"I feel a romantic attraction to girls 14 and under. Like everyone else, I just want to love and be loved. If you accuse me of being a stalker, or a predator… the problem isn’t me." Katie Cruz
I’ve seen this coming down the pike for some time now. Sickening.
I suppose bestiality will be next. Sorry to be gross, but greater and greater satanic behavior is being jammed down our throats at a rapidly growing pace. Dr. Rima has discussed the UN involvement in promoting the sexualization of children, even very young ones. It goes beyond drag queen shows to trying to get them involved in sexual behavior. Truly the pedophile’s agenda.
I need to correct this statement I made. Satan creates nothing. He is attempting to remodel God's temple to his own perverse purposes. He will fail. He already has. How do I know? Jesus told me so.
Unfortunately cannot imagine that bestiality is not the next breach of the barrier that has protected humanity for so long. Followed by cannibalism. I am serious. Can you not hear the World Economic Forum educating us that there simply is no more room for all these cemeteries (which they have helped to fill) and cremation emissions you can forget because climate change ... and what is the harm of eating a bit of that nutritious granny burger. After all, you did reject the bugs.
The acceptance of bestiality is already happening. One example is in Ukraine last year or two, there was a promanate parade of Nazi soldiers with their “boy toy” dogs. Most of them strapped up in fetish gear. I was dumbfounded it was on public display with seemingly normal families watching.
And what of the perspective of the child? Imagine that kites, dolls, and bikes are replaced with anal tears and memories of hot breath and foul fluids. These ghouls seek orgasm from wasting the lives of others. In former days, civil society would mock them and drive them from the villages.
I'm sure they were mocked, but depending how far back one goes ... I suspect they were driven farther than just out of the villages. To a destination where the temperatures are scorching hot.
I guess I'm behind the curve or still have a few shreds of faith in our civilization. Say that because I only just in the last couple of weeks fully realized that this is the "next frontier" -- eliminating the taboo against having sex with little kids. Not talking about "underage" or "minors", 14 year olds. No, I mean prepubescent and depending how much success they have, ultimately toddlers. What is almost as horrifying is that I cannot doubt this will gain momentum much more quickly than we want to believe. You nailed it with this: "How long before those who identify as 'minor attracted persons' will be protected from the same sort of 'hate speech'?” Right, but first the White House can proclaim that December 25 is "MAP Visibility Day" because they have suffered such bigotry and oppression for so long, having to hide who they are. After all, "love is love". Lest any one among us doubt Satan's ascendancy. “But he that shall scandalize one of these little ones that believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone should be hanged about his neck, and that he should be drowned in the depth of the sea.” Matthew 18:6
I agree with everything you've written. BUT the internet has changed the game. It's not necessary to publicly display anything when you have a keyboard. The worst depravity imaginable is perpetrated against children and can be found on the incredible, miraculous world wide web.
The one I'm using this very moment.
Drag Queen story hour is a little doorway in comparison. Closing that door will do nothing to stop the rot. Or violence against children.
So, perversion can be driven to the shadows but the shadows are very fertile ground that generate billion of dollars.
Can we give up technology? It perpetuates the worst of humanity. It's killing us in the injections. Turbo cancers, heart attacks, rubber clots. Transhumanism. Child pornography, beastiality, torture porn, snuff films can all be purchased on the internet. Can we give it up?
Can we walk away from the beast system? Or are we willing to compromise with it and think somehow we will tame the beast? Domesticate Satan?
I believe each of us will have to answer them. Difficult or no.
We are baby-stepping our way into the yawning maw of the devouring lion in our desire for comfort and unwillingness to walk away. The lion no longer needs to restlessly hunt. We deliver it's meals on a silver platter. That's what I'm referring to when I say we harbor a misbegotten belief we can domesticate Satan if we feed him enough and shovel his litter box. Give him toys to play with. Like child porn.
I'm sorry, but I don't see us making the right choices. We all like automatic billpay and Amazon too much.
“And then that wicked one shall be revealed whom the Lord Jesus shall kill with the spirit of his mouth; and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming, him whose coming is according to the working of Satan, in all power, and signs, and lying wonders.” 2 Thessalonians 2: 8, 9
“Whose fan is in his hand, and he will thoroughly cleanse his floor and gather his wheat into the barn; but the chaff he will burn with unquenchable fire.” Matthew 3:12
I used to feel so sorry for the chaff and their fate because I love many of the unrepentant unbelievers. Until I realized God loves them as well and putting them through the unquenchable fire is the only way to purify them since they refuse to choose it freely.
I've written about this quite a bit and keep hammering several points, which you covered well.
1) Children always pay the price for the perversions of adults - in one way or another - individually or on a societal level.
2) Behind every denial, act of willful ignorance, or apathy are thousands of children being raped and sodomized hourly - waiting for someone to come rescue them- because they can't do it themselves.
3) While the whole lgbtblahblah movement uses the overt grooming as an intended distraction, the aspect no one pays attention to is the shifting of each and every child's baseline of normal. You'll never be able to undo that hourly and daily indoctrination. So you get generations that no longer think only girls can be mothers or that naked older men exposing themselves is bad, scary, weird, or strange. After all, they just spent half the day in kindergarten with a 6' 220lb man dressed up in a short skirt, tight blouse with 42DD fake boobs, make-up and maybe an erection. All normal to them because it is presented to them daily, in the open and is treated as normal by everyone around them, to include their parents in many cases.
This is long term planning, to demoralize (as in strip of any moral compass) future generations as early as possible. They have always know you can defeat your enemy by attrition. Imagine 2 generations who see this perversion/deviance as normal on the collective spectrum - especially with celebrity, political and legislative protection and promotion. How long will it take to replace or nullify the "boomers" who see it as abhorrent and worthy of a rope and tree limb? How about when those kids become future academics, legislators and influencers?
If you parents thought the trans scourge was bad (and it was/is) the next wave - which is the normalizing of the pedophile agenda - will be exponentially worse.
In the short term you will be fighting the child molesters and their apologists. In the long term you will be fighting non-pedophile adults as well, who now as kids, are being taught that the deviance and perversion of pedophiles is normal.
You are really pointing to what is maybe the key to the whole thing. By that I mean the sad fact that lots and lots of people out there do not find much of this "a big deal". That includes perfectly normal looking parents, teachers, child psychologists, social workers, school nurses, aunts, uncles and so on. One big uninhibited modern family. There are parents (mostly mothers, I suspect) who take their little kids by the hand to all-ages drag performances. And yes, to those out there who would call me sexist for saying it is the mothers and not the fathers. To be honest, given the importance of this topic (as in potential for destroying our civilization), I do not give one damn about your opinion of me. The reports I see have shown mothers filmed and photographed, wildly applauding. I would imagine most of the fathers are gone, as in divorced or abandoned the marriage and kids, so no better. And any man who would allow it is not a man anyway. Should probably also be wearing a G-string and silicon breasts. I digress. Show of hands: how many of you know someone who would not object to taking a little kid to an all-ages drag show? Or would take their kid out of school if they are being groomed to understand all this depravity as not only acceptable and normal ... no that is no longer good enough ... to be seen as something to celebrate? As joy! Thanks for reading.
Thank you Karen for mentioning this “taboo” subject. So many people I talk to and ask do you know what the “+” means at the end of the progressive pride statements and they don’t know. When I inform them, they doubt me, as they think it is such a ridiculous concept and I must be wrong. But even once informed they still shop in the store that hangs the banner on the door, or volunteer to paint flags on streets, etc. So many people just do not want to believe some of the evil supported in the world by corporations and governments. So many people just want to walk with their eyes and ears covered.
People prefer ignorance than to facing something that is unpleasant or fearful that they feel they are impotent to stop. They will even convince themselves it does not exist. Childhood has t been around for very long. Now, childhood is again disappearing with the creation of the Internet. All information is easily accessible to children. The end of innocence. Nothing is forbidden nor are they any longer protected. I went into this in one of my first essays, The War for Children's Minds https://open.substack.com/pub/khmezek/p/a-battle-for-the-minds-of-children
Sexual paraphilia and extreme perversion has been with us for a very, very long time. Including the most brutal forms of sado-masochism and even sexual gratification from murder, violating children, the whole gamut. Societies have long understood the danger and likelihood that such unspeakable behavior can spread and "infect" vulnerable souls. And have even undermined entire cultures. So how did our ancestors deal with this? I suspect it was understood by the most wise and intelligent that executing all of these types was no solution. That you cannot kill a person and thus kill the demonic force that possessed them, because that force is inherent to this world. The solution, which has been in effect until quite recently, was to ensure open, public displays of sexual depravity were forbidden. And defiance of such public safety measures would be punished. But in recent decades, it has become unfashionable, considered unsophisticated to not adopt the attitude of “Hey, do your own thing” “Whatever gets you through the night” and the entire catalogue of signaling that has helped to propel us to our present state.
“Katie” was “born with” a sexual orientation toward children. I was “born with” a physical orientation to violence toward anyone who disagrees with me.
Every fool or deceiver who wants to indulge a sexual perversion has learned to disguise it with happy talk. It’s surprising how many fools and cowards there are who will bend the knee to them and are complicit in corrupting the children instead of fighting for them.
See any similarities to the covid scam? Soon the AMA and APA will give their official blessing to the perverts and the state medical boards will cancel the licenses of the docs and therapists who won't help to groom the children. Our experience with the covid scam has demonstrated there exist precious few of them with the courage to protect the children. Much like Freud, who participated in the autopsies of child rape victims, and was warned not to blow the whistle on the situation lest he be "canceled", then developed the theory of the "oedipal complex". Which helped explain the severe crippling neuroses he saw in so many women. Which also conveniently permitted him to maintain his status socially and professionally.
Blaming the victim is so convenient. Go along to get along.
I’ve spent the last several years of my career putting people like these that hurt children in jail. Listening to an interview where a child details the horrible crime that has been done to them is very taxing on the soul. There is however almost nothing better than putting a baby raper in jail.
Thank you for fighting this fight and giving us hope. It must be very hard to face this depravity up close on a regular basis. I will say, however, that I personally can easily imagine something far better than putting them in jail. Far better than warehousing them for years at the taxpayer's expense, providing them with health care, meals etc. ... There are hard-working Americans who can barely afford health care and increasingly are struggling to cover basic costs of living. And what purpose does incarceration of the irredeemable serve? Who benefits? Is it to help the people who have allowed this to happen while looking away, to sleep well at night in the belief that we are a moral society, we are too civilized for capital punishment. We are better than that. Except for when we are reaping gigantic profits from selling arms and profiting from war, while jubilantly celebrating the "right" to murder the unborn, for convenience. I sincerely do salute you for your contribution to stemming this tide. I just respectfully disagree with regard to how such offenders should be handled. All the best!
I say too much, my comments are too long. Only hope my hosts don't mind too much. I am linking here to something I have not yet shared on Substack. It is from a website on Catholicism, written and maintained by one very devout and knowledgable woman. I know many out there dislike Catholicism intensely. I understand. I am posting this link not to evangelize for the religion, but because I am starting to fear our time is running out. That I and all of you can no longer afford to look away. This particular web page is about demonic influence in our world. The page is long, but you can scroll down to the text in red font that says "BEGIN WARNING:" You should take that warning seriously. The content is very disturbing. You will read about crimes of unimaginable evil, and the author will ask you: "Still think there's no good reason for Hell to exist? Still think that at least some people do not willingly choose to go there?" I apologize in advance to Ms. Hunt and any of you who object to this: https://www.fisheaters.com/praeternaturalworld4.html
Just ran out to the store. Relieved to see I'm not perma-banned :) On the way back I thought about the movie Psycho. My Mother and Father went to see it. We were still little kids, but I vividly remember that my Mother was still quite upset the next day. The stabbing in the shower scene was a shock to audiences then. Kinda like drugs, we can build up a tolerance to them, and need more and more for the same effect. We as a society are building up tolerance for all the horror we are discussing here.
That's very kind of you, Kathryn :) Seems like I dropped out of this comments section early, at some point I came back and it had really expanded. Was very compelling content. But I would not have taken offense if you had. I mean, pointing to someone getting all Hegelian is not exactly a personal insult, right? :) All the best!
Satan is the Father of Lies. Satan and his minions sow CONFUSION. The confused looks on the faces of those children in the video, talking to a man in a dress who was very convincing with normalizing such confusion.
Who made this happy, cheerful video? Whose kids are they? What is the “performance?” But most of all, WHY? I am not aloud to even talk about this crazy topic with some of my friends and family because they just don’t believe it, and when I send them proof they dismiss it and deny it. They are still trying to be KIND to these perverts who are intimidating them. They get loud and call me “judgmental” as they bully, censor and judge me, with their fingers in their ears.
Remember + is also a Christian cross! I have to keep this in mind because the sickos have already taken the rainbow, the sign of God’s covenant with humanity. We can’t allow them to hijack the cross!
Prodigal, Satan hates the cross, hates the name of Jesus and Mary. So when they use it for their sick reasons (besides an innocent little plus sign) I’m seeing it as a blessing from God to drive out the devil.
These people want “to do whatever they want”, more chaos and confusion, spreading it to children. If this isn’t demonic, I don’t know what is.
They will call this superstitious, but they are being sucked into the cult.
No need for apology! That video really got me, too. The kids were so uncomfortable. It was so creepy. And you're right, people don't want to talk about it, they don't want to acknowledge it. They want to be nice and understanding. Someone emailed me after I published this essay, saying: "Disgusting! Unsubscribe." I doubt they even read what I wrote. They just switched off immediately.
Just seeing your comment now. Thank you! Especially for talking about those who just DO NOT WANT TO KNOW. Unless it affects them personally, they cannot be bothered, will support any political candidate or law as long as it does not inconvenience them ... too depressing, what can I do about it?, don't believe everything you read, and so on. I try my best (and fail often) to practice generosity of spirit and not condemn them, because many really are not strong enough to face the truth, they might not hold up under its weight. But to be honest, I think most of it simply selfishness. I call such people true believers and members of The Church of Horrible Shit Happens Only to Other People. LOOK→ “For the heart of this people is grown gross, and with their ears they have been dull of hearing, and their eyes they have shut: lest at any time they should see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and understand with their heart, and be converted, and I should heal them.” Matthew 13:15 May the Almighty bless and protect all of you!
Wow. Sickened and saddened - much of this was new to me and I am reminded of ancient Greece and their sexual norms. Also back in the anals of time (misspell intended), I recall reading about a culture that had normalized sexual relations between boys and men as a rite of passage. I think the most rational reaction (repulsed) to all this occurs in the mind and dare I say souls of those who lived a “normal” life and therefore value a time of innocence, a natural flowering of sexual interest between equals and who were allowed to experience finding and sharing love without exploitation. The locus of power in these relationships, no matter the claims of “willingness” on the part of the minor resides with the elder, and when wielded, is ALWAYS exploitation. Well written and well researched- thank you for sharing but I still feel sickened and will be for sometime now- it is as though I came upon the rankest sewage and fell in it face first.
I'm so sorry. It is beyond terrible. Imagine what it's like researching and writing about it. Not fun, but necessary. Childhood as a protected time of innocence hasn't been around for very long. With the advent of the internet, it is disappearing once again. All information is now accessible to children, the protection they were once given is gone. I highly recommend reading Neil Postman's The Disappearance of Childhood.
Oh, please no being sorry needed at all! It was something that needed to be uncovered and I applaud your bravery. You are so right in your POV. I agree about the internet and the proliferation of crazy and sick....these people were always around but society didn't encourage them to flaunt it and what better place for an audience and opportunity to draw in the lost and confused than the internet. You did well, here and no criticism of you intended.
A genuinely gay 16 year old who is a willing participant in sex with a 24 year old must be considered differently than an unwilling youth in the same situation. This is common sense and good jurisprudence.
Be honest, how many of you at 16 had willing sex with someone who was older?
Another thing, the VAST MAJORITY of pedophiles are HETEROSEXUAL because the vast majority of people are heterosexual. All of the women I know who were sexually abused as children were victimized by heterosexual fathers, brothers, uncles, grandfathers or family friends.
That being said, children must be protected from all sexual predation.
There is no cure for pedophilia aside from castration...chemical or otherwise.
But even a six year old can go along with it. We have to draw the line somewhere. I know someone who was molested as a child, lured in with candy and “I love you”.
She felt guilty (and depressed) for most of her adult life.
God bless you for tackling such a tabu topic. Faith in God gives us the wisdom to reject this nonsense, as a participant, or as a victim, or as a normal Christian. The pedophiles are influenced by Satan and they need to be exterminated. Period! If a rotten apple is left in a bag of apples, what happens? All the apples become rotten. We need to remove ALL the bad apples!
Deb, I agree. Reading through the Old Testament this go-round I have a new respect for why God told Israel to utterly wipe out entire people groups (Canannites, Amorites, Amalekites, etc). It was for THIS reason... the very real fact that leaving even one tiny sliver of that wicked culture would turn the hearts of His chosen people (who he was constantly carving out from a pagan culture). The cycle of apostasy is evidence.
Deb, in recent years the Lord has brought me to a solid Bible preaching/ teaching church. They hold a high view of scripture and since that is what we are basing our eternity on I think we ought to know it. I'm realizing most professing Christians have read scripture but have not studied it - there is a difference.
I appreciate my sisters and brothers in Christ who are willing to stand on the Rock against the tsunami that is satan. Thank you for being courageous! 🙏☺️
I’ve seen this coming down the pike for some time now. Sickening.
I suppose bestiality will be next. Sorry to be gross, but greater and greater satanic behavior is being jammed down our throats at a rapidly growing pace. Dr. Rima has discussed the UN involvement in promoting the sexualization of children, even very young ones. It goes beyond drag queen shows to trying to get them involved in sexual behavior. Truly the pedophile’s agenda.
Thanks for keeping us informed, Karen.
Yes, if one explores this topic, it's frightening how high up this agenda goes and how hard they are pushing it.
Satan creating his temple.
I need to correct this statement I made. Satan creates nothing. He is attempting to remodel God's temple to his own perverse purposes. He will fail. He already has. How do I know? Jesus told me so.
The short-term goal of the “trans” lie has always been legalization of pedophilia.
The long-term goal is transhumanism. But raping children is what they want to accomplish first.
Unfortunately cannot imagine that bestiality is not the next breach of the barrier that has protected humanity for so long. Followed by cannibalism. I am serious. Can you not hear the World Economic Forum educating us that there simply is no more room for all these cemeteries (which they have helped to fill) and cremation emissions you can forget because climate change ... and what is the harm of eating a bit of that nutritious granny burger. After all, you did reject the bugs.
The acceptance of bestiality is already happening. One example is in Ukraine last year or two, there was a promanate parade of Nazi soldiers with their “boy toy” dogs. Most of them strapped up in fetish gear. I was dumbfounded it was on public display with seemingly normal families watching.
I guess with all those gazillions of US taxpayer dollars they can afford the very best doggie outfits.
And what of the perspective of the child? Imagine that kites, dolls, and bikes are replaced with anal tears and memories of hot breath and foul fluids. These ghouls seek orgasm from wasting the lives of others. In former days, civil society would mock them and drive them from the villages.
I'm sure they were mocked, but depending how far back one goes ... I suspect they were driven farther than just out of the villages. To a destination where the temperatures are scorching hot.
I guess I'm behind the curve or still have a few shreds of faith in our civilization. Say that because I only just in the last couple of weeks fully realized that this is the "next frontier" -- eliminating the taboo against having sex with little kids. Not talking about "underage" or "minors", 14 year olds. No, I mean prepubescent and depending how much success they have, ultimately toddlers. What is almost as horrifying is that I cannot doubt this will gain momentum much more quickly than we want to believe. You nailed it with this: "How long before those who identify as 'minor attracted persons' will be protected from the same sort of 'hate speech'?” Right, but first the White House can proclaim that December 25 is "MAP Visibility Day" because they have suffered such bigotry and oppression for so long, having to hide who they are. After all, "love is love". Lest any one among us doubt Satan's ascendancy. “But he that shall scandalize one of these little ones that believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone should be hanged about his neck, and that he should be drowned in the depth of the sea.” Matthew 18:6
Perfect Bible verse.
Why puberty blockers and surgeries? Permanently, prepubescent adults sought by the pedos. People are blind to the obvious. This is sick.
Yes! I too was missing this. Of course, makes sense.
I agree with everything you've written. BUT the internet has changed the game. It's not necessary to publicly display anything when you have a keyboard. The worst depravity imaginable is perpetrated against children and can be found on the incredible, miraculous world wide web.
The one I'm using this very moment.
Drag Queen story hour is a little doorway in comparison. Closing that door will do nothing to stop the rot. Or violence against children.
So, perversion can be driven to the shadows but the shadows are very fertile ground that generate billion of dollars.
Can we give up technology? It perpetuates the worst of humanity. It's killing us in the injections. Turbo cancers, heart attacks, rubber clots. Transhumanism. Child pornography, beastiality, torture porn, snuff films can all be purchased on the internet. Can we give it up?
Can we walk away from the beast system? Or are we willing to compromise with it and think somehow we will tame the beast? Domesticate Satan?
I'm asking myself these same questions right now.
These are difficult questions. I am sure, though, that we cannot domesticate Satan. Great term!
I believe each of us will have to answer them. Difficult or no.
We are baby-stepping our way into the yawning maw of the devouring lion in our desire for comfort and unwillingness to walk away. The lion no longer needs to restlessly hunt. We deliver it's meals on a silver platter. That's what I'm referring to when I say we harbor a misbegotten belief we can domesticate Satan if we feed him enough and shovel his litter box. Give him toys to play with. Like child porn.
I'm sorry, but I don't see us making the right choices. We all like automatic billpay and Amazon too much.
All glory to God. Thank you, Jesus.
“And then that wicked one shall be revealed whom the Lord Jesus shall kill with the spirit of his mouth; and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming, him whose coming is according to the working of Satan, in all power, and signs, and lying wonders.” 2 Thessalonians 2: 8, 9
Thank you for reminding everyone of God's magnificent plan to save us.
Though we still have many choices to make to show ourselves who we are.
God's children or Satan's?
“Whose fan is in his hand, and he will thoroughly cleanse his floor and gather his wheat into the barn; but the chaff he will burn with unquenchable fire.” Matthew 3:12
I used to feel so sorry for the chaff and their fate because I love many of the unrepentant unbelievers. Until I realized God loves them as well and putting them through the unquenchable fire is the only way to purify them since they refuse to choose it freely.
Excellent Post KH!!
I've written about this quite a bit and keep hammering several points, which you covered well.
1) Children always pay the price for the perversions of adults - in one way or another - individually or on a societal level.
2) Behind every denial, act of willful ignorance, or apathy are thousands of children being raped and sodomized hourly - waiting for someone to come rescue them- because they can't do it themselves.
3) While the whole lgbtblahblah movement uses the overt grooming as an intended distraction, the aspect no one pays attention to is the shifting of each and every child's baseline of normal. You'll never be able to undo that hourly and daily indoctrination. So you get generations that no longer think only girls can be mothers or that naked older men exposing themselves is bad, scary, weird, or strange. After all, they just spent half the day in kindergarten with a 6' 220lb man dressed up in a short skirt, tight blouse with 42DD fake boobs, make-up and maybe an erection. All normal to them because it is presented to them daily, in the open and is treated as normal by everyone around them, to include their parents in many cases.
This is long term planning, to demoralize (as in strip of any moral compass) future generations as early as possible. They have always know you can defeat your enemy by attrition. Imagine 2 generations who see this perversion/deviance as normal on the collective spectrum - especially with celebrity, political and legislative protection and promotion. How long will it take to replace or nullify the "boomers" who see it as abhorrent and worthy of a rope and tree limb? How about when those kids become future academics, legislators and influencers?
If you parents thought the trans scourge was bad (and it was/is) the next wave - which is the normalizing of the pedophile agenda - will be exponentially worse.
In the short term you will be fighting the child molesters and their apologists. In the long term you will be fighting non-pedophile adults as well, who now as kids, are being taught that the deviance and perversion of pedophiles is normal.
You are really pointing to what is maybe the key to the whole thing. By that I mean the sad fact that lots and lots of people out there do not find much of this "a big deal". That includes perfectly normal looking parents, teachers, child psychologists, social workers, school nurses, aunts, uncles and so on. One big uninhibited modern family. There are parents (mostly mothers, I suspect) who take their little kids by the hand to all-ages drag performances. And yes, to those out there who would call me sexist for saying it is the mothers and not the fathers. To be honest, given the importance of this topic (as in potential for destroying our civilization), I do not give one damn about your opinion of me. The reports I see have shown mothers filmed and photographed, wildly applauding. I would imagine most of the fathers are gone, as in divorced or abandoned the marriage and kids, so no better. And any man who would allow it is not a man anyway. Should probably also be wearing a G-string and silicon breasts. I digress. Show of hands: how many of you know someone who would not object to taking a little kid to an all-ages drag show? Or would take their kid out of school if they are being groomed to understand all this depravity as not only acceptable and normal ... no that is no longer good enough ... to be seen as something to celebrate? As joy! Thanks for reading.
Thank you Karen for mentioning this “taboo” subject. So many people I talk to and ask do you know what the “+” means at the end of the progressive pride statements and they don’t know. When I inform them, they doubt me, as they think it is such a ridiculous concept and I must be wrong. But even once informed they still shop in the store that hangs the banner on the door, or volunteer to paint flags on streets, etc. So many people just do not want to believe some of the evil supported in the world by corporations and governments. So many people just want to walk with their eyes and ears covered.
People prefer ignorance than to facing something that is unpleasant or fearful that they feel they are impotent to stop. They will even convince themselves it does not exist. Childhood has t been around for very long. Now, childhood is again disappearing with the creation of the Internet. All information is easily accessible to children. The end of innocence. Nothing is forbidden nor are they any longer protected. I went into this in one of my first essays, The War for Children's Minds https://open.substack.com/pub/khmezek/p/a-battle-for-the-minds-of-children
Sexual paraphilia and extreme perversion has been with us for a very, very long time. Including the most brutal forms of sado-masochism and even sexual gratification from murder, violating children, the whole gamut. Societies have long understood the danger and likelihood that such unspeakable behavior can spread and "infect" vulnerable souls. And have even undermined entire cultures. So how did our ancestors deal with this? I suspect it was understood by the most wise and intelligent that executing all of these types was no solution. That you cannot kill a person and thus kill the demonic force that possessed them, because that force is inherent to this world. The solution, which has been in effect until quite recently, was to ensure open, public displays of sexual depravity were forbidden. And defiance of such public safety measures would be punished. But in recent decades, it has become unfashionable, considered unsophisticated to not adopt the attitude of “Hey, do your own thing” “Whatever gets you through the night” and the entire catalogue of signaling that has helped to propel us to our present state.
“Katie” was “born with” a sexual orientation toward children. I was “born with” a physical orientation to violence toward anyone who disagrees with me.
Every fool or deceiver who wants to indulge a sexual perversion has learned to disguise it with happy talk. It’s surprising how many fools and cowards there are who will bend the knee to them and are complicit in corrupting the children instead of fighting for them.
See any similarities to the covid scam? Soon the AMA and APA will give their official blessing to the perverts and the state medical boards will cancel the licenses of the docs and therapists who won't help to groom the children. Our experience with the covid scam has demonstrated there exist precious few of them with the courage to protect the children. Much like Freud, who participated in the autopsies of child rape victims, and was warned not to blow the whistle on the situation lest he be "canceled", then developed the theory of the "oedipal complex". Which helped explain the severe crippling neuroses he saw in so many women. Which also conveniently permitted him to maintain his status socially and professionally.
Blaming the victim is so convenient. Go along to get along.
Yep. Where does the "+" end
I’ve spent the last several years of my career putting people like these that hurt children in jail. Listening to an interview where a child details the horrible crime that has been done to them is very taxing on the soul. There is however almost nothing better than putting a baby raper in jail.
Wow, good for you!
God keep you and guide you.
Thank you for fighting this fight and giving us hope. It must be very hard to face this depravity up close on a regular basis. I will say, however, that I personally can easily imagine something far better than putting them in jail. Far better than warehousing them for years at the taxpayer's expense, providing them with health care, meals etc. ... There are hard-working Americans who can barely afford health care and increasingly are struggling to cover basic costs of living. And what purpose does incarceration of the irredeemable serve? Who benefits? Is it to help the people who have allowed this to happen while looking away, to sleep well at night in the belief that we are a moral society, we are too civilized for capital punishment. We are better than that. Except for when we are reaping gigantic profits from selling arms and profiting from war, while jubilantly celebrating the "right" to murder the unborn, for convenience. I sincerely do salute you for your contribution to stemming this tide. I just respectfully disagree with regard to how such offenders should be handled. All the best!
I say too much, my comments are too long. Only hope my hosts don't mind too much. I am linking here to something I have not yet shared on Substack. It is from a website on Catholicism, written and maintained by one very devout and knowledgable woman. I know many out there dislike Catholicism intensely. I understand. I am posting this link not to evangelize for the religion, but because I am starting to fear our time is running out. That I and all of you can no longer afford to look away. This particular web page is about demonic influence in our world. The page is long, but you can scroll down to the text in red font that says "BEGIN WARNING:" You should take that warning seriously. The content is very disturbing. You will read about crimes of unimaginable evil, and the author will ask you: "Still think there's no good reason for Hell to exist? Still think that at least some people do not willingly choose to go there?" I apologize in advance to Ms. Hunt and any of you who object to this: https://www.fisheaters.com/praeternaturalworld4.html
I will take a look.
Just ran out to the store. Relieved to see I'm not perma-banned :) On the way back I thought about the movie Psycho. My Mother and Father went to see it. We were still little kids, but I vividly remember that my Mother was still quite upset the next day. The stabbing in the shower scene was a shock to audiences then. Kinda like drugs, we can build up a tolerance to them, and need more and more for the same effect. We as a society are building up tolerance for all the horror we are discussing here.
My comment about Hegelian dialects wasn’t about your conversation. Just to clarify.
That's very kind of you, Kathryn :) Seems like I dropped out of this comments section early, at some point I came back and it had really expanded. Was very compelling content. But I would not have taken offense if you had. I mean, pointing to someone getting all Hegelian is not exactly a personal insult, right? :) All the best!
Satan is the Father of Lies. Satan and his minions sow CONFUSION. The confused looks on the faces of those children in the video, talking to a man in a dress who was very convincing with normalizing such confusion.
Who made this happy, cheerful video? Whose kids are they? What is the “performance?” But most of all, WHY? I am not aloud to even talk about this crazy topic with some of my friends and family because they just don’t believe it, and when I send them proof they dismiss it and deny it. They are still trying to be KIND to these perverts who are intimidating them. They get loud and call me “judgmental” as they bully, censor and judge me, with their fingers in their ears.
Remember + is also a Christian cross! I have to keep this in mind because the sickos have already taken the rainbow, the sign of God’s covenant with humanity. We can’t allow them to hijack the cross!
Prodigal, Satan hates the cross, hates the name of Jesus and Mary. So when they use it for their sick reasons (besides an innocent little plus sign) I’m seeing it as a blessing from God to drive out the devil.
These people want “to do whatever they want”, more chaos and confusion, spreading it to children. If this isn’t demonic, I don’t know what is.
They will call this superstitious, but they are being sucked into the cult.
Sorry for going on and on.
No need for apology! That video really got me, too. The kids were so uncomfortable. It was so creepy. And you're right, people don't want to talk about it, they don't want to acknowledge it. They want to be nice and understanding. Someone emailed me after I published this essay, saying: "Disgusting! Unsubscribe." I doubt they even read what I wrote. They just switched off immediately.
Just seeing your comment now. Thank you! Especially for talking about those who just DO NOT WANT TO KNOW. Unless it affects them personally, they cannot be bothered, will support any political candidate or law as long as it does not inconvenience them ... too depressing, what can I do about it?, don't believe everything you read, and so on. I try my best (and fail often) to practice generosity of spirit and not condemn them, because many really are not strong enough to face the truth, they might not hold up under its weight. But to be honest, I think most of it simply selfishness. I call such people true believers and members of The Church of Horrible Shit Happens Only to Other People. LOOK→ “For the heart of this people is grown gross, and with their ears they have been dull of hearing, and their eyes they have shut: lest at any time they should see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and understand with their heart, and be converted, and I should heal them.” Matthew 13:15 May the Almighty bless and protect all of you!
Wow. Sickened and saddened - much of this was new to me and I am reminded of ancient Greece and their sexual norms. Also back in the anals of time (misspell intended), I recall reading about a culture that had normalized sexual relations between boys and men as a rite of passage. I think the most rational reaction (repulsed) to all this occurs in the mind and dare I say souls of those who lived a “normal” life and therefore value a time of innocence, a natural flowering of sexual interest between equals and who were allowed to experience finding and sharing love without exploitation. The locus of power in these relationships, no matter the claims of “willingness” on the part of the minor resides with the elder, and when wielded, is ALWAYS exploitation. Well written and well researched- thank you for sharing but I still feel sickened and will be for sometime now- it is as though I came upon the rankest sewage and fell in it face first.
I'm so sorry. It is beyond terrible. Imagine what it's like researching and writing about it. Not fun, but necessary. Childhood as a protected time of innocence hasn't been around for very long. With the advent of the internet, it is disappearing once again. All information is now accessible to children, the protection they were once given is gone. I highly recommend reading Neil Postman's The Disappearance of Childhood.
Oh, please no being sorry needed at all! It was something that needed to be uncovered and I applaud your bravery. You are so right in your POV. I agree about the internet and the proliferation of crazy and sick....these people were always around but society didn't encourage them to flaunt it and what better place for an audience and opportunity to draw in the lost and confused than the internet. You did well, here and no criticism of you intended.
Oh, I know it wasn't a criticism. Thank you. Just expressing that I understand and share your feelings of how difficult it is.
A genuinely gay 16 year old who is a willing participant in sex with a 24 year old must be considered differently than an unwilling youth in the same situation. This is common sense and good jurisprudence.
Be honest, how many of you at 16 had willing sex with someone who was older?
Another thing, the VAST MAJORITY of pedophiles are HETEROSEXUAL because the vast majority of people are heterosexual. All of the women I know who were sexually abused as children were victimized by heterosexual fathers, brothers, uncles, grandfathers or family friends.
That being said, children must be protected from all sexual predation.
There is no cure for pedophilia aside from castration...chemical or otherwise.
But even a six year old can go along with it. We have to draw the line somewhere. I know someone who was molested as a child, lured in with candy and “I love you”.
She felt guilty (and depressed) for most of her adult life.
They did draw a clear line at 14-16.
It's willing teenagers in puberty vs. actual victims.
Many 16 year old girls started having sex with men in their 20s.
Protect children at all costs from this madness. A great, informative article.👍🏻
These sick people are using children to fulfil their own sexual/deviant fantasies. Enough is enough!
This is illegal everywhere. I don’t want a pedophile to come near my grandchildren.
Since the legalization of gay marriage and the legitimatization of the Marxist alphabet people, normalization of pedophilia has been the goal.
God bless you for tackling such a tabu topic. Faith in God gives us the wisdom to reject this nonsense, as a participant, or as a victim, or as a normal Christian. The pedophiles are influenced by Satan and they need to be exterminated. Period! If a rotten apple is left in a bag of apples, what happens? All the apples become rotten. We need to remove ALL the bad apples!
Deb, I agree. Reading through the Old Testament this go-round I have a new respect for why God told Israel to utterly wipe out entire people groups (Canannites, Amorites, Amalekites, etc). It was for THIS reason... the very real fact that leaving even one tiny sliver of that wicked culture would turn the hearts of His chosen people (who he was constantly carving out from a pagan culture). The cycle of apostasy is evidence.
Many don't agree with such a harsh stance but God's laws are not negotiable! Thanks for proving what I said with scripture reference!
Deb, in recent years the Lord has brought me to a solid Bible preaching/ teaching church. They hold a high view of scripture and since that is what we are basing our eternity on I think we ought to know it. I'm realizing most professing Christians have read scripture but have not studied it - there is a difference.
I appreciate my sisters and brothers in Christ who are willing to stand on the Rock against the tsunami that is satan. Thank you for being courageous! 🙏☺️