Nov 11, 2023Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

One would think they could make a home where they are, even if they hope to some day move elsewhere, as many, many other people have done throughout history, including the Jews when taken captive by the Assyrians and Babylonians. Any Gazans who are living in camps are there either by their own choice or are kept there by whoever is controlling Gaza territory, which for almost 20 years, has been Hamas.

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Nov 11, 2023Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Excellent. Thank you for this. I only found out about you a few days ago, via the Hrvoje Morić interview. I just commented there a few minutes ago and then found this article.

I agree… people need to become familiar with the scriptures so they can recognize the things that are coming.

A good book you may like to read: Law Without Authority or Limits : Kelsen’s Dilemma by Dan Gruber. (I also recommend his other books, especially Copernicus and the Jews, but Kelsen’s Dilemma is about the current world situation.)

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There is nothing special with this current normal degenerate uman animals entertainment... I still wonder with the selective way western Plantations herds react to the same type of event depending on the region/herds involved!

But even this behavior is nothing new... So just another regular day on this wonderful degenerated Uman civilization. Don't forget to go to modern slavery on Monday... And consume/indebt! That's all They need you to keep on doing. Also make a donation to some "charity"!

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Oct 12, 2023Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Hi Karen, thanks for your clear and courageous insights. Israel is going to need all the friends it can get in these increasingly wicked times in which we live. I hope you won't mind me passing on this link to my brother's timely new book ("Messiah Promised" by James Johnson), about the coming Prince of Peace. Jesus Christ is the only hope for this sad world: https://www.amazon.co.uk/MESSIAH-PROMISED-James-Johnson/dp/B0CKRNV93C/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2ALKE88FS374C&keywords=Messiah+Promised%2C+by+James+Johnson&qid=1697106869&sprefix=messiah+promised+by+james+johnson%2Caps%2C81&sr=8-1

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Dear Karen,

I am so saddened to see another thinker succumb to messages of hate. I understand and respect your experience in the middle east, but it is impossible to assert "They literally want to see the death of every single Jew on the planet". This is fear-mongering and creating a false narrative. Even if your experience of every single Muslim was that they wanted to kill every single Jew, surely you cannot believe that there are no Muslims around Israel who desire peace?

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No worries, both addresses may work

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Oct 11, 2023·edited Oct 11, 2023Author

I will probably be writing a follow up to this piece instead of responding to so many of these comments (not to mention the emails). Although I expected a backlash, it is still disturbing when it hits you in the face. Thank you to @georgegrosman for his informative responses. I wish I had a podcast, George, I would have you on in a second to discuss this. https://substack.com/@georgegrosman or https://georgegrosman.substack.com/

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Oct 11, 2023Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

We have foot soldiers streaming into the West. For those who wag their fingers at Israel's self defense, what will happen when those foot soldiers get their activation orders here? Will these same people sit back or will they defend themselves and their loved ones? We are seeing the fulfilment of prophecy every day. Only God has all of the answers. He has given us His Word. It's time to study it and be prepared.

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Oct 11, 2023Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

These are truly dark days. The US has taken its eye off the ball in foreign policy and is distracted and obsessed with the proxy war in the Ukraine and its obsession with Russsia- insane revenge for the lost 2016 election!

Domestically it is distracted with the insanity of wokeness (neo Marxist and post modernist idiocy), climate change, Covid, and persecuting Trump and his supporters- so called right wing extremists.

It seems like the Democrats and many others want to destroy the US and all it used to stand for.

What we are left with is barbarism- as proudly displayed by Hamas and its supporters.

If the so called "right wing", Nazis or neo Nazis had committed the crimes of Hamas then the world would stand united in condemnation and indignation. Whether you are condemned for your inhumanity and brutality depends on the badge you wear!

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Judaism to today is led by Pharisees. These Rabbis practice Kabbalah and read the Zohar. They do not worship the Gos of the Bible. One simply need to google Ein Sof, Adam Kadmon. Metatron. The Shekinah and many other topics on Chabad.org and you will see their blasphemous beliefs. Thes Rabbis have their own genocidal plans that include the sacrifice of the Jewish people. They believe gentiles are born with an animals out but Jews are born wit 2 souls. One is divine, the other animalistic. Those who follow the Oral Torah are divine, but Jews who don't can be purified through fire and reincarnated as divine souls. Thus the meaning of the word Holocaust which means a burnt offering to God. There is also a reason why the number has to be six million in WW2. There are no innocents among any leader. The people on all sides suffer. Jewish settlers were assaulting random Palestinians before this happened. God is not going to save Israel or the US. We will both be recieving well deserved judgement

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Israel is scum of the earth after their ongoing attempt to genocide humankind with their covid weapon anyone who comes out in support of them is of the same mind: Genocide. Scum.

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Oct 10, 2023Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

The blindness is spiritual. This is why they have eyes and ears but cannot see or comprehend. They are in total state of false indoctrination.

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What happened? Prophecy seems to be happening. All I know with certainty is that the already-thick prophesied deception is growing ever thicker. And that this might not be the ideal time to go on a holy land tour.

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Oct 10, 2023Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

The comments here are indeed interesting. I wished I knew what to believe and who to blame as other people here seem to be quite sure. I don't trust any government to be truthful; any mainstream news outlet will only report what they're told to report. I have read in other sources that Hamas has support from elements within the Israeli government; I don't know if that is true or not. Our own government says they support Israel but they send money to Iran.

What I do know is that many innocent people are being slaughtered for some unfathomable evil reason. I hope that most people in Israel, whether Hebrew or Palestinian, want to live in peace. I cannot comprehend the hate on display for other humans. I can't even feel that kind of hot hate for anyone, not even my own evil government.

I just wish there were reasonable thoughtful kind people with standing trying to bring sense and reason where there is obviously none. I won't be holding my breath, because reasonable thoughtful kind people do not enter government; only those who want to control others.

It seems to me that THEY (The Hierarchy Exploiting You) will not be happy until the world is completely and utterly destroyed. It seems to be in the immediate cross hairs. As long as there is power to be gained or more wealth to be accumulated, nothing will stop them.

(Just a note to Americans: do not let yourself to be disarmed. How that happened in Israel is a mystery to me and clearly shows that the government of that country doesn't give a tinker's dam about their citizenry. Didn't they see what happened in Germany?)

Thanks again, Karen, for your brilliant writing, even though it makes me cry with despair.

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Oct 10, 2023Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Call me a cynic, but I bet a percentage of the Mossad and the CIA knew in advance about the Hamas planned attack and "let it happen."

Netanyahu, is a corrupt POS who used the Israeli population as test animals for Pfizer's mRNA experimental gene therapy injections causing much harm to his own citizenry.

Netanyahu would sell is own mother down the river to sustain his money and power. The creep should be in jail.

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I'm standing with the Palestinians. It's time they were given their own state and Israel forced to give back the land they stole from Syria. The most condemned country in the UN General Assembly has been Israel, who have committed many crimes and never been held accountable by the UN Security Council or other international institutions.

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