Trump has said he plans to go right to work on Monday afternoon, after the inauguration. I hope the 2nd thing he does is to get the wheels in motion to deport the illegals. (The release of the J6 prisoners should be the very first action he takes).
This makes The Twilight Zone look tame. Even if Trump has the best intentions, he can never fix all the problems that have been mounting for decades. I wonder if he's even aware of how serious the problems are. I just hope he can stay alive.
Sadly this is "so new yawk"--when I left (an' it's only gotten worse) these MyGrunts could already do near anythin' an' couldn't git arrested fer the life've them--Not all the assaults (soooo many) got put in the funny papers (not even the Post could keep track!) but folks were hit, pushed, robbed, beaten, fires WERE set (some in trash cans) an' other mayhem an' NYPD was nowhere an' if someone was LUCKY ta get a real live officer they'd been told ta "stand down" nuttin' was done. Thefts under $1000! were a-okay (still are I think).
The POWERS that BE (& Wanna Be) LIKE this mayhem, they INVITED this, an' it's not just lettin' arsonists go--I wouldn't bat an eyelash if fella's like this rat were given a pat on the back an' a case of BUD (ha ha)...
Folks rottin' in jail STILL from Mistress KackUla's reign of terror fer doin' little but lightin' a joint but an illegal that burns down houses gits ta go scott free... unbelievable!
ps just posted my own dive on this disaster an' shared Celest Solum's brilliant viddeyo...
git some much deserved shut-eye, always time ta look later ('til the emp comes...sigh). Like a well-tempered clavier, a well-snoozed noggin is more "in tune" after a rest. Of course in my case it works better with a big cuppa Joe in the AM--the stronger the better ha ha!
I am still on the edge of my seat, worrying if the left will come out again in full destructive action on the 20th and days beyond. It is so horrible for our country. I think of the little children world wide that have to see adults behaving so dastardly -
Illegals and antifa types were hired to distract from the military and HAARP starting the fires and creating winds to make it look like a natural spread. Their psyops are now at a very high level. Try to keep up. We will see soon if Trump will clean it up or is part of it.
Karen maybe you could be so kind as to discover what I think is happening: in a sanctuary city when an illegal alien breaks the law they are are not arrested? Is that correct? Setting fires as an arsonist I understand 24 people are dead they could in theory be charged with murder or attempted murder. I’m trying to wrap my brain around this? Thanks
Truly insane policy.
Trump has said he plans to go right to work on Monday afternoon, after the inauguration. I hope the 2nd thing he does is to get the wheels in motion to deport the illegals. (The release of the J6 prisoners should be the very first action he takes).
This makes The Twilight Zone look tame. Even if Trump has the best intentions, he can never fix all the problems that have been mounting for decades. I wonder if he's even aware of how serious the problems are. I just hope he can stay alive.
The world is truly nuts.
Sadly this is "so new yawk"--when I left (an' it's only gotten worse) these MyGrunts could already do near anythin' an' couldn't git arrested fer the life've them--Not all the assaults (soooo many) got put in the funny papers (not even the Post could keep track!) but folks were hit, pushed, robbed, beaten, fires WERE set (some in trash cans) an' other mayhem an' NYPD was nowhere an' if someone was LUCKY ta get a real live officer they'd been told ta "stand down" nuttin' was done. Thefts under $1000! were a-okay (still are I think).
The POWERS that BE (& Wanna Be) LIKE this mayhem, they INVITED this, an' it's not just lettin' arsonists go--I wouldn't bat an eyelash if fella's like this rat were given a pat on the back an' a case of BUD (ha ha)...
Folks rottin' in jail STILL from Mistress KackUla's reign of terror fer doin' little but lightin' a joint but an illegal that burns down houses gits ta go scott free... unbelievable!
ps just posted my own dive on this disaster an' shared Celest Solum's brilliant viddeyo...
Aot.of good advice there. Im overwhelmed with tiredness tonight. 😩
git some much deserved shut-eye, always time ta look later ('til the emp comes...sigh). Like a well-tempered clavier, a well-snoozed noggin is more "in tune" after a rest. Of course in my case it works better with a big cuppa Joe in the AM--the stronger the better ha ha!
I’ll eliminate the sob. I hope LA gets what it deserves.
I want to be kinder. But I just can't stand LA anymore. It's sad.
Thanks for exposing this horrific information I can only sit here shaking my head thinking .....well you reap what you sow! Maranatha!!
this is so disturbing.
I am still on the edge of my seat, worrying if the left will come out again in full destructive action on the 20th and days beyond. It is so horrible for our country. I think of the little children world wide that have to see adults behaving so dastardly -
Yeah, I think the entire nation is holding its breath for Monday, on both sides.
Illegals and antifa types were hired to distract from the military and HAARP starting the fires and creating winds to make it look like a natural spread. Their psyops are now at a very high level. Try to keep up. We will see soon if Trump will clean it up or is part of it.
Karen maybe you could be so kind as to discover what I think is happening: in a sanctuary city when an illegal alien breaks the law they are are not arrested? Is that correct? Setting fires as an arsonist I understand 24 people are dead they could in theory be charged with murder or attempted murder. I’m trying to wrap my brain around this? Thanks
I will keep following the story as it develops.
Thank you !!