Jul 9Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

This is a very necessary article, terrifying as it is. My great grandfather decided that there was no way the Russian revolution could happen, as his brother was trying desperately to get him to leave for Argentina. My great grandparents spent decades in the gulags. My grandmother lived an unimaginable life. My dad got us out of Ukraine in the late 70s, after my best friend found out I was Jewish and beat me up. The ‘paranoid’ and ‘neurotic’ ones of us are the ones that survived. They killed all the nice, placid ones. Am Yisrail Chai ❤️

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I'm so sorry. But what amazing resilience. I have so much respect for the Jewish people to just keep on going, no matter what. But as you say, so many refuse to see what is in front of their faces. And not only Jews. It will happen to Christians who stand up for Jews, who stand up for the teachings of Jesus, not the teachings of religious institutions that are also corrupt. And, as happened during the Holocaust, the net will grow to include anyone who refuses to bow down the regime. If we don't learn from what happened not that long ago, it will be a hundred times worse now. I really despair. I wish I could do more.

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Jul 9Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Yes, it **will** happen to Christians. We can see Sharia law unfolding in real time in the UK. First they come for the Saturday people, then they come for the Sunday people. Allahu Akbar and French/Spanish/Norwegian anti-semites are even more "akbar". They are willingly abnegating their culture and heritage...as we speak

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Jul 9Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Truth! Then again, that is why anxiety is such a great defense me mechanism, especially for the Jews.

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Jul 9Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Oh and btw the answer to your question "Israelis should give everything they worked so hard to achieve over to their enemies. They should pack up and go… where?" is TREBLINKA. But it will NEVER, EVER happen again. Nuke Tel Aviv - God forbid, but it's within the realm of possibility. But wholesale slaughter while we line up like obedient children? Never again!!

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Amen. As a fighter, I say fight to your last breath, never submit.

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Jul 9Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

You know who I miss? Vladimir Zelenko... 😞

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Yes, so sad

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Jul 9Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

A true warrior till the end.. even doing podcast warning the world against this ongoing western genocide ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ A true hero to mankind

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Jul 9Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Great piece, as per usual!

How sad, how utterly tragic that the left, the very people who matched through the streets singing of international brotherhood, tolerance, love and plenty for all are the rabid anti-semites of today.

I'm trying to write a somewhat related piece ("How I Became a Zionist")...hoping to have it ready by week's end. In the meantime, I'm happy to say that there is nowhere near the French level of Antisemitism in the Czech Republic, especially not in Prague. The French really are in a league of their own. A pathetic league it is, too


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And how ironic that an East European country is more inclined to resist oppression than a country like France that fought against oppression. Although maybe not so ironic. East Europeans are probably more inclined to recognize what's going on. Although, everyone in Europe should recognize it. There really is no excuse.

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Jul 9Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Well, the Czechs are very proud of Kafka being a native son...and his Jewishnes is no secret; there has traditionally been a tolerant attitude towards Jews - at least in Prague, perhaps less so in the provinces. Another famous "son" (though born in Poland) is Rabbi Yehuda Loew ben Bezalel who was instrumental in softening the attitude of the reigning monarch towards Jews (I think the monarch was Rudolph II but don't quote me 😊)

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You are a wealth of information. That's why I always enjoy your writing. It takes me into that world.

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big fan've Kafka here--funny story--me & 2 friends were studyin' in Berlin an' went ta Prague for a weekend--we nearly got "stuck" in the Cemetery in Prague (outskirts) where the writer was buried (an, mahvelous Prague!) many moons ago -- as we couldn't possibly leave without visitin' Kafka's grave--it took SO long ta find it (no maps, near-empty cemetery--of live ones at least!)--but luck had it we found the one caretaker that knew where he was--we had like 5 minutes to see it an' then had ta SPRINT for the bus--the last one or we'd have spent the night there (an' missed classes the next day too!) Seein' the old Czech cemeteries an' a couple remainin' synagogues (in near-ruins)--in my mind evokin' the powerful story of The Golem (& the Wegener movie) were life-changin'! Rabbi Loew is very famous ;-)

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I think it was easier for the Eastern Europeans in some ways because Soviet oppression was raw and ugly and impossible to miss. The Western Europeans have been exposed to the boiled frog strategy with constant gas-lighting, expertly planned and executed. Much of the French public still sees Macron as their defender against a fascist takeover by the far-right, rather than as a vulgar cabaret performer groomed by the WEF to follow orders as he impersonates a serious politician. He looks so "presidential" as he presides over the death throes of the French Republic...

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Jul 9Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

I remember visiting Budapest in 2015. There was a historic synagogue there , with a police officer posted out front. Taking no chances.

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My Jewish friend from London said in Synagogues and schools there are always guards. And they all learned krav maga. She left Britain a year ago and went to Costa Rica.

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Budapest is undoubtedly the safest capital in Europe to be openly Jewish, followed by places like Warsaw, Bratislava and other Eastern European nations. In fact, Hungary has become the home field for the Israeli national soccer team to play international matches because European national soccer teams won’t play in Israel.

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Jul 9Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

& This is 2024!!!

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It's just incredible

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Jul 9Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Europe is becoming unrecognizable.... It's astonishing. NOTHING Th epoliticians do , is fo rteh Good fo teh People, worse still, is that they think they will be able to handle & control the increasingly changing demographics! The same demographics, will turn on them at a drop of a hat!!! It's scary really

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Just as they think they can control AI. It's a nightmare on every front.

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Jul 9·edited Jul 9Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Thanks for your analysis of this issue... this rise of antisemitism shows how much the world hates God.

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She’s entirely incapable of identifying antisemitism.

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Jul 9Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

God will take care of it. His promises are still in their future. But I sure wish He'd hurry.

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Me too

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Jul 9Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

This is very troublesome. The antichrist spirit seems to be increasing all around the world. I hope people can repent while there is still time and put their faith in Jesus.

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Jul 9Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Zechariah 12:3.....prophecy is being literally fulfilled as we watch in real time...buckle up folks it's gonna get real bumpy!! Maranatha!!

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Jul 9Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

How far the West has fallen!

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Jul 11Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

You watch, France will become a Muslim state as well as the UK.

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Jul 10Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Your article invokes a feeling of revelation in me. As in the Bible. The world seems to be lining up exactly as God said. I pray for forgiveness and I repent and ask for God to send Jesus soon. Amen.

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I am overcome. God bless you on your spiritual journey. 🙏

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This is sad, sad nooze... I spent a couple years livin' in Paree gettin' a "dug-ree" from the "Sore Bun" (lol)--LOVED it an' nobuddy seemed ta pay much nevermind ta us choos--Serge Gainsbourg was on "repeat" on the radio & tele (loved 'im muchly--broke the mold!), the comedies of Jerry Lewis (not ta mention the 3 Stooges!) were oft played at the Cinémathèque Française (the French has loved American comedy since the Nouvelle Vague hit their shores!), while the lovely Isabelle Huppert (also jooish...) was on the more commercial screens, an' ALL the the writers includin' Levy (mentioned here in yer article Karen) were on Apostophes (the best teevee talk show ever!)... It was as we'd day, "absolument normal" to have joos in the public eye... a golden outlier moment, no doubt...

One "survivor" from the Marias (originally escaped the camps in Poland an' ended up in Paris...) that I met / kinda befriended (he had a little cafe I'd frequent fort tea an' quiet writin'....) was "worried" the chews would be rounded up again--he'd seen a lotta antisemitism (esp. within the Algerian community) and was "worried" for his now-adult sons & daughter... Guess he too was right.... sawr the writin' on the walls long 'fore the rest of us...

I'm seein' so much of chew-hate now--on Substack too, fer sure. Of course if I peep 'bout it it's dismissed! Even among those I'd'a thought "smart" in the troother-movement... all turned like sour milk!

Long while back Jon Rappoport (a joo--grew up on the Lower East Side!--love his work but he will not no not talk 'bout Israel...) had suggested his readers check out a new substackker called "The Good Citizen"--a smart fella writin' 'bout the plandemic with only a small "following." Looked at this "Good Citizen's" Stack today by chance--I still look at haters purdy often--an' I wonder what Jon would think of the fella he sent his massive readership to today:


The viddeyo is...wull...ain't no kind words for it...EVEN as no fan of BBGun I'll say that--an' the comments there are purdy ugly (they indeed reflect the topic on the headin') an' these are fairly "tame" compared ta many I've seen.

Ironically one states, I paraphrase: "I dunno why all these joos are "bawlin' " manipulative crocodile tears ''bout imaginary antisemitism.... why look at these comments, just common sense an' a few not so keen on Zionism"-- All imaginary! So y'all, go put on some joo shoes an' take a look an' see if anyone there does NOT full out hate chews wherever they stand on Israel... Ironically one Orthodox anti-zionist spoke up ta tell folks not to go hatin' on ALL joos (ONLY go hatin' on the Zionists!--yes he said that) b/c some like him are "decent" an' were not Zionists--d'ya think they embraced him like a brother? Nah, they told him ta eff off an' die. (Sorry but when ya trash yer own ya might have it comin'.... in print only)

When push comes ta shove joos CANNOT save their proverbial (or literal?) skins by sidin' with the haters on the topic of Israel (bein' critical of their gubbamint is an'nuther thing entirely)-- good story this below... my Tablet link...

One day I tried in earnest to reason with this "Good Citizen"--a few hours spent back 'n forth--in the comments--sadly I don't think I got any takers nor was he swayed one iota.... but sometimes I feel at least I gotta try... at least 'fore they go full out "def con3" on us!

Re Joos in La France I gotta fascinatin' read here fer y'all--one descendant of the illustrious Camonda fambly (they have rooms in the Louvre from their donations an' an art moo-see-um) thought she'd bargain with the Nazis by namin' names an' convertin' to Catholicism-- Nope, she finked on her staff an' her parentage meant squat ta the Gestapo--died in Aushwitz (an' her mama's portrait by Renoir was stolen by the Nazis too!) -- Sadly I'd never heard of the Camondos or their "mooseeum" or I'd'a been


Also, it shows that these joos that kept their faith but really (REALLY!) assimilated inta French society contributed greatly to it too--this accusation that joos take down all culture is bollocks... we SO try ta embrace our new homes!--but it's taken hold of the AmeriKan mind...nothin' but our disappearance (by any means necessary) will put out this fire... stop the burn....

Like George said--where we gonna go? Am Yisrael Chai! but Israel is at risk (existential risk) herself--an' our "old countries" would not have us back (a shtetl in Lithuania's gonna have me? really?). An' fer all those that say it's the joos fault for bringin' in all the young Muslim men--really?! How is that not the most self destructive insane thang ta accuse us of?

Most American chews wanna live in peace--if there are some skunks (we'd say schtoonks!) in power that are rotten, in cahoots with a whole team of baddies--many if not most NOT chews--why blame us regular folks..*. An' as RFK Jr said RIGHTLY--no longer CAN we hide like Anne Frank.

* the CIA funds the NGOs that DO process these MyGrunts at the borders but the two biggest are Catholic Charities an' Lutheran Home (something I fergit)--an' Hiass (the jooish one) is further down on the list... a pox on all've 'em fer this--fundin' or not--but it ain't a jooish effort at all...(sigh)

An' yes, it's comin' to America AND all Christians need ta be aware too... Pastor Martin Niemoller said it already... May France regain her sanity--


(Serge--facin' the extreme right paratroopers who tried ta stop his concert...)

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Wow how wonderful you lived and studied in Paris. So many writers are now exposed as antisemitic. Others won't tackle the topic because they don't want to lose subscribers. Churches won't stand up for Israel because they don't want to lose members. They will talk about following Jesus and being courageous but when it comes to actually practicing what they preach they are silent. And I'm sure it will only get worse. Sadly, the Catholic Church does not have a history to be proud of. My dad spoke out about this. I respect my Catholic readers but that's the truth. The video of Serge is very moving. I will have to spend some time to read about Camondos. A lot of good information here, thank you

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Yup, I was lucky--an' you'll laff but the SoreBun (Sorbonne) cost only $50/year--just a matriculation fee (administrative)! Society supported the students somehow, so once ya got in (it was based on merit not income) there were precious few expenses. No $100 textbooks (or the equivalent in francs)--great "cawfee!" an' they never would kick ya outta a cafe even if you were there for hours b/c everyone hung out an' talked 'bout the world!--an' these student joints they had called resto's served the best food, homemade, all "real from the farms"--an' dirt cheap--ya just showed yer student id an' they were all over the city. Not even NewYawk had anythin' like that... So it was once the BEST place ta study.... I'm sad my girls won't have this as an option... I had hoped it would'a been...

Now it's a mess over there (for all girls, not just joos of course); I had felt safe goin' out all over back in the day--but now what they've UNdone (mon dieu, as they'd say!)... Yer post today shows how far it's all come--struck me as shockin'--a little too much like Vichy!

So yup, do look inta the Camondos--they worked so hard to be "French" in every way but when the SS came 'a callin' nothin' could save them -- a cautionary tale fer today's "apologists" that try ta git by bein' "accepted" if they denounce their own--I don't think that goes well--heard it didn't go well in USSR or under Mao either!

Europe has such GEMS an' it breaks my heart they're all gettin' wrecked or dismissed... by these flame lightin' masses could care a whit 'bout museums an' French culture.... an' often I read (by those that tell us all what "we" think!") that "chews" don't care 'bout art or culture or books an' only want ta destroy culture with cheap trashy porno stuff--but it's so untrue! (Ironically the 2 women I think of FIRST when it comes to fightin' fiercely AGAINST porn are both jewish--Andrea Dworkin an' Dr Judith Reisman -- with added nods ta Dr. Miriam Grossman -- still on this earth--also fightin' against all this gender-bender nonsense... the reality is in stark contrast with the fiction "consumed" by the masses) Some of my best professors were... well, ya know... An' at least those who warn't didn't care I wuz!

As for culture, memories are short--the Nazis wouldn't have been able to steal all that fine art had it not been for the dang chews that collected it because they LOVED it--valued it!--or (many don't know this part) there were joos that ran galleries that featured it (promotin' the artwork of artists of all faiths) ... or hosted salons for the poets, painters, composers....etc. We grew up of very "modest" means but we had a library in our house--so I jus' cain't git why "we" are bein' blamed for the downfall of Western "Culture"... (sigh)

While history is bein' re-written--so is the history (ancient, past, an' recent) of the joos--I've no doubt they'll rewrite Christian history too tho--just a matter of time.

I'm glad we got our noggin's on straight an' HAVE these memories--you too had such a rich upbringin'-- we had ta count our pennies (as our famblies counted coupons!) but the values of learnin', seein' art (an' makin' it) an' appreciating the beauty of nature, architecture, music--the wonders made by humans blessed with their spark of the divine--where did that all go?

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As ya say, so many writers "are" an' it shocked me. Never imagined that'd be the case--we "writers" were not the MSM--we used our noggin's! So I thought there was a sense of sanity--fairness at least--but seein' those who railed against the jabs now railin' 'gainst the chews... it's kinda scary. I wonder if the plandemic hadn't happened if would'a still turned this way (given the war in Gaza, etc)?

It's also surprisin' that it's on both sides, L & R -- not that I've ever been much've a side taker but I leaned left (bleedin' heart liberal I'd guess? lol) but it's not even just comin' from the political writers takin' on a politically-angled torch against Israel--many otherwise apolitical seem ta be "expurts" on the matter--an' expert at pointin' fingers at the chews fer all the woes in the world... plastics in the ocean? It's da joos! (Wish I was jokin' but I've seen that too! I mean gosh...wow.) Those writin' about totally anodyne topics -- poets! nature lovers!-- seem ta have joined this bandwagon

I don't think it's "mass psychosis" but it's some kind'a herd mentality--maybe societies save themselves by scapegoatin' a common enemy an' thereby keep their own "cohesiveness" in so doin'? (Rene Girard)

Anywhoo--I don't git how so many good church-goin' "believers" go hatin' on all the chews "in His name" now... An' they manage ta quote verse that it's okay b/c they say God banished the chews "for good".... Always I had a lotta Catholic friends (not the ones that chased me down tho' lol) but oft in New Yawk they were Italian or Irish -- we all grew up together--black kids, white kids, spanish kids ('fore it was "hispanic")--all've us came from immigrant famblies that worked hard--so that's how come the haters surprised me--THIS in America? I do not know this country or the people I thought I "knew"--I'm over half a century old now, an' it's all "alien" ta me.... such times, no?

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Jul 9Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Wow, stark truths in this essay.

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I don’t have problem with any religion as long as they want to live in peace. I do have a problem with Zionists who are not necessarily Jews. Exceptionalism does not cut it with me. The US think they are above international law and so does the Israeli government. Genocide is not acceptable. Stealing land, arresting without charge, fencing in Palestinians is not acceptable. By the same token, Israelis have the right to feel safe. If Israel wants to live in peace, only a one state solution will work. This happened thousands of years ago when all people lived in relative peace and the place was quite prosperous.

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Saying "French" and "arrogant" is just redundant so he definitely just meant the "Jews" part.

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