Jan 25Edited

Please explain how the poor, oppressed, starving palestinians living in open air prison refugee camps while suffering genocide, have an abundance of soldiers that look fit in clean matching uniforms with a plenitude of weaponry, a fleet of relatively new armed vehicles and fuel (not red cross vehicles), can supply outfits, gift bags, and conference style tags to the released hostages, have high-end camera equipment, newly minted banners, can create video games, have unfettered access to media, have concrete buildings (not tents), and a population that has INCREASED since the 10/7 attack they perpetrated.

Without even touching on holocaust death camps, the Americans in WWII POW camps Germany created could not have in their wildest starvation induced delusions, envisioned having the open air prison camps they were trapped in so abundantly furnished as the palestinians have gaza.

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Yep, that's a hard one to explain, but the way the story goes now, they are no longer starving victims, they are the victorious little guy who won over the oppressor. The narrative has changed, and the masses accept the new indoctrination.

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They certainly don't look starving to the world!

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They are no longer starving victims. They've miraculously morphed into victorious heroes!

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It's a miracle!!! 😆

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I have been reading each of your posts, Karen.

I am shocked to see that these terrorists are dressed so nice and neat, they look friendly and kind. I suppose all of that money Obama gives them really helps.

I am very worried about this slow release.

These hostages coming out look like they are being released with "swag bags"

All of this is sickening to the core

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It is beyond sickening. I will have go for a long hike today!

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I will go for a hike too. It is going to be a balmy 37º today

oh, and to add, I will continue to be prayerful

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Thank you for your courage to write the truth. It needs to be heard.

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Excellent work..! Absolute Fact HAMAS represents some of the very worst of humanity...

Thank you Karen! Keep sounding the alarm..

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May God Bless and Protect you as do Real Investigative Journalism.. !!🙏❤️💪

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Thank you.

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Welp, when these last few hostages are returned, bibi is going to melt them. With prejudice. I’m not sure what those dumb asses are thinking, but this one was one too far. You will now be killed, a lot.

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I pray that you are right. These people are monsters. What a horrible existence - they need to be destroyed like fire ants.

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I hope so. This is sick.

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Dear God save us indeed

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Hamas truly has some of the best PR people in the world. Israel really needs to up their PR game - have they considered hiring whichever firm Hamas is using?

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The firm would be both qatar and islamic republic of iran.

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Probably. But you know…if you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em.

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No, they cannot do that. It doesn't work like that. Israel has never won the propaganda war, and they never will, because they are Jews and there is an irrational, deep-rooted hatred of Jews throughout the world going back a very, very long time. After WWII, that hatred was suppressed, but we are seeing how it is rising again, and people are proudly owning their hatred. Go on Elon Musk's X and you will be shocked by the extent of antisemitism.

So, there is nothing Israel can say or do against such hatred. They just have to ignore it and fight for themselves. They should never sink to Hamas's level.

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yup, but Karen, they COULD do far better... there are PR firms that could make "proper propergander!" lol--that could help--yes, propaganda is ruthless but Israel needs ta at least do better here... I think doable. Moovies, music viddeos, not just folks on the (s)nooze

ps most spokespeople from Israel are either in military uniform or in navy suits... an' the SJWs are turned off by conventional "respect-ability"... I'm all fer the pundits dressin' respectably--but nobuddy speaks to the younger ones... haven't seen it yet....

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troo! (it'd be money well spent!) (I don't really mean they should hire Hamas's PR folks but that Israel REALLY needs waaaay better PR... the sober-serious journalists ain't gonna do it)

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Young boys need toys, and the Matel that manufactures these things is well capitalized. A whole cadre of adults in the wings is offered stable employment paid by others and justified by the men with guns, who have a way of being convincing. The neatly pressed uniforms came out for the parade. The real dads are noticeably absent. And the PA is kept busy doing the actual payroll (or withholding it) and being unpopular. Notably absent for now and in the foreseeable future, is the latter part of the equilibrium. There is a clear, viscerally satisfying pay off for extortion, but it is not clear that hostages and dead bodies will pay tomorrow's bills or bring back what has been lost. Larger forces will have to enter the game, and holding a gun won't be the best job in town. Even little boys understand this.

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Just when I think the terrorists can't go any lower. I had no idea this video game existed and am horrified that it can still be purchased. Can you imagine if an Israeli sold a video game whose goal was to kill Palestinians? It would be all over the media as proof of Israel's evil aggression. What's next- a video game called "bomb the Jewish preschool?"

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The fact that the video game allows players to shoot people at the al-Aqsa Mosque, which Muslims insist is their third holiest site, is telling, both for illustrating the religious (rather than nationalistic) nature of Palestinian ideology and the way that that religion is intertwined with violence. It's hard to imagine Catholics promoting a computer game involving shooting people in the Vatican.

Ironically, the only people "oppressed" at al-Aqsa, or the Temple Mount as Jews call it, are the Jews, who are forbidden to pray there by Israeli law.

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That's right!

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This type of reporting is not being covered by the MSM. I really appreciate and enjoy your work.

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Thank you.

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Only cowards refuse to show their faces while guarding these women hostages.

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That statement is all we really need to know about Palestinians. That’s why there is not and never will be a Palestinian state.

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Only in this evil, upside down world would Hamas not be punished for their obvious mistreatment of hostages/prisoners of war. Israel must abide by international rules of war, but not Hamas. I hope that when this farce of a ceasefire ends (probably by Hamas) Trump has the decency to not to interfere with Israel defeating these Islamic terrorists.

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Thank you, Karen. I'm glad that our Messiah is so much better at wrath than I am. In seven years, plus a little, it'll be over. The haters will be dealt with. Creation will be remodeled for the Millennium. And we'll be living in Peace and Joy with our new spouse. The Lord's goal for this disposable creation was to produce friends who chose to love Him. His plans are good. I'm so glad He called each of us.

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ps not sure 'bout them costumes but since BOTH Superman & Batman (also Spiderman--near all've 'em) were invented by joos (DC comics, Marvel, yup all post-war chewish boys that channeled the "golem" like creation of a better-than-human warrior as a fantasy to save the day b/c nobuddy--almost nobuddy--wanted to save the day fer the joos durin' WWII). So it'd be quite the irony if the wee SJWs are embracin' the Hamas warriors while playin' Superman & Batman who were invented by jewish american fellas to fight the Nazi evil that is "everywhere"..

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