphasis becomes crystal clear.

Thank you. I’d write more (I did actually) however, my comments kept disappearing right before I was going to send them.

Additionally every area you covered happens to be a plight, belief and concern that I also carry deeply in my heart. When listening to your article, I felt that I was hearing from a rare kindred spirit.

Although it’s terrible that you have been de-platform by many of the social media outlets, count yourself among the elite of warriors in this country at this time. Thank God that subs-tack exists! Of course the entire action of de-platforming is a demonstration of the loss of our right to freedom of speech.

I plan to catch up on the rest of your articles in the next few days.

Thank you for your courage and continuing to state the truth, no matter who it offends.

Actually, the Truth should not be offensive, yet tragically it has become so to many. People do not want to even entertain the idea that they may not be “right.” They’re so fragile in “their truth” (I detest that express: your truth my truth..) that when confronted with something that logically proves that they are caught in a sci-op lie or brainwashed they must retreat to their “safe space.”

I think that we’re in the midst of a battle that goes far beyond “left” and “right.”

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Jan 6Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

There has been an unbroken Jewish presence in Israel for more than 2000 years since the destruction of the second Temple by the Romans and sending most of the Jewish population into exile. The term Palestine was the renaming of Israel (Judea) by the Romans following their victory in an attempt to wipe out the Jewish culture and presence. In fact a coin was minted in celebration of the victory which said "Palestia Captor". So the original Palestinians were, in fact, Jews, Not the made up nation invented by the KGB and their Egyptian recruit, Yasser Arafat may he burn in hell. For exquisite documentation of the modern Palestinian fraud, see "From Time Immemorial" by Joan Peters.

Great piece Karen. And feck Jennifer Garner, typical HollyWeird asshat.

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Jan 6Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

A crucial point that distinguishes Israel's circumstances from all the others cited here is that the Jews are the indigenous inhabitants of Israel. They are a dispossessed people who were driven off their land by the Romans after residing there for more than a thousand years. And they are the only example of a native people who managed to preserve their core identify through two millennia of wanderings and to reestablish their dominion in their own native land. Their extraordinary achievement should be proclaimed loud and far by everyone who claims to care about the fate of First Nations people.

It's real pretty simple: Jews are from Judea--that's why they're called "Jews." Arabs are from Arabia. Palestinians are the descendants of Arab laborers who came to Israel after the Jews in the 19th century had managed to develop sufficient infrastructure to bring the land back to life.

The "Palestinian people" did not exist before the 1960s when they were invented by the Soviets for political purposes during the Cold War. The "Palestinian people" are not mentioned in a single history book written before the 1960s—there is no trace of them: no Palestinian language, no art or architecture, no famous battles or generals, no music or literature. No nothing. They can't even pronounce the letter "P." Think about that for a moment. Meanwhile, the Jews managed to preserve a book over the past two millennia which documents their ancient adventures in rich detail. And everywhere you dig in Israel you'll find artifacts with Hebrew writing.

Yet, today, your typical undergraduate student believes that the Palestinians are the native peoples of Israel who were invaded and subjugated by the imperialist Jews. It's amazing what propaganda can do to historical fact. For anyone who wants to get anchored in the real world story, one of the best resources remains Joan Peters' classic, "From Time Immemorial."

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Cain't agree more--an' THANK YOU so much Karen fer fiercely tellin' folks whut they should know if they wuz usin' their noggins. I'm gonna say somethin' (I'm a' gonna post' bout it too hopefully soon) -- On nearly every substack where they'ze talkin' 'bout freedoms (vs free dumbs) an' bein' all anti-jab there are smart, loud voices declarin' that the jews are the enemy of all "good people"--turnin' on every jew from here ta the moon.

Recently a "fine truthteller" with THOUSANDS of foller'erz (I won't name names) decided that Jane Ruby--after these few years of speakin' out bravely against mandates, jabs, an' specifically the blood clots (not ta mention bein' sued by Robert Malone) HAD TO BE controlled opposition b/c they discovered she wuz a jew--wink wink / snark snark Jane "Rubenstein" (wuz that 'er name? not sure but who gives a hoot? many've us had fambly name changes long 'fore we wuz born fer just that reason... discrimination!)-- I couldn't believe they'd go after Jane Ruby but yup--an' Stew Peters too (formerly where she had he show). Everywhere we hear -- in Alt Mee-Dia--that in WWII Americans took the wrong side (like Patton said--egads)--

I find it the ultimate irony that "journalists" that 're sellin' Z-Stack on their websites are hippo-critically condemnin' all Jews ('specially all that support Israel gawdferbid) an' seem to have cognitive dissonance b/c Z-Stack's inventor Dr Zev Zelenko (a hero in my book) developed that protocol. Yes a jew---an' nope, he didn't help "only" Jews or even only fellow Orthodox ones! He helped EVERYBUDDY an' when he sawr that Israel wuz usin' their own people as guinea pigs--he risked his life (he had death threats) an' traveled to Israel ta help folks there, beggin' the Orthodox there to not jab the children'. Heck, he helped the President of the USA (The Donald fwiw), he helped many members of congress (the majority of 'em not "chews") an' folks all over the world that owe their recoveries to him but all that is "vergotten"

Thing is if they dissolved Israel, nobuddy would want literally half the Jews in the world (young men from other countries, sure but NOBUDDY would sanction absorbin' Jews). Heck "we" ain't wanted here 'er anywhere an' that makes me sad. Ya know that when they lifted the early 20th C quotas on chews at Harvard--in 1918--it wound up 25% of Harvard student body waz chewish. They dropped that quick--a few years later it went down ta 18% with new quotas ta keep jews out. (Some've these folks were in my fambly--all hardworkin' non-rich young men an' one woman! whose parents had escaped the tzar's purges, all came here with nuttin' but a samovar, but they studied HARD... an' worked hard too! a long story but many chews have the same one! an' none hold a dang thing against Russians--I love Russians...). anywhoo...

I never thought I'd need ta speak up 'er even talk' bout bein' a Jew as other issues seemed SO important--but I do now... cuz I dig my ol' heels in harder ruther than bend ta such baloney. An' BLESS YA Karen fer stayin' strong too as an advocate fer Israel an' the Jews. Sure we know there are corrupt Jewish leaders an' some folks that are not thinkin' straight--but re the double standard even with the USA (an' our own land grab) all ya say is SO true--an' I'm always learnin' from ya--had no idea about the "a-Morrill" Act of 1862. BTW I jus' learned the Mayflower was OWNED by the British East India Tea Co. an' arrived on a profitable mission (colonial) havin' nuttin' ta do with "freedom." Interestin'....

Gonna add a couple quick points--ya mentioned that this plagiarism thing JUST came up--but that warn't so--ta my surprise too! Folks now 're sayin' it wuz ONLY b/c "supposed" antisemitism an' "rich jews" speakin' up LOUDLY (read: obnoxiously) 'bout Gay that they ousted 'er but that ain't so either.

The "chews" didn't out her at all--THREE journalists (as ya wrote), all non-jewish did so BUT the hidden story is that they had been workin' on it fer TWO YEARS!

Also many don't know that Elise Stefanik is a Harvard alum--so she had a right ta be upset as an individual too!--what's a degree mean from a place that allows stealin' an' lyin?!

So, Christopher Brunet & Aaron Sibarium an' Christopher Rufo too (none chews) wuz all diggin' inta the egregious plagirism AND lack of qualifications Gay had b/c of DEI (not at all jewish -related)--so THAT wuz how they dug up all that "doit" so fast on Miz Gay when her statement ruffled some feathers--they wuz already publishin' on this fer 2 years! Thus, this laydee wuz already in their crosshairs an' it had jack-all ta do with anti-semitism

One link about it all:


Funny thing iz, as ya wrote, she's still claimin' "unfair treatment" & racism. Tawana Brawley all ovuh... dang. (Doubly funny ya depicted race-card-dealer Sharpton who put the "brawl" inta Brawley...)

Last story tyin' inta the Native American hippo-crisy.

Our fambly went ta a history-cull society ta see some Gingerbread display an' walkin' in the door the FIRST thing fer the eyes wuz an apology poster (about 4' x 6'!) to the "indigenous peoples" whose land the buildin' wuz settled on (like duh, the entire region wuz so should every store an' bakery have these 4x6' signs too?). It wuz such a cringey-knee-jerk meaningless, vomitous lengthy woke apology I didn't have the stomick ta read it all--nor did my girls as we passed on to the mercifully old (non-woke) outdated historical displays that conveyed meanin'ful info. to us about hardworkin' folks (includin' a lotta Irish imigrants) that worked the Erie Canal an' the white men that built the thing. The site had jack-all ta do with Native Americans from whom--we KNOW the land wuz stolen an to whom, we KNOW, that moo-see-um ain't gonna give nuttin' back.

All gesture an' show but guiltin' folks ain't helpin' anyone learn or appreciate the moo-seum. What're folks thinkin'??? Obvious answer--they ain't! Anywayz, grattytude fer bein' so outspoken about the ugly truths we all must grapple with--nearly every land in the world's been taken by force at some point...

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Jan 6Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Excellent article on the hypocrisy surrounding all of us. I’ll share this article but doubt it gains traction as most people don’t care about anything but the tic toc in their hands

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Such an excellent essay, well-researched and absolutely on-point. "Selective restitution," I'd call it. That plaque is a JOKE. Can you even imagine the outcry if the descendants of those indigenous people actually demanded their land returned from Harvard, MIT, etc.?

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The problem w Israel right now is that it is killing thousands of civilians, which should be unacceptable to any human being. Oct 7 was bad and what Israel has done since then is worse. If you can’t see those basic facts, you are a lost soul.

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Jan 6Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Jammed packed with historical evidence! Great article Karen. Just last night I was watching American Buffalo by Ken Burns. The US government behavior towards Native Americans and the slaughter of the Buffalo is horrific. I hope Ken Burns is a trustworthy source.

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