12 hrs agoLiked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

‘Yesterday, Netanyahu addressed a nearly empty United Nations. Many of the diplomats who did show up, walked out when he called the UN an anti-Semitic swamp.

He’s right, of course.“

Excellent, excellent speech by Bibi!!! 🙏🏻♥️🇮🇱

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12 hrs agoLiked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

The head of the snake is now removed!

Thank the good and merciful LORD!!

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12 hrs agoLiked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

A truly evil man.... I am confident that he is roasting in Hades. Pax

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12 hrs agoLiked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek


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12 hrs agoLiked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Speaking the truth in this post.

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10 hrs agoLiked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Using the voice of a free and intelligent Lebanese Arab drew a clear and vivid picture in your essay, Karen. I appreciate your unwavering determination to expose the Big Picture of events in the middle east.

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Thank you. The arrogance of Westerners thinking they know better than the people who live there drives me crazy.

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12 hrs agoLiked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

U.S. intel reports that Nasrallah has just commented: “if I had known that the Yahudi in the unparalleled IAF were going to kill me, I would never have started a war against ISRAEL.”

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Did he report that from paradise, sitting with his 72 virgins?

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11 hrs agoLiked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Nah, turns out he’s near the center of the earth in millions of pieces and suffering from the heat. [Just read that the Ayatollah Khameni has been moved to a “secure location.”Apparently, the cockroaches are scattering underground.]

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Have you ever read C. S. Lewis's The Great Divorce? It's one of my favorite books about heaven and hell. The way he describes Napolean is brilliant.

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12 hrs agoLiked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

The elimination of evil is always a good thing. Israel has it's own evils to deal with. A great many question just what the truth is of the circumstances in Gaza.

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Of course it has its own evils. Every country does. That in no way justifies the irrational hatred being thrown at Israel when it is fighting for its very existence against enemies surrounding it on every side. People should focus on fixing the evils in their own country rather than constantly criticizing Israel, I find this rather hypocritical. Or maybe focus on other countries that really are committing genocide, like Nigeria, for example, where they are massacring Christians, and no one is interested. I really am baffled.

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12 hrs agoLiked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek


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True. What grates people is that the US is assisting Israel in their seeming genocide of Palestinians and so that ought to strike a great deal of anger in every US citizen but then again we're not told much about that (nothing) by mainstream media which is but just a mouthpiece for this federal government. If we hate evil than we ought to hate it in all of it's forms regardless of whom it is levied against.

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10 hrs agoLiked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

It would be impossible for a country to be at war for 70 years with an enemy that sends children strapped with bombs to go into a playground and kill other children, then pay the family of the suicided child $2000, and there not be some evil deeds done. It is human nature. The question is would any of that have happened without the constant attacks on Israel? No. Would there be Peace right now if the Arab Muslim community allowed Israel to live alongside them? Of course.

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10 hrs agoLiked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

I don’t know enough details to comment with much intellect about it all, and I’ll admit to being overwhelmed with all the other information I have to catch up on and understand about our own country’s affairs - with the political antics in America and the attack on our values, families, lifestyles, security, safety, and health - and the divisive hate going on in our own backyards, so I haven’t had the extra time to delve much further into current affairs about the Middle East. I think that is true of a lot of people. And because of that they are relying on the MSM snippets being fed to them, and believing it all. Thankfully for me I had boycotted MSM a couple years ago.

I’m limited to the understanding I had when I helped my daughter complete a term paper about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict back in 2012. I remember at that time what she and I had researched together ultimately led to a thoughtful paper with strong support for Israel. (And she and I were basically clueless before we researched it, so we didn’t go into it with any bias at all.) By all standards the quality of her paper was exceptional and it deserved a high A, but the teacher had opposing political beliefs and actually shamed her views, grading her a low C simply because she disagreed completely with her conclusions and felt my daughter should have seen the need to defend the Palestinians instead. She was graded in her conclusion, not her research skills. It was my first wake-up call that our public schools were indoctrination chambers, and not concerned at all with whether or not a student learned solid research skills, how to craft an argument regardless if it were popular, and how to format a paper, all which my daughter aced. Instead she was taught to not deviate from the preferred narrative or suffer the consequences. So as far back as 2012 there were teachers in our schools trying to mold students to be against Israel. I never forgot that.

I haven’t had a life since that has allowed me the time or ability to stay abreast of this conflict for these past 12 years so I deeply apologize if my thoughts are juvenile. But what stands out to me today is your mentioning that Israel is the last free nation in the Middle East. That’s a sobering factor to me. They are surrounded on all sides by a lack of freedom pressing in on them. Freedom around the world is being taken one country at a time faster than we can blink. There is a world leadership posse behind this push too, and I wouldn’t be surprised if the current American administration (aka Deep State,) is leading the pack incognito, pulling strings and pushing buttons talking out of both sides of their mouths, in the same way they are doing to our own country right now, to usher in this global agenda that restricts freedoms. Of course if they are doing it to us they are also doing it to Israel. The insanity of arguments and how otherwise sane people can only see/believe what one side tells them to,(and then leave you hateful comments,) is typical of everything else going on in America.

However, it also is understandable. I deeply disagreed with you about Tucker, and still do, and I feel he shouldn’t have been such a primary target for your anger like he was. You should have solely kept your aim on Cooper and you may have had better accomplished what you wanted to. My disagreeing with what you did to Tucker never meant I disagreed with you about what is happening to and in Israel. With our own country being so viscously divisive right now, it is possible that the attack on him pushed many people away and caused them true confusion and distrust of your motives because he is standing up for freedom in America right now in ways that few others are doing, and helping to wake more people up. He is certainly is leading that pack. So an attack on Tucker felt like an attack on actual Americans and their right to put their own country first for a change. To some it felt like an attack on our own freedom we are fighting for. I know you weren’t doing that, but not everybody is able to understand that right now. Many have been deceived before so they move quickly now away from anything that threatens our goals of getting Washington back for “The People” and preserving our freedom of speech. If Tucker interviewing someone so controversial ends up completely disqualifying all the good he is doing, that’s going to create division because it punishes him for allowing that speech. We care as fiercely about our own freedom that you do about Israel’s, and Tucker is one of the primary reasons so many of us are now fighting for that freedom.

How can anyone wake people up about Israel when we can’t even wake them up about their own country? Some people are still incapable of seeing that it’s OK to disagree with you about him and still agree with you about other things. They don’t see they are still in an all-or-nothing mentality. But then I’d also wonder if you were too, given you expressed frustration with “America first” driving people away from caring about Israel. I don’t believe it’s driving me away, but I also don’t believe there is anything wrong with wanting to get my own country and its citizens safe, corrected, and secure first and then being in a healthier more powerful position to help our brothers.

HOWEVER - circumstances over there may not have the luxury of time to wait on America to get itself secure and there’s a chance Israel is gone before we finally have our own yard cleaned up, so I appreciate your sense of urgency and frustrations with Americans on this issue. I truly believe it has been orchestrated to put us in this predicament.

I also don’t believe most Americans hate Jews. Definitely more do recently due to all the ridiculous propaganda being allowed around our youth, but no more than the amount that still suffer from extreme TDS, and that number is dwindling. If we take our eye off the ball here to get Trump into office, (who is pro-Israel,) so that we can campaign for Israel instead, we risk Harris getting in and she will definitely be bad for Israel. But if we focus on getting Trump in, we have little time left over to campaign for the Israeli issues. We are damned if we do and damned if we don’t. Somebody WANTED us in this pickle.

My apologies for my thoughts being all over the place and so wordy. I hope I make sense. I welcome any “schooling” I may need, as like I said I’m woefully uninformed about the finer details with the Middle East.

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9 hrs ago·edited 9 hrs agoAuthor

Thank you for such a thoughtful comment. I really appreciate it. What happened to your daughter is terrible. I hope it made her stronger as a person to speak out and not be afraid. I don’t think people have to have a lot of knowledge of what’s going on in Israel, they just have to use their common sense, as you have done. You clearly don’t have an underlying hatred of Jews. That hatred is the problem, that’s what makes people refuse to see what’s obvious in front of their faces.

As for Tucker Carlson, I wouldn’t be who I am if I worried about offending people with my essays. I have a strong sense of responsibility to warn people about the trend in the United States towards this Christian Nationalism and Christ is King movement. This isn’t new for me. I’ve been writing about it for over two years now. If no one is speaking out about it, nobody will pause to think more deeply on the issues. I’ve said a lot of good things about Carlson in other essays, but this is a big deal. Actually, he is the one causing division, not me. I am just a little voice. I have read plenty of analyses about how that fact that he clearly is sympathetic to people like Darryl Cooper, Candace Owens and Andrew Tate, could cause a huge rift between Christians in the United States. It is on his shoulders; it is his responsibility to make his position clear. But he doesn’t. That’s the problem.

It’s not an emotional matter for me, since I do not follow any of these influencers so they cannot really disappoint me. What I believe and the path I follow is not dependent upon any man or woman. I follow Jesus, that’s it. I’m not going to be wishy washy about my stance on these issues. If I was that way, there would be no point in writing.

I lose plenty of subscribers, both for my stance on Israel and my stance on pointing out the dangers here in our own country. On the other hand, my life has been enriched by so many brave people who I have connected with as a result.

I am not against putting America first, I have never said that. I have said that Israel is the first line of defense, and we cannot abandon them. We abandoned our soldiers and thousands of Americans and Afghanis who supported us when we withdrew from Afghanistan in such a devastating manner. I try to see the big picture. We are not an island in the US, we have a responsibility to behave honorably towards our allies. We lost so much respect in the world when that happened, and it led to the war in Ukraine and so on.

I am proud to be an American and I will fight for my country. However, there is big difference between being proud to be American and being part of a Christian Nationalist movement. People don’t seem to understand that, and I will do my best to make it as clear as possible in my writing.

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10 hrs agoLiked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek


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11 hrs agoLiked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Follow Rawan Osman on Instagram. She’s Lebanese Syrian and is one of the most articulate supporters of Israel and Lebanon ( not Hezbollah).

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11 hrs ago·edited 10 hrs agoAuthor

Thank you. I followed her also on X. I'm more active there. She made an excellent short video which I shared. I am very censored on social media, but I do what I can

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7 hrs agoLiked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

I thought it was very telling that an AP article quoted a woman there as saying she wished it was their own children that had been killed, rather than him. Right. Good riddance to bad rubbish! It couldn't have happened to a more deserving guy. And Netanyahu is correct, the UN IS an anti-Semitic swamp that needs to be drained and disbanded!

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11 hrs agoLiked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Thank you for sharing the truth 🙏. Am YIsrael Chai 🇮🇱.

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12 hrs agoLiked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

For a really good understanding of the ongoing action, check out Amir Tsarfati’s channel on Telegram. His reporting has been incredible, with lots of good intel.

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Yes, he's great. His book is on my list to read.

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yes! oui! merci! danke schön, an' THANK YOU Karen! it's unbelieve-a-BULL what folks 'r sayin' online 'bout how evil "IsraHell" is for this "crime" (really?) YES it's bein' called a crime rather than a good thing fer not only Israel but for many Lebanese (who just cain't say it aloud). It's indeed sad that some civilians were lost in this take-out as all civilian casualties are....I don't say this lightly either--BUT I don't have an answer ta that as I hate war myself but if one is attacked, how d'ya defend yerself from gettin' killed without... casualties?

Ironically they TRIED to eliminate as many casualties as possible with the pager-thing but of course that selected take-out got branded as the worst most heinous terrorist attack EVER in the history of the WORLD! (take it from Max-CrowHouse-Igan who would like ta personally strangle every joo on earth or--as he said--just nuke us all:

https://www.bitchute.com/video/RiKngIsKpTpL (starts the joo rant about 3 min in, pauses after about 20 min. of solid hate an' then starts in again at 'bout 40 min if I recall)

AND they're using that selected takeout--which had few casualties an' mostly targets injured--ta make up lies upon lies. The first is to tell all Americans that Israel just did that as a "test" an' that all Americans will be NEXT-yes Israel will murder y'all thru yer phone... really? I mean again, all likes & positives ta that an' some (typically) ugly comments 'bout the joos--but noboddy said "that's preposterous."

As far as Nasha-HELL-ah goes (kin I reverse engineer their own hate speech?!), I did hear tell that there were other Hez-Bollian officers in the buildin' so it wasn't just Narallah among "only" civilians--i.e. they took out other officers.

Frankly, I dunno WHY folks will only listen ta the haters an' not to real Lebanese speakers like Mister Elkhoury--an' quite a few others--that support Israel now an' many fer a long time.

Many are tryin' ta SKEW this battle an' git the Christians all "riled up" by sayin' that 30% of Lebanon is Christian an' Israel is "once again" tryin' to murder all the Christians. Er... no. OF COURSE that's a LIE but many Good Christians are fallin' fer this as we speak (I look'it the comments) so of COURSE they hope Israel fails--wouldn't every Christian want Israel ta fail in takin' out Hezzbollah if they believed that the "real" goal was ta murder all Christians in Lebannon? SIGH again. That awful comm-mint ya shared--its so common an' the kinda stuff I see so often it's not even shockin'--notta bit.

I wanna say I'm GRATEFUL fer all the commenters on this postin'--nearly all nice folks, thoughtful comments even if they disagree with this or that aspect. That's kinda rare! An' some others that didn't comment--cuz we both know ya gots some subscribers that ain't so fond of chews--me too--at least held back on this one!

I'll tell ya, my velly chewish musician gran'pa worked for years with Danny Thomas who (yes!) hadda big band an' traveled with a whole SHOW all over America! (many only know his teevee series but he did standup, skits, music--a whole "act")--and a Lebanese Christian he was--a nice fella per my grampy who had many joos workin' with him an' for him (both!)--and his teevee show was written by an' directed by chews (Leonard & Asher)-- ALL this ta say it was COMMON fer Lebanese Christians & Joos to work TOGETHER! Plus there were Lebanese joos too! Israel is wagin' war ONLY ta defend itself against near-constant attacks (not covered in the MSM so they seem like the "aggressor") Sigh... I hope some folks know this (?)

Of COURSE many of us of the hated-race (sigh) ALSO know that someone will be found ta replace Nasrallah in the blink of an eye--so it's more of a symbolic victory.

I jus' read last night an article that calmly stated the "facts ma'am" that Israel is the ONLY nation in the entire world that has attacked SEVEN countries (count 'em!) in its egomaniacal effort to RULE THE WORLD an' murder all Christians (really, I mean REALLY?) AND all Muslims--so they kin "replace" them all with joos. Lordy, we are "few" an' I hate ta say--not exactly prolific (the Orthodox try but truth is most joos have one or two kids even if they want more they cain't afford it or just--cain't! as in fertility issues that plague all Americans). So when I saw that article about Israel wagin' war against 7 countries--it was all thumbs up on that--hundreds of supportive comments an' it seemed nobody even KNEW that nope, Israel was ATTACKED on all sides--was it by 7 nations?--an' fought back each attack.

As ya so clearly stated--Israel is not an invadin' nation but is bein' accused as wantin' ta "take over the world"--I've seen maps where they "tell" readers that Israel wants ALL of the Middle East to itself?! Oh an' Turkey too! Poppycock 'n fiddlefaddle--really. Israel wants Israel (which is too much to ask, nu?). Israelis would like not to be asked (daily) to give away parts of it... now already it's been asked to give away Jerusalem (an' many online say it means far more to the Islamic faith b/c Joos in Israel are Secular an' they ain't joos anyway b/c they're Askenazis--which they tell "us" means we are Nazis...) Anyway, am sure you've seen all that poppycock 'n the "funny papers"--it's like everywhere. The truth is that with all the major critter-cisms of NetAnYoohoo (an' lord knows I have my own)-- nearly all joos in Israel an' "many" in the US don't wanna see Israel destroyed.

So standin' with ya--Am Yisrael Chai! an' of course... THANK YOU a zillion times Karen!

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Israel is attacking 7 nations uh, that's hilarious. I hear all the time how Israel wants to take over the world. Unbelievable.

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9 hrs agoLiked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Thank you for continuing to stand firm in your sharing of true stories from war-torn regions. If it were not for my Christian faith and reading of Scripture, the hate the world lobs at Jews wouldn't make sense. Nothing new under the sun. We are witness to an "eternal" battle. I look forward to the day when Christ returns and there will be no more innocent blood shed.

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Amen. You are exactly right. The only way this irrational hatred makes sense if from a biblical perspective.

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