
This latest episode is (sadly) another tale of evil. The attack on Terra was a deliberate attack, we probably know exactly who initiated it, how they did it, why it was successful, and the greedy, uncaring, petty, vengefulness of it is stark. He (they) saw an opportunity, it was fair game, they stood to make millions, and well, in their mind, that's what people are for. Suckers, fish.

Still, in honesty, this legalized theft occurs routinely, every day, on our stock exchanges and in our real estate markets. The world of cryptocurrencies is just another securities market, though too nascent to have the regulation it needs. It is filled with megalomaniacs and opportunists; money will do that. I don't dabble much in that world. It needs a thorough scrubbing of the filthy to make it anywhere near presentable.

I'm not convinced (yet, but, I'll listen) that BTC is in that same mold. It is not simply a cryptocurrency. I do see the good, the possible in it, and I am still hopeful. I do recognize it is a manmade technology, and thus, like fiat money, inherently fallible.

Karen, the dragons always come for the gold, they always hoard it, and it always costs us our lives to fight them. Yet, we must, and occasionally, we slay one.

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May 14, 2022Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Sadly, at my age, this is not my first rodeo. I remember the .com boom very well indeed. Those of us who were excited about the technology but somewhat skeptical about the hype were told over and over again that “we just didn’t get it“.

Are there really any get rich quick schemes that work?

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May 14, 2022·edited May 14, 2022Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Crapitalism ensures that we have a freedom to gamble with money we don't have, even if it's other people's money and if we win, the profits are all ours. Hail to the almighty easy profit, everyone can play the game cause we believe that money should be made on bets, not real work. I miss george carlin , he would've been funny and real on this.

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will definitely be sharing... these are gambling tokens... with addicts and pushers... the results are sad but predictable. just say no.

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