Apr 16Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Yes she's spot on.

But, the reason American women are supporting terrorism has more to do with causing chaos than what they scream is a terrorist country's "civil rights and autonomy"

What I absolutely hate about these Leftoid fascists is their inability to think beyond what their teacher tells them or tik tok and other social media .

And they don't need evidence to defend against "civil rights violations" or what people with common sense know -- that they're not about civil rights or compassion, empathy, peace and love. They're about violence and hatred and chaos without any fear of consequences or accountability.

Their "protests" are like watching spoiled toddlers in grown up bodies.

Dangerous combination, that.

Sorry I went off. I guess I, too, feel betrayed by my country (FISA was the straw), which for the moment, is not totally like Iran -- but give us time, the US is still descending and regressing into the pit.

A few years I saw a short video of Iranian women marching in protest it brought tears to my eyes, now THAT is stunning and brave. Because I know some of those women ended being beaten and/or disappeared and the women knew they would pay that price. But my "woke, believe all women" government turned a blind eye. So did the woke UN.

Still, I pray for all the oppressed women and men too. Including American women, having even our gender taken over by men.

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If you are calling out Iran, you also need to call out Israel.

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Apr 16Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

I still remember when their grandmothers and grandfathers, as young university students, yearned for Ayatollah Khomeini and Islamic law – under the Shah! They scared their culture, their faith, etc... Then, just as they got the Shah from the USA, they got Kohmeini too! I saw that their joy lasted for a few days...!

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Apr 16Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

She has a point, probably she would be supporting the Sha Reza Palevi and I am not an expert in Iranian affairs or what they do or not, I know Iran is a theocracy and that's all, but my question is why Israel attacked the Iranian Embassy in Damask? I, as a Christian, cannot take sides, we are above those religious conflicts and regional hates, we pray for them to convert to our Lord Jesus Christ and all wars will be over when that happens because God is a God of love, but meanwhile there is more than meets the eye, caution must prevail.

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