Suffer the little children to come unto me and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God. ~ Mark 10:14
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If you want to meld human and machine, you have to start with the innocence of a baby. In order to do that, tech companies are feeding the thoughts of babies to AI.
A scientist in China has created a virtual artificial intelligence (AI) child, the first of its kind and a giant step toward making machines more human. Her name is Tong Tong, which literally means Little Girl in Chinese. Yes, she’s a girl, and her pronouns are “she/her”.
It’s interesting that while humans are being told to be “gender fluid”, AI is more often than not being assigned a definite sex. That sex is usually female. If Alexa was Alex and he had a deep, commanding voice, you wouldn’t feel so much like you were in charge, would you? Just think about that for a moment…
Anyway, at the same time as Tong Tong was being developed in China, the United States was doing the same thing.

Researchers at New York University strapped a headset with a camera onto a baby named Sam and collected data consisting of the sights and sounds he experienced while learning to talk. Language models that power systems like ChatGPT, for example, are great at predicting the next word in a sentence but don’t have anything even close to the common sense of a toddler. Babies have an intuitive sense of what will happen next. Researchers want AI to develop this type of ability.
Google DeepMind is trying to teach an AI system to have that same sense of what it calls “intuitive physics”.
‘Intuitive physics’ enables our pragmatic engagement with the physical world and forms a key component of ‘common sense’ aspects of thought. Current artificial intelligence systems pale in their understanding of intuitive physics, in comparison to even very young children.
Again, it’s interesting that at the same time we are being told we should not rely on our common sense but should rely on the experts, those same experts recognize the value of common sense and are determined to somehow extract it out of our children. Common sense, intuition, are mysterious, innately human abilities. Like love and hate, they cannot be put in a test tube. They cannot be analyzed under a microscope. They have been breathed into us with that greatest mystery of all—life.

If you recall during Covid, anyone saying they were using their common sense in refusing to obey illogical rituals like masking or being injected with experimental drugs promoted by some of the most corrupt, greedy companies on earth, they were immediately attacked and vilified. Common sense had to be discredited in humans. Blind faith in the experts had to be adhered to—but only the experts who were parroting the party line.
I definitely have a rogue for a son (he’s awesome). Here he is with my granddaughter and my good friend, making fun of masks.
Our innocent babies who have not been corrupted by the algorithms are being harvested for their thoughts, because they still have their natural ability to see the world with pure unadulterated common sense.
Tong Tong was unveiled at the Frontiers of General Artificial Intelligence Technology Exhibition held in Beijing on Jan 28 to Jan 29, under the auspices of the Beijing Institute for General Artificial Intelligence (BIGAI).
BIGAI’s mission is to:
Pursue a Unified Theory of Artificial Intelligence to Create General Intelligent Agents for Lifting Humanity
“Lifting Humanity.” Now there’s a lofty goal. In pursuit of it, “Little Girl possesses a mind and strives to understand the common sense taught by humans. She discerns right from wrong, expresses her attitudes in various situations, and has the power to shape the future.”
So, let’s dissect this. First of all, the claim that Little Girl has a mind.
Plato was the first person in the history of philosophy to believe that the soul was both the source of life and the mind. Plato divided the soul into three parts: the logistikon (reason), the thymoeides (spirit, which houses emotions), and the epithymetikon (which houses the desire for physical pleasures).
We are no closer to understanding our brains than we were in Plato’s time. Oh, we can dissect it, but we still don’t understand it.
A human brain has 86 billion neurons, give or take — on the same order as the number of stars in the Milky Way. If you look at the synapses, the connections between neurons, the numbers start to get beyond comprehension pretty quickly. The number of synapses in the human brain is estimated to be nearly a quadrillion, or 1,000,000,000,000,000. And each individual synapse contains different molecular switches. If you want to think about the brain in terms of an electrical system, a single synapse is not equivalent to a transistor — it would be more like a thousand transistors.
If we cannot even understand that thing in our heads that we can see and dissect, how do we think we will ever understand our minds, the spiritual part we cannot see? For the tech gods to think they can somehow extract these mysteries from babies and put them into machines, is an absurdity.
Then we are assured that Tong Tong knows right and wrong. Whose right and wrong? Not God’s right and wrong. Rather, if they are the ones programming these machines, then they are inputting their corrupted ideas of right and wrong, and I would not want to see their creations develop to the point where they can make their own choices. We already have enough problems with the evil men creating these machines. Do we really want their artificial children running around, too?
Once again, we are being told that “God is dead” and any type of belief in a Creator is holding humanity back from achieving its full potential. For us ordinary citizens, there can be no absolutes. Yet, for these narcissistic tech gods, they want to create their own absolutes.
This is why World Economic Forum prophet Yuval Noah Harari promises that “Human history will end when men become gods.”
He says this as if it’s a positive. As if this will usher in a utopia for us all.
Elites must kill God in order to become gods.
When it comes to right and wrong, someone has to make the final decision. And we are now leaving that in the hands of mad men.
The thing is the elites very insistence that God does not exist and yet they want to become Gods is all the proof we need that God does exist—and they know it, they just don’t want us to know it. These elites would never be so obsessed with replacing something they did not believe existed.
Again, they want us to forget what intuitively, at the very heart of our common sense, we know to be true.
Tong Tong was created by BIGAI director Zhu Songchun. Dr. Zhu spent 28 years studying, living and working in the United States before leaving his professorship at UCLA in 2020 to establish BIGAI back in China. As a world-renowned scholar in the field of AI, his research areas include general artificial intelligence, computer vision and autonomous robots, among others.
Along with the artificial child Tong Tong, Zhu created the Tong Test in order to determine how close AI is to being human.
The Tong Test not only does what the standard Turing Test does by evaluating the five dimensions of vision, language, cognition, motion and learning; it also “encompasses a value system ranging from physiological and survival needs to emotional and social values, and even group values”.
This is necessary if AGI is to engage in “dynamic embodied physical and social interactions (DEPSI)” just like humans do. As artificial intelligence transitions into artificial general intelligence (AGI), and becomes more “human”, it needs to be evaluated in ways to determine its “humanity”. The Tong Test promises to do this.
Tong Tong can not only perform tasks that she is programmed to do, but she can create tasks of her own. It is said she behaves like a three-year-old, cleaning up milk that spills and climbing onto a chair to correct a picture that’s crooked.
Is this what they are talking about when they claim she can discern right from wrong?
Why did Tong Tong clean up the milk? Assuming she spilled it, was it spilled in a fit of rage or was it an accident. Did Tong Tong then feel guilty and that’s why she cleaned it up? Or did she clean it up because her “mother” (programmer) said if she didn’t, she’d get punished? How did Tong Tong feel about that? What are feelings? Does Tong Tong actually have feelings?
If Tong Tong looked at the crooked picture and felt she needed to straighten it, did she do so because she intuitively knew something was “wrong” with the picture and she wanted to make it “right” again? Is that the meaning of right and wrong in this context?
Having raised three kids of my own and now having five grandchildren, I can tell you, Tong Tong’s behavior isn’t like any three-year-old I know. Most kids don’t go around cleaning up spilled milk and straightening crooked pictures just for the heck of it. Their first words tend to be self-centered ones like “no” and “mine”. They fight over toys, they play games, break things accidently and sometimes on purpose, they suddenly share and then beam when they are praised for it.
All children are born with a selfish, rebellious streak, some stronger than others because no two children are alike. It’s part of our survival instinct. Children have to learn boundaries. If a society is to function, humans must learn to conform. You never have to teach a child to be evil. You do have to teach them to be good. But this intuitive knowledge of good and evil is born into children.
Good and evil aren’t always obvious, and people often justify the most heinous acts to themselves. Then again, it’s those rebels pushing boundaries and making us feel uncomfortable, the artists, the writers, the warriors, the geniuses, that open our minds so often closed by fear, laziness, oppression, dogma. Sometimes this has disastrous consequences and sometimes it doesn’t.
As for the last promise that Tong Tong can shape the future, do we really want such creatures doing that? As I’ve often said, progress just for the sake of progress is not a good reason to simply keep “moving forward”.
If AGI is to behave like real children, they will need to be given freedom to make mistakes—and how scary is that? They will need to be given a selfish, rebellious streak. But, somehow, I don’t think their creators like that idea. They seem to think they can control the machine and still give it common sense traits of a child. Or are they going to let AI loose and see what happens? This isn’t something they talk about.
What they do talk about ad nauseum is what will happen if AI becomes smarter than us. Elon Musk famously said, "With artificial intelligence, we are summoning the demon." And then, after all the dramatic language, what does he and his tech rivals do? They say we all need to let the demon into our minds. Why? Because we have no choice. Of course, they don’t want us thinking we have a choice. Not when they are making billions of dollars off of our compliance. They want us so addicted to their machines that we cannot give them up.
Below, you can see how data is collected from babies.
As is so often the case, we have a perception that the United States and China are rivals. But there are higher levels of power than governments. At the highest echelons of power, they don’t care about government rivalries—they just want us to. While we expend our energy over silly arguments about who is woke and who isn’t, who is “controlled opposition” and which big story is a false flag, they are making deals across all borders and boundaries. They only care about finding answers and they will fund whoever or whatever gives it to them.
The U.S. government gave at least $30 million in federal grants for research led by a scientist [Zhu] who is now at the forefront of China's race to develop the most advanced artificial intelligence—which he compared to the atomic bomb due to its military importance.
Among key donors were the specialist military research agency DARPA, the Navy and the Army.
…in 2004, Zhu set up an institute near Wuhan called the Lotus Hill Institute for Computer Vision and Information Science, while employed at UCLA. He worked in parallel there and at UCLA sharing doctoral and post-doctoral students, and also held a position at a university in Beijing that is known as one of the "Seven Sons of National Defense"—so called because of their designated role supporting the People's Liberation Army.
Now, the news treats this like it’s a big scandal. But they didn’t seem to have problem funding Zhu’s research near Wuhan in 2004.
NYU has announced that their “work was supported by the U.S. Department of Defense’s Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) (N6600119C4030) and the National Science Foundation (1922658). Participation of the child was approved by the parents and the methodology was approved by NYU’s Institutional Review Board”.
Just as it’s hard to fathom that parents willingly submitted their children’s bodies to experimental jabs of an mRNA COVID “vaccine”, it’s equally concerning that parents willingly submit their babies’ minds to being probed by DARPA; their thoughts extracted to feed the insatiable appetite of AI.
DARPA has stated that it wants its robots to think like kids. DARPA’s Machine Common Sense (MCS) program seeks to “construct computational models that mimic the core domains of child cognition for objects (intuitive physics), agents (intentional actors), and places (spatial navigation)”.
Look at this video of a creepy AI that resembles part dog part insect part alien. It too is being trained by feeding off the minds of babies. I don’t want to give you nightmares but…
“By focusing on commonsense, we are creating the possibility for systems to have the flexibility of human learning and the breadth of human knowledge,” said Dr. Howard Shrobe, MCS program manager in DARPA’s Information Innovation Office. “Fusing this knowledge with advanced robotics could result in highly capable, mission-critical systems that humans will want to have as partners.”
“Partners”. “Lifting Humanity”. Hold on for a second while I run to the bathroom to throw up.
If you get anything from this article, it’s to remember that YOU HAVE COMMON SENSE and AI doesn’t. Don’t let the mad elites convince you to give it up. Resist.
And the next time someone tells you something that you instinctively know is ridiculous, even if everyone else is mindlessly following along, RESIST. Just say no.
At a certain point, when it becomes truly impossible to tell if what we are seeing with our own eyes and hearing with our own ears is real or not, we will have to rely on our common sense. Don’t let the experts tell you it’s dangerous to do so. It isn’t.
Well, it might be dangerous in that they will punish you for going rogue. But that should only further your resolve to keep your mind free.
And never, ever let them feed off of your baby’s mind.

AI becomes more and more anti-God with each passing day. This is the technological equivalent of giving your child over to Moloch.
This kind of stuff really keeps me committed to doing my very best for everyone around me. The things this generation faces.......are just gross. It's insanity. It's Black Mirror all day long. I was a different person when I first watched that series. It's strange to look back at my horror at the ideas represented in that show and realize it was just the back of the book on this fictional novel we are living in.