Yes, Karen I have read this essay. It is the basis for my comment. Let's just agree to disagree.

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I sure HOPE Ameri-cans ain't bein' fooled inta supportin' Walmart--there are tunnels (for traffickin', for military ops / smugglin') under MOST of 'em. Many viddeyos on the net about it. AND THAT is the Co. that signed up with FEMA camps to lock us all up fer the next plandemic, climate emergency, etc. Don't spend yer money there! I know regular folks work at Walmart cuz the mom n' pop stores are shuttered, but unlike some older American once-decent brands, this store features toxic CCP-made junk prod-ducks so it sure ain't the place ta run to.

As ya said, we gotta eschew ALL them BIG Corp. entities--from the unicompany!

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Enjoyed reading the truths you talk about in this essay. However, one subject left me wondering about the bee you have in your bonnet about Elon Musk. Personally, if I had to chose between Gates and Musk, when the chips are down, Musk would get my vote - hands down.

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I've written a. Umber of essays making it very clear why I do not trust Elon Musk. Here's one of them. I Dream of Musk. https://open.substack.com/pub/khmezek/p/i-dream-of-musk-6b4?utm_source=direct&r=b1xjd&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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Jun 7, 2023Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Being lied to by both sides yes! Choose a different option than the ones they give us, those do exist ❤️

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I am from St. Louis. AB is a big employer. I smelled a rat from day one. Watching the marketing person, I thought of Marcuse's statements that while women are social constructs, their 'cultural constructs' are useful to obtain their objectives. Coors is worse.

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Jun 6, 2023Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

I’m so thankful for your subscription with access to THE truth! I fell for the beer scam.

Also, the Joker meme is superbly apropos!

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The Joker just came to me and I thought the same.

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Being a contributor to the American Farmers Fund, I'm looking forward to reading this essay.

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Buy local, support your local farmer and stores and try not to buy from any multinational corporation.

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That's right!

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I don’t think enough people understand how the stock market and investing works . When you understand it , you will understand that the the investor class controls our government and the economy. And what you described is a common tactic . Using the media to influence the market is nothing new. What is fairly new is using AI to invest . The rich will get unimaginably richer . Prices will rise. People who don’t invest will not be able to keep up . Enter universal basic income.

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You are spot on. The only way to beat them is to stop playing their games. This requires using rusty thinking skills and weaning off from outrage addiction.

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I think our side needs to stop using the View in their memes. It gives them way more than coverage than they get from daily viewers.

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. . . as well as making no digital record of the results that arise from those de-rusted thinking skills!

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Jun 6, 2023Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Excellent take on what’s really happening. I wish conservatives could just ignore all the satanic nonsense the left is throwing at us. Boycott silently the stores, msm, entertainment that offends you but don’t make a big deal about it. Don’t let them manipulate you (us) into responding to their ridiculous behavior. Ignoring the idiots hurts them worse than confrontation.

Find a spiritual solution. God listens to prayers and acts on them. Prayer is talking to God, meditation is listening to God. Follow His path and see the Truth.

Teach your children morals and about God. Emmet Fox is an excellent source of spiritual literature and practical ways to pray, understand and connect to God.

Here is The Golden Key prayer. I also highly recommend Sermon on the Mount

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"Ignoring the idiots hurts them worse than confrontation."


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Jun 6, 2023Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

I wouldn't drink watered down beer like Bud Light anyway. Once you've had craft beer you don't go back. Micro breweries are popping up like mushrooms everywhere. Some also package their product so you can buy it at your local grocery. Support small local business whenever you can.

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Jun 6, 2023Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

What can be the attraction of Desmond.

Spooky if that's a role model.

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You're so right. I don't get it either.

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Jun 6, 2023Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Exactly. We are being manipulated and au fond, its all for the money game they play. Black Rock does it deliberately...then they bet on the competition, scoop up the stock rise, and buy the loser at pennies on the dollar. Then they will do the reverse.

We are all putty in their hands because we don't understand or play the game.

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Jun 6, 2023Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

The key here is a manipulative deceit - regardless whether it seems to be 'them' or 'us' or Satan or Survival. Awareness of manipulative intent is different to being manipulated by the very mind set up to get what you think or fear to lack. Beneath the masking of manipulation is the beliefs that are masked by it as a temporary 'solution' to a loss of peace or connected being. It will never provide but illusions of getting that break down to a reinforced sense of the undercurrent beliefs - that may never have been consciously formulated, as most are set by psychic emotional adaptations to the specific circumstances of family, culture & world.

The uncovering of relational integrity in place of a war or conflict of getting - masked in social ritual 'solutions' is through what we give - not the form of what we seem to get.

Giving a true regard is naturally from a living one to a living world. The projections of getting or being got are the past that is stamped on the present (really it is reset in the present) so that a face of control can defend a sense of vulnerability to fear or pain of loss set in grievances that are part of our sense of self-belief. Running as proxy for the being that we are - not just body & mind but as a whole life and world that is more aptly the embodiment of Soul - an idea that is embracing place and time rather than confined and subjected to being fragmented or dissociated to a 'casting out' to a split mind of thought & feeling set in conflict.

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Jun 6, 2023Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Such a clear voice, you are, Karen. Yes, we're most definitely being played. The entire consumer game is a con to keep us in the maze. We gotta make our own stuff!! And I bet Gates' new Heineken will have a dose of mRNA and GO for its happy thirst-quenchers.

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