I once heard a psychiatrist talk about the. abuses at Abu Ghraib. He noted some things that Donald Rumsfeld said as the scandal broke. "We'll get to the bottom of it." Recently William Barr said the same thing. It's code for prosecute the small people at the bottom.
Look how many are in prison for possessing or selling opioids. Loo…
I once heard a psychiatrist talk about the. abuses at Abu Ghraib. He noted some things that Donald Rumsfeld said as the scandal broke. "We'll get to the bottom of it." Recently William Barr said the same thing. It's code for prosecute the small people at the bottom.
Look how many are in prison for possessing or selling opioids. Look how many die. Corporate executives are protected by "limited liability." They should be prosecuted for mass murder.
I once heard a psychiatrist talk about the. abuses at Abu Ghraib. He noted some things that Donald Rumsfeld said as the scandal broke. "We'll get to the bottom of it." Recently William Barr said the same thing. It's code for prosecute the small people at the bottom.
Look how many are in prison for possessing or selling opioids. Look how many die. Corporate executives are protected by "limited liability." They should be prosecuted for mass murder.
100% in agreement. It makes me so angry!