Sep 24Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

I like this man, Larry Kirkpatrick. This was a great discussion.

So many points covered,. I am looking forward to the rest of the discussion.

Thank you for your input and to the others as well.

Why are so many people asleep? I find the trend insulting to all normal humans.

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He was great. Everyone was amazing. We did all three in a marathon sit-down on Sunday night. I think he will publish the next two soon, one after the other.

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Sep 24Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

I am greatly looking forward to this. I really do enjoy this discussion, Very thorough

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Great interview! an' I "larned" a new word too ;-) (paraphilia -- which seems ta be a "thing" now... yikes! ) Also, the extreme body modification "trend"--non-circus folks gettin' ears an' noses snipped off an' tryin' ta look like aliens, pets, etc--I covered a bit of this in my "End of Pride" series (which I gotta finish lol) but imho the move to do "that" is totally connected with the "trans" movement which crosses inta transhumanism... same element/piece of that "you kin be anybuddy" mantra which is allowin' folks ta desecrate their own "perfect" bodies! Also, Dianne mentioned that the laydees' Maori tats were now bein' sported by the men--an' that's messed up in that they are not just aesthetic but have a tribal/religious component... so they're co-optin' that too!... it's purdy pervasive the way this dogma or new-world-"religion" has infused itself in even fairly obscure areas... not good of course) Lotta messed up youn'uns walkin' 'round now...

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