I work in AI (white hat only) and disagree on ChatGPT lying or having real "creativity" or agency, especially when harari is the one implying it.

There's still no proof of AI "thinking" as we define it. AI (a vague almost meaningless term) essentially is a pattern matching mechanism. It seems that large language models like ChatGPT are human-like and thinking, but are trained on so much data that they can pattern words together so well, that they seem to understand and think. It's mostly probability based on training data ingested (which makes one wonder what have people written and put out there). They have no clue what they are saying. One anecdote doesn't prove otherwise. To prove some type of cognition like the one you described takes very intense testing with repeatable results. Aside from the fact it recognized a pattern in the question to formulate an answer, if it happened, I think it got lucky in the story you related - plus we don't hear about all the failures.

I break AI all the time and find its flaws, but it will get better and less breakable. If trained to do so, today's AI can at least attempt to lie, but yes, one day it will understand how to do it intentionally.

I've said many times that "AI" isn't required to accomplish many of the oppressive globalist plans. I could design such things with old fashioned software techniques (but never will) and that quantum computing is more of a threat than AI. Think of the tortoise and hare. Put the tortoise on a high speed train (quantum computing) and slow and steady will truly win every time.

I agree with everything else you say, but one thing (below). I'm anti-biohacking in every form, don't have pharma meds, even over the counter ones in the house, no wearables, WiFi, or 5G. My phone is rarely near me. Nothing will be put into me.

The tech oligarchs definitely will try to co-opt every tool at their disposal including AI for their nefarious means, for their benefit and the dreg's demise. JD Vance (peter theil's main government operative) recently lobbied the world on deregulated AI in a well delivered speech: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MnKsxnP2IVk Exactly as you stated, all of trump's former tech haters now fawn over him and I believe, manipulate him shamelessly by caressing his ego. The tech and pharma scum overpromise everything, but will get their way to at least attempt their plans with willing politicians in their pockets and as you said dumbed down sycophants willingly participating.

My one disagreement: none of the things you described will happen to us. If the globalist's plans proceed, anyone that reads your work is already inscribed on the death list. The poor souls that will be enslaved minions are young children and those not yet born. A free thinking rebel like you Karen, is a threat they will not tolerate.

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The stroy Harari told is something he repeated because it happened elsewhere, he didn't make it up. I'm not a fan of his, but i read what he writes because he is very good at telling us what's happening.

As you say, whether or not AI actually lied or not, it will get better. And my point is that it js learning from already flawed humans whi lie, cheat, kill, humans whose greatest achievement is the ability to kill everyone on the planet. And now these humans want AI to help them do it even better.

Also, I agree, I don't think they will succeed. I called them charlatans and question why people believe them. It's possible everything they say is a lie and empty hype to sell their products. But as I also say, it's possible we don't what we have unleashed.

As Elon Musk said, "With AI we are summoning the demon." I love how they acknowledge these dangers and keep on doing it anyway away, as if acknowledging it absolves them of responsibility.

I agree wholeheartedly with what you say and appreciate your knowledge as someone working in AI.

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The fact that current narrow AI is non-deterministic inherently means it has some form of agency.

Even OpenAI and MIT admit this.

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Agency and thinking are not the same. I used the word "real" for that reason. Randomness and an allowable limit of variation do not validate true or real agency.

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Procedural output of tokenized datasets should be deterministic in the same way that traversing a hash table is deterministic given identical inputs, but this is not true of LLMs and nobody knows why.

Is allowable randomness a form of divination? Do these models emulate minds or allow for existing ones to manifest themselves?

Even using a term like "understand" to describe how LLMs could deceive presupposes a mind. This is the realm of philosophy and metaphysics, not software engineering.

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It is not brilliance but a terrible sickness to want to destroy the divine with all its natural wonderment and beauty within us only to replace it with a complex soulless artifice.

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If you cant tell human or machine (which is hard for me to believe ) ask it two simple questions: 1) Do you believe in God? Usually that is enough, and if that for some reason isn't, then ask 2) Why? I gurantee you they will never be able to build a machine that can answer those two questions.

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Good point. Except if it is taught to lie about it.

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Thanks for another great summary Karen.

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Thanks Karen.

I don't buy the AI thing at all and never will.

Technological progress is NOT always a good thing.

Just a few years ago we were living in caves and no one bothered us, I miss those days !

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I love how in the press conference Trump said "you don't even do this kind (vaccine) kind of thing), subconsciously telling us that if things don't go as planned, then well, we told you so!

It is sad that the oligarchs pursue immortality, when their immorality is killing any potential for that immortality.

Thiel is helping to marry AI with drones and the military as you know:


Great breakdown Karen!

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Thank you for this info!!!

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There is always someone behind AI who has told it/is telling it what is right and what is wrong. What is good and what is bad. With an agenda.

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Even assuming the intentions of the tech bros and the AI, when it finally becomes independent at the so called singularity, are benign — I will never submit to what they have in view. What the elite are excited about becoming sounds awful to me. I don’t want to become powerful in intellect. I aspire to follow the child Jesus of Nazareth and grow strong in spirit by the operation of His spirit in me.

At any rate, God will not permit those fools to “engineer” a new humanity. He is very fond of redeemed humanity and transforming it into His own image and, at His soon return, He will transfigure the body of our humiliation to be just as His own glorious body. Only then will all of creation enter into the glorious liberty of the sons of God.

There is simply no reconciling me to the vision of those intellectual hubristic fools.


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Thank you for sounding the alarm in such an intelligent, documented manner.

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Excellent piece of writing, Karen. The promises for AI are incredible, in fact, beyond belief. If anybody believes them they are a fool or worse. If you believe in God, you cannot believe in AI. We were created in the image of God. That cannot be improved on. Never. If you don't believe in a Creator, you are at the mercy of men who think they are God or greater than God. "Science" is created by men who have a motivation or a goal who likely don't have your best interests in the hearts. Why would you trust them? They have constantly lied and deceived. With all the knowledge, science, why are we sicker than we have ever been? What are you eating, drinking? Is it good and natural? What "medicines" are you taking? Have the drugs really cured you? The poor state of our health can't be our own doing. There is nobody, no doctor, no government that will look out for you. Only you. If people do not wake up very soon, they will die young and the human race will cease to exist.

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yeeesh, every time I learn more 'bout AI the more evil...an' frightenin' too I find it. Man-ipulative too! I hate they make blind & disabled folks front & center so folks warm up ta the idea... What creeps me out is that near daily AI takes over more've our life. A vitamin store I use now has NO phone no... NO cust. service except the White Hole (like a black hole) chat box that leads nowhere an' on an' on...never helpin', always goin' "I'm sorry, do you mean...?" an' then mis-statin' it forever. They give ya no choice.

Right now some'a the stores here (grocery, hardware, department, drug) are all "self-check out" but they have CAMERAS pointin' down on ye every which way... they tie in yer face with the merch.... I will NOT use the thangs even if there is only one line with a "livin' human" cashier. Sadly my hubby now "complies" as he hates ta wait in line...many others do the same. If I pay with a debit card I wanna REAL receipt... I hate these floatin' squares of light ya sign with yer finger...worse (tho' I ain't used 'em) is the one where ya walk out the door an' the billin's automatic. All over people (all ages...young an' old) are complyin'... some stores take no cash (at least in NYC that wuz the case). An' now they'll sacrifice the lovely ol' penny... next the nickel ya know, next the dime... quarter... then only bills, then no bills at'all... As folks git groomed with AI they're groomed with this nefarious diggy-tale currency... How swiftly they all comply... no good.

Folks may not "crave" AI but they will simply go with the flow...not realizin' they are cyber-complyin' their own erasure... an even darker trick than the AI that lies... the once-free human bean that'll lock themselfs & their minds in an arty-fish-all prison... an' happily be their own jailer... whatta we do?

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" the image of the beast"

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