Yes Karen we can all agree the grieving the sadness the anger that it is indeed righteous anger towards these terrorists and the people that support them... but don't be fooled I can pretty much guarantee Trump and Netanyahu have a plan to bring vengeance at their appointed time.....pray....Maranatha!!

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I pray they will. I don't believe Trump and Netanyahu will let this go unpunished.

(I had to correct my typo. On my phone, so many mistakes)

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Yes you could be right it's a big Time 3D chess game at these levels of leadership so many things to take into consideration it's hard for us to even comprehend... we will see

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I was about to say much the same thing👍 plus I’m learning that Trump plays a shrewd game against his opponents, when he says he’ll do “such and such” knowing that he does have the reputation for following through, and when he delays the expected response, this unsettles them, keeps them guessing, when they start to get nervous in anticipation, they make mistakes, that is his green light to do the unexpected, and go Whammo!!! Right, now cop this!!!And he comes out of nowhere like a Roaring Lion and goes straight for the Jugular. He does it time & time again…. Just like when Bibi set off the exploding pagers…. When it was least expected!! Same tactics that had an enormous impact on the war… But I get it, every one of us just wants those Hostages back home, and the enemy crushed. Then I thought if all hell breaks loose straight away, what about the few that still could be saved, having been in hell so long, and so close to being released, to lose them just because we didn’t wait and hold off, for just that little bit longer…. 🤔🙏

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What price are we paying? Those poor souls. How tragic that the Gazan people have descended to this nightmare level of existence. It’s like brute beasts howling at the moon in rage. They are sealing their doom one wretched terrorist victim at a time. God help these victims. 🙏🏻

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trump is still in his honeymoon phase and thanks to MAGA sycophants is having it extended. Eventually, all his talk about hostages, food prices, government efficiency, settling wars, tariffs, etc. will reach a point of proof vs. talk. His hostage release rhetoric may be the first really tested. My guess is that his team already has some spin on this, maybe even saying by "all" he meant all three expected today.

I don't see hamas ever releasing all hostages because that is their most valuable weapon. Anyone making threats demanding that is either ignorant or is willing to have them all killed to back their threatening words and save face.

In my opinion, the hourglass stunt for the moment, has put hamas on top over trump in the game of wits and that is very embarrassing whether the big man acknowledges it or not.

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Having lived in the Arab Muslim world, it's very important to follow through with what you say. If Trump didn't mean what he said, he should have said something different, like, the scheduled hostages better be released on Saturday or there will be hell to pay. Now, they know words are meaningless. I still have hope that there is some plan at some point but I am very disappointed.

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Yup, yer one of few outspoken writers that git it Karen--that know the mindset of the Muslim World View git that Trump has ta be "macho" an' will lose all respect in the Arab world if he doesn't follow thru on the ultimatum--which (makin' it just words) will EMBOLDEN them ta do what the heck they want... which ain't good.

Most of us have notta clue what it is with this cul'cha... I've had minimal exposure (I've just seen the men & laydeez in their "git ups" in NYShitty but I had no idear what the were thinkin' or how they "rolled." Why would I? I always thought "live & let live" but clearly they do NOT want us infidels ta have that priviledge!

The SJWs that fight FOR these HaMesses will also feel bolder doin' stuff here an' in YourUp. A mean junkyard dawg (even in a three piece suit!) is a force ta reckon with...a blustery "comb-over" guy who's all talk... ain't worth chicken poop. Seriously.

I'm still curious ta see what Australia'll do to them "nurses"--if little is done others'll feel just as "emboldened" as those too did--sayin' the quite part out loud (the kill all joos part)

The "STUNT" with the hourglass is frightenin'... All the Memento Mori ("remember me") paintin's from the old schools of art (Netherlandish, etc) show the hourglass as DEATH... It's not just "give us what we want ASAP" message to Israel, it's DEATH IS COMING at least in Western cul'cha... Clearly Hamas knows this (imho) i.e. how it might register with The West... not just a "hurry" but unlike Trump, they MEAN their own threat. That DEATH is coming. Woe ta all that don't see this... sadly, lotta WOEs out there or (in horsie speak) it whould be WOAH! like stop...halt, listen!

Half of America (if we're lucky!) might find such a brash ugly display even a mite "too much"...even if they generally support Hamas an' "all they do" ta "save the world" from "Genocidal Israel" (yup, they seem ta turn the tables that way an' call Israel /us Jews the genocidal tribe....) while the other half thinks this is just GREAT. Eat it up Great, enjoyin' the show great. A few years ago I NEVER would have believed that ordinary Americans would think this is all 'bout Israel gettin' what they "deserved" fer their "apartheid" terrorist globalist behavior. ANYTHING can be justified. Hitler showed us that an' now we see it in the public forum...



Everyone sez Israel created Hamas...right? No, they didn't. They foolishly tried ta shove money their way in the 1990s...and STOPPED. It's the USA that has funded them... I guess all the SJW would be GLAD that our taxpayer dollars when ta this? I dunno but I find this kinda shocking... guess nothin' should surprise me.

Thanks fer this Karen, I sure DO wish it wuz better news .I AM glad three more innocents are back with their famblies an' pray they'll be OK (heath-wise an' otherwise)

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The west is delusional if they think anything will be different “this time” with the Palestinians. Finish with the immoral hostage exchange. Fortify the boundaries of Gaza with Israel. Embargo Gaza until Hamas and any other terrorists surrender or vacate. Do not allow one cent of reconstruction until the surrender is accomplished. There are no innocents. The support of the enemy by the Obama/Biden regime is irrefutable. These sycophants only want to murder Jews. Finish this battle and win the war.

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I agree. I’m disgusted by this “deal”. When Trump said all hell would break loose I thought he meant it. And nothing…again. And why are so many prisoners in exchange for 3? It’s ridiculous!!

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Some updates:



Looks like trump was blowing steam.

On another note: it's equally bad to see the red cross complicit with hamas, yet to the dumb and inculcated they look like statesmen shuttling between the two sides, when in reality they have done ZERO for the hostages, not even visiting them. And they never visited a concentration camp in WWII (or tried to) even though they were aware of them.

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I wouldn’t bet against Pres Trump. He gave them just enough rope to hang themselves and they’re out of rope.

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This is yet another reminder why Hamas and their supporters must be dealt with by any means necessary. If not, we will all be treated like slaves on an auction stump

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Drips and drabs. The hamass know that once the living hostages are returned the IDF will proceed with their objective.

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I suspect that when the hostage release circus is over a great storm will devour the whole of Gaza. It is what you get when you use 2000lb earthquake bombs. I'd like to be wrong but I have a horrible feeling I'm not. I have learnt a lot about the history of the area, Jordan and the PLO. I feel this is not going to end well. It will make black September look like a side show. Hopefully someone can come up with a more constructive solution.

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just parkin' a new stack fer ya ta check out Karen... interstin' takes (proIsrael natch)--Jon Rappaport mentioned his work an' I'm impressed:

This caught my eye...not a'feared ta state this obvious trooth imho!


here's more...


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By all means continue to protect "The Chosen Ones" and completely forget history before Isael.

Golda Mere said many years ago the there was no Palestine and no Palestinians. Really???

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The tragic, sickening Hamas/"Palestinian" incursion into peaceful Israel is stark reminder how vicious and barbaric the great majority of the followers of Mohamed are. To prevent another October 7 the Knesset must pass legislation equal at the least to our Second Amendment. It is God given that innocent humans be able to defend themselves. Don't rely on government to defend you. You are the first responders. Beware, Muslim savages have invaded all civilized countries. Be aware, Dearborn Michigan is soon to be the same as Gaza-- a breeding ground for terrorists.

GOD bless the hostages. GOD bless Israel. GOD bless the USA.

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Not one mention of the hundreds of children held in Israeli jails for months with no charge.

Not one mention of the rape of young boys and girls carried out by Israeli soldiers on a daily basis and signed off by the Israeli government as a justified means of interrogation.

No mention of the near 50'000 killed, more than half of them women and children since October 7th.

No mention of the HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of Palestinians killed by Israel, more than half of them children.

But yes, a hostage being released and looking tired is an abomination and Trump should follow through on his threat to ethnically cleans Palestine so he can turn it into a Casino resort.

Your grandparents and great grandparents are turning in their collective graves watching you cheer on the same genocide they and their relatives suffered under fascism in Europe in the 30's and 40's.

Humanity is ashamed of you

Your god is ashamed of you

My universe is ashamed at you

Shame on you.

Shame on Israel.

Shame on Hamas.

You should all be ashamed.

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And you call yourself @spamspamspam1093 🙄

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What difference does my online name make to my point?

My details are:

Brian Henderson

Born in Scotland

Living in NE Scotland

I'm almost 50 years old

Both my grandfathers were killed by the Nazi's. One in France, the other while supporting the 8th in Africa.

They died to make sure fascism also died. Looks like their deaths were in vein. Now some of the sons and daughters of those they helped liberate are the fascists.

You'd rather concentrate on my online name than the genocide and ethnic cleansing being carried out by Israel and the US in Palestine. That just shows your priorities, my online name is far more important to you than the murder of hundreds of thousands of people over the last 80 years.

That says a lot about you.

That says nothing about me.

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They are harmful pest, and ough to be controlled the san way we do with rats, coucaraches or termites, iminating larvae and adults. No humanity possible, we came to a point in which Occidental civilization is going to be destroyed by Islamic pathological ideology

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People need to come to the realization that Trump is just a part of the game. Just as in his first Presidency he talked big but he didn't deliver. He's an actor like all the rest of them. There is a term in professional wrestling, I think it's Kayfab or something like that. It means the wrestlers pretend to fight each other while the fans pretend to believe the wrestlers are really fighting each other. the fans WANT to believe the lies. The wrestlers make sure they keep the charade going. That's what we are in here in this life. The evil ones at the top lie to us about everything and we pretend we believe it all. All the proof of their lies is in our faces but we (not all of us) choose to believe the liars because we want heroes so doggone bad. I do not believe Trump was shot in the ear either. That whole thing was more kayfab. But people just loved it. Now Trump has installed Paula White in his administration. Ludicrous. I could go on and on but I'll stop here.

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