I don't understand how so many Americans became sociopaths in so short of time. They call Trump Hitler yet they are celebrating a holocaust and I'm sure, if they knew about THE Holocaust, they would celebrate that also.

Even more than that, it is even more mind boggling to me that the large majority of Jews in the US will continue to vote for Democrats.

But what I know as a Christian and an American is that I will never see Oct 7, 2023 as being anything other than demonic.

And I'll never forget 🇮🇱 🇺🇲 ❤️

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And no matter what GOD IS ON HIS THRONE!!

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Absolutely amen!

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Never forget! 🇮🇱.

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I stand proudly with Israel. People should read Ezekiel or face his rath and vengeance.

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Agree. The metastasised cancer of anti-semitism is corrupting the West.

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good analogy--an' just as only the globalists at the top have a cure fer actual cancer (which they've caused of course--their plan!)... they keep such cures from us "plebes"-- I believe they too are orchestratin' this concert of hate --an' since they control mainstream Medi-SIN yer right-- it IS like a cancer.... an' perhaps they have a "cure" fer the hate they foment but I fear they don't wish ta treat it (it's too profitable) just as they benefit from deadly cancer treat-mints that rack up the profits... (sigh)

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Thank ya so much Karen--amidst my ordinary chores fer my girls & hubby, amidst the vagaries of life--I fight back tears. Grateful fer this young lady's story--which breaks my heart--grateful fer the song and most grateful for your strong voice an' yer own heart on the matter....

Without many words right now (usually I have many ta spare!)--as I see the haters everywhere--cheerin' on the murders of joos--in Israel an' in the US too-- the wellin' up of hate, disdain, anger from all angles... I try ta think of this song, one we sang at camp, at temple, an' it's a beautiful one... written by this young lady that sings it-- "Jerusalem of Gold" is the name--


This uplifts my heart enuf ta say--"this is what we fight for"--this is "who we are" even if they tell us that we "ain't".... So Am Chai Yisrael back and as always... deepest grattytude yer way Karen 🙏🏼

(one ps after thought--that lovely young girl who thank g-d is alive in spite of that trauma--calls the attackers--i.e. Hamas--monsters an' to me that seems right--what else WOULD you call 'em? An' yet what I see online is that the jewish people are bein' verbally attacked fer "dehumanizin' " the beautiful people of Gaza--includin' the "Resistance Fighters"--an' that we "dehumanize" the good souls of Lebanon too. I'd say that only those who wish all chews dead & the land of Israel erased would be monsters... but is that not monstrous? Ergo, fer callin' out those who express and act out on such horrific wishes, somehow it's "us" who are inhuman--WE are the monsters they way.

But clearly that's stated from a place of safety. EVERY person I know (sadly a few) who was raped called those who did it--monsters. I'm sorry ta say we also have a friend whose father was literally dismembered by these men who are "not" allowed to be called monsters. He was a jewelry dealer and his chopped up remains were found in the (xl) suitcase he was lured inta bringin' with a whole set of "stock"-- it was a set up to steal all the jewelry and murder him. The head was missin'. Our friend has NEVER gotten over the trauma. (He also fought for years in court to have his father's murders prosecuted but that never happened even though they were "known.") So nu? as we say... these are not monsters? The troothers insist nobuddy was beheaded on 10/7 an' Israel just made it up--but is that true? Or... is that only b/c they don't wanna show footage of desecrated corpses? I dunno for sure but whatever happened was carnage so I "reclaim" the right to call some folks monsters--an' not turn the tables back on those of us who do. Today, only joos are bein' condemned for "triggerin' " the attacks upon themselfs-- it's shockin'--and upsets me mightily--

So lookit me--here this twisted set of rules got my goat (my scapegoat!) an' I found words again in spite'a sayin' I had none--but yet and still... that's true. At a loss for the bigger view I see... so much hate, bad energy. There is also near-nothin' I can say to these people-- to their dark wishes for me, for all joos, other than I hope one day they'll see light as hate itself is a monster! (and they seem to worship it)

callin' those that are so brutal and want them dead "monsters." It's said that we joos dehumanize all 'cept our fellow joos but that's a boldface lie--just puttin' out for the record that if a regular human who is now safe and has not undergone trauma cannot FATHOM why chews would call their attackers "monsters" then

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My heart is so full today. Every Jew that I know had a friend or acquaintance or family member or friend of a friend who was there on Oct 7th, died, was taken as a hostage or somehow blessedly escaped. Israel is such a tiny country, there are so few Jews in the world and we know why even though so many try to deny it. How can people be so heartless.

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yes yes, addin' to this--nearly ALL the chewish folks I know livin' in Israel OR in the US with Israeli relations, friends were affected by this--someone knew a hostage or a person harmed or godferbid killed... THAT is what folks don't understand... When 9/11 came here most Americans didn't know someone that died or went down helpin' (eg FDNY that got sick from bein' on the site)--a good portion of us New Yawkers did tho'--an' many of us will always wonder how it affected us health-wise (the toxic dust, etc)--I was 5 mo. pregnant livin' blocks from ground zero myself--that's my older girl with autism--related? we wonder... All that ta say, Israel is like NYC in a way--someone knows or knew sumbuddy so it affects ya keenly--"at home" as they say-- outsiders cannot imagine this... imagine what it's like to be harmed on yer own turf...

So yes, re what ya wrote an'... (not to coin a phrase) MeToo... we know folks that survived an' may never go home again... an' don't even know if "home" will survive (the state I mean...)

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So sad. Heartwrenching.

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Gd bless you and The Netherlands.

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Amen, and you.

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Karen I have been unable to actively engage this last week but now can ...

God knows your heart and when He is for us no amount of slander can reach us!!

I agree with every syllable above and I want you to know (or remind you) that there are those who are actually blinded and will remain so 🤷🏼‍♀️

It's sad it's like watching someone drink poison .. but this is not ours to control not ours to "fix" and those who are persecuted FOR their stance or actions based on The Lord will be blessed and eternally made righteous. I know you know this but bears repeating and bears shoring up your determination!! Hang in there!!

I predicted what would happen when I saw this briefly earlier and it is no surprise!

Praise the Lord for His everlasting love and His mercies that are renewed every morning !! xoxoxo ❤️💪🏼🙌🏼

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Amen and thank you Melanie. Love you.

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Amen 🙏

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Well said amen and amen!! Maranatha!!

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Amen, Tommy. Come, Lord Jesus!

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Capitalresearch center com search October 7 th seize all they're assets

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Here's how you hunt them Down


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Excellent resource.

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Thank you for sharing your thoughts, Karen. It is inconceivable how the world is wilfully blind to the insurmountable gap that exists between Western values and Islamism. It is right in front of us yet the world refuses to see it.

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Unbelievable, isn't it.

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Right on. This Christian stands with Israel.

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All right!

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Karen, I just read this postin' an' it's a doozy in the best way! This young'un (a 20-sumthin' with a workin' mind!) mentions many'a the same voices you share here--the women from Muslim countries who were abused, maltreated--killed--worse-- she cain't understand it--but none of her (former) woke friends can listen... they will not HEAR that Israel has done'em a favor in killin' their tyrants... (SIGH)...fwiw, a fine read (trust me!)--more blessin's yer way!


ps (I shared yer stack with her too!)

Oooh! on her own stack she has more links an' stuff--THIS is the best version of the essay!


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ps OMG so I couldn't sleep so I went to finish the longer one from above and.... drumroll--THERE I find her quotin' YOU!... it's one'a yer comments but anywhoo--what strange synergy I try ta connect ya both an' find she's already found ya--at least yer comment rang true ta her. sigh--funny the way stuff connects in the universe, no?!

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Yes, we are a little band of writers/fighters trying to get people to listen. Nice that she quoted my comment.

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👍🏼 it's 'specially good when a voice of sanity comes from "a young'un!"

--not that we're old (tee hee) but those of us seein' a bigger picture have most often spent at least the better part of a half century on this blessed Earth an' know it wasn't always like this--there was fer more tolerance an' far more sane debate all 'round-- So to see this 21st C young woman speak to her "woke" friends warms the cockles of my heart (even tho' I'm sad ta say I myself have lost some'a my not so young friends ta wokeness--never IMAGINED this'd happen)

If ONLY more young voices with a "follerin' " could speak such trooths ta their peers!

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Thank you for all of this. ALL the articles, every one. You are truly your father’s daughter - and in your boxing video I laughed when I saw how MUCH you look like him!!!! Anyway -my mom was Mennonite too - but German. She converted to catholic when she met my dad (an Irishman). Of 6 kids I am the 4th and I am the only one who read the Bible and tried so hard to tell them about the true finished work of Jesus Christ, to no avail. Your dad would be so proud of you if he was here!!! A chip off the old block. I am always weirdly creeped out with how MUCH the Palestinians LOVE driving around with DEAD BODIES of ‘infidels’. It is so demonic. These pictures you shared are the same - a complete and utter disregard for lives and souls.

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Thank you. I do indeed look like my dad ❤️

It's true what you say about demonic. People should be able to figure this out. It is so obvious. God bless.

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ps hear hear, cheerin' on yer Dutch heritage--it was the Dutch--one of velly few countries--that remained "neutral" an' they had a strong resistance too! An' blessins' ta the Dutch farmers fightin' against their own no-longer-neutral-but neutered gubbamint that wants to turn Holland inta a smart city... AND... God Bless Audrey Hepburn! (who saved Dutch joos durin' the Holocaust!) Lot ta be proud of!


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What happened to the stars (not the celebrities of today)

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I know I know! They don't make 'em like they used to. Today the sign fer hirin' new talent seems to be compliance with the cabal vs gen-u-ine talent. So many "starts" lent their time & effort--a whole passle've GREAT noble performers--did the USO tours an' whatever they could to fight Hitler. Marlene Dietrich was especially notable in her work--So bless the multi-talented laydee from Holland--Audrey Hepburn fer all her efforts an' fer riskin' her life raisin' money with her ballet ta save chewish lives... These souls all deserved their fame!

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Arab spring

Fast & furious etc

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