SO perceptive Karen! yup, in a way, yes, we are ALL Zionists... tho' many here (some yer readers) would shrink away horrified at the suggestion. Yup, Zionist is spat out like an indigestible hunk'o'gristle by SO many now -- it's worse than racist! worse than sexist! I daresay worse than "killer" or "murderer." (As a performer prone ta ex…
SO perceptive Karen! yup, in a way, yes, we are ALL Zionists... tho' many here (some yer readers) would shrink away horrified at the suggestion. Yup, Zionist is spat out like an indigestible hunk'o'gristle by SO many now -- it's worse than racist! worse than sexist! I daresay worse than "killer" or "murderer." (As a performer prone ta exaggeration--here I ain't exaggeratin'--LORDY that venom that word stirs up would take out.. wull, an entire nation--an' indeed that's the intent of this venom). Zionism by those whom ya rightly call foul on--those that judge so harshly an' don't peek inta their own backyard--fling Zionist as the most hated insult on the's sad.
I so hate the way the term has been vilified an' twisted that I often just say I'm "for" Israel an' its survival an' git a lotta hate EVEN thattaways too--cuz now if ya use the word "zionist" you'll be dismissed... An' yet, by the original intent an' meanin'--a homeland for us chews an' self-determination--"determined nation!"--I'm velly much a zionist. I've written about this phenomenon how outsiders have "redefined" zionism multiple times, both on my own stack an' in so many comments I've lost count...
NOW they say Zionism means your goal is to kill babies--an' toddlers--shootin' 'em point blank in the heads. They say Zionists seek out babies to murder so they will not reproduce resistance fighters that'll grow up righteously to hate 'em. Zionism they say means murder cuz Zionists are psycopathic egomaniacal terrorists who feel they are "chosen" by G_d to be better than everyone else an' licensed to kill anyone they please an' DO. Zionism means pedophilia. Zionism means hate. Zionism means wantin' to RULE THE WORLD an' take over all other nations--first Turkey, Lebannon, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Jordan (the list is long) but eventually YourUP an' the WORLD! Zionsm is therefore megalomania (not, as we know the truth, just wantin' ta keep at least PART of Israel which is 'bout the size of New Joisey). Zionism is the plot to ruin America! To RUIN an' WRECK Western Civilization itself cuz we "evil joos" want to murder all the "goyim" ('cept for those of 'em that'll be our slaves). Oh an' "everyone" knows Zionism is a murderous plot against Christians too. SIGH. Now replace Judaism with Zionism an' it's all the same--THAT is how they feel.
It's so wrong--but we live in a world where LIES resurface an' multiple faster than Tribbles! (troublesome space critters from the old Star Trek...)
I will say this--even the self-hatin' anti-zionist joos that think they know better but know not what they do--ain't all bad--tho' fer sure they wouldn't want my sympathy lol! I feel most (those not elevatin' their safety or status by takin' on the anti-zio position) actually "mean well" -- they see the framin' of their own people as da baddies an' feel they must outdo all injustices in the world--not seein' the one they actually repeat!
Yet, as you so perceptively notice, I too have not met any reciprocal forces like this brave hero Bark Deri (MY GOD whatta story--thank you so much Karen fer introducin' us to him!--may he be blessed! An' thanks too fer sharin' the Brigitte Gabriel--she's just "fierce" in the BEST way!)--
So as ta speakin' plain on my frustration with all the pots callin' the kettles black--I'd say that tho' there are some brave Palestinian voices that do not wanna see the death to all joos like those back in the Middle East--they are only those that have escaped to free nations to voice their objections. They are only those that have had a chance to meet decent joos an' recognize that mebbe their teachin's were wrong or at least not fair. Of course I cannot speak--indeed I'm speechless--at those who were invited to work in Israel an' then betrayed the joos that gave them employment by actin' as counterspies to facilitate 10/7.
But yup, otherwise there are no parallel movements I know of that are like Deri's.
Also, I know of so many stories of medical folks (fergettin' that modern medi-SIN has it's issues!) who have done surgeries on injured Palestinians/Gazans... children too... as humanitarians! some crossin' the border at their own risk to get these kids--an' I don't see any reciprocal actions there... Unlikely that'll ever happen...
It's funny, 'fore we moved ta new yawk I grew up in Motown long after the music biz left fer greener pastures in L.A. (where Berry Gordy took his empire), an' Detroit was thus velly much LIKE downtown Beruit--bombed out lookin' buildin's, homeless, drug/crack addicts, total disregard fer even the essentials of life--not unlike the neibs you describe. An' of course it was Murder Capital of the USA. So I witnessed a lot've this stuff it first hand... in fact when I learned ta drive at 14 we ran the reds! (Addin' too that we ALL did this--even with our black friends in the car or with them drivin'--we'd do this cuz we knew just stoppin' could mean our lives). So we saw true hopelessness in the eyes of these neighbors up close...
AND YET I don't recall anyone speakin' of these poor folks like the REAL-life predator (oh the irony) of it--Killary... (talk 'bout the pot callin' the kettle black!) My gran'pa, a dentist, treated poor folks like this free--seein' they could not pay their bills--so he never called collection on 'em even tho' we grew up with relatively little, always havin' triage--my grannie even saved plastic baggies to reuse 'em! Nobuddy could argue with my gran'pa tho, when he fixed teeth of the poorer patients fer free, outta his own shallow pocket, really (he also gave his fellow musicians free dental work... that's the kinda guy he wuz!). My ma risked her own safety daily as a teacher in the Detroit public skool system where kids had knives (not so much guns tho....) an' nobuddy had metal detectors... an' tho some kids seemed destined for doin' not good stuff--fer years ('fore she went full over ta journalism), she found kids with promise, talent, an' the ability to pay attention while some around her could'a cared less. Little (I mean little! just barley 5' tall--white jooish lady in a sea of tall lanky black kids that could lift her up with one arm lol). But she was tough an' soldiered it out fer years. Of course even those tough kids were different from the far worse-off kids you brought hope to Karen--these kids may have stolen gum from the drugstore but were not criminals (at least yet!)--but it's similar too in not dismissin' the POTENTIAL of those in open air prisons of the ghetto kind. I guess it's also cuz we recalled we joos were in ghettos too once--for over 100 years in the old country under the Tzar.
Or fam, they were all democrats (now democraps!) then--always wanted to help those disadvantaged... an' to many joos--bein' demo(cidal) democrats has remained fer just those reasons tho' now it's a kind delusion...
Anyway, I think yer work is so beautiful an' IMPORTANT--you touched so many lives, gave young'uns HOPE an' skills! No well-heeled nun (haha, kinda funny ta imagine) kin take that away. (Also I had others put their names on my work--jus' film stuff an' scripts--but still, it's gallin', no? But those who were there will remember it was us... some know even know...)
SIGH. The "converted" like yer more understandin' readers don't need the preachin'; the haters will not listen (so I find, so far...) I wonder what they make of all this ya write?
So windin' back on this overlong comment--YES, we DO all want the same thing--a safe nation ta live in. No invaders at our borders threatenin' us. (Bombs have yet ta come to the US like Israel gets but I don't think Americans would feel too happy 'bout bein' bombed by their favorite resistance fighters...hmmmm?) But there are no parallels that kin be stomicked 'tween zionists and US--an' that's cuz it's a jooish nation. Sadly, nothin' will convince the haters that joos are part of the same humanity as their fellow Americans... NEVERTHELESS, keep on keepin' on Karen!
I kin only support with my keyboard (we live hand ta mouth since the plandemic) but my support's heartfelt an' my appreciation as generous as my grin of grattytude!
wull shucks Karen, thanks!--I'm so oft'n inspired by all you share! I might indeed put this stuff in a postin'--the thing is--it's so hard ta figger out what to fit where--many idears in my stew pot, each one seems burstin' ta git out (lol)--I've certainly "lived" in all sorts of crazy places, situations (you soitenly have!) so we all kin look back an' find meaning in our experiences--even when we just accepted stuff as "normal" at the time! An' tho my gran'pa may've been a bit unique (jazz musician/dentist is a bit outta the ordinary--tho sadly the latter won over cuz my gran' complained about his late hours on gig nights...I ONLY wish she'd've appreciated his music more but she was a good egg in so many others ways...), BUT my ma was hardly unique when it came ta teachin' at least; there were a lotta jooish skool teachers in inner city schools not just in Detroit but also here in New Yawk--some in the worst neibs--likely in other urban areas too... Oddly they gave the jooish teachers the hardest students an' they stepped up to the challenge... admirably I'd say. Some did eventually git positions in the safer areas--some refused the better offers even! Givin' back (in some way or other) was a liberal value instilled in me an' I knew many whose famblies taught the same--I just don't see much've this now but BUT! programs like yours--or that brave young man's--show that spirit lives on BEYOND the campuses where little learnin' goes on but these fool kids have nothin' better ta do than to order UberEats an' screeeeeem hate based on lack of learnin' (still findin' it funny that these SJWs don't know what river, what sea, or that that they'd be led thru the streets like oxen with those noserings once their usefulness is used up!) ❤️ back at'cha!
ps just got thinkin' 'bout the fantastic movie "Blackboard Jungle" with Glenn Ford, Richard Kiley, an' Sidney Poiter as the "bad kid" (of course he's not..) -- same kinda spirit... worth watchin' if ya don't know it--likely it's online--they don't make 'em like that any more I guess? (both the moovies AND the teachers! -- hmmmm now THAT might be a lede fer a postin'!)
Guess that'd mean you'd a been banned from teachin' those young'uns writin' an' my ma from teachin' those kids "the three R's" (two of which didn't start with "r" but I guess the sound wins of spellin' lol)... an' THIS in the USA?!
SO perceptive Karen! yup, in a way, yes, we are ALL Zionists... tho' many here (some yer readers) would shrink away horrified at the suggestion. Yup, Zionist is spat out like an indigestible hunk'o'gristle by SO many now -- it's worse than racist! worse than sexist! I daresay worse than "killer" or "murderer." (As a performer prone ta exaggeration--here I ain't exaggeratin'--LORDY that venom that word stirs up would take out.. wull, an entire nation--an' indeed that's the intent of this venom). Zionism by those whom ya rightly call foul on--those that judge so harshly an' don't peek inta their own backyard--fling Zionist as the most hated insult on the's sad.
I so hate the way the term has been vilified an' twisted that I often just say I'm "for" Israel an' its survival an' git a lotta hate EVEN thattaways too--cuz now if ya use the word "zionist" you'll be dismissed... An' yet, by the original intent an' meanin'--a homeland for us chews an' self-determination--"determined nation!"--I'm velly much a zionist. I've written about this phenomenon how outsiders have "redefined" zionism multiple times, both on my own stack an' in so many comments I've lost count...
NOW they say Zionism means your goal is to kill babies--an' toddlers--shootin' 'em point blank in the heads. They say Zionists seek out babies to murder so they will not reproduce resistance fighters that'll grow up righteously to hate 'em. Zionism they say means murder cuz Zionists are psycopathic egomaniacal terrorists who feel they are "chosen" by G_d to be better than everyone else an' licensed to kill anyone they please an' DO. Zionism means pedophilia. Zionism means hate. Zionism means wantin' to RULE THE WORLD an' take over all other nations--first Turkey, Lebannon, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Jordan (the list is long) but eventually YourUP an' the WORLD! Zionsm is therefore megalomania (not, as we know the truth, just wantin' ta keep at least PART of Israel which is 'bout the size of New Joisey). Zionism is the plot to ruin America! To RUIN an' WRECK Western Civilization itself cuz we "evil joos" want to murder all the "goyim" ('cept for those of 'em that'll be our slaves). Oh an' "everyone" knows Zionism is a murderous plot against Christians too. SIGH. Now replace Judaism with Zionism an' it's all the same--THAT is how they feel.
It's so wrong--but we live in a world where LIES resurface an' multiple faster than Tribbles! (troublesome space critters from the old Star Trek...)
I will say this--even the self-hatin' anti-zionist joos that think they know better but know not what they do--ain't all bad--tho' fer sure they wouldn't want my sympathy lol! I feel most (those not elevatin' their safety or status by takin' on the anti-zio position) actually "mean well" -- they see the framin' of their own people as da baddies an' feel they must outdo all injustices in the world--not seein' the one they actually repeat!
Yet, as you so perceptively notice, I too have not met any reciprocal forces like this brave hero Bark Deri (MY GOD whatta story--thank you so much Karen fer introducin' us to him!--may he be blessed! An' thanks too fer sharin' the Brigitte Gabriel--she's just "fierce" in the BEST way!)--
So as ta speakin' plain on my frustration with all the pots callin' the kettles black--I'd say that tho' there are some brave Palestinian voices that do not wanna see the death to all joos like those back in the Middle East--they are only those that have escaped to free nations to voice their objections. They are only those that have had a chance to meet decent joos an' recognize that mebbe their teachin's were wrong or at least not fair. Of course I cannot speak--indeed I'm speechless--at those who were invited to work in Israel an' then betrayed the joos that gave them employment by actin' as counterspies to facilitate 10/7.
But yup, otherwise there are no parallel movements I know of that are like Deri's.
Also, I know of so many stories of medical folks (fergettin' that modern medi-SIN has it's issues!) who have done surgeries on injured Palestinians/Gazans... children too... as humanitarians! some crossin' the border at their own risk to get these kids--an' I don't see any reciprocal actions there... Unlikely that'll ever happen...
It's funny, 'fore we moved ta new yawk I grew up in Motown long after the music biz left fer greener pastures in L.A. (where Berry Gordy took his empire), an' Detroit was thus velly much LIKE downtown Beruit--bombed out lookin' buildin's, homeless, drug/crack addicts, total disregard fer even the essentials of life--not unlike the neibs you describe. An' of course it was Murder Capital of the USA. So I witnessed a lot've this stuff it first hand... in fact when I learned ta drive at 14 we ran the reds! (Addin' too that we ALL did this--even with our black friends in the car or with them drivin'--we'd do this cuz we knew just stoppin' could mean our lives). So we saw true hopelessness in the eyes of these neighbors up close...
AND YET I don't recall anyone speakin' of these poor folks like the REAL-life predator (oh the irony) of it--Killary... (talk 'bout the pot callin' the kettle black!) My gran'pa, a dentist, treated poor folks like this free--seein' they could not pay their bills--so he never called collection on 'em even tho' we grew up with relatively little, always havin' triage--my grannie even saved plastic baggies to reuse 'em! Nobuddy could argue with my gran'pa tho, when he fixed teeth of the poorer patients fer free, outta his own shallow pocket, really (he also gave his fellow musicians free dental work... that's the kinda guy he wuz!). My ma risked her own safety daily as a teacher in the Detroit public skool system where kids had knives (not so much guns tho....) an' nobuddy had metal detectors... an' tho some kids seemed destined for doin' not good stuff--fer years ('fore she went full over ta journalism), she found kids with promise, talent, an' the ability to pay attention while some around her could'a cared less. Little (I mean little! just barley 5' tall--white jooish lady in a sea of tall lanky black kids that could lift her up with one arm lol). But she was tough an' soldiered it out fer years. Of course even those tough kids were different from the far worse-off kids you brought hope to Karen--these kids may have stolen gum from the drugstore but were not criminals (at least yet!)--but it's similar too in not dismissin' the POTENTIAL of those in open air prisons of the ghetto kind. I guess it's also cuz we recalled we joos were in ghettos too once--for over 100 years in the old country under the Tzar.
Or fam, they were all democrats (now democraps!) then--always wanted to help those disadvantaged... an' to many joos--bein' demo(cidal) democrats has remained fer just those reasons tho' now it's a kind delusion...
Anyway, I think yer work is so beautiful an' IMPORTANT--you touched so many lives, gave young'uns HOPE an' skills! No well-heeled nun (haha, kinda funny ta imagine) kin take that away. (Also I had others put their names on my work--jus' film stuff an' scripts--but still, it's gallin', no? But those who were there will remember it was us... some know even know...)
SIGH. The "converted" like yer more understandin' readers don't need the preachin'; the haters will not listen (so I find, so far...) I wonder what they make of all this ya write?
So windin' back on this overlong comment--YES, we DO all want the same thing--a safe nation ta live in. No invaders at our borders threatenin' us. (Bombs have yet ta come to the US like Israel gets but I don't think Americans would feel too happy 'bout bein' bombed by their favorite resistance fighters...hmmmm?) But there are no parallels that kin be stomicked 'tween zionists and US--an' that's cuz it's a jooish nation. Sadly, nothin' will convince the haters that joos are part of the same humanity as their fellow Americans... NEVERTHELESS, keep on keepin' on Karen!
I kin only support with my keyboard (we live hand ta mouth since the plandemic) but my support's heartfelt an' my appreciation as generous as my grin of grattytude!
This was fantastic. I love reading your comments. The stories of your life are fascinating. I hope you put this one in a post on your stack. ❤️
wull shucks Karen, thanks!--I'm so oft'n inspired by all you share! I might indeed put this stuff in a postin'--the thing is--it's so hard ta figger out what to fit where--many idears in my stew pot, each one seems burstin' ta git out (lol)--I've certainly "lived" in all sorts of crazy places, situations (you soitenly have!) so we all kin look back an' find meaning in our experiences--even when we just accepted stuff as "normal" at the time! An' tho my gran'pa may've been a bit unique (jazz musician/dentist is a bit outta the ordinary--tho sadly the latter won over cuz my gran' complained about his late hours on gig nights...I ONLY wish she'd've appreciated his music more but she was a good egg in so many others ways...), BUT my ma was hardly unique when it came ta teachin' at least; there were a lotta jooish skool teachers in inner city schools not just in Detroit but also here in New Yawk--some in the worst neibs--likely in other urban areas too... Oddly they gave the jooish teachers the hardest students an' they stepped up to the challenge... admirably I'd say. Some did eventually git positions in the safer areas--some refused the better offers even! Givin' back (in some way or other) was a liberal value instilled in me an' I knew many whose famblies taught the same--I just don't see much've this now but BUT! programs like yours--or that brave young man's--show that spirit lives on BEYOND the campuses where little learnin' goes on but these fool kids have nothin' better ta do than to order UberEats an' screeeeeem hate based on lack of learnin' (still findin' it funny that these SJWs don't know what river, what sea, or that that they'd be led thru the streets like oxen with those noserings once their usefulness is used up!) ❤️ back at'cha!
ps just got thinkin' 'bout the fantastic movie "Blackboard Jungle" with Glenn Ford, Richard Kiley, an' Sidney Poiter as the "bad kid" (of course he's not..) -- same kinda spirit... worth watchin' if ya don't know it--likely it's online--they don't make 'em like that any more I guess? (both the moovies AND the teachers! -- hmmmm now THAT might be a lede fer a postin'!)
pps didja see this today--oh golly!
Guess that'd mean you'd a been banned from teachin' those young'uns writin' an' my ma from teachin' those kids "the three R's" (two of which didn't start with "r" but I guess the sound wins of spellin' lol)... an' THIS in the USA?!