That's so interesting! Small world.

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What an amazing life you've led!

The interview between Jonathan Sacerdoti and Dr Anat Berko was incredible and enlightening.

I follow Tzlil's substack and both mother and daughter are beautiful human beings.

Stand for Israel 🇮🇱


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Shalom 🇮🇱

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I don't know all the answers, but I agree with your stance. As a newscaster in 1979, I remember clearly reporting on the Bianchi-Buono serial murders.

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murdering gives me the shivers. Crazy enough, hubbs and I watch "murder tv" almost every night - either British series or some old US series. It is just so weird to watch murder tv and not react to it... well, we first did years ago.

Anyway, your writing today is sad and interesting. That Mikki person is 78 now? Wow, it is shocking that so many are in prison for horrible things.

I used to joke with my sister about how lucky we were to have such good parents, they were too good really, they spoiled us a lot. I believe they did not do this purposely but they were spoiling themselves for living through WW2. My sister did have many difficulties with alcohol and my other sister (both older and very poor examples for me) was in jail for drugs, she married a jerk, but we are all really pretty normal as we grew older. I am glad I did not go down the path that my sisters did. I was always worried about being taken advantage of since my older sisters were so reckless.

I think I would like going to a prison and help people. it might be scary though. I used to have a good friend that worked with the library and they took books to the prisons.

Nah, I couldn't do it. I know those people are just weak, especially the ones that are guilty. I do not feel like a really strong person anymore, mainly just diminished by my son in law. I miss my daughter. Anyway, I am focusing on a move and good things.

I am going to read Tzlil's blog now. It is good that there are so many brave people that tell the stories.

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I'm glad to hear you are focusing on the good and moving. Thank God for his care.

I have many of the same thoughts. I love murder mysteries and it is very strange to go to the movie theater and see all these sitting there watching things happen for entertainment that they would never want to have happen to them.

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it is. death is heartbreaking.

Murder Mysteries are crazy. I read that in the UK ppl are crazy about them, here in the US there are plenty. If hubbs and I are watching tv after dinner for an hour or two

there are many choices, I am usually hand sewing or ... .... sewing.

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2 amazin' tales beautifully woven together... loved Dr. Berko's talk... much of this is new ta me... the mindset of terrorists as "culture" an' not as one-offs capable of geehawd--but moreso the bigger irony I missed! They deem American & Euro women as "hoores" but their idea of HEAVEN! is ultimately ta live in a brothel--boozin' & doin' the nasty in eternity... Cain't believe this irony escaped me! Also how YourUP is "cool" with these fellas inappropriately touchin' non-Arab women b/c "kulcha"...multiculturalism? I dunno... but I guess if these folks kin sacrifice their children ta jabs an' lockdowns an' not resist, they're happy ta have their daughters "sacificed" on the altar of multiculturalism . I recently read that we joos are ta blame fer this--yup, "we" created Islam so we looked better so we deserve all we git... No comment of course. Daily I hear I don't even exist, I'm told all the good joos of the bible died out "BC" so we're all fakers...oy. So when I hear this doctor (lord knows she's BRAVE goin' inta the jail cells of terrorists who do want 'er dead...) talk about the "religion" of terrorism (culcha'? ethic?) based on killin' joos first, christians next... it's hard fer me ta calculate how that's "my fault."

Anywhoo.. onre more irony...Dr. Berko (imho) correctly calls the Nova Fest a music party with healthy young people dancin' & enjoyin' themselfs. I wuzn't there but this wasn't AFAIK a Lil' Nass "Satanic" Rap party, it wuz not an orgy party, it wuz not a "drug fest" (pot mebbe I dunno but not more n', say, Woodstock), it wuz not a satanic ritual with child sacrifices an' YET.... The word on the stacks (on the "RIGHT STACKS") is that these young'uns were involved of all of the above SINS so they DESERVED what happened to 'em! God took out "His" wrath on Israel an' their young fer bein' so sinful. Has God taken out "His" Wrath on the US fer Woodstock 'er the Newport Folk Fest (which sounds like the Nova thang)? Really? I just hate hearin' that "we joos deserved Hamas's attack because the Youth of Israel were 'askin' fer it" with their profligate ways"... Seemed near wholesome ta me--attendees were sound asleep when the attack happened... This is said it's b/c they were joos (an' friends thereof). I liked that Dr. Berko portrayed it fairly as a place that perhaps, in another world, young Arab people would have liked--to meet potential mates, enjoy themselfs unpoliced. They are denied healthy male-female relationships in LIFE so they WISH fer 'em in DEATH. That's purdy ill if ye ask me. Ironically the world accuses Israel of their own SINS an' blesses Islam fer WISHIN' those sins ONLY" in their afterlives... Sigh..

As fer yer dear late friend Casey, he sounds extraordinary--like Dr. Berko, tryin' ta understand the unfathomable, tryin' ta plumb the depts of his own soul ta be SURE he didn't wrong with Mikki. What a way ta honor yer friend in tryin' ta understand her... It's possible he wuz wrong...you tried an' that's more than nearly everyone would do. Sad she didn't appreciate the beautiful creative letters her wrote fer her--yes, too-fer himself--a Leonard-Cohen like absolution sought just in case...(that's another philosopher!). . How odd her friend didn't become a writer fer a living--his words creative, moving, beautiful... Interestin' that in his tales Mikki was not gay...curious why that wuz as clearly yer pal wouldn't have judged... Anywho... so sad yer friend couldn't have gotten a holistic "cure" so he'd be a part of these jaw-droppin' times and the amazin' conversations you're havin'... He sounds like a fella I'd like too!

OH, I read 'bout that young man Jeremy--I was totally horrified by his actions but also of those of his friend's who seems ta have suffered no remorse, no moral qualms... WHO are these boys? Jeremy's adoptive parents sound like VERY decent folks... I DO think that there is somethin' 'bout early trauma that kin affect SOME of these kids fer life. I don't wonder that Jeremy today might have joined Hamas as an outlet fer his emotional fury... seems like birds of a feather...

Thank ya Karen fer all these incredible stories shared--AND fer introducin' us ta Dr. Berko, truly an amazin' laydee--have ta check out her daughter's works too!

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I've written 400 pages of a book about it all. But that nun even foiled my plans to get the book published. One day maybe it will get published. It's a story worth telling.

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Goodness that's quite the tome! I'll hope it DUZ git published... How sad a Nun no less would do this to ya.... Nun/NONE then....

Re nuns...

I had a lotta friends went ta Catholic Skool an' complained fiercely about the "mean" nuns (lots were so inclined I guess? some even would hit'em on the hands...'twas the 70's....)...

But then of course there's Miss Clavel (a most enderin' nun from Madeline) an' the adorable Flying Nun (Sally Field) an' the delightful nuns of Sound of Music... Seems the literary & cinematic world had a far better impression of nuns than the unblemished "real life" examples so overall my impression was positive... So sorry a "woman of the cloth" didja dirty. UGH.

I knew a FORMER nun once... she left her "callin' " ta have kids an' became the bestest mama ever--ma to a good friend'a mine named Rosemary. Her eyes "crinkled" when she smiled, a great aloud reader of stories. Also introduced me ta broccoli (far better than the canned green beans & pale iceberg lettuce I'd been taught ta call "vegetables" at home!) an' ta Stouffers Frozen "Corn Souffle" (likely not so good FOR kids but it wuz tasty!--an' in the 70's I doubt there were additives at least).

With my friend's dear dear mama as an exception, I always wundered why so many are skool teachers an' trusted with children when they seem not ta wanna have any themselfs an' per my friends (at least) actually loathed children (odd, no?!)

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And then there was Mother Theresa the worst of them all. I'm sure there must be plenty of decent nuns. The Evangelical nuns of the Sisterhood of Mary in Darmstadt that my family stayed with when I was 10 were wonderful.

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ah, yup, that's right you DID write lovely things 'bout that Sisterhood, I recall--they sound more like the Sound of Music laydees.

Oh dear yep, Grifter-Nun that Starved the Poor--sum "Mother" that Theresa...an' they never revoked her "Sainthood" did they?

I guess it's a mixed bag when it comes ta nuns but sad ya found a NONE too nice one ;-)... We're all human of course but it's regrettable ta find those that are tasked with settin' a good example...AIN'T!

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Hola, Karen.

Wow, what an excellent share!

Yes, the debunking of what I call the bypassing that is a core aspect of so-called New Agism: the denialism that there are wolves who kill.

Are our wolves in sheep's wool born or made is another question as difficult to answer as your question on mikki's guilt or innocent. Jung described this challenge of real life well: our monsters are also born of mothers.

The banal nature of the 'evil' is echoed in our histories far more vividly than it is portrayed in our fiction. Is Raskolnikov banal in his resentment or colorful beyond life?

This is a very thoughtful, thought and feeling provoking story of being alive in life.

All the best with what is changing. Everything changes. With peace, respect, love and joy.

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Hola, Karen.

Wow, what an excellent share!

Yes, the debunking of what I call the bypassing that is a core aspect of so-called New Agism: the denialism that there are wolves who kill.

Are our wolves in sheep's wool born or made is another question as difficult to answer as your question on mikki's guilt or innocent. Jung described this challenge of real life well: our monsters are also born of mothers.

The banal nature of the 'evil' is echoed in our histories far more vividly than it is portrayed in our fiction. Is Raskolnikov banal in his resentment or colorful beyond life?

This is a very thoughtful, thought and feeling provoking story of being alive in life.

All the best with what is changing. Everything changes. With peace, respect, love and joy.

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Murderers need to be executed, not understood. "Understanding" murderers only helps shift the consensus perception of murder from heinous/outrageous/unthinkable/anathema/unacceptable to "understandable"/normal/tolerable/"human", thus entrenching in society the "permission" to murder. It is an insult to the victim, and it corrupts society. Gd has decreed that punishment for murder should be death, and Gd has also granted people common sense to recognize this.

I have not listened to the interview, but in Dr. Berko's case, perhaps her research has value in helping Israel to prevent additional attacks. (I find this doubtful, because Muslim defectors such as Mossab Hassan Youssef and Dr Anjuli Pandavar have shared their understanding of the Palestinian mentality and their prescriptions on this conflict, but nobody seems to be listening to their advice.) But you know what else will prevent additional attacks? Executing the murderers. At the very least, it will take violent criminals who are currently imprisoned in Israel from the pool of "prisoners" in a potential future "hostage exchange." Why does Israel keep feeding and housing these violent criminals, instead of executing them? It is outrageous and ridiculous.

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I think you need to listen to the interview before making comments. She actually says that she thinks it is Israel that is crazy, because they try so hard to take care of their murderers.

It is vitally important to have people like Dr. Berko and Casey Cohen, and others who get into the minds of murderers and dissect them. What I did with my students in juvenile hall was vital as well. Through evaluating their own lives, they were able to see what they had in common with others at the writing table--those from rival gangs who were enemies on the street--they came to realize that inside, they are all the same, it's what has been imposed on them by the gang world that turns them into monsters hating one another.

The problem is when children, like those in Gaza (and truth be told, throughout the Muslim world) are indoctrinated to hate Jews and that the answer is violence, and on top of it, they are abused from childhood, it is a rare person, like Mosab, who is able to overcome that and change their lives. I l lived in Luxor, Egypt for three years, and I came to realize that I could not trust a single person there. Not one. The hatred they had for me, for women, for the United States, for Israel, was inbred so deep it could never be extracted.

I agree that Israel needs to stop holding back from doing what needs to be done. And with Trump's latest blessing, saying if all the hostages aren't returned on Saturday all hell will break lose--which is what the entire Western world should have said on Oct 8, 2023--Israel will at last be able to do what it should do.

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