It's all a Game to the Likes of Bill Gates (Why so Serious?)
Are conservatives being manipulated to boycott certain products in the same way liberals are manipulated to wave a BLM or a Ukrainian flag?

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I had to write this quick post after I read an enlightening article today, because I really want my readers and listeners to understand how it works on Mount Olympus among the “gods”.
This is a difficult concept to grasp and not a popular one. But since when was the truth popular? I guess I can say I now know what it’s like to be a “voice crying in the wilderness”. It’s lonely out there!
To recap, in my essay Bursting the Conservative Bubble, I explain that the billions Bud Lite lost in the Mulvaney controversy is a meaningless drop in the bucket.
“Anheuser-Busch’s competitors are guzzling market shares with Coors Light up 23.2% in the week ended May 13 compared to a bump of 22.2% the previous week. Sales of Modelo Especial – the second most popular beer brand in the US with more than $3.7 billion in sales last year – are up by 10% in the most recent week compared to a 5% increase the previous week”.
And to prove my point, today, you can read this:
Billionaire and Microsoft Corp. Co-Founder Bill Gates continues to make waves with his latest venture into the beer industry. Gates made headlines by acquiring a substantial stake in Heineken Holding NV (OTC:HEINY), a Dutch company worth nearly $1 billion.
The transaction, which occurred on Feb. 17, involved Gates purchasing 10.8 million shares valued at $939.87 million, according to the filing by the Netherlands’ Financial Markets Authority (AFM). The acquisition coincided with the significant sale of Heineken shares by FEMSA, the company’s major Mexican shareholder. The well-timed investment comes just a short time before the controversy surrounding Anheuser-Busch (NYSE:BUD), meaning the billionaire could end up seeing a bump as Anheuser-Busch continues to slide.
Mind you, Bill Gates has confessed to being “not much of a beer-drinker.” Of course, he isn’t! As I quote Biggy Smalls in my essay, So, You Wanna Be a Kingpin?,
“Never get high on your own supply.”
These guys don’t care about the product, or the environment, or ‘equity’, or health and safety. They don’t care about ‘tans rights’ either. Those are the things they want conservatives and liberals to care about and also to argue about. Imagine, conservatives are now all hot and bothered about Bud Lite because they think the product has not lived up the promises of “fulfillment” they have been brainwashed by marketing experts into thinking that the product gives them.
If you think about it, it’s all ridiculous that we would attach such emotion to a beer or a bathing suit or a cosmetic cream, or anything that is foisted upon us by these greedy merchants of death. Meanwhile, they are laughing all the way to the bank.
Many of Bud Lite’s competitors are not only seeing a substantial bump due to the popular company’s decline, but saw massive stock spikes following the boycotts. For example, companies like Molson Coor Beverage Co. (NYSE:TAP) are up 18% in the past 12 months, including a 15% rally in April alone. The company makes the popular beer brands “Coors” and “Molson.” Similarly, Miller Industries Inc. (NYSE:MLR) is up a staggering 36% in the past 12 months.
Again, sorry to burst the conservative bubble but we need to understand how this works. These elites do NOT want you looking at the battle from this perspective.
If they lose the power to make you desire things, they lose the war.
No, boycotts do not mean much, except to keep conservatives busy and give them a virtuous sense that they are “doing something”.
That said, okay, yes, boycott these companies. Refuse to use their products. Of course, this is what we must do if we aren’t hypocrites. But if that’s the case, I must ask a difficult question.
How far are we willing to go? Will we only boycott the products that we are now, suddenly, being told to boycott by the media?
By this point we should be attuned to how the media manipulates us. How is this any different from a liberal waving a BLM or a Ukrainian flag, like a Pavlovian mouse who’s been trained to respond to certain stimuli?
Because let’s be honest. Every single product we use is tainted! Many much more so than that “tuck-friendly” swimming suit for kids at Target.
In fact, wait a minute. No such product exists. It’s just a game, folks. If you can find the swimwear, please share it with me. This just makes us a laughingstock. How easily we are manipulated into making a big fuss about one more button-pushing lie.
Remember how in my last essay I talked about Matt Walsh and how much I really liked his film What is a Woman.
But how now, after its huge success, he regurgitates video after video of the same distracting stuff about the most over-the-top weirdos like Jeffrey March and Dylan Mulvaney—two social media stars your kids will never watch—
—but that are meant to keep you as parents busy while your children are entranced by the cool influencers who are conditioning them to become trans humans, while you worry about nonexistent tuck friendly children’s swimwear.
“Desmond is Amazing” is a kid your kids might know about.
He’s selling kids more than just products, he is selling them the lie of transhumanism. It’s very sad watching this because he does not seem to be all there, as if he is heavily medicated. How is he reaching his millions of young followers? On their smart devices.
Why don’t conservatives boycott Apple I-phones, for example. Wasn’t it clear from the get-go, when it was marketed as an apple with a bite out of it? Every single Christian on the planet should have gotten the message because it sure wasn’t hidden. But no one did anything. Rather millions if not billions continue to line up to this day to make sure they can show off the latest model.
Please, let’s get honest.
I know I have plenty of readers who don’t have smart phones or who carefully limit their use. I’m not judging people who use them or who don’t any differently, because many people would lose their jobs if they didn’t have these phones. I’m just saying be aware and face the truth of what’s really going on. Refuse the manipulation.
Maybe since Target sales were already dipping in comparison to Walmart, this whole Pride scandal was just a way to justify that dip. Who knows? The two companies are in a battle for the “cheap” market and Walmart is winning.
Of one thing we can be sure. If one company suffers, another company benefits. And the uber wealthy are behind the scenes playing the game, making sure they profit while we think we are making a difference by determining success by their standards of “profit and loss”. We need to change our mentality in the way we fight this war.
We can never compete with the elites when it comes to money. What we can do is fight a spiritual battle Our children are being manipulated to change the very essence of who they are and what it means to be human. To become slaves of machines and the evil forces behind them.
We are being played, folks.
As Bud slips, Heineken plots further shake-up of U.S. light beer.
As investors try to assess the fallout on global brewing leader Anheuser-Busch InBev (ABI.BR) from a backlash against Bud Light, rival Heineken (HEIN.AS) is spending $100 million to promote a new light beer to Americans.
Bill Gates is laughing behind our backs. And if you think Elon Musk, many conservatives’ favorite billionaire (once again in the number one spot), isn’t doing the same, you are falling right into his trap.
Musk just got FDA approval for his Neuralink brain implant, and I will write about that within the next few days, because it’s incredible that people believe he “cares” about free speech. Well, actually, he does care about free speech, but not the way you and I do, although he’d like you to think he does.
Elon Musk needs every kind of voice, speaking freely on every kind of subject, to feed to his machines so that they can be trained to take over our minds and fool us into thinking the thoughts we have are our own. Don’t people see that? Don’t people understand that the Joker is winning this Twitter game—and every mind game out there?
They are all the Joker.
“Why so serious?”
They mock us, as they easily pull strings, open gates and close others and watch as the mice run through the maze, thinking they are getting somewhere when they are just being kept busy in an endless loop of nonsense. Don’t fall for that trap.
This was so good, Karen! I never believed boycotts worked. And conservatives seem to blindly do what they are told by their own big names. It's all such a pathetic joke. You are 100% correct....this is a spiritual battle. And it is for our children. Just found out our local library is having a Drag Queen story hour in ten days for children age 0-6. I'm disgusted. They tried this last Fall but it got cancelled. I complained yesterday. Now thinking I'll have to show up if this isn't cancelled. I'll be on my knees until then.
You are spot on. The only way to beat them is to stop playing their games. This requires using rusty thinking skills and weaning off from outrage addiction.