AI becomes more and more anti-God with each passing day. This is the technological equivalent of giving your child over to Moloch.

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It becomes more and more obvious their battle is against God.

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I did a slight edit on the original comment.

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God? Moloch? Those worshipping the advancing flames of "progress" will never want to believe that there is a soul whose right it is to breathe and speak any words that are not in agreement.

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This kind of stuff really keeps me committed to doing my very best for everyone around me. The things this generation faces.......are just gross. It's insanity. It's Black Mirror all day long. I was a different person when I first watched that series. It's strange to look back at my horror at the ideas represented in that show and realize it was just the back of the book on this fictional novel we are living in.

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I watched some of that series. It's terrifying to think it's not fiction. It's much worse in the real world, as you say, what our young people face. Although I must do a lot of research for my writing, I've started balancing it with reading fiction. I've rereading all the Lord of the Rings books and some stuff I've never read by Phillip K. Dick, and so on. It's really been wonderful for my mind. It takes me away for. It all in a very positive way.

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It must take a real toll to spend time in that material. I thank you for your good work and I am glad to hear you have an outlet to take you away. Have a beautiful day.

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It's the splitting of humanity, the Hopi prophecy come to rotten fruit-ion.

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Thank you for mentioning it. I shall be reading about that next. I would like to say thank you very much to you and your wife. I have been watching the EMF information with a very skeptical eye, and a little at a time. At first, I was overwhelmed. We have made small changes and I bring it up to people on a regular basis. It's yet another topic that I have had to begin thinking about more seriously given the poor health society has been experiencing. I was deluded up until 2020. So, I tread with care into the next subject, especially if it's highly technical and involved and requires long periods of deliberation. I am now set to attack the smart meter on my house, I am about 3 weeks out from getting that going. I appreciate the information you put out on that. I would share more, but I am unsure of myself on the subject. But I will toughen up and just walk into it, as soon as I have to do more work to get rid of that smart meter. I thank you also for your good work. You are greatly appreciated. If I bring it up in my regular travels, people do not understand at all. It's nice to have you here to lead with your good example. Mostly they are just irritated with me for not having a phone and texting a lot or using Google Calendar, Facebook or Tic Tok. PAH! Peace.

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Thank you so so much for your kind words! I hear you on the overwhelm - trust me. EMF can be technical, but when you break it down and focus on frequency, vs all the different measurements, studies, I find it becomes a little easier to comprehend: Vibration tells cells when to divide. Our cells vibrate at 0-75 hz (frequency). We act like a tuning fork, and can resonate, picking up other frequencies. If distorted, then cellular communication breaks down.

Many will say that EMFs have a weak signal, and that's precisely why they impact us -because our bodies operate on that low-level, weak signal! Anyway, hope I'm not rambling on with stuff you already know, but figured I'd reinforce this with you.

We're so glad you're being the example and light the world needs, and that we're having such an impact. Little steps each day...you know the drill (:

Not sure if you're interested, but friendly reminder - we're launching our maiden voyage on Feb 26th for our first ever EMF 101 course on Feb 26. Would love for you to join us. If not, we understand, and always appreciate your feedback and support.

I'll relay your kind comment to my wife as well.

FYI: https://www.thepowercouple.ca/emf-101-register

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Thank you for your thoughtful response. I will look at that. You are the best.

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Yes, I also made changes thanks to your family’s information..but so far I’m having no luck in getting anyone to listen to me about this stuff .. 😬😬

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Hi JP...we hear you. The best way I've found to convince someone is by tricking them: ex: get them outside, away from the tech, on a camping trip - or get them to put the phone on airplane mode when they're sleeping - then they'll see how much better they feel without all the tech. Could that be a possibility for you?

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I was thinking the Florida Keys but just read Russian Nuclear Submarines are doing exercises off the coast of FL with Cuba

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I will look into that. Thanks

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I never saw that. I will watch it 👍

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I think I'm going to be sick. When will God intervene? How much further will He allow these monsters to plot and create?

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I know. I will have to write another inspirational essay soon to make up for this.

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I look forward to it!

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Hurry up. I need that!

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Think Tower of Babel. God peacefully intervened.

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This is the time for believers to take authority in prayer, call upon God to thwart the plans of the enemy and to send his mighty warring angels to fight against evil in the heavenly realms. Pray, and he will show us how to take action.

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I’m thinking we made this mess & gods expects us to clean it up also 🤷‍♀️🙏

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You’ve done your homework.

Thank you for sharing it with us.

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Terrific, Karen (as always)! Thank you.

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Fucking horrifying. And of COURSE it's from Chy-na! With eager assistance from the best and wokest American minds. To quote Moon Unit Zappa: "Gag me with a spoon"

(sorry about using that Yiddish word in my first sentence :))

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Should I laugh or cry, we have to maintain our sense of humor but it's getting more and more difficult.

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Our only solace: the more darkness is thrust upon us, the more that one candle of ours can burn brighter in an effort to fight back. It's all out in the open now, isn't it George?

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Think positive... Maybe, just maybe, with a childish A.I. and a childish robot the degenerates uman animals might start to use less uman children to engage in all sorts of abuse, from work to sex!

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Interesting that robots are given feminine names while actual women and girls are devalued and erased.

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Women are playing a HUGE part in the devaluation of their own sex.

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When we wuz kids an' somebuddy had the same thought expressed at the same time we'd yell out "jinx" an' it came ta mind with you near-losin' yer cookies from the AI 'speriment on BABIES no less--wull I had a near-similar thought with the push (per recent "meta" world interviews) to replace all that is real (food, friends, life as we know it...) with the Metaverse an' I wrote (last nite) 'bout my reaction:

"I didn’t wanna hit the pause button ta empty my stomach, so I made it thru the entire sufferin’ NIGHTMARE of a “Conference” just so I could share some’ve the highlights with you. "

Ha ha, jinx! https://thcsofdaisymoses.substack.com/p/the-unpoetic-reality-of-the-metaverse

Funny that the FIRST reaction we BOTH had wuz ta upchuck at this stuff--talk about a gut reaction! It's all SO velly anti-human. I wanna evoke Chuckie Barris ta bang the GongGong extra-loud fer "TongTong." (used ta love the hilarious Gong Show!) But as ya said, no todder behaves like TongTong--this is some man's ideal "fan-tassy" of a real toddler--no diff'rent from imaginin' havin' a hot date with Barbie!

Sad story--a mama-friend we know--her daddy wuz in his 90s an' locked up in a nursin' home durin' covid--no pets allowed. He wuz gifted a "fake" kitty -- like a doll, equipped with AI purrs, movements an' all such fakery--ta keep 'im company. Apparently the "nurses" (curses!) all thought it wuz a laff riot that the old feller didn't know it wuz a robot... Poor guy died not long afterwards...did he ever figger it out? Either way, if only they'd allowed him a REAL cat an' some dignity... Of course given it wuz covid in NewYawk he couldn't see his fambly either (livin' things off limits too!)---tho' they all had ta take the brain-swab to say bye as he was about ta pass-on... (a'nuther tragedy forced on famblies...) but anywho--I think they WANT folks to be fooled--they're rubbin' it in our faces... I hate ta see stuff rot in landfills but frankly ALL these AI "humans/robots/toys/pets" need ta be bulldozed!

a good piece! but I'll say that the notion of parents sacrificin' their kids so the likes of TongTong (weaponized by DARPA!) kin be developed might git me NOW ta lose them cookies... berk!

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It is berserk! And such a tragedy what happened to the elderly during COVID.

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I could not sit through this movie when it came out...now I know why..... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_19pRsZRiz4

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I never saw this movie. It really is horrifying to look at it now.

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I also could not sit through the Hunger Games or Black Mirror...now, it all makes sense......

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I liked that movie but man was it creepy! (And sad.) I admit it’s the first thing that popped in my head when I saw the headline.

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Playing with hands is the way out of the prison for children, as our nervous systems get hijacked through our fingers texting, and flattening out regions of the brain that need to be developed:


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Der Golem, wie er in die Welt kam

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Speaking of weird movies. .. My cuz suggested old b&w silent movies to relax. At 3:00 AM I found “Dee Golem, wie er in die Welt kam” on free movie stream… check it out ..

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I was trying to explain all this to

A neighbor who is still stuck in spike protein tier 2 crap. She told me to stop smoking medical cannabis

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I just don't understand why my fellow MMS/3i's are so preoccupied with computer algos!

We are MORONS and there is no way that a MORON animal can create Intelligence... natural or artificial.

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You don't seem like a moron to me. I don't think I'm a moron. But then I guess if we're all morons we wouldn't realize it would we? But I get what you're saying.

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