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This was fantastic. I love reading your comments. The stories of your life are fascinating. I hope you put this one in a post on your stack. ❤️

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wull shucks Karen, thanks!--I'm so oft'n inspired by all you share! I might indeed put this stuff in a postin'--the thing is--it's so hard ta figger out what to fit where--many idears in my stew pot, each one seems burstin' ta git out (lol)--I've certainly "lived" in all sorts of crazy places, situations (you soitenly have!) so we all kin look back an' find meaning in our experiences--even when we just accepted stuff as "normal" at the time! An' tho my gran'pa may've been a bit unique (jazz musician/dentist is a bit outta the ordinary--tho sadly the latter won over cuz my gran' complained about his late hours on gig nights...I ONLY wish she'd've appreciated his music more but she was a good egg in so many others ways...), BUT my ma was hardly unique when it came ta teachin' at least; there were a lotta jooish skool teachers in inner city schools not just in Detroit but also here in New Yawk--some in the worst neibs--likely in other urban areas too... Oddly they gave the jooish teachers the hardest students an' they stepped up to the challenge... admirably I'd say. Some did eventually git positions in the safer areas--some refused the better offers even! Givin' back (in some way or other) was a liberal value instilled in me an' I knew many whose famblies taught the same--I just don't see much've this now but BUT! programs like yours--or that brave young man's--show that spirit lives on BEYOND the campuses where little learnin' goes on but these fool kids have nothin' better ta do than to order UberEats an' screeeeeem hate based on lack of learnin' (still findin' it funny that these SJWs don't know what river, what sea, or that that they'd be led thru the streets like oxen with those noserings once their usefulness is used up!) ❤️ back at'cha!

ps just got thinkin' 'bout the fantastic movie "Blackboard Jungle" with Glenn Ford, Richard Kiley, an' Sidney Poiter as the "bad kid" (of course he's not..) -- same kinda spirit... worth watchin' if ya don't know it--likely it's online--they don't make 'em like that any more I guess? (both the moovies AND the teachers! -- hmmmm now THAT might be a lede fer a postin'!)

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pps didja see this today--oh golly!


Guess that'd mean you'd a been banned from teachin' those young'uns writin' an' my ma from teachin' those kids "the three R's" (two of which didn't start with "r" but I guess the sound wins of spellin' lol)... an' THIS in the USA?!

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