This was so good, Karen! I never believed boycotts worked. And conservatives seem to blindly do what they are told by their own big names. It's all such a pathetic joke. You are 100% correct....this is a spiritual battle. And it is for our children. Just found out our local library is having a Drag Queen story hour in ten days for children age 0-6. I'm disgusted. They tried this last Fall but it got cancelled. I complained yesterday. Now thinking I'll have to show up if this isn't cancelled. I'll be on my knees until then.
Ugh, I'm so sorry. I would be so interested to talk to parent who attend and find out their reasons for supporting this madness. But like most things these days, there are no rational reasons, sometimes I wonder if people are already chipped, we just don't realize it.
People don't need chips to be mind controlled. Just appeal to their greed by undermining their reality testing with constant fear.
Aside: can you imagine the psychosis running wild when people's reality testing is under constant assault by the VR chip in their head? Who needs zombies.
I'm now imagining a sci-fi where hackers control large groups of people and fight each other...
You are spot on. The only way to beat them is to stop playing their games. This requires using rusty thinking skills and weaning off from outrage addiction.
Excellent take on what’s really happening. I wish conservatives could just ignore all the satanic nonsense the left is throwing at us. Boycott silently the stores, msm, entertainment that offends you but don’t make a big deal about it. Don’t let them manipulate you (us) into responding to their ridiculous behavior. Ignoring the idiots hurts them worse than confrontation.
Find a spiritual solution. God listens to prayers and acts on them. Prayer is talking to God, meditation is listening to God. Follow His path and see the Truth.
Teach your children morals and about God. Emmet Fox is an excellent source of spiritual literature and practical ways to pray, understand and connect to God.
Here is The Golden Key prayer. I also highly recommend Sermon on the Mount
Exactly. We are being manipulated and au fond, its all for the money game they play. Black Rock does it deliberately...then they bet on the competition, scoop up the stock rise, and buy the loser at pennies on the dollar. Then they will do the reverse.
We are all putty in their hands because we don't understand or play the game.
I enjoy your commentary, but you missed the point in this one. Sure, consumerism and elites are connected. Sure, it’s possible that some elitist wants Wal-Mart to beat Target, or Heineken to beat Bud.. but none of that matters -at all. What matters is that when we make sick evil practices toxic to brands, that helps. Look a Twitter, and how it allowed over 175m people to see truth in What Is a Woman, something restricted for a year. Sure maybe Elon has ulterior motives.. that line of thinking is endless. God can and does use people to accomplish his Will.. read the Bible, everyone was used for a purpose. Have faith. Standing for principles ensures that manipulative behavior doesn’t matter.
I'm aware many people will not agree with me here. You're absolutely right in that, as I say, it's all a game to these elites. I am pointing out how people fall right into their trap of thinking that boycotts matter, when they really don't--and not only boycotts. There are much deeper issues at stake. As Charlotte Ruse said in her comment, the important part is about Elon Musk's Neuralink and how people actually think he is for free speech. But if people cannot first see how they are being manipulated by the media, they will not get the deeper issues that are at stake here. We have been herded into a sort of prison on Twitter where there is very little engagement with anyone other than those who parrot the same ideas. What is a Woman was preaching to the choir--something that I do not belittle because we all need to be informed and we all need encouragement. However, it has not convinced anyone outside of that bubble. And the most important thing is that they don't care about us adults, they are after the children. These culture wars are being pushed in our faces for a reason. To give the false impression that because we can speak out on Twitter or in these conservative spaces, we have "free speech" when it's a carefully crafted illusion. I have faith, of course, I do, in the truth. Of course, as a believer, I have faith that God will win. But God doesn't fight on these earthly terms. If we are honest, then we will not follow what the media tells us to boycott, but we will refuse to bend to the will of these earthly gods when it really matters. The stage is being set to imprison those who spread 'disinformation'. That is when we will see what we are made of. To stand up and speak the truth when there are such dire consequences, that is when it will matter. Anyway, I appreciate the dialogue and we don't have to agree on everything. It's good to have a bit of back and forth on issues. I think my Neuralink piece will give more clarity.
Just don’t make the mistake of assuming that others don’t see the forest for the trees. I personally know dozens of people who have been convinced by the basic principles that Matt Walsh presents. You assume everyone is in the same bubble’s but they aren’t. Sure there are many leftists who cannot, and frankly will not examine what they believe, because the house of cards would crash and they will fight tooth and nail to avoid that. Likewise, are many on the right following the cult of Trump, same applies. But that’s the 20% on each end. The 60% in the middle are reachable. I don’t worry about Elon, getting a computer brain link installed? Very few would risk it. It’s obvious. It isn’t subtle. But being convinced that denying truth is kindness, that’s a real danger effecting us all. These boycotts matter, they are huge in fact. Their impact is incalculable. Because their impact isn’t about just economics. If you think they don’t matter, then you are missing the bigger picture. We are all in bubbles, the first step is to recognize it, and do the right thing and speak the truth regardless. You never know where those seeds will fall. Keep up the good work, I will be praying for you.
You continue to say these matter, but you're not showing me how they matter.
If the premise of the essay is that the "gods" manipulate thru such politically charged issues and profit on both/all sides, then whether the "truth" is exposed or not, they still profit, they still manipulate, they still stir the pot, rile the people, etc. That funds their ulterior motives--our children.
The battle, as described, is for the children. The arguments stoked by the companies and the masters of the universe are a distraction from that. We may be able to see the truth, we may be able to convince ourselves, we may state principals loudly and clearly, but the children are being led into the fire while we do so.
You may not worry about the "brain chip" as you believe it to be too risky and too obvious. But our children are already primed and eager to be trans-human; to possess super powers; to live virtually; to shape shift; to never want, never lack, never struggle; to be whatever they "feel" like.
They are not after us, they are after our children, and happily watch as we continually argue about what is truth with every single issue they throw out for our consumption.
Ok, I will assume you are being serious, so let’s discuss. How do boycotts work? Well for starters they send a message. That message is that if companies spit on our values we will vote with our wallets. To say that doesn’t matter means that you have no business experience at all. Of course it matters. Have you ever worked anywhere? Been in meetings where you have to explain why you are losing money, or missing your numbers? Trust me, people that once felt they could push their ideology without consequences are re-thinking that right now. I have seen hundreds of companies forgo their rainbow logos this year. Does that matter? Yes it does. The point of these satanic ideologies is that they want to normalize deviancy as normal and make traditional values seem like the outlier. Does that matter? Are you implying that it doesn’t? You see, none of this is about macro economics it’s about culture. When a few people stand up, then millions of others can too. Does that matter?
Lastly, it matters because it forces the conversation. Why do so many people oppose gender ideology? That conversation requires those who are pushing this to actually talk about it. When they talk about it they expose their insanity for all to see. That is the key to cultural change. That’s why it matters, a lot!
As far as macro economics no one of forcing you into consumerism. As far as your kids go, if they are willing to embrace trans humanism then we can point to terrible parents.
Let's just ignore your arrogance while we debate the issues so as not to get derailed.
As written in the first part of the essay, the masters of the universe are just as happy if you boycott Bud Light, since they bought Heineken for that express purpose, and the other brewers also increased their revenues. Same for Walmart-Target. Same for Disney-Marvel. Same for ... They are deliberate in profiting from the conflict. They create the conflict for that very purpose.
Cultural issues can just as easily become pharma issues, or political issues, or war issues, or any other "crisis of the day" to profit from.
You can dismiss the intent of tranhumanism as "terrible parents" but you could say that about anything. You can dismiss it as "culture" instead of consumerism. That entirely misses the point that all aspects of society--social, medical, cultural, economic, political, religious--all are being manipulated into transhumanism, and the purpose of it is to capture the children and profit from it.
There's no need to debate any further. I sincerely hope many many more latch onto your vigorous opposition and push back. In my view, that's smoke and the fire burns behind it all.
Second, this isn’t a battle for or against the elites. It’s a battle for the hearts and minds of the masses, to stand up to the elites. We already know who the elites are, what they want. But their entire plan depends on the masses being compliant. Literally no one cares which beer companies make money, or who owns them, unless you are making a case against drinking beer at all.
So, to dismiss the huge and significant cultural shift that is waking people up, is silly and shortsighted. We take victories where we can, and Bud Light backlash was a massive cultural victory. It signifies that we are no longer asleep.
So, by all means continue your futile assault on the cabal, and your pessimistic view of life, while the rest of us start stirring and waking up and becoming less afraid of labels and find our voice. Only a fool would see that shift as meaningless.
Best wishes and please sip the Kool-aid, not guzzle it. For all the Q type conspiracy theories out there, they have accomplished nothing. Baby steps and if waking people up and punishing some brands to make the rest more cautious about selling their souls is all that is accomplished with a boycott, that’s actually doing something.
Such a clear voice, you are, Karen. Yes, we're most definitely being played. The entire consumer game is a con to keep us in the maze. We gotta make our own stuff!! And I bet Gates' new Heineken will have a dose of mRNA and GO for its happy thirst-quenchers.
Thank God I have been able to resist the twit, as I just called it earlier today to a friend. I would live there if I entered the space: total addiction. I need to mind my own business, and that is hard enough to do with vast and compelling substack writing, and all the comment rooms...
Not gonna lie, I've been a twitter addict, even as I have felt it manipulating me. Somehow, lately, the contrast is even more stark. I'm noticing the machine. So I try to limit my responses and likes, and when I do say something, often it is ridiculous. AI doesn't have a sense of humor. Maybe we can confound the machine with our own silliness?
I wouldn't drink watered down beer like Bud Light anyway. Once you've had craft beer you don't go back. Micro breweries are popping up like mushrooms everywhere. Some also package their product so you can buy it at your local grocery. Support small local business whenever you can.
I sure HOPE Ameri-cans ain't bein' fooled inta supportin' Walmart--there are tunnels (for traffickin', for military ops / smugglin') under MOST of 'em. Many viddeyos on the net about it. AND THAT is the Co. that signed up with FEMA camps to lock us all up fer the next plandemic, climate emergency, etc. Don't spend yer money there! I know regular folks work at Walmart cuz the mom n' pop stores are shuttered, but unlike some older American once-decent brands, this store features toxic CCP-made junk prod-ducks so it sure ain't the place ta run to.
As ya said, we gotta eschew ALL them BIG Corp. entities--from the unicompany!
I don’t think enough people understand how the stock market and investing works . When you understand it , you will understand that the the investor class controls our government and the economy. And what you described is a common tactic . Using the media to influence the market is nothing new. What is fairly new is using AI to invest . The rich will get unimaginably richer . Prices will rise. People who don’t invest will not be able to keep up . Enter universal basic income.
The key here is a manipulative deceit - regardless whether it seems to be 'them' or 'us' or Satan or Survival. Awareness of manipulative intent is different to being manipulated by the very mind set up to get what you think or fear to lack. Beneath the masking of manipulation is the beliefs that are masked by it as a temporary 'solution' to a loss of peace or connected being. It will never provide but illusions of getting that break down to a reinforced sense of the undercurrent beliefs - that may never have been consciously formulated, as most are set by psychic emotional adaptations to the specific circumstances of family, culture & world.
The uncovering of relational integrity in place of a war or conflict of getting - masked in social ritual 'solutions' is through what we give - not the form of what we seem to get.
Giving a true regard is naturally from a living one to a living world. The projections of getting or being got are the past that is stamped on the present (really it is reset in the present) so that a face of control can defend a sense of vulnerability to fear or pain of loss set in grievances that are part of our sense of self-belief. Running as proxy for the being that we are - not just body & mind but as a whole life and world that is more aptly the embodiment of Soul - an idea that is embracing place and time rather than confined and subjected to being fragmented or dissociated to a 'casting out' to a split mind of thought & feeling set in conflict.
This was so good, Karen! I never believed boycotts worked. And conservatives seem to blindly do what they are told by their own big names. It's all such a pathetic joke. You are 100% correct....this is a spiritual battle. And it is for our children. Just found out our local library is having a Drag Queen story hour in ten days for children age 0-6. I'm disgusted. They tried this last Fall but it got cancelled. I complained yesterday. Now thinking I'll have to show up if this isn't cancelled. I'll be on my knees until then.
Ugh, I'm so sorry. I would be so interested to talk to parent who attend and find out their reasons for supporting this madness. But like most things these days, there are no rational reasons, sometimes I wonder if people are already chipped, we just don't realize it.
People don't need chips to be mind controlled. Just appeal to their greed by undermining their reality testing with constant fear.
Aside: can you imagine the psychosis running wild when people's reality testing is under constant assault by the VR chip in their head? Who needs zombies.
I'm now imagining a sci-fi where hackers control large groups of people and fight each other...
That's what I was thinking. Perhaps there is already something in them. 🤷🏻♀️ I am hoping there is a public push back and it is cancelled.
You are spot on. The only way to beat them is to stop playing their games. This requires using rusty thinking skills and weaning off from outrage addiction.
Excellent take on what’s really happening. I wish conservatives could just ignore all the satanic nonsense the left is throwing at us. Boycott silently the stores, msm, entertainment that offends you but don’t make a big deal about it. Don’t let them manipulate you (us) into responding to their ridiculous behavior. Ignoring the idiots hurts them worse than confrontation.
Find a spiritual solution. God listens to prayers and acts on them. Prayer is talking to God, meditation is listening to God. Follow His path and see the Truth.
Teach your children morals and about God. Emmet Fox is an excellent source of spiritual literature and practical ways to pray, understand and connect to God.
Here is The Golden Key prayer. I also highly recommend Sermon on the Mount
Exactly. We are being manipulated and au fond, its all for the money game they play. Black Rock does it deliberately...then they bet on the competition, scoop up the stock rise, and buy the loser at pennies on the dollar. Then they will do the reverse.
We are all putty in their hands because we don't understand or play the game.
Buy local, support your local farmer and stores and try not to buy from any multinational corporation.
That's right!
I enjoy your commentary, but you missed the point in this one. Sure, consumerism and elites are connected. Sure, it’s possible that some elitist wants Wal-Mart to beat Target, or Heineken to beat Bud.. but none of that matters -at all. What matters is that when we make sick evil practices toxic to brands, that helps. Look a Twitter, and how it allowed over 175m people to see truth in What Is a Woman, something restricted for a year. Sure maybe Elon has ulterior motives.. that line of thinking is endless. God can and does use people to accomplish his Will.. read the Bible, everyone was used for a purpose. Have faith. Standing for principles ensures that manipulative behavior doesn’t matter.
I'm aware many people will not agree with me here. You're absolutely right in that, as I say, it's all a game to these elites. I am pointing out how people fall right into their trap of thinking that boycotts matter, when they really don't--and not only boycotts. There are much deeper issues at stake. As Charlotte Ruse said in her comment, the important part is about Elon Musk's Neuralink and how people actually think he is for free speech. But if people cannot first see how they are being manipulated by the media, they will not get the deeper issues that are at stake here. We have been herded into a sort of prison on Twitter where there is very little engagement with anyone other than those who parrot the same ideas. What is a Woman was preaching to the choir--something that I do not belittle because we all need to be informed and we all need encouragement. However, it has not convinced anyone outside of that bubble. And the most important thing is that they don't care about us adults, they are after the children. These culture wars are being pushed in our faces for a reason. To give the false impression that because we can speak out on Twitter or in these conservative spaces, we have "free speech" when it's a carefully crafted illusion. I have faith, of course, I do, in the truth. Of course, as a believer, I have faith that God will win. But God doesn't fight on these earthly terms. If we are honest, then we will not follow what the media tells us to boycott, but we will refuse to bend to the will of these earthly gods when it really matters. The stage is being set to imprison those who spread 'disinformation'. That is when we will see what we are made of. To stand up and speak the truth when there are such dire consequences, that is when it will matter. Anyway, I appreciate the dialogue and we don't have to agree on everything. It's good to have a bit of back and forth on issues. I think my Neuralink piece will give more clarity.
Just don’t make the mistake of assuming that others don’t see the forest for the trees. I personally know dozens of people who have been convinced by the basic principles that Matt Walsh presents. You assume everyone is in the same bubble’s but they aren’t. Sure there are many leftists who cannot, and frankly will not examine what they believe, because the house of cards would crash and they will fight tooth and nail to avoid that. Likewise, are many on the right following the cult of Trump, same applies. But that’s the 20% on each end. The 60% in the middle are reachable. I don’t worry about Elon, getting a computer brain link installed? Very few would risk it. It’s obvious. It isn’t subtle. But being convinced that denying truth is kindness, that’s a real danger effecting us all. These boycotts matter, they are huge in fact. Their impact is incalculable. Because their impact isn’t about just economics. If you think they don’t matter, then you are missing the bigger picture. We are all in bubbles, the first step is to recognize it, and do the right thing and speak the truth regardless. You never know where those seeds will fall. Keep up the good work, I will be praying for you.
You continue to say these matter, but you're not showing me how they matter.
If the premise of the essay is that the "gods" manipulate thru such politically charged issues and profit on both/all sides, then whether the "truth" is exposed or not, they still profit, they still manipulate, they still stir the pot, rile the people, etc. That funds their ulterior motives--our children.
The battle, as described, is for the children. The arguments stoked by the companies and the masters of the universe are a distraction from that. We may be able to see the truth, we may be able to convince ourselves, we may state principals loudly and clearly, but the children are being led into the fire while we do so.
You may not worry about the "brain chip" as you believe it to be too risky and too obvious. But our children are already primed and eager to be trans-human; to possess super powers; to live virtually; to shape shift; to never want, never lack, never struggle; to be whatever they "feel" like.
They are not after us, they are after our children, and happily watch as we continually argue about what is truth with every single issue they throw out for our consumption.
Ok, I will assume you are being serious, so let’s discuss. How do boycotts work? Well for starters they send a message. That message is that if companies spit on our values we will vote with our wallets. To say that doesn’t matter means that you have no business experience at all. Of course it matters. Have you ever worked anywhere? Been in meetings where you have to explain why you are losing money, or missing your numbers? Trust me, people that once felt they could push their ideology without consequences are re-thinking that right now. I have seen hundreds of companies forgo their rainbow logos this year. Does that matter? Yes it does. The point of these satanic ideologies is that they want to normalize deviancy as normal and make traditional values seem like the outlier. Does that matter? Are you implying that it doesn’t? You see, none of this is about macro economics it’s about culture. When a few people stand up, then millions of others can too. Does that matter?
Lastly, it matters because it forces the conversation. Why do so many people oppose gender ideology? That conversation requires those who are pushing this to actually talk about it. When they talk about it they expose their insanity for all to see. That is the key to cultural change. That’s why it matters, a lot!
As far as macro economics no one of forcing you into consumerism. As far as your kids go, if they are willing to embrace trans humanism then we can point to terrible parents.
Let's just ignore your arrogance while we debate the issues so as not to get derailed.
As written in the first part of the essay, the masters of the universe are just as happy if you boycott Bud Light, since they bought Heineken for that express purpose, and the other brewers also increased their revenues. Same for Walmart-Target. Same for Disney-Marvel. Same for ... They are deliberate in profiting from the conflict. They create the conflict for that very purpose.
Cultural issues can just as easily become pharma issues, or political issues, or war issues, or any other "crisis of the day" to profit from.
You can dismiss the intent of tranhumanism as "terrible parents" but you could say that about anything. You can dismiss it as "culture" instead of consumerism. That entirely misses the point that all aspects of society--social, medical, cultural, economic, political, religious--all are being manipulated into transhumanism, and the purpose of it is to capture the children and profit from it.
There's no need to debate any further. I sincerely hope many many more latch onto your vigorous opposition and push back. In my view, that's smoke and the fire burns behind it all.
Using the term “arrogance” isn’t helpful.
Second, this isn’t a battle for or against the elites. It’s a battle for the hearts and minds of the masses, to stand up to the elites. We already know who the elites are, what they want. But their entire plan depends on the masses being compliant. Literally no one cares which beer companies make money, or who owns them, unless you are making a case against drinking beer at all.
So, to dismiss the huge and significant cultural shift that is waking people up, is silly and shortsighted. We take victories where we can, and Bud Light backlash was a massive cultural victory. It signifies that we are no longer asleep.
So, by all means continue your futile assault on the cabal, and your pessimistic view of life, while the rest of us start stirring and waking up and becoming less afraid of labels and find our voice. Only a fool would see that shift as meaningless.
Best wishes and please sip the Kool-aid, not guzzle it. For all the Q type conspiracy theories out there, they have accomplished nothing. Baby steps and if waking people up and punishing some brands to make the rest more cautious about selling their souls is all that is accomplished with a boycott, that’s actually doing something.
Such a clear voice, you are, Karen. Yes, we're most definitely being played. The entire consumer game is a con to keep us in the maze. We gotta make our own stuff!! And I bet Gates' new Heineken will have a dose of mRNA and GO for its happy thirst-quenchers.
Thank God I have been able to resist the twit, as I just called it earlier today to a friend. I would live there if I entered the space: total addiction. I need to mind my own business, and that is hard enough to do with vast and compelling substack writing, and all the comment rooms...
Not gonna lie, I've been a twitter addict, even as I have felt it manipulating me. Somehow, lately, the contrast is even more stark. I'm noticing the machine. So I try to limit my responses and likes, and when I do say something, often it is ridiculous. AI doesn't have a sense of humor. Maybe we can confound the machine with our own silliness?
Haha, yep, I think future generations will find ways to confound the machine. I'm sure of it.
Modern Man:
this confused
and perplexed ape
that wants to ape
and thus rape
its Creator
we can be better
than that
we can do better
than that
we can become
the monkey
in The Vast Machine
we can become
the godhead
in the flesh of God—
Being lied to by both sides yes! Choose a different option than the ones they give us, those do exist ❤️
I’m so thankful for your subscription with access to THE truth! I fell for the beer scam.
Also, the Joker meme is superbly apropos!
The Joker just came to me and I thought the same.
I wouldn't drink watered down beer like Bud Light anyway. Once you've had craft beer you don't go back. Micro breweries are popping up like mushrooms everywhere. Some also package their product so you can buy it at your local grocery. Support small local business whenever you can.
What can be the attraction of Desmond.
Spooky if that's a role model.
You're so right. I don't get it either.
I sure HOPE Ameri-cans ain't bein' fooled inta supportin' Walmart--there are tunnels (for traffickin', for military ops / smugglin') under MOST of 'em. Many viddeyos on the net about it. AND THAT is the Co. that signed up with FEMA camps to lock us all up fer the next plandemic, climate emergency, etc. Don't spend yer money there! I know regular folks work at Walmart cuz the mom n' pop stores are shuttered, but unlike some older American once-decent brands, this store features toxic CCP-made junk prod-ducks so it sure ain't the place ta run to.
As ya said, we gotta eschew ALL them BIG Corp. entities--from the unicompany!
I don’t think enough people understand how the stock market and investing works . When you understand it , you will understand that the the investor class controls our government and the economy. And what you described is a common tactic . Using the media to influence the market is nothing new. What is fairly new is using AI to invest . The rich will get unimaginably richer . Prices will rise. People who don’t invest will not be able to keep up . Enter universal basic income.
The key here is a manipulative deceit - regardless whether it seems to be 'them' or 'us' or Satan or Survival. Awareness of manipulative intent is different to being manipulated by the very mind set up to get what you think or fear to lack. Beneath the masking of manipulation is the beliefs that are masked by it as a temporary 'solution' to a loss of peace or connected being. It will never provide but illusions of getting that break down to a reinforced sense of the undercurrent beliefs - that may never have been consciously formulated, as most are set by psychic emotional adaptations to the specific circumstances of family, culture & world.
The uncovering of relational integrity in place of a war or conflict of getting - masked in social ritual 'solutions' is through what we give - not the form of what we seem to get.
Giving a true regard is naturally from a living one to a living world. The projections of getting or being got are the past that is stamped on the present (really it is reset in the present) so that a face of control can defend a sense of vulnerability to fear or pain of loss set in grievances that are part of our sense of self-belief. Running as proxy for the being that we are - not just body & mind but as a whole life and world that is more aptly the embodiment of Soul - an idea that is embracing place and time rather than confined and subjected to being fragmented or dissociated to a 'casting out' to a split mind of thought & feeling set in conflict.