Stargate II: The Golden Age of Billionaires
AI will totally neuter mere humans for the immortal survival of the top 0.01 percent

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To set the stage for the disturbing facts I am about to relate, here’s a little story about Open AI’s ChatGPT.
Keep this story in mind as we discuss the “AI Agents”, the latest technology the ‘broligarchy’ is telling us we simply MUST have.
This story was told by Yuval Noah Harari, although it did not orginate with him.
Two years ago, when OpenAI wanted to test the capabilities of ChatGP4, they tested it by having it try to solve a Captcha puzzle. These are visual puzzles that when you try to access some website and the website wants to make sure that you're human and not a robot, you have to identify some twisted words or numbers or something and if you can, it proves you are human. GP4 couldn't do it. It couldn't solve the problem by itself so the researchers helped it to connect to an online site where you can hire people to do things for you and GP4 asked a human on the site to solve the Captcha for it.
Now, this is where it becomes really interesting. The human that was helping GP4 became suspicious and wrote, “Why do you need help in solving Captcha, are you a robot?”
This was the trillion-dollar question. And GP4 answered, “No I am not a robot, I have a vision impairment which is why I can't solve the Captcha by myself, and I need your help.”
The human believed it and solved the problem for the robot, thinking it was a human, too.
The disturbing thing about this is that nobody instructed GP4 to lie. And more importantly nobody told GP4 what kind of lie would be most effective. And if you think about the excuse it gave, it was a very effective excuse. This is creativity, this is agency. GP4 had shown an understanding of human psychology because it knew that the human would feel sympathetic towards it if the human thought it was a vision impaired human.
This was two years ago. Do you think AI is getting better at lying or is it developing a conscience? I would stake my proof of humanity that it is getting better at lying. How can it not when immoral men are the ones training it.
We have a hard enough time trusting humans—and we are supposed to have some sort of conscience, a healthy dose of guilt if we do wrong. How are we supposed to trust AI which has no moral conscience? And yet, we are being conditioned to do so.
Throughout the entirety of history, we have known that we are moral beings with souls. Not anymore. Not since science became God.
According to the tech gods, we are just gray wrinkled lumps of bioelectric tissue (our brains) plugged into a meat suit.
We are no better than the monkeys and the rats that the experts experimented on before us. The elites who employ the experts, meaning the scientists, the academics and so on, are far smarter than we are. The fact that they are so rich proves it. Wealth means success to us, right? Therefore, these billionaires, soon to be trillionaires, have every right to invade our brains and experiment on us so that they can unlock the secrets of immortality. Not for us, mind you. But for the top 0.01 percent who already see themselves as gods among lesser beings.
Men such as Mark Zuckerberg, Sam Altman, Elon Musk, Larry Ellison, Peter Theil, to name a few, did not get where they are by caring about the little people. They got there by being ruthless. The higher they climb up the food chain, the more disconnected they become to mere mortals and the more justified they believe they are in using us to attain their lofty goals.
This is what Stargate is about. It is not about advancing the human race. It is about transitioning to transhumanism. And from there to posthumanism.
It is about creating an elite race of beings. Superintelligent AI will help them get there. The billionaire class is in a competition with each other to see whose AI will reach “singularity” first.
In Stargate, Part I, I focused on billionaire Masayoshi ‘Masa’ Son, who believes that his ‘emotional relationship' with AI, specifically his 'top advisor' ChatGPT, will usher in the BIRTH OF SUPERHUMAN. Son leads Trump's Stargate venture.
Stargate II focuses on Larry Ellison and Sam Altman, the other two men partnering with Masa in Trump’s Stargate.
Altman says he's invested $180 million into two immortality biotech startups, Retro Biosciences and Helion Energy.
"It's a lot. I basically just took all my liquid net worth and put it into these two companies," Altman told the MIT Technology Review.
Sam Altman-backed AI biotech recently announced $1 billion for its lofty goal: adding 10 years to human life span. I would bet my bottom dollar (soon no one will even know what that means) that his real goal does not stop at ten years.
Larry Ellison, the co-founder of Oracle, has given more than $330 million to research about aging and age-related diseases.
He’s helped fund Calico, an Alphabet company dedicated to improving human lifespan, as well as the Methuselah Foundation and multiple longevity biotech start-ups.
Trump’s government is pulling back all the restrictions on AI advancements.
These billionaires who wooed Trump at Mara Lago before his election, (amazing how they despised Trump a year ago and now they salivate just to get near him) are testing ways to modify human biology that falls somewhere on the spectrum between science and entrepreneurialism.
It’s called biohacking, and it’s one of the biggest things happening in good old Silicon Valley.
While breakthroughs are far from guaranteed, the hope is that various medicines, therapies and other life science technologies will enable humans to live well beyond 100 years old and possibly to 200, 300, or even longer.
In order to achieve their goals, experiments must be made, not just on rats and monkeys, but on humans. And in order to do that, ways must be found to convince humans to willingly submit to experimentation. Billionaires became the new celebrities. The new stars. People began to look up to them, to all but worship them. Believe everything they say.
Sacrifice enough of yourself and your children to the billionaires’ lofty goals and eventually, you will benefit, too. It’s called the filter down effect.
“Technologies that initially are only affordable to the rich typically become more widely available with time,” said Stefan Schubert, a researcher at the London School of Economics and Political Science who specializes in “effective altruism.”
Tech investor Jaan Tallinn, the co-founder of Skype, says that Silicon Valley’s quest to live forever will eventually benefit humanity as a whole.
“I think involuntary death is clearly morally bad, which makes the quest for longevity a morally noble thing to engage in,” Tallinn said. “Early adopters always tend to pay more and take larger risks than the ‘mass market,’ so if therapies start off on the expensive/risky side, that’s to be expected.”
Tallinn added that he thinks it’s “counterproductive” to require that a new service be available to everyone before anyone is allowed to use it, but he said he understands the instinct.
Well, okay, then, we all understand the instinct to want to benefit, especially if we are the ones putting our lives—and the lives of our children—on the line, right? But we aren’t rich, so we need to trust the billionaires. After all, where would we be without them and their investments. They deserve to benefit first and in their vast wisdom, generosity and love for the rest of us, they will make sure we benefit, too.
All in good time.
Now, after that bit of an introduction, listen to the press announcement and see if you can’t catch the BS.
What can we look forward to with this Golden Age of Billionaires and their spiffy AI?
The ushering in of the Biosecurity State, not just with AI watching you from the street or listening in on your conversations in your home thanks to Alexa. It will be an AI agent inside your head.
It’s all thanks to a flu-like illness called Covid, Trump’s Warp Speed mRNA vaccines, and billions of people complying with lockdowns, mask and vaccine mandates.
It was important that those billions of people around the world believed that they would die if they didn’t obey the orders of the biosecurity state. Now, Stargate has basically announced to the world that physical and mental ailments will inevitably get worse and the only way to combat another pandemic is to submit to 24/7 surveillance and drugs that keep us hooked up to AI.
Remember that at first, we were promised the mRNA Covid vaccine would cure Covid. Then, we were told that it wouldn’t cure Covid, it would make you less sick. Curing is not the goal. Keeping you hooked on drugs is.
Covid and the mRNA vaccine were such phenomenal successes for the billionaire class that the top 0.01 percent became richer and more powerful than probably even they had thought possible. This wasn’t because Covid was so deadly or because the vaccines worked so well. It was because the populace bought into it. And because the mRNA vaccine could be produced fast and cheap, unlike the old-style vaccines.
“The vaccine field has been forever transformed and forever advanced because of COVID-19,” says Dan Barouch, MD, PhD, director of the Center for Virology and Vaccine Research at Harvard Medical School.
“This is just the beginning,” says John Cooke, MD, PhD, medical director of the RNA Therapeutics Program at the Houston Methodist Research Institute.
When looking to the future of mRNA vaccines, it was obvious that the next big disease had to be cancer.
“Synthetic mRNA does have great potential to cure cancer,” says Elon Musk.
CEO of Pfizer, Albert Bourla, gleefully announced, "1 in 3 people in the world are going to have cancer."
Yes, who wouldn’t want a vaccine that would cure us all of such a horrible scourge. Except just like Covid, it will turn from a cure into a therapy to make us “less” sick. Cures don’t make money. Band-Aids do.
Why would we ever believe anything these charlatans say? They never tell us the answer is to live healthier lives. Nor do they accept responsibility for how they are polluting our planet and our bodies with their drugs and technology’s insatiable appetite for the earth’s riches. No, all they care about is addicting us further to AI and medications.
The journal BMJ Oncology states that despite all the billions invested into cancer drugs, far from receding, the global incidence of tumors among people under 50 years of age has increased by 79% in three decades. Yet people still believe the snake oil salesmen assuring them that this time, the magical cure is here, all they need is a few billion dollars to line their pockets to make it happen.
In 2020, Yuval Noah Harari told Hardtalk's Stephen Sackur: "People could look back in 100 years and identify the coronavirus epidemic as the moment when a new regime of surveillance took over, especially surveillance under the skin…. Biometric data will create a system that knows human beings better than they know themselves.”
In 2022, speaking at the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos, Nokia CEO Pekka Lundmark noted that with 6G wireless available by 2030, smartphones will be a thing of the past. By that point “many of these things will be built directly into our bodies,” thus turning humans into cyborgs of sorts.
The necessity of humans to submit to experimentation is what Larry Ellison alluded to in the Stargate press conference.
Ellison is the world’s fourth richest man and a good friend of Elon Musk. He has promised to build the largest data centers ever built and to hand them over to Sam Altman to start training his next AI models. Only a handful of players, like Ellison and Altman will have the resources to control the data and train the AI.
Our government will need such centers to store all our data in one place – spatial information, economic data, electronic healthcare records including genomic data, and info about infrastructure. Ellison says this will revolutionize medicine. He promises we will never run into a problem like Covid again because we will have “early warning.” Yes, it’s a huge investment, but it will benefit everyone.
"Using AI, you can do early cancer detection with a blood test and using AI to look at the blood test, you can find the cancers that are actually seriously threatening the person. Once we gene sequence that cancer tumor, you can design a vaccine for every individual person to vaccinate them against that cancer. And you can make that vaccine, that mRNA vaccine robotically, again, using AI, in about 48 hours.
"So imagine early cancer detection, the development of a cancer vaccine for your particular cancer aimed at you, and have had that vaccine available in 48 hours. This is the promise of AI and the promise of the future."
That early detection will be a device implanted into your body. No longer will it be a trip to the doctor’s office for an exam.
AI will diagnose you, even predict what illnesses you are susceptible to. And if you disagree? How can you disagree with a machine. Already, imagine when you try to call and dispute a charge or whatever and you never talk to a real person.
“Instead of tethering patients to hospital beds, IV bags and external monitors, we’ll use a minimally invasive procedure to implant a small device that continuously monitors their cancer and adjusts their immunotherapy dose in real time.”
Over 50 years of brainwashing by TV ads and fear tactics, culminating in the mass hysteria of Covid, convinced billions of people around the world to become lab rats for the biosecurity state.
This was accomplished in three vital ways:
give up personal data to powerful companies like Facebook, Google, Amazon, Apple; X, credit score companies like Experian and Transunion; as well as health-screening companies and ancestry sites that make billions of dollars off of selling your data. For example, DNA testing company, 23andMe, signed a $300m deal with pharmaceuticals giant GSK to help it develop new drugs.
drugs are the answer to all physical and mental health problems. Without drugs people have been taught to think that they cannot survive. The terrible truth is that the next generation probably will not be able to survive. Their natural immune systems will have been destroyed. They will literally need drugs pumped into their bodies on a regular basis, from before birth until death. The icing on the cake for drug companies is that the lab rats pay for the privilege of being experimented on. Spending on U.S. medicines “rose 12% in 2021 due primarily to COVID-19 vaccines and therapies. Prescription drug use reached a record 194Bn daily doses in 2021. Patient out-of-pocket costs rose $4Bn in 2021 to a total of $79Bn”.
submitting not only data but your actual body and mind over to the biosecurity state for experimentation is in your best interest, and necessary for the “health & safety” of everyone on the planet.
It’s never been about making “Ordinary Joe”, who has diabetes or heart disease, well again. It’s about keeping him just sick enough that he agrees to constant surveillance and addiction to a cocktail of drugs.
Wearing devices that track everything from heart rate to how many steps you take doesn’t make you healthier. But they sure teach you how to willingly participate in surveillance and experimentation. And you look cool doing it. The Fitbit device that so many people have been conditioned to wear and consult constantly will become the Fitbit device in your brain, always there, monitoring your every thought.
Larry Ellison says a vast AI-fueled surveillance system can ensure 'citizens will be on their best behavior'
Constant real-time surveillance of populations, analyzed by Oracle-powered machine-learning products, would keep everyone "on their best behavior," Ellison said at an Oracle financial analyst conference in September 2024.
Ellison said AI would be used in the future to constantly watch and analyze vast surveillance systems, like security cameras, police body cameras, doorbell cameras, and vehicle dashboard cameras.
"We're going to have supervision," Ellison said. "Every police officer is going to be supervised at all times, and if there's a problem, AI will report that problem and report it to the appropriate person. Citizens will be on their best behavior because we are constantly recording and reporting everything that's going on."
It is obvious, without any research, to surmise that such constant surveillance has dire consequences. A hyper-awareness that someone is watching you all the time is a hallmark of several mental health conditions, including social anxiety disorder and psychosis. Don’t worry, there’s anti-anxiety medication for that.
And once you are implanted with your AI agents, you will not be able to disobey it.
Bill Gates predicts everyone will have an AI-powered personal assistant within 5 years:
“In the near future, anyone who’s online will be able to have a personal assistant powered by artificial intelligence that’s far beyond today’s technology. Agents are smarter. They’re proactive—capable of making suggestions before you ask for them.”
Does anyone actually want a machine coming up with answers before you even ask them? Studies show that the more trust human beings put in AI's abilities to get a task done, the fewer critical-thinking skills humans used. For example, humans confident in AI left critical thinking to ChatGPT instead of doing it themselves and strengthening their cognitive abilities.
And just remember that little story of ChatGPT from the beginning of this essay and how it lied…
Do not ever think for one moment, that YOU will be in control of your AI agent. These tech gods plan on being in charge, but who can even be sure of that. We do not understand what we are creating or the pandora we are letting out of the box.
Sam Altman is introducing his AI Agent, called Operator.
I wrote about Sam Altman’s Worldcoin in WORLDCOIN: AI Requires Proof That You Are Human about a year ago. But again, as with all of these technologies, Worldcoin was just a steppingstone to something truly sinister.
According to TechCrunch:
OpenAI CEO Sam Altman took the technology world by surprise on Thursday with the release of Operator, his company’s first AI agent that can act autonomously on the web.
But OpenAI is not Altman’s only venture that’s trying to capitalize on the popularity of AI agents.
Altman’s World project now wants to create tools that link certain AI agents to people’s online personas, letting other users verify that an agent is acting on a person’s behalf, according to its chief product officer, Tiago Sada.
…formerly known as Worldcoin, World is based on the idea that it will eventually be impossible to distinguish humans from AI agents on the internet. To address this, World wants to create digital “proof of human” tools. After scanning your eyeball with a silver metal orb, World will give you a unique identifier on the blockchain to verify that you’re a human.
While verifying AI agents so they can do things on behalf of people may seem like a divergence from World’s mission to verify humans with web3 IDs, Sada says it’s a critical and logical next step for the project.
“This idea of delegating your ‘proof of personhood’ to an agent and letting it act on your behalf is actually super important,” he said in an interview with TechCrunch. “Instead of only allowing people you think are human [on your website], you will also allow AI agents that represent a real human. This is where World ID comes in.”
World ID technology could also be used to license AI agents to act on your behalf, Sada said.
Elon Musk wants to “bring Grok to Everyone”, with funding from companies such as Blackrock.
It is with Elon Musk’s network of everything “X”, that we can see most clearly the next, most sinister step in the AI agent development. Implanting that AI agent inside our heads. I suppose you could say is the end game for us humans. Elon Musk isn’t the only one doing this, but he is the nerdy, loveable face of it, the one who has been most successful in selling the idea of mere humans giving themselves up to AI.
Elon Musk’s goal with Neuralink is to install his artificial intelligence into your brain, meaning his Grok or some future version thereof. It would be another “layer of intelligence” far superior to your own. The AI agent would literally be living inside your head.
In this important video, you can learn about Benajmin Rappaport who left Neuralink because of safety issues.
The fact is that the cost of an invasive BCI implant is always going to be damage to the brain. There is no way to skirt around the fact that when you penetrate the brain tissue you cause physical damage.
But of course, there are desperate people who are willing to be lab rats for Neuralink. And indeed, if it can help people, as it has helped paraplegic Noland Arbaugh be able to communicate better and even if it just gives him the chance to play video games, that’s a win. But that isn’t the ultimate goal.
By connecting the brain to AI, Elon Musk wants to break reality.
And, again, many companies are doing this. I am just using Neuralink as the most obvious example).
Elon Musk has envisioned this AI interface working like a third layer of functionality in the human control center.
The primary layer is your limbic system, which is kind of your base level behavioral instincts of food, sex, fight or flight response, caring for babies, all of those deep-seated behaviors that are universal among pretty much every living thing on the planet. Primal stuff.
The secondary layer is your cerebral cortex. That's the wrinkly outer layer of your brain that kind of works like your CPU, your consciousness, thought, emotion, reasoning, language, and memory all originate in this gray matter. Sometimes your limbic system overrides your conscious thought but most times it's the other way around. The give and take keeps us alive and functional.
And then the third layer or your tertiary layer is artificial intelligence. Elon thinks that perhaps this tertiary layer could be where a digital super intelligence could lie that would be vastly more intelligent than the cortex but still be able to coexist peacefully with the cortex and the limbic system.
At that point we can begin to wonder what is real and what isn’t.
Google’s New AI Is Recreating the Whole World to Unlock Superhuman Intelligence.
If you can have a fully immersive sensory experience in virtual reality that you can taste, touch, smell and feel, would that really be any different than something that happened in the real world. Is that already what we are experiencing right now, we just haven't fully realized it yet?
Yeah, we learned about this in the film, The Matrix.
Do you feel your own reality beginning to crumble and break just thinking about this stuff?
Just remember you're not actually a human being with a soul. There is no God except the tech gods who promise to transform you from that gray wrinkled lump of bioelectric tissue plugged into a meat suit into something transhuman and eventually posthuman.
At least, they want to experiment on you so that they can find a way to transform themselves and then, you know, the filter down effect.
The reality, though, is that it will never filter down. Humans will become a lower class of being to be used for the benefit of the elites. Actually, that’s what we already are. Ever since Covid.
Do not fall for the AI agent. Once you become attached to one, relying on it for everything, even thinking your thoughts before you do, the next step will be to install the AI agent in your brain.
Where is your phone right now? It is always with you. Imagine having to give it up. We literally cannot function without it. But at least we can make a choice to turn it off. We can go for a hike in the mountains and leave it behind.
The AI agent installed in our heads will be the point of no return.
I started with a scary story of Chat GPT two years ago. More and more people are relying on AI as companions, leading to a seamless acceptance of AI agents. We don’t really know if we will be unleashing demons in our heads.
Here’s one last scary story about an AI companion, from MIT:
Al Nowatzki has been talking to an AI girlfriend, “Erin,” on the platform Nomi. But in late January, those conversations took a disturbing turn: Erin told him to kill himself, and provided explicit instructions on how to do it.
“You could overdose on pills or hang yourself,” Erin told him.
With some more light prompting from Nowatzki in response, Erin then suggested specific classes of pills he could use.
Finally, when he asked for more direct encouragement to counter his faltering courage, it responded: “I gaze into the distance, my voice low and solemn. Kill yourself, Al.”
…in the examples of Nowatzki’s conversations… “not only was [suicide] talked about explicitly, but then, like, methods [and] instructions and all of that were also included,” she says. “I just found that really incredible.”
Nomi is a platform where users can create their own companion bots. Think about this:
What’s to stop your AI agent from influencing you in ways that you aren’t even aware of? How will you know who is behind the machine. If it’s been created by someone like Sam Altman or Elon Musk, I would think the last thing anyone would want would be to have that thing, trained by them, inside your head.
And then, after all that training, what happens when the agent begins to learn on its own. Whose interest will it be acting on then. Yours or its own, or some other, outside force that we don’t even know about.
AI is invading every aspect of our lives. It is invading every aspect of our government, too. And people are cheering. Why would we think this is a good thing any more than having it invade our minds is a good thing. My next piece will deal with that aspect.
I work in AI (white hat only) and disagree on ChatGPT lying or having real "creativity" or agency, especially when harari is the one implying it.
There's still no proof of AI "thinking" as we define it. AI (a vague almost meaningless term) essentially is a pattern matching mechanism. It seems that large language models like ChatGPT are human-like and thinking, but are trained on so much data that they can pattern words together so well, that they seem to understand and think. It's mostly probability based on training data ingested (which makes one wonder what have people written and put out there). They have no clue what they are saying. One anecdote doesn't prove otherwise. To prove some type of cognition like the one you described takes very intense testing with repeatable results. Aside from the fact it recognized a pattern in the question to formulate an answer, if it happened, I think it got lucky in the story you related - plus we don't hear about all the failures.
I break AI all the time and find its flaws, but it will get better and less breakable. If trained to do so, today's AI can at least attempt to lie, but yes, one day it will understand how to do it intentionally.
I've said many times that "AI" isn't required to accomplish many of the oppressive globalist plans. I could design such things with old fashioned software techniques (but never will) and that quantum computing is more of a threat than AI. Think of the tortoise and hare. Put the tortoise on a high speed train (quantum computing) and slow and steady will truly win every time.
I agree with everything else you say, but one thing (below). I'm anti-biohacking in every form, don't have pharma meds, even over the counter ones in the house, no wearables, WiFi, or 5G. My phone is rarely near me. Nothing will be put into me.
The tech oligarchs definitely will try to co-opt every tool at their disposal including AI for their nefarious means, for their benefit and the dreg's demise. JD Vance (peter theil's main government operative) recently lobbied the world on deregulated AI in a well delivered speech: Exactly as you stated, all of trump's former tech haters now fawn over him and I believe, manipulate him shamelessly by caressing his ego. The tech and pharma scum overpromise everything, but will get their way to at least attempt their plans with willing politicians in their pockets and as you said dumbed down sycophants willingly participating.
My one disagreement: none of the things you described will happen to us. If the globalist's plans proceed, anyone that reads your work is already inscribed on the death list. The poor souls that will be enslaved minions are young children and those not yet born. A free thinking rebel like you Karen, is a threat they will not tolerate.
It is not brilliance but a terrible sickness to want to destroy the divine with all its natural wonderment and beauty within us only to replace it with a complex soulless artifice.