Everything you both discussed in here resonated, thank you. I agree we’re being deliberately bifurcated and noticed that early on in the scamdemic via FB also.

BTW, I listened to the entire Candace Owens-Andrew Tate interview 2 days ago. Once again it was a compelling exchange (they are both so articulate and their takes on the crisis of masculinity are accurate). He said he was embarrassed -- not sorry -- by his past behavior with women and it felt like she gave him a free pass on that (“Oh the things we’ll do and say when we’re younger!”) He said however that he was more embarrassed about his atheistic tirades. What’s your take on his religious direction? He comes across as sincere there.

(Notwithstanding your excellent critical analysis that I heard a couple of weeks ago, he comes across as sincere full stop. Hmm, am I being duped?)

You’re right though when you say that his current success erases the spectre of past transgressions. It doesn’t surprise me that men like Jay-Z get to hang in the White House. It’s an old boys club and they’re all criminals anyway.

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Thanks for your insightful comments. For my take on Andrew Tate converting to Islam please read my recent essay What is a Man? https://khmezek.substack.com/p/what-is-a-real-man

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I did, twice. I thought it was brilliant analysis and commented there. 😬

But perhaps I missed you referring to that specifically (I listened fo the audio both times) and will go and read the text.

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Oh another thing that was notable about the CO-AT conversation: they talked about the current world being a matriarchy and that we were experiencing toxic femininity. I would say it’s not a matriarchy (or if such a thing is perceived, it’s a socially engineered one that’s been designed to create more division). In any case toxic femininity exists alongside toxic masculinity and both feed off (exacerbate) the other.

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Harken Honor & let what honor for honor find all people & things in restitution thereon, eternal forevermore,

To who grace finds perfectly suited in restitution of all things both in, by and with time and eternal honor as giver of time & "Y".....lol

Knoweth, ye perfectly suited and wonderfully made godsons & goddaughters all fathers sovereign good people of united America & eternal Creation......, that ye may and shall hear all-fathers eternal "Word".


WHY, WHY, WHY, keep doing the same thing over & over when doing so, tenders the same idiocracy?

RATHER STAND as LIONS of your all-fathers and ROAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Remember, voting HAS ALWAYS been a scam and your only way out is replevin in Normal Law.

For those able to comprehend, may you never 'willfully' under-stand else-wise.

"I do not ask Thee to take them out of the world, but to keep them from the evil one. They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world. Sanctify them in the truth; Thy word is truth. As Thou didst send Me into the world, I also have sent them into the world.” John 17:15

Chose in action wisely & Normal Law will reign both by Golden Rule & Castle Rule and in thy day of testing all things by divine providence and goodly spirit of wisdom, honor is thy crown of living, eternal forevermore.

Whatever you will it shall be "Living with Honor" or DEATH by DISHONOR!!! Be wise, safe and blessed...., while your coin of time remains to rightly chose in action, service in honor for honor above all else, eternally forevermore. Arthur

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