Jul 2Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Meloni mentioned Soros in her speech. Is she referring to George Soros?? Does he threaten Europe too?

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Yes, good that you caught that. I'm glad someone is listening 😊.

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I’m absolutely stunned to realize his evil is global.

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Jul 2Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

stunning indeed.

Soros has had his hand in Europe for many years,

He is a horrible man. He has two sons that are just like him

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It's now in the hands of his sons.

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yes indeed. Did I hear Huma Abadin is dating one of them? or am I dreaming or confused of facts.

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Where have you been these past few years? Course Soros threatens Europe. He's been threatening it far more than the US.

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Jul 2Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

I’ve been here in the US. Forgive me if there are things I don’t know about.

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No need to ask for forgiveness, I realize my comment was pretty sardonic, I’m over in Canada and have travelled to France & Japan. His influence is worse in Europe sadly.

US is being put through the mud, while Europe is flooded with migrants and Soros dirty money that has wrecked their nations. What’s interesting is how more and more his money is losing effect in Europe though.

But, you’re over-all very blessed to still be in the US madame, as there you are far safer if in the countryside than in many European centres. Must commend you for not taking offence at my words, good lady.

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agree. The Netherlands are fighting hard but it is also flooded with moslems and they now have moslem leaders. stupid Holland

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Non, not stupid Hollande but sad, poor violated Hollande. But do not lose hope; France, Germany, Spain, Greece, Finland, Norway and Denmark along with Ireland and Canada/Quebec have begun to fight back.

Once one of them scores another victory, Hollande will also! So take heart, remember this is a temporary setback. You'll triumph. Remember; London has been lost, but in turn Scotland has sacked their Pakistani/Muslim leaders and has remained 96% Scottish/Celtic.

Take hear dear lady! There's always hope! Vive Hollande! Vive la France, et surtout, surtout vive les braves patriotes qui aimes leurs pays!

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Bien sur! I didn't add Holland to my list, it was already long enough! Being half Dutch (my mom was a Mennonite and can trace her family back to the 17th century) I don't want to see the home of my ancestors fall. However, they were persecuted and had to leave. But I still love the Netherlands!

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Jul 2Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

agree. they were "welcoming"

Geert Wilders knew this was a bad plan long ago.

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Jul 2Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

My parents are both from Holland. We would go home every year to see our relations and grandparents and my friends. This trip started to get less enjoyable the past two decades

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Jul 2·edited Jul 2Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Once again the enemy of our souls Is the father of Lies And the accuser of the Brethren Loves nothing more than to divide and conquer And is being very successful in that... Labels ...Anyway It's funny at the end of your Writing you mentioned Camps being built It's funny how the left always projects What they are guilty of Onto the right, So Here we go, buckle up it's going to be a bumpy ride over the next 12 months or so, But again Look up for our Redemption draws near... God is Sovereign nothing happens That he is not allowing Things are not falling apart They're falling perfectly into place!! Maranatha!!

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I guess the left is lacking in imagination since they keep borrowing, although they sure have made up a lot of stories. Lol. Mind you, I'm not a left or right person. I follow the teachings of Jesus. That keeps me where I want to be.

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There has not been a 'right-wing government' in Germany since WWI not WWII, the Nazis' were socialist ergo left-wing and not right-wing.

As to the MEGA slogan I don't support it or Orban's move towards unifying Europe behind the slogan, as he should have called for the dissolution of the EU. This is in my view him simply consolidating the EU and his own position. If he doesn't move to dissolve the whole organization in the coming months, we'll know him pour un traitre.

As to Meloni she's a rino as Americans would call her and is besties with Van derlyon and with regards to Reagan I had no idea the slogan began with him, thanks for the tid-bit of info X) glad to have learnt something new.

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Jul 2·edited Jul 2Author

I think during those years of upheaval with the rise of fascism and socialism there weren't clearly defined terms as there are today so people looking back classify the movements. I tend to think politics is like breakfast cereal, different brands are marketed to different classes of people but they all come from the same company. I don't believe any of them will save Europe. I tend to think anyone who gets that high in the politics game is compromised. What do you think about a Trump?

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There were clearly defined terms, Hitler sold himself as a socialist, just as Lenin did as a communist. I had to study that stuff despite being a Medievalist by trade for a time.

That said, you might be right about current politics being messier than people realize.

As to Trump I don’t much care, though I’m French, and so don’t have reason to like him to an extent. Trump was the one who forced India upon Canada & France as an alternative to the lucrative Chinese trade. India’s come in with rape-gangs, swiping all the properties and made a point of also scamming and stealing money via online fraud crimes.

So because of that, I regard him with frustration, I don’t want Biden as that means more invaders into France & Quebec/Canada & Japan. Under Trump, Japan will be better treated (YAY!), but France/Quebec/Canada will be abused with Mexico/India favoured so this is a complex question. I don’t think Canada/Quebec or France ought to be made to choose between America & China, just as I don’t think we should have Indians flooding into our nations because Trump wants to use them as a counter-weight to China.

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What I mean is, I don't think most ordinary folks were much influenced at that time by terminology the way they are now. Yes, there was propaganda and very effective, however, now people are so locked into their positions

Your input is valuable because you have a world view that most Americans don't have. I've lived so many places, traveled the world as a child and an adult. Lived in communist Yugoslavia and in Luxor, Egypt during the pandemic, not to mention France, Switzerland and England. I wish more Americans saw beyond the confinement of the US.

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Jul 2·edited Jul 2Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Good point though I never gave my own pov all that much importance or thought to be honest so thank you kind lady.

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Do you know how long Trump was the president?

I love how so many people American or not have fallen, for the scam "it's Trump's fault" It's not the leaders you've been voting for for the last 50 years ( at least!) oh no no no couldn't be that. They pull the same stuff in the US. As if the world only began in Jan 2017.

Biden would never been allowed to open our borders so completely and everyone of his other travesties if the table hadn't been set in prior years. Americans got a small reprieve in Trump's tenure. After that, we fell even further down the pit.

But hey, it's Trump's fault.

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Pardon? What are you going on about? He was president for 4 years, I only lay at his door stuf from 2016-2020, after that it has nothing to do with him.

I’m not an American and have no dog in this fight. I blame him for organizing the ‘Quad’ against China as it was him and the head of India who set it up, then India began colonizing the West.

Trump is a man who when he attaches himself to a policy is like a dog with a bone.

He was good to your people, but with his new NAFTA agreement favouring America & Mexico, and punishing Canada (which Turdeau agreed to), and the Indian invaders coming in first in 2016, much must be laid at his feet as he was ‘Emperor’ at that time. He was the one running the US, and her vassals.

The best I can hope for is he prefers to ignore us this time around. But I have little hope, he’s a man who loves to punish, and he listens to the policies of the last person in the room, especially if it’s Ivanka or Kushner, both of whom are globalists. He also hates China (a good ally to have for Europe & Canada), so that this puts the ‘vassals’ in an awkward position and forces them to take India’s side (an invader who has little regard for Europe and seeks to replace us). So that for us Vassals, Trump, Biden…. what’s the difference? We’re screwed either way. Just in different ways.

That said, I pray he pays us scant attention and leaves us to our own devices that we might begin to put our own affairs in order. On the positive side, with regards to Spain for example; he was mostly uninvolved,same with Ireland. These are good things. But where France and Canada are concerned his term was the beginning of a calamitous period. Yes this has much to do with Turdeau & Micron, but Trump as ruler gets the final say, he’s still their boss and by favouring India and forcing her upon us, the buck stops with him just as it stops since 2020 with Biden and his handlers.

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Interestin' indeedy--I knew they were fed up in YourUp but had no idear of this "inspired" sister movement-- I'm all FOR the breakup of the EU an' bringin' back all nations to their own sovereign status (may it happen!)--for crushin' the UN an' all the "global" co-opted insty2shuns...

IMHO the sound of MEGA (big! gigantic!) could work if folks do not understand it to be one "union" but rather makin' each singular nation BIG again--no matter how small they are physically. (I learned from a young age that French schoolkids were once taught France was the center of the world an' I thought "how marvelous!" See the Europe of many unique individual an' incredible nations is what many of us knew growin' up (skool kids today do NOT know this)--We knew of the always admired Europe--with each country a "gem" with it's own rich history, architecture, culture, language (or way of speakin'--even when ya git down ta obscure stuff like schweitzer deutsch!), literature, history, art an' so much more.

As we speak, I fear all that good stuff'll be erased--havin' spent quality time livin' an' traveling in what WAS Europe-the-Great; I hope it's not all gonna be destroyed 'fore my girls ever get ta see it.

I'm hoppin' mad they're repatriatin' stuff from museums (NOT b/c it was stolen from individuals theft-wise but b/c of 200+ year old dubious provenances an' other malarkey--were it not for "lootin' " romanticized we wouldn't have ANY museums...'nuther story completely of course). But given the destruction, the burnin' of churches, the erasin' of culture--soon I fear it'll all be gone--until the burn the books. All virtual if anything is left. Either way with us yankees all broke, what wuz once cheap to do--student tix + travel for students throughout Europe on a Eurail pass fer example) is now a small fortune... I'd bet the Youth Hostels (which I enjoyed many'a time) ain't even safe fer single women now.

The once wonderful world is closed off to us (planes ain't safe, they're fallin' from the skies--an' they're so expensive only the uber rich can take 'em regulary)--so Europe (for me) was a big part we lost--an' I say this meanin' even we Americans who have heritage or history there.

Would it only BE brought back to the "MEGA status" it had!--the BEST in food, language, museums, "culcha!" so much more! (An' I say this even as a culture vulture of American stuff too!)

I'm peacock-proud ta be an American (even tho' we're truly in the dumps right now--an' I say this knowin' some even say we "joos" ain't "real" Americans an' need ta go back "where we came from"---an'nuther issue fer an'nuther time) but America (at least once) welcomed anyone who would accept American ideals, embrace the country's laws, history, common beliefs, goals, an' yup, "culcha"--even in bringing their own contributions to it...that made our nation unique.

Once, anyone could be American BUT ya had ta work for it--EARN the green card, etc. But it's a blessin' there are no American genetics tests that determine whuther ya "are" or ya "ain't." There is/was no mandated religion or "nationality" or race tho' fer sure it was mostly a white christian-oriented country when my ancestors came here an' certainly none had any issue with that--it all worked!

BUT (but) losin' Europe means losin' OUR roots too--whuther yer part Dutch or English or German, Italian, French, English--losin' the nations where or ancestors were born / raised is losin' part of us. So fer that reason I'm all fer "MEGA" (in a non-globalist way of course!)

Europe (each nation individually) was once GREAT--I sure hope that their true greatness IS restored...imho the entire world includin' the USA has benefited greatly from our friends (yes friends) in Europe / now YourUp--an' indeed it's their turn--to stay strong, not cave.

I have no idear what the future holds but I (for one) remain hopeful that the mess we're in kin be fixed.

Many might say I have no bizness complainin' bout the dangers of the MyGrunts or the single male "Islamists" (not generalizin' Muslims of course not) --- but speak I do, an' I fear that to "fix" BOTH the USA an' YourUp the illegals now made legal--need to be deported. Dare I say that? I doubt it's possible... but how can you run a country when so many do not "believe" in it?

THAT would be a start! Tryin' ta keep the faith an' all for "Mega" an' yup, even "Maga" in spite of a certain fella's imperfect "delivery!"

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To quote the great Maggie Thatcher " the problem with socialism is running out of other people's money"

There was just no way European countries could sustain their own uniqueness, they all had to be lumped together just to try to keep afloat.

I don't even know how much longer the US Constitution is going to last if we keep voting the same establishment congress over and over again, with the Dems pushing marxism and the establishment Republicans agreeing with that course of action.

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great quote! it's true! (I keep hopeful fer both YourUp an' the US)

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woo woo the big bad far right..... so scary!!!!

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George Soros is the living Spirit of Satan.

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Gang That Couldn’t Shoot Straight


Running Out Of Time.


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Whoever uses the term far right has just put a target on their fucking forehead

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Whenever you hear the word far right now, it’s an obvious flag

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