Aug 15Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Who had Mpox for election season on their Bingo card?

Personally I was rooting for birdie flu flu.

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Haha, I wasn't sure which one, but I wrote about both of them. Who knows, they could bring in Bird Flu, too.

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Aug 15Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

No fear. Only faith. I have made my choice.

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That’s really the only choice we have.

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Aug 15Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Freud participated in autopsies of babies and small children and was aware their injuries were from sexual assault. He was warned by powerful people he would have no career if he reported it. So he stayed mum. Sound familiar? Another medical gutless wonder.

Maybe those women he diagnosed as neurotic and suffering from a sexual desire for their daddys were adults who survived the sexual assault as infants. Did he make a career of blaming the victims?


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He was definitely very twisted.

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fwiw my knowledge of Freud, twisted an' wrong-headed an' neurotic a quack tho' he was an' having studied some of his stuff back in the day in college--shows zero evidence of him participatin' in any autopsies includin' of babies let alone sexually assaulted ones. He DID say that babies are all "polymorphously perverse" an' he ruined a patient's face/nose by treatin' it with cocaine--so like I said--quack with some sexual hangups--but no doin' autopsies on abused babies afaik--a link would be appreciated if I'm incorrect...

Kinsey, however (a far darker American who had literal deviate Nazis experiment sexually on babies) saw lots of dark stuff that got turned into the current dystopian sexual revolution.

All that said, while folks throw out Freud (deservedly in many ways) as an "mo" of practical analysis--some of the most fascinatin' creative works were written / made usin' the pseudo symbolism of Freud--Dali comes ta mind (ergo Hitchcock) an' ta some degree the surrealists in general--filmmakers, poets, writers. So if ONLY his wackdoodle idears were kept in the vein of other crazy "visionaries" who were considered as such--(Bataille, Baudrillard, Artaud, even Shelley etc etc) had he existed more in the realm of art...not medicine an' not mainstreamed...then mebbe his fever dreams still could have inspired artists an' not done serious harm to MINDS.

Still--it's quite the fambly....

His good' ol nephew Bernays is indeed the founder of all the systematized proper-gander that got free folks to the point of lovin' lock downs, lock ups, an' lockin' out minds of freethinkin' sane folks. His nephew Lucian (is?) an amazin' painter if a bit...er...lurid. An' I'm a fan of the simple artwork of his niece Tom Seidman Freud--she has some "early" gender issues (likely just a gay lady)--but had a sad ending. Her children's books are totally charming though! What a fambly (egads!)

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I WELCOME & even celebrate this!

Now we will know how many people are 'awake' and to what extent.

I estimate it is enough to do some 'damage' and to finally bring WWIII (which has been raging at least for 4.5 years now but according to some since as far back as 1954) to a resolution one way or another.

We can't continue living like this!

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Yes! Might as well look at it with a positive attitude!

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Aug 15Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek


We knew this day was coming…

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Aug 15Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Total psychotic lunatic moronic criminals

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Aug 15Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

"Especially when psychiatrists are no better off mentally than those they are treating—and often much worse off."

Can confirm. I have a family member that was in the field for 30+ years. They're currently living in a dilapidated home with an abusive alcoholic, a hoard of useless junk, and bedbugs. It's disgusting and no one goes to visit them anymore. They're certainly the craziest person in our family at the moment. Sad.

Anyway, you have a very clear and pleasant voice, I did not read this, but listened. It is very soft and soothing. Thanks. 👏

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ABA DABA HONEYMOON --this is all I hear in my head when Monkeypox is mentioned! (One of the most adorably absurd songs 'bout Monkey Talk!) I just simply cannot wrap my brain around yet a new monkeyed plandemic--it's really insane! (enjoy the song--it's Debbie Reynolds!

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xBLutEJg-Jk )

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Aug 15Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Thank you, Karen. Yes, I do feel like the inmates are running the asylum.

Great advice to turn off the machine. And may God Bless You, too.

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Aug 15Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Our current international public health experts are just as malign as Freud.

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Aug 15Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Thanks for speaking out against Fraud, oops, Freudian slip, and psychoanalysis. The clients who come to me for coaching and healing, after years of psychotherapy, talk the talk (they sure learn the jargon and can go on about it endlessly, intellectualizing everything!), but are usually rather messed up. It takes longer to help them than people who haven't undergone that kind of mindf.ckery.

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Aug 16Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Very uplifting. Despite the gross attempts at manipulation.

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Aug 16Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

🐒 When they say children are getting it, I say how?

1) you stop minors from banging each other through law enforcement and culture and family

2) you stop adults from having sex with children through law enforcement and culture and family

Is the WHO admitting adults are spreading monkey pox to children?

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I don't think they're saying that. They're saying close proximity is now spreading it instead of just by sexual contact.

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Aug 16Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

It’s Moneypox aint it?

Szasz writings are awesome. The Outlier Shrink.

Institutional psychiatry is a continuation of the Inquisition.

~ Dr. Thomas Szasz

"They could pull one out of a hat." That wd be Bunny Pox. Remedy: Carrot Vaxx

Thanks KH always interested in the "history of shrink."

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Aug 15·edited Aug 15Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

I love the way you write and by the way I specifically read your stuff I don't listen to you do the audio because reading is a discipline and helps keep me sharp, I'm thankful you do all this research so we don't have to and I do believe the World Economic Forum and all of their tentacles including the World Health Organization is ginning all of this stuff up precisely to control the masses, you know the "useless eaters" like us ...whether it's monkeypox, smallpox etc etc...like you said fear controls people and that's what they want..control....maranatha!!

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Thanks for the encouragement. God Bless!

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Aug 15Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Kinsey, his work and his associates were sick! There so called experiments were all child abuse. It’s unbelievable that that crap is considered science.

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