I once heard a psychiatrist talk about the. abuses at Abu Ghraib. He noted some things that Donald Rumsfeld said as the scandal broke. "We'll get to the bottom of it." Recently William Barr said the same thing. It's code for prosecute the small people at the bottom.

Look how many are in prison for possessing or selling opioids. Look how many die. Corporate executives are protected by "limited liability." They should be prosecuted for mass murder.

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100% in agreement. It makes me so angry!

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Had to comment, with it being the anniversary of the day I was born!

A big, emphatic absolutely! But no one in government wants to cure the problem. Take any hot topic out there... Drugs, Health, Food, Energy... The money is not in solving the problems... It's in dividing us on their narrative by putting us against each other rather than us all sitting down like reasonable people and figuring out the best solutions today. And in many ways, this is our fault for thinking we can vote someone into office that has our best interests in mind. It's really laughable if you sit-down and really think about this concept. (And follow the money behind how they really got into their positions...)

If we want change, we need to fire every single one of these PERSONs and start fresh. If all of us could mend our wounds enough to come together and fire the lot of them, think about what we really could accomplish in a system that isn't corrupt, selfish, bought out... We would have the golden age, heaven on earth. So what's stopping us? Is it "them" or is it us? In our American Republic, we can choose to self-govern and have the option to replace all of our current (corporate) governments and bureaucrats and start steering our own autos towards true freedom, peace, and opportunity.

And I truly believe we can do this, and I also believe there are more of us than there are of them. And i further believe we can do this peacefully, united together... And it beats the alternative we see playing out in front of us, the deeper divide growing and growing.

Just my two dollars worth (inflation...). Love and light to each of you. I am here to band together with others... and it starts here, with each of us talking. 🙏

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Happy anniversary of the day you were born! In agreement. This is reasonable. Yet, there is this basic human problem of the minute someone gets a little of power they go crazy. Not sure why that is but until humans can fix this flaw, coming together and organizing, however well it starts, it never seems to end that way. Someone with a little bit more charisma, intelligence, muscle, whatever it is that people most admire in them, gets into a position of power and away they go, out of control! Every CEO knows that if you want to keep your position you have to keep those beneath you weaker than you are. Get two people just under you and keep them at odds with one another. Keep them busy that way so they don't attack you. Why is this the way we choose to rule? Perhaps because it is the harsh law of nature on this planet? I don't know how to fix that. But as I said in another response to a comment on another post, most people are followers and for society to function it seems it has to be that way. Not everyone can be a leader and leaders do naturally arise. The ultimate responsibility lies with the leaders to be servants of their people, not exploiters. So, why isn't this what happens? As you say, how beautiful the world would be if that was the case. But we see the opposite everywhere, from governments, to businesses, down to family units. There always seems to be someone who abuses the power, or should we say, the responsibility, given to them.

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And yes, inevitably your equation has been proven correct. I've found in most every case, the best leaders are those who do not want to lead... Because they do not seek that sort of power. As the case with everything, there are outliers, but generally, I've found this to be true. If we were truly the dream called America... Our people run a town or city, who then run a county, counties represent the state, and the United States of America (UnInc) deals with a small amount of stuff, mostly representing international affairs. Over the decades, we've inverted the way we run ... Where we have a top down government. And this is why, as my personal path, I have decided to become a Mainer, an American State National. Is to right this wrong in a lawful, peaceful manner. Bobby Graves has a YouTube video series, typing his name with Part 1 should locate it readily enough. Ever since the civil war, people were corrupted, power shifted shadily, and we've been slowly drifting farther and farther away from where we started.

So in reality, our problem is not that (wo)man's nature doesn't support doesn't end us up where we are at today, rather, it's that our people's republic, through confusion and through purposeful deception, devolved into what we observe today. And we don't know any better because we never knew our true history and how America was supposed to run as fifty states, united together for international affairs and defense, but also as separate nation states, each having their own, limited power above the Federation of States, and the counties of each nation state above this with their limited powers, and the people... We are sovereign, with very limited governance and a right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness (property was originally in place of happiness, but it was felt this was a little too specific, but also, included as a part of happiness.)

Government (state and federal, territorial and municipal) are supposed to be our public servants... And not the other way around. We look at them as we would a Hollywood star or as powerful leaders. And with this perspective in mind, it is why we have everything crumbling all around us, and what I can only sum up as a gross loss of our freedoms. Government needs to be put back where they belong, under the sovereign man and woman. And so long as we keep it this way once it's there, we should forever be the Republic *because* we kept it.

What you see today as government, are just corporations flexing power they were never supposed to have. When "We The People" decide to get are butts off the couch, we have every lawful right to change this whole charade.

But that's my interpretation of things, though having gone through the true history, it is accurate and waiting for us to step up and take what belongs to us... Humbly, with ego's properly shelved, recognizing just how tentative and fragile our system truly is.

Since I have the stage for a moment... I also want to say, you are a wonderful author and I appreciate your work greatly. Thanks for all you do!


the living man sometimes called John (but usually called much worse... 😉)

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In my opinion, you see the right of it. It was originally written these united States and we were not a nation. The 14th Amendment destroyed the 10th, probably by design. Our population has outgrown a representative government. Now our representatives serve those who pay for their election, not the people they supposedly represent. A number of states have tried to establish state citizenship; North Carolina being one of them. So far, it has failed to gain ground. Most people are unaware of our history, and have bought into the nationalism propaganda. To me, it might be a way out of this morass, but trying to get others to see this is a daunting task. The European Union members are beginning to experience the same problems. Perhaps someday people will realize that bigger is seldom better.

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Bigger is okay, in terms of international/global affairs. Being United allowed us to have such great global power while maintaining our sovereignty. And with regards to the 14th Amendment... Which constitution are you referring to...? Yeah, seems like an odd question to ask, what do you mean which one?!?! Well, there are three. Capital letters are very meaningful in law/legal worlds... So the Constitution: of the united States of America, for The United States of America, and of The United States of America. 3 separate, independent constitutions with slightly different terminology, for different reasons of existence. One is our contract with our people's lawful government, one for the territorial (corp) contractors and subcontractors, one for the municipal (CORP) contractors and subcontractors.

And with regards to citizenship... Here's another bombshell... There are five types of "citizenship" aka "political statuses" on America, shown even in their UCC book of codes...


This one does a good job because it references the codes I can't remember, but you can look them up, it is all right there.

This is a total mindf√¢|<, so take your time with it all. I felt for years like there was something not right with everything, I turned forty three years back, and started really questioning things... And then we had the most illogical thing happen, Biden won the election... And this sent me on a spiral of how on this free land could something this blatantly obvious be allowed to actually occur? And I started sticking my head down and researching the crap, following history, taking the wrong paths and backtracking... Until I found out America States Assembly. This was rooted in actual history, lawfully sound, and even trying to prove things wrong, I couldn't find wrong in it. So after much research, I finally jumped in. But I am one who will never force or coerce one to join, rather, present the data and encourage DYOR (Do Your Own Research) because this is the only way one truly has to awaken. So I am here for those who have questions or want more data... And I'll share the American site here:


I'm happy to post an email address too. My old phone has my protonmail on it, I haven't transferred it yet to this phone, so if I don't get right back to you, please accept my apologies:


Good luck. 🙏💙💜🕯️

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I definitely will be in touch. You gave me lots of information with which I'm not familiar. We don't know what we don't know, and the more I learn, the more I realize how ignorant I am. Even though I'm almost 75 years old, this dog is willing to learn and even change her mind. I have already lost many of my illusions, and realize that most of what we think we know are bald faced lies. I have a young friend that's a lot smarter than I am and has been previously involved with a group called America's Remedy. You can find them easily on the internet. There are many similarities, but differences as well. I really didn't find any major disagreement with anything you said, and am excited to do more research. Brush fires can lead to incendiary events.

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I check it occasionally, until I get it converted to my new phone, then much more often.

Here are some more interviews with Bobby and others, if you find it helpful.


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So eloquently stated. I should learn more about Mainers. I am listening to Bobby Graves Part I now. Thank you for appreciating my work.

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See above comment, includes a lot for you too.


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The Globalist Cabal is functioning just the way intended - 'our leaders' sell out cheaply to enable the perpetuation of said Cabal ! The Fentanyl deaths, school shooting, and most of the false flags in the US and Free World support said perpetuation. The only solution is forthcoming 100% elimination of the Evil Cabal - 2023 will embrace these changes!!

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"In 'G'old 'O'il 'D'rugs We Trust," and "Trust" in a financial sense.

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