When is someone going to expose Kamala putting up bail money for BLM and ANTIFA during the summer of 2020? Soros and the Deep State staged them to throw an election. You know, the Summer of 2020 when everyone was instructed to be locked down like an animal and wear a face diaper while the BLM and ANTIFA demons were running amuck in the streets for their rights. Oh, and by the way, that was called a peaceful protest. My assessment of propping up Kamala as POTUS is like trying to polish a Turd! When are We the People going to wake up and quit being taken of advantage of from an Unconstitutional Government? Our founding fathers are turning over in their graves. Both the DemonRats and RepubTurds are to blame and so are we the people for allowing this shit show to continue!

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Jul 25Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

I recall all the black business owners asking if BLM supported blacks, why did they burn them out and injure them! No one ever answered that question! This was also on Ovomit! The billions in damages to the cities never had anyone prosecuted!

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BLM was corrupt, leaders like Patrice Collins stole millions yet they were never prosecuted. So it's doubly ironic that even they have a problem with Kamala.

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Yup! Kamala is just as corrupt as Joe!

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And those two are paid off by the same ones who pay off Trump and all their predecessors.

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Do you have proof that Trump is paid off? Please elaborate since you know that this is factual!

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I am right there with you! Prove it!!!!

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A multi- billionaire can't be bought.

That's why they're down to trying to KILL him.

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Written like a true democrat

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BLM "was" corrupt?

Are they not corrupt any longer?

I ask because it is my understanding that BLM (what a farce of a name) STILL is an active organization and as corrupt as ever and stealing money.

They still steal.

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I was referring specifically to what the BLM leaders such as Patrice Collins did stealing money. I have not research current corruption within the organization. I am sure there are people within it at a local level who genuinely want to help their communities. That said, I am not a fan of BLM, I have no doubt they are corrupt and I would never endorse them.

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BLM hasn't changed.

They are using those people you are referring to that want to help their communities as pawns. Virtue signaling pawns who often don't hesitate to throw other good people right under the bus.

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I'm sure they haven't changed. I just haven't done the research on what they are up to now.

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May they rot on the vine this winter.

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Are you included in "We the People", not awake and allowing this shit show to continue?

I don't believe that I'm allowing it. I hate it.

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I am doing my best and will continue to do my best through my podcast Medical Truth Podcast based on my 25+ years in the medical field. I call out the people including Trump for pushing the Bio-Weapon!

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To address your point of Trump "pushing the Bio-Weapon"....

Covid was a very big problem for the elderly, ppl with medical conditions,

and the immune compromised.

Those injections may have helped many of those people.

Hindsight is 2020 so for me it's difficult to put a lot of blame on Trump.

He wasn't mandating it and he was relying on others that were considered experts in their fields.

There is a COLOSSAL difference between forcing people to be injected (which many governments did including Biden) and making it an individual choice (which Trump did).

That's HUGE.

Let's not forget that.

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I will check out your podcast.

I'm a staunch opponent against the medical crimes that continue here in the USA. You can find me on X speaking out against it.


Mum's The Word


Your popular post on here is different..

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I agree with everything you say here except that "We the People are to blame".

Millions of us people are awake and very aware that the Government here, and nearly the entire western world has been compromised. Taken over.

And it isn't "Democracy".

We exercise our constitutional rights to peacefully petition them and they are canceling, firing, INCARCERATING and KILLING us!

Many polical prisoners are sitting in JAIL.

PLEASE BE more SPECIFIC in your blaming of We the People because plenty of us ARE doing what we can and are suffering severely.

Please be specific and include ACTIONS the people need to be doing intead of blanket criticisms of the people.

We are to blame? I take offense to that.



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Very Good point! I blame myself for this as well; unfortunately, we (Most of us) have become too dependent on technology, and the forces that be are looking to make us digital slaves. Case in point: if CBDC and digital currency are ushered in without pushback, we will lose our rights. We, the People, have to become more proactive and aware of what the long-term consequences of this technology are and go back to basics!

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Jul 26·edited Jul 26


CBDC is another HUGE problem.

As far as I'm concerned it's nearly already here.

I mean that only until the last year or two I have been able to use cash anywhere.

Cash is king! Well at least it used to be.

They're going cashless all over the place.

Eg. I've been going to high school ball games for all my life. I've paid cash at the door.

Well, last year I walk up to the gate to a game to buy a ticket and NO ENTRY with cash. They wouldn't even accept a CC at the door. You needed an online acquired digital ticket. I refused to go through that process and the guy at the gate let me go in for free.

I went to a little league bb game locally and couldn't purchase concessions with cash. So I refused to use plastic and they didn't get my business.

We all have to speak up and stand together and force them to take cash!

I'm standing alone most of the time with cash in hand. I'm with you, brother.

I've only mentioned a couple of instances but have have many.

If they go totally cashless we're SCREWED!!

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Jul 25·edited Jul 25Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Let us not forget that she also slept her way to the position she held in San Francisco. It offends me that she is being touted as a black woman and that somehow because she is has decided to identify with that gender/identity that many will "vote" for her. I'm not so sure that this election too, won't be rigged (stolen) but were Biden to have won it would be too obvious to cover up the voter fraud, with Kamala there is at least some plausible deniability.

On another note, I gagged when Biden said we weren't in any more wars - What is Ukraine? Are we not funding that war? Are we not actually in a proxy shooting war with Russia? We are arguably in MUCH more danger right now, as a country that at any other point in the last 60 years or so.

And yet, we meander on in this surreal production of reality where nothing is as it seems.

It feels so much like we have fallen down the rabbit hole.

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Jul 25·edited Jul 25Author

I really think she will win, by hook or by crook. We are AI infected now, wandering around in 'Wonderland'! 😵‍💫

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When Soro's son came out endorsing her right away, one can see clearly, she will be anointed. It's like they don't even pretend anymore.

I read 1984 back in the early 70s, and then again in 2014. I blows my mind a little how much that book has become the reality in which we live. Because people get their news/information online it is easily manipulated. It is the bureau of information, being rewritten daily.

And the 3 countries that go back and forth between being the "in country" or odd man out. Russia & China against the US and every couple years it switches,

Then let's not forget about the massive TV's EVERYWHERE. Spraying misinformation like a fine mist across the room, there is nowhere to hide from them or the incessant cameras recording all of our actions.

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They will try to steal the election again! Although when Hitlery ran they kept saying she was way ahead in the polls and then she lost! Many minorities are waking up and going with Trump! Average Americans have not been better off, and they can sell that rhetoric all the want but it’s BS. I can’t imagine living in the blue cities with all the crime escalating and the criminals get released no matter how serious the crimes. We are getting overrun with violent illegals and everyone needs to be concerned with this since they are bringing in so many military age men, gangs, criminals from other countries who emptied their prisons, etc.

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I can’t take another 4 years of pretending this is real if she wins. It’s been an awful 4 years of already doing that on top of ruining our country in the process and we can do nothing about it. It is mentally exhausting. That’s where they want us, mentally beat down. The news, the constant darts, eventually beat us down. We already are supposed to forget President Trump was shot and a family lost their Dad because he was being politically engaged. Move on! This is all enough to make one crazy.

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The problem is the republicans have not done enough to stop it, plus there are too many rhinos going along with the demons! If they get in for another four years that is the end of America. There will have to be a 1776 move by We the People to try and save America. Otherwise they will do everything in their power to kill us, including all the brainless liberals. They are already ramping up the fake Bird Flu to institute the next plandemic, lockdowns and likely to stop in person voting, and there is an election to steal!

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They learned a lot from the campaign where Hillary lost, which is how they were able to get Biden in.

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We have Obama judges overruling in voting precautions. It just happened in Ohio regarding filing absentee ballots. These people are all criminals. Plus we still have the vulnerable voting machines.

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Jul 25Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Do u mean they will cheat the system to win?

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I am sure they will cheat as much as they can. They've had a lot of practice.

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We never fixed the last election stolen

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Jul 26Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

We came awfully close to a civil war on July 13. When Kamala wins the election in November, we might not be so fortunate. I am the last person to advocate violence, but the needle is clearly moving in that direction. Pray for sanity, truth, and sound judgment.

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I think so too.

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The chameleon is no more black than Obama or Lemon.

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Jul 25Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Thank you, Karen, the fact anyone can support this woman is disturbing beyond words!!! Did others see her interview about being the Border Czar, yet she NEVER went to the border! When the interviewer challenged her about that fact she stated, “I haven’t been to Europe either.” And of course she finishes it with her possessed laugh! It’s bad enough we watched the fraud with Obiden the last three and a half years, but democrats really have no common sense and are clueless just what is happening to America. So Ovomit has been running the show, the deception is so great, plus the fact they still wish Trump was killed should disturb everyone. We can never trust the three letter agencies again!!! They are complicit and corrupt in all this and have been.

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It is mind-blowing, to say the least.

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Exactly. Trump Derangement Syndrome: ⅓ of Demokrauts are sorry the assassin did not succeed. What sort of madness is this?

I personally don't like Trump & his swagger, but he has earned my respect. & Although I think RINOs are as much to blame for our current circus show, this November I will forsake decades of not voting and cast my ballot against every Democrat!

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Jul 25Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

A coworker commented that she was sorry the sniper missed. She is otherwise a friendly person, even though she is well aware of what my views are. I guess it’s a case of MSNBCbrain.

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Yes, all their behavior is very disturbing. The rhinos are even worse than the demonrats since they lie through their teeth to get elected as conservatives when they would betray their own families. Glad you will be voting for Trump and hopefully his support will be so massive it will surpass the voter fraud. No man could have endured what they have done to him the last 8 years. I want all these criminals tried for treason and they should all get death sentences! Frankly it’s his mindset and determination that got him through this with God on his side! This is no doubt a spiritual war.

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Lemmings are easily led and controlled. They should rename them lemocrats

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Jul 25Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Like someone pointed out elsewhere.

She needs to be impeached because it’s her JOB as veep to make sure the President is functioning at full capacity.

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Jul 25Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Young fun and unburdened by the racist misogynistic constraints of reality. My observation of the Democratic cult is that they are brainwashed by the propaganda so deeply that they can't think their way out of it. When you are so convinced that you are right about something the cognitive pathway to critical thinking gets obstructed beyond salvation. The only thing that matters is how dangerous MAGA and Orange Man Bad are to "democracy". Even when the whole house of cards collapses into burning rubble, the cognitive pathway will remain blocked. That is the dangerous position that we are in, the awakening will not happen in a large portion of society no matter what occurs.

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It’s unbelievable, but my elderly mother has the mind virus. She was disappointed they missed. I’m horrified.

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It's difficult but important to remember,they know not what they do. Especially when it is your family, I've worked hard to disconnect from the toxic emotional atmosphere and just try to be the best person I can.

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I have never witnessed anything like this. I started saying I’m so tired of the division, I’m apolitical now ( just to stop the one sided conversation. They won’t stop watching cnn etc)

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My mom actually thought I was required to watch only Fox News. ( I’m glad my Dad isn’t still here to witness it)

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I keep telling myself, this too shall pass. I am glad my parents aren't here to see this, they both passed two years ago. Both were in their 80s and were completely aghast at the way people are relating to each other and their world these days. My sister is all I have left and we are on complete opposite poles of the political spectrum. Needless to say we spend a lot of energy dancing around each others boundaries, because nothing is more important than having each other. I have forsaken all MSM and pop entertainment and have managed to disconnect from the brainwash machine pretty effectively, I think.

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It never ceases to amaze me how the ignorance of the DNC and the media describe our nation as a "democracy" when anyone who listened their grade school & high school teacher when noting that we are a REPUBLIC.

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THANK YOU - it drives me crazy every time someone says we are democracy and then republic in the next breath - things that are different ARE NOT THE SAME!!

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I don't think it is a matter of ignorance. They are utilizing the practice of repeating a lie so frequently that it becomes thought of as truth. They know it isn't a democracy, and they won't rest until they've torn it down.

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Jul 25Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

“But she is BEST FRIENDS with whoever’s boots (some people might use a different word here) she happens to be licking…”


Another essay of significance, Karen.

Thank you. ♥️

The current world makes my heart heavy and my brain hurt. Although I have asked myself to consider just how long I was blissfully oblivious. I am not certain which is worse. It certainly is a mind altering situation.

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Jul 25Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

I am for once actually stunned at how the Democratic establishment openly tries to manufacture this election for the second time in the row. They literally transferred the nomination from Biden to Harris as if this is a nothingburger. She did no work, no campaigning, no primaries, but yet now she is a Democratic Party's nominee. Whatever one can say about Trump, he did the work - he was on a campaign trail (when not in the courtroom), he won the primary, he went right back in after the assassination attempt, all of that. But he is accused of being a danger to democracy while the entire Democratic Party apparatus literally inserted a person who is obviously not a senior leadership material regardless of what the other side did or said. And now, I am certain, bolstered by the left media and every single Trump hater out there, she will be elevated to the heights of the political scene without ever having to prove she is worth it. How is this OK??

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Jul 25·edited Jul 25Author

It is truly stunning. A stunning achievement that the masses can be so completely manipulated. What the general population are missing is the role AI is playing in all of this and how it is literally taking over people's minds. That's really the bigger issue but people are so taken up with the disasters, it's an addiction at this point, that they are not interested in anything that delves deeper into what is happening to them.

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Jul 25Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Yeah, the entire "Kamala Harris" persona is manufactured, she is nobody, she is not a clever politician, she has no business to be in politics and direct policies that have the potential to impact millions of people. This is scary.

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It is scary. It's quite horrific that all the things you describe are exactly why she will make the perfect president of the United States. This is how far we have fallen.

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Jul 25Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Horrific is the word. And VP Harris won't be asked to reflect on any of what is happening right now - her skipping Netanyahu's address to the Congress, rabid protesters outside the US Capitol burning American flag and vandalizing the area, her not explaining how she overlooked Biden's demise or explaining the impact of his policies. None of that matters because Democratic voters are energized, you see.

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Jul 25Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

In the classical sense of what the word “brat” means, I would say she is the poster child of the definition:

“an ill-mannered annoying child,

i.e. a spoiled brat

an ill-mannered immature person”

She also gives off a strong “mean girl” vibe.

Chatter online is that she will be ousted very soon, as the Obama faction despises her. We shall see. If that does indeed happen, it will be interesting and/or horrifying to see what the mass response is. Will the brainwashed just immediately throw their support behind anointed candidate #3 without skipping a beat? Or will they start to question the ongoing coup at last?

Interesting times, indeed.

I’m just grateful every day that our God remains the firmest of foundations. 🙏🏻

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Jul 25Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

I have reached a peak in being thoroughly disgusted with the government and the mainstream media. They embrace every sleazy scumbag of the left, no longer disguising their filth and depravity. And those who vote for this agenda are ignorant and soulless.

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Jul 25Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Kamala is (more) poison for America not just because she lies constantly and opportunistically, but more importantly because of her horrible policies that she will push. O’Reilly gives a good run through here. https://www.billoreilly.com/b/Kamala-Harris-and-Socialism-the-Media-Covering-for-the-VP-Black-Lives-Matter-Weighs-In--Bob-Menendez-to-Resign/533180436449285689.html

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Jul 25Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

I too thought that perhaps that wasn’t Biden. It was strange. As far as Kamala goes, well, if she gets elected, that will be the final nail in the coffin of the US. So sad to see what has become of the once greatest country ever.

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With Davis in the POTUS seat, we can only hope that the House and Senate are in a position to drive back into the swamp.

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Jul 25·edited Jul 25Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Karen, you are correct... Kamala is no friend of women and no friend of Blacks. She is undoubtedly a more hateful person than Biden...

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I think so, too. She has a lot more energy to spread her hate, that's for sure. But more than that, she is a willing vessel to be used by the same powers that used Biden.

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The list of Kamalas crimes is very long..... and that puppet is not Biden, not even fake Biden, he is a new imposter with totally different teeth.

i am not up to date with the lingo of the youths of today, but I sure know what a brat used to be.... if the shoe fits.

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Yes, this dude didn't drop any lines and his appearance was a good make-up job. What you saw was not what what you wanted.

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Kamala is NOT black!

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Jul 25·edited Jul 25Author

I don't understand this thing about she is black. Her mother was East Indian, her father was Black/Irish Jamaican and I've seen photos of him, and he certainly looks Black. The deeper issue is the ridiculousness of DEI and making it of some sort of merit when hiring someone and I point this out. If that obsession were taken away, people would stop focusing so much about whether a person is black or white or brown or whatever.

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Since "they" make it a thing, to market her to the woke population, it seems important to point out the reality. Truth matters, doesn't it?

Someone with one white ancestor is neither white nor black. The same goes for someone with one black ancestor. I know, I was married to one (so don't call me a racist), a Puerto Rican with a white mother and a black father. He was excluded from black communities in Texas and in Illinois, and he didn't feel he belonged in white circles either. He never called himself black, or white for that matter. He is as black, or as white, as Obama. And that's the reality of it.

My current husband is Indian. Not black, nor white, but Indian. He would never consider calling himself black.

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No she is not! She is Jamaican.

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And Indian.

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Didn’t her family sell slaves at one point?

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Jul 25·edited Jul 25

I think I just read somewhere her grandfather was a major slave trader. I can't find the info though (I am going through so many articles and memes every day, I can't keep track of all of them).

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Same here

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Wish someone would exorcise her back to Montego Bay

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Jul 25Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

They forgot the indefinite article in front of “brat”

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Jul 25Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

yes, yes, they did - words have meanings and she is definitely A brat, or THE Brat or more accurately, a spoiled brat, A spoiled brat is a child or young person who is excessively indulged, pampered, and accustomed to always getting their demands and desires met without experiencing consequences

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Yes, she is, most definitely all of that.

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Jul 25Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

“You are just that girl who is a little messy and maybe says dumb things sometimes, who feels herself but then also maybe has a breakdown, but parties through it," I find it incomprehensible anyone would think this is an appropriate description for someone who may be President. It is terrifying that basically half of America is brain dead!

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'brat' is an acronym for bold, real audacious, trend-setting.

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Bold? Really audacious? Trend setting?

By whose standards???

Certainly not mine

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Take a look at Biden's hands in the video. They are clearly not his. It's creepy! Hollywood will come out in full force for Kamala. It's like she is born again! We haven't forgotten although it's good to put out all of the details as a reminder so thanks Karen. What a weird, whacky world! sabrinalabow.substack.com

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